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Latest revision as of 12:09, 29 October 2017

Aggressive Negotiations
Date of Scene: 04 August 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Gun Bunny, Lex Luthor

Gun Bunny has posed:
    It's a warm day in New York City, the sun has just set and the city is coming to life yet again as the pale glow of the setting sun gives way to the neon radiance of the metropolis at night. Just a few streets down from Embassy Row is an unassuming but spotless white building. With very little ornamentation adorning the building it would be difficult to distinguish the building as the embassy of Khivastan beyond a simple wrought iron placard bolted next to the entrance. In the fading lights of dusk a sole servant dressed entirely in white pushes a hand propelled law mower over the narrow strip of lawn that separates the building from the high stone wall surrounding it.
    Inside the building a sweating ambassador reclines in a loose white robe. The man fans himself in the warmer than would be expected building. He sips steaming tea as he examines his most distinguished guest. "Now, Mr. Luthor, there are many in the international community that hold you in great esteem. This has bought you a meeting today, however," his eyes pan to a massive vault sitting open embedded in the wall of the sitting room, "I doubt even your largesse can secure what you seek."
    Inside the vault a pair of simple clear cylinders sit, seemingly small and insignificant, though the machinery connnected belies that initial impression. The ambassador sets aside his tea and temples his fingers, "These represent the first significant return on a fifty year investment for my humble country, I cannot imagine that you will impress me, but please..." he offers the faintest smile, "let us be civilized and discuss it as gentlemen."

Lex Luthor has posed:
Lex Luthor is standing because he refuses to sit in a place that he hasn't particularly vetted. His bodyguards are with the car as a show of faith and trust... even if that puts him in a position that he could be in some serious trouble if this goes south. Granted, though, Lex Luthor always has a few tricks up his sleeve so the fact that he doesn't look worried at all is likely one of the biggest reasons he's wearing a smile right now.

The other reason could be that he's enjoying watching The White Robe posture in such a way.

"I wouldn't have it any other way." Lex Luthor responds because he's always a gentleman. He keeps his hands where they can be seen and he's focused on speaking as much as he can to make sure that he keeps all the attention on himself. Not for egotistical purposes or anything. "I'm here to offer you whatever you want in exchange for what you have acquired. I'm more than willing to pay you beyond top dollar, in cash, for both the product and the time your country has spent trying to procure such a vision." Lex goes with the flattery. First. After all, he's pretty sure that this won't work but he has seventeen other plans.

Gun Bunny has posed:
    "Oh, I appreciate such an offer of course, Mr. Luthor," the Ambassador nods amiably as Lex's offer is unveiled. "Still, such an offer does bring about its own difficulties," again tea is sipped as he rolls the offer around. "Such a rare element could easily be weaponized," dark eyes glance at Lex cleverly, "not that you have any such intentions, of course." The faint strains of Bach played masterfully on violin waft through the stiffling air of the building. "But the Security Council places very strict controls on such sales, it would be a great disservice to my nation to be seen to offer up such a prize recklessly or to someone who does not have the national resources to secure it."

    On the street outside Lex's bodyguards notice an old beater of a sedan pull up to the opposite curb. An older teen pops out and pulls out a delivery case for Pope-A's Pizza, a mom and pop pizza joint on the opposite side of the city. He heads up to the building opposite and rings on the bell, waiting to deliver. In the back alley of the building a pristine white box cargo truck rolls to a stop at nearly the same moment. Several men in white uniforms hopping out of the front and back, pulling out crates of fresh produce and heading towards the rear gate, they punch in a code and step past the high fence. A larger gentleman in his own officious uniform, white with gold trim, steps up to check their credentials.

    It would take the most trained ear to pick out the faint sound of a few silenced pops a few seconds later.

Lex Luthor has posed:
"Ambassador. Allow me to paint a vision of the future. You see, LexCorp has the resources to do exactly what you speak of. We take pride in working from the ground up in every single one of our endeavors. We don't believe in shortcuts. My interest in what you've managed to uncover is as pure as the science behind it. I want to study it. I want to learn how it works. I want to see exactly how it can be used to provide a better future for the world. The world that, if I'm not mistaken, includes your country." Lex's tone almost seems threatening. But he couldn't be doing that. Not while he's up here all by himself. "I can, however, respect your wishes. If I were in your position I wouldn't want to sell it to someone like me either. So allow me to make you a different offer. One that will help make your country one of the leading manufacturers of a future of viable and useful products that the entire world will both need and want."

