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Revision as of 12:25, 29 October 2017

They Sell Spatulas! AND THATS ALL!
Date of Scene: 04 August 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Rogue, Jubilee, 1034, Hawkeye (Bishop)

Rogue has posed:
There was a mishap in the Xavier's Kitchen today and they'd burned up a lot of their kitchen utensils that were inside of a baking pan... inside of a oven, when some bone head flipped the oven on.

As such, Rogue was sent to pick up some new stuff and the first thing that came to her mind was that creepy old Spatula City everyone always pointed at and laughed at as they drove by it on the highway.

So, on skateboard and with sunglasses on, young Anna-Marie rolls up in the nearly-empty parking lot with her hands inside of her jacket pockets as her skateboard just kind of 'moves' without any need of her feet on the ground to push it forward.

She eyeballs the place as she gets closer and closer... her board's wheels rattling on the rough pavement. "Jubilee works here, I think..." She muttered, reminding herself. "Hopefully... I don't wanna buy stuff from some creepy camp counselor type'a guy." Rogue talked to herself a lot.

Jubilee has posed:
Atop a stepladder, a petite Asian reaches atop the shelving to pull down a box. She looks over its contents, and compares them to the spatula she's holding. "Nope. Not long enough." She puts it back up, and pulls down another, peering inside. "Nope, too fat." She sticks the spatula in her hand between her teeth and grabs hold of the lean bar on the top of the stepladder, which doubles as a carrying handle, then hops the ladder over two spaces, and starts the process over again. Her name tag reads: Jubilee.

Atlee (1034) has posed:
    Another day of heroing! Another kitten saved. It couldn't be in a tree, oh no, that would have been far too pedestrian for the Siamese in question. Instead, it managed to actually fall down a hole for a new well, just a foot across. Luckily, Atlee happened to be coming home from her job, and heard the the family's daughter crying about it, and..well, of course she helped them. Technically, not in costume, but...well, she's not very good at keeping her identity anyway.

    While she was perfectly happy to do it just becaue (I mean, it's a KITTEN), the mother insisted on giving her this coupon for a store she apparently shopped at a lot - something about Twelve for Three or Three or Twelve...she's a little unsure on the exchange rate here.

    And while Atlee herself is not a great cook at all, well...she does work at a pizza parlour! She figures she could give it as a gift to the cook, who's been nice to her. Thus, she finds herself following the girl with the skateboard, dressed in her work clothes still...dark green-shirt and black shorts, and then slightly battered looking chuckes in black and white.

Rogue has posed:
When Rogue got up close to the store's front door she hopped off of her skateboard and then kicked it up into her hands and slipped it into the specially-made cloth bag that hung by a strap across her torso. The skateboard had a cartoon picture of ALF chasing a cat.

Rogue's gloved hands went up to her black aviators and she pulled them off and folded the arms shut, then hung them by the arms from the hem of her tanktop. She glanced back at Atlee when the other was arriving, but only for a moment... staring was rude afterall!

"Okay." Rogue would quietly say before going through the doors as the opened. Once inside she looked around... Her gloved hands came up to her cheeks and she cupped them. "Yo! Jubilee!" She shouted loudly in the store, likely making any heads turn that were nearby. (Cause that snot rude at all!)

Jubilee has posed:
Jubilee's tone is monotone as the door opens and she begins her spiel. "Weeeeeelcome to Spatula City, home of the spat--" She breaks off when she hears Rogue bellow. "Roooooooooooooooooooooooooogue!!" she shouts back like a Latino soccer announcer.

Atlee (1034) has posed:
    The violet-eyed girl behind Rogue sees her glance back and beams at her cheerfully. Eye contact! New Yorkers avoid it! Atlee hasn't learned that particular lesson for her current cultural homeland, and isn't very likely to anytime soon. She then steps inside after, clutching her coupon in her hand as she looks around a bit uncertainly, then jumps a little at the sudden bellow from Rogue, blinking at her a little wide-eyed.

    "Um...excuse me, is...that how you are supposed to ask for help here?" she says slowly, her voice carrying a certain amount of doubt and uncertainty in equal measure. It wouldn't be the first time customs here were just...well, weird to her.

    And then the call comes back as she looks over in the direction it's coming from. Oh. Well, apparently it is. Still, she should probably wait her turn though?

    She really has no idea.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue had only been at Xavier's since February, but Jubilee had been a regular appearance there off and on and she'd grown to enjoy her company more than most of the others! So after hearing her name called back, Rogue was grinning ear to ear with the happiness.

When she heard Atlee's question, the girl with the two-toned hair looked over at Atlee, still grinning, her shoulders shrugging inside of that brown leather bomber jacket she had on over her tanktop. "I unno." She replied. "Look at this place though." Her left gloved hand sweapt out across the store. "Its like a time capsule from a thousand years ago. They're probably just thrilled t'have a couple'a people walk through their front doors, ya know?"

Rogue would head for Jubilee's direction then, when finding her she'd grin at the other. "Heya, sugah. How ya holdin' up in here? This place is kinda freakin' me out a bit..." She looked over to her right, grabbed a bright yellow plastic spatula that read 'SPATULAS FOR KIDS!' on a sticker on its handle... stared at it a moment, then dropped it back in its bucket.

Jubilee has posed:
"Livin' the dream, livin' the dream!" Jubilee looks from Rogue to the unfamiliar face as she flounces down off the stepladder in what appears to be a schoolgirl plaid skirt and a cropped red polo shirt. "How can I help you, Laaaaaaadies?" We've got spatulas. Skads of them. Ones for pleasure and ones for pain. And some for cooking, too."

Atlee (1034) has posed:
    "Ah, well...I wouldn't actually. Is this a very old sort of thing?" Atlee says curiously, following Rogue's example and picking up a basket. "I had no idea there were so many different types!" She looks a bit overwhelmed as she takes in the ginormous store floor beyond, drifting towards the display, then watches Rogue snag the pretty yellow one. Well. Good place to start! She selects a nice purple one and sets it in her basket too!

    As Jubilee arrives, she tilts her head. "Pleasure...or pain? Do they hurt sometimes?" she says, a little bewildered. She had no idea! "I have a coupon?" She shows it to Jubilee!

Rogue has posed:
Rogue grinned when Jubilee approached and she nodded her head at the other. "What a dream it is." She replied in jest before glancing back to Atlee and motioning to her. "I think she's a real customer... I am too, I guess, but yeah... we arrived at the same time. Drawn to this place, like moths to an open flame." Rogue made a zoned-out facial expression and then noticed a spatula across the aisle that had a handle shaped like a teddy-bear, so she Ooooo'd and went for it with grabby hands!

"This one is definitely for pleasure." She announced, turning around to them both and holding it up proudly. "Some'a the kids at the school melted all'a ours earlier t'day, so Stormy has sent me t'get some more. But you can help this fine Lady first." Rogue nodded at Atlee and motioned at her with the Teddy Bear Spatula.

"May aunt once chased me outta the house with one'a these things, it was all metal and had pointy edges... I'm sure it would'a hurt, so I ran like the dickens!"

Jubilee has posed:
"Ooh a coupon! I'm glad you brought this in!" Jubilee takes it as Atlee holds it out, and she pulls out a sharpie. She marks out the one, in the "Buy 12" so that it says "Buy 2, Get 3 Free!" NOW it was a valuable coupon. "Well I mean some people take pleasure in cooking, right?" Jubilee grins at Rogue, and turns back to Atlee again. "Is there something in particular I can help you find? We sell Spatulas, and that's all!"

Rogue has posed:
A guy in a Spatula Costume walks by, he seems depressed, he's headed out toward the front doors with a bunch of flyers in his hands. His shoes are squeaking every step he takes.

Atlee (1034) has posed:
    Atlee blinks, picturing someting from one of those terrible horror movies, except with an old lady with a huge sharpened spatula chasing Rogue around...and the...the CHICKENS and...ah! Scary.

    Atlee blinks as Jubilee snags the coupon, then looks as the coupon is handed back. "Oh! Thank you!" She smiles at Jubilee. "Well, I am not very good at cooking, but I wanted to buy one for a cook I know, Sammie! He makes pizzas, and he's been very nice to me at work. So since I don't use them, I thought I would use it to get him some new ones." she says cheerfully. She nods to Rogue. "She was telling me a bit about this place, I've never been here before..."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue watched the coupon exchange while she held onto the Teddy Spatula with both of her gloved hands, she'd already most likely decided on this very one to buy. "Now I want pizza for dinne'ah." She lamented in her thick southern accent. "But we're supposed to... haave.." Her words trailed off as she watched the man in the Spatula Mascot costume walk past the three of them, not even looking up at any of them and they were all hot three girls!

"Wow!" Rogue mouthed the words out to Jubilee.

After the guy had gone by, she shook her head gently when he went out into the parklight, his huge shoes squeaking the whole way.

"Ya know, I looked this place up on the interwebs before comin' out here. This place has a website! But, its like, weird... called like, Geo Cities, or some such. It hadn't been updated in the past twenty... five, years!" Rogue's green eyes went all HUGE to emphasize those words.

Jubilee has posed:
"Anytime, Chica!" Jubilee smiles. "In that case you're probably gonna want the pizza getter spatulas. The're on Aisle 2. Right over here, I'll show ya." The Asian half-skips over to Aisle 2, where there is a hand-scrawled sign written in sharpie that says "Pizza Getters." And they do, indeed look like they would get pizza. "I think these'll do for what you're lookin' for. The stainless steel ones." She gets a shopping bag and grabs the two most expensive ones on the shelf, stuffing them down in the bag. "There's two, now all you gotta do is pick out three. Since you already paid for these two." Jubilee nods emphatically. Then she turns back to Rogue. "Ooh awesome, we upgraded it? Last I heard, we were still on Angelfire."

Atlee (1034) has posed:
    "Is that a very long time?" Atlee asks Rogue curiously, then is beckoned to the glory that is aisle 2, following along. "Oh! There they are." she says, then smiles at Jubilee as she puts the pair in. "Oh! Well..those will do fine then! I have this purple one too, so that would be three!" Because she's already paid for them, apparently! That was really easy! She feels like there should be a button she's pushing or something.

    She's a bit unsure about the talk of angels on fire, but geocities...sounds more her thing.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue walked after the other two as they moved toward aisle two, her eyes were roaming around the store, which was surprisingly well stocked and laid out quite nicely... all things considered. Rogue's eyes glanced out the front windows toward the guy in the Spatula Costume who was still walking, out toward the highway... he was in the sunlight now so the sun was shining all brightly off of the big faux-metal spatula pad flopping around ontop of his head.

"Huh?" Rogue asked, her eyes coming back to settle on Atlee. "Oh, uh... twenty five years is a long time t'go without updatin' your website. I mean, isn't it?" She held up the teddy bear spatula and looked at it. "I mean, you could make more... topical spatulas, like a Superman one, right?"

She'd release a sad sigh then. "I don't have a coupon... I have t'pay full price... What a joke!" She'd flash a grin then before nodding at the purple one. "I like that color."

At Jubilee, the southerner would then look. "How many hours do you put in here every day...? Do you basically run this place?"

Jubilee has posed:
"Half the time, if I'm not here, it's not even OPEN," Jubilee exclaims. "The guy who runs the place uses all the profits on Fridays for hookers, so I'm not contributing to his cause. Getcha a bag over there, and pick out what ya need, Rogueriffic."

Then, the uniformed Jubilee turns to Atlee again. "Y'ain't from here, ere ya?" She imitates Rogue's drawl. "Twenty-five years ago we barely had the internet. It was CRAZY. Oh, and pick out two more. You paid for the two shiny ones. If ya want the purple one, you can pick two more. Or so." She handwobbles.

Atlee (1034) has posed:
    The darkhaired girl's eyes get a bit big. "Uh...well..." She looks sheepish. "...I am, um...not from around here, yes." She does look suprised. "Only 25 years? Oh! Well...then yes, I could see why that would be odd...' she says thoughfully, hugging her basket, then nodding agreeably with Jubilee. "Oh! Okay...."

    As Rogue offers her sad story, perhaps predictably, Atlee blinks at her. "Oh, well...I could get one of yours for my free one?" she offers cheerfully. "I don't mind. It's a gift, after all."

    Yes, Atlee is what we like to call a "sucker" for advertising and anythign resembling a hard sell. Or a sell. Really people being nice and telling her she probably should buy something.

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
The door chime jingles, or whatever might presage the entrance of another customer at this temple of capitalism and low, low prices. A young lady enters, she comes dressed in a pair of faded jeans, a red t-shirt which reads "I am not Daredevil!" and a blue baseball cap that reads "Gotham Knights". She steps inside and looks at the flyer a moment, then Kate shrugs and takes a cart. The wandering begins. "Spatulas, huh?"

Rogue has posed:
Rogue skips over to the counter to grab a bag as per-indicated by the All Wise All Knowing Jubilation. She takes a second to get one though... cause she's wearing gloves... and getting plastic bags to separate one another while wearing gloves is an infuriating process. Finally she just grunts and rips one of her gloves off her hand, then yoinks the bag free.

Rogue glances back to Atlee and flashes her a big grin. "Don't fret on it. One'a the teache'ahs at my school gave me a big ol' fist fulla' dollahs, so I'm all set t'return with all the damn food flippin utensils they could eve'ah dream'a havin'."

Roguen heard the front entrance opne again and she saw another customer waltz in. "Wow, this place is busier'n I woulda guessed."

Jubilee has posed:
"Welcome to Spatula City, home of the world-famous Pizza Getters, how can we help you?" Jubilee greets the new customer with a smile. Then, to Atlee, "Nono...you get two free ones. And if you want more free ones, we'll haggle. She gets free ones, too..."

Atlee (1034) has posed:
    The dark-haired girl hmms. "Oh! So you got to a cooking school?" she asks Rogue with interest. "I could see how they'd need a lot then!" She frowns. "Or is it just a spatula flipping school? Do they have schools for that?" she says slowly.

    She perks as Jubilee explains things again. "Oh! Okay. So I have two free, and the third I pay for and...maybe more if we haggle.' she says, repeating it thoughfully. "How fast do people go through spatulas? They must need a LOT for a store like this to exist!"

    She sees the woman in the Gotham Knights hat walk in and waves cheerfully to her. Again....she has not learned the essential skills of New Yorkers to never make eye contact or smile as of yet. "Hello! Yes, there are all THREE of us now!" she agrees cheerfully. "And the nice miss Jubilee here....that is a fun name, also." she confides in said spatula specialist.

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
Wandering continues. "Hmm. A microplane. I could use that, I guess." Kate says, adding that to her cart. "Why yes, Mister Display, I do need a pancake spatula. Do I need a fish spatula? I don't know." she says cheerfully, talking to a standee next to an endcap display. She spies the knot of people, especially the person who seems to work here. "Excuse me," she interrupts. "DO you have any books on vintage spatula... spatulae... spatulas? ARE there vintage spatulas that people collect or something? 'Pizza Getter'? What's that? I need me one of those."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue stands idly by and listens tot he others while she gets a collection of the classy-looking ones and then some of the crazier ones for the kids. She grinned at Jubilee. "How many times a week do you get asked... 'Do ya'll seel anything else besides spatulas?' I'm guessin', a lot."

She held up a set of three tied together with those irritating plastic zip-ties and heard Atlee's question. "Wha--?" She asked