Lex simply speaks to make sure that the Ambassador realizes Lex doesn't intend to leave here without that product. "If you won't allow me to purchase it, then at least allow me to study it. I would be willing to pay a small rental fee." Or perhaps Lex is simply stalling. For some other reason.

Gun Bunny has posed:
    The Ambassador is either not impressed, or simply too ignorant to be cowed by Lex's forceful nature. "Of course, of course all of what you say is true. But we have already sent representatives to Stark Industries, Wayne Enterprises, S.T.A.R. Labs and others." He offers a shockingly white smile considering the amount of tea the man must consume. "At this point in time, this meeting is merely a... shall we say, formality?" Almost on cue the sound of suppressed submachinegun fire is heard. The Ambassador's eyes remain dimmed by confusion for a moment before they open wide in shock. Two embassy bodyguards burst into the room and slam the door behind them, one bleeding profusely from his now useless left arm.

    Across the street no one is coming to the door. That doesn't stop the pizza delivery man from dropping to a knee and pulling out a case from inside his delivery bag. In a few moments he begins assembling a Steyr AUG. As the man locks the barrel into position a flick appears from the rooftop.

    Alexis Smith, aka Gun Bunny rouses from her resting position. She's been stuck in her mechanized armor for more than ten hours now, having ascended the rear of the building much earlier in the day and taken up a recon position. By now she was swimming in her own sweat, the suit's enviro controls certainly not built for keeping a girl comfortable. Also her calf muscles have gone past strained, the frame keeping her toes posed in a ballet dancer's en pointe position the entire time. They've gone past pain into simple, comfortable numbness. Kicking off the speed metal she'd been half napping to the blonde rises to a standing position. The suit's articulated 'ears' flick up and she scans the room.

    "Parties started, Mr. Luthor," the voice kicks on the microtransceiver Lex has behind his ear. "Want company yet? Can your girls handle the guys up front here or should I take them on my way in?" Her voice is husky, dry from the lack of fluids for an entire day, even so she still manages to get off an impatient, "waiting for your call."

Lex Luthor has posed:
There's a long moment where Lex Luthor just seems to be standing there and listening to the Ambassador. Actually, he's not listening to anything that that man has to say. He's actually listening to the Gun Bunny and her requests from the earpiece that he's got in his ear. "Very well." Lex almost sounds as though he doesn't want to be the one that deals with such a thing. He almost sounds as if he hoped this could've went another way. It's also somewhat obvious that he's not speaking to the Ambassador in this moment.

Lex takes a moment to button jacket of his suit. As that's done, Lex pulls himself down into the seat that he refused to sit in a long time ago. In fact, it's only this moment that he's about to sit in the seat that makes things a bit more clear that he's up to something. Or that he's got something more important to do. Or he's got something that needs to be taken care of and the person that's going to take care of it is waiting on him to give the order.

Lex looks up and over at the Ambassador before grinning. Just a bit darkly. "Take them."

Gun Bunny has posed:
    The embassy is chaos at this point. Screams and cries of fear can be heard. The two men flanking the closed door look apprehensive for a moment as the gunfire finally stops. Each one looks at the other and the nods, both raise their pistols in preparation. Assault rifle rounds rip through the lathe and plaster wall they're leaning against viciously, roaring over the heads of Lex and the Ambassador as the door and the surrounding walls are riddled with bulltes. Both men are a bloody mess before both simply fall like a wet sack of concrete straight down.

    The door is kicked open and four men enter the room. Each is dressed in simple white, white coveralls, white gloves, white hat. Each man has the exact same face, the exact same haircut, the exact same complexion. The only non bland feature of their uniform appearances is that each has a name patch on their suit, each having the name "Gary" elegantly embroidered on it in red. They sweep the room with their barrels before nodding to another Gary behind them. He moves past the foursome and drops a heavy metal suitcase. Flipping a latch it begins to slowly open, revealing a rather sophisticated containment system for the cannisters it seems.

    On the other side of the street the man in the doorway has taken up position. So far two people have fled the building, each shot a single time through the chest as he maintains cover on the front entrance.

    "Ear muffs and shades, please," Lexi's voice chimes again teasingly in Lex's ear as she leaps off the edge of the four story building and hurtles towards the ground. One moment she's up top, the next she's slamming into the roof of the sedan. From the sickening squish that accompanies the crush there were others in the vehicle. Before the doorman can react she's bending and leaping again. A high arc takes her armored suit easily thirty feet into the air again. With a twist she turns to eye him, several shots from the machine pistol in her left hand raking his position. By the time she hits the front door she's fully twisted to face it again. Hitting the front door is what she does, literally. The suit smashes the door into kindling and craters the delicately inlaid marble floors beyond. The machine pistol is discarded so Gun Bunny can flick up and activate the underslung grenade launcher of her assault rifle. The mini grenade plooks out almost inoffensively compared to the mayhem and racket her entrance caused, until the flashbang round explodes violently against the shattered door frame to the sitting room that is the current target.

Lex Luthor has posed:
There's a moment in the middle of all the chaos that Lex Luthor gets comfortable in his seating arrangement. He's taken control of this entire situation and he hasn't had to lift a finger. He tried, he attempted to appeal to the Ambassador's better judgement but he was met with ire and stubbornness. If there's one thing that Lex Luthor has been able to do in his lifetime that's change people's minds. He takes pride in being able to do that. Which is why he looks so disappointed as he puts on his protective lenses. His ears are already protected by the earpieces in each. LexCorp Technology never has a single use.

Lex continues to remain in his seat. His seat has been chosen to be in the optimum position to not be in the crossfire. He's pretty sure the Gun Bunny suit will be able to shoot around him but his impressive brilliance should make it harder for the Garys to harm him while attempting to defend against the Gun Bunny. It's all about being prepared and Lex Luthor is always prepared.

Down below, Hope and Mercy are taking care of business without so much as even a moment of hesitation. They were told to stay with the car and that's what they are doing. Anyone that gets too close or threatens the safety of the vehicle that will be used to make it seem like Lex Luthor was never here? They are dealt with in a harsh and finalized manner.

Gun Bunny has posed:
    As the grenade explodes Lexi is finally in her element. Her music auto-selector has kicked on and picked up something nice and metally from Sweden as she simply springs forward four feet in one low bound. One of the suits' mechanized feet plants hard into the stone floor, cracking it again as she shoulder slams through the same sadly abused lathe and plaster wall. The Garys each are reeling, two of them displaying poor trigger control. One involuntarily lays down a stream of submachinegun fire that slices through technician Gary on the floor and shatters some of the circuitry in the containment case. Another simply fires blind. A few rounds ping off Gun Bunny's suit, the bullets and damage from her impacts having shredded the blue on dark blue urban camo paint to reveal hints of neon pink beneath.

    A single straight kick caves in the chest of the man in front of her, Lexi's strike sending him flying back into another. Her rifle raises and fires off a single shot through the head of the single Gary who'd actually moved across the room to the open vault already. The spray of his cerebellum exploding liberally stains the immaculate white suit of the ambassador.

    Oh yeah, here comes the guitars in her song. Kicking her rifle into auto fire she ensures the other men are down, save one.

    The Bunny's ears twitch and swivel madly, surveying the room before her mechanized much more gruff than reality voice can be heard over the loud speakers in the suit. "Room is clear," the weapon's clip is removed and slapped onto a magnetic storage plate on the suit's massive thigh. Another clip, this of nonlethal rounds is loaded. "Making sure the building is secured."

    After all, if any building security is still alive, she wouldn't want to do anything embarrassing like killing them.

    Stepping forward again she looks around again at the clearing smoke and utter devastation. "Mr. Luthor, let me know if I can be of any further assistance." Turning her head, she again steps towards the door, standing next to the one wounded by alive Gary left in the room. Turning towards the two she nods and again says in her mechanized voice, "Ambassador, I hope you have a pleasant night, sorry for the mess." To punctuate the point, she simply lets her assault rifle with the barrel pointed down fire the one lethal round in the chamber, straight into the skull of the single surviving assailant. Afterward she bounds off to secure the building.

Lex Luthor has posed:
Lex Luthor doesn't move throughout the entire firefight. He's still sitting in his seat and when everything is over, when the smoke starts to clear and the quiet starts to return... that's when Lex Luthor pulls those shades off his face. He rises from the seat and tucks the glasses into the inside of his suit jacket pocket. He actually takes a long moment to stare directly at the Ambassador. Almost as if the bodies that are around him mean nothing. They're serving their purpose. They're making their point.

"It's a shame you've made such a mess of things." Lex grins just a little bit. "I'll be contacting your superiors momentarily. Have /my/ product ready for transfer within the hour." Lex doesn't seem to be requesting anything anymore. He's here to make it very clear that things will be going his way from now on.

No more words for the Ambassador, Lex turns to step over whatever bodies are in his path on his way to the door. "If you take away anything from this meeting, may it be that nobody says 'No' to Lex Luthor. Unless I want you to." That said, Lex disappears out of the door and he's off with a calming walk to go and meet his bodyguards so that they can make themselves scarce. He's got a dinner to attend, anyway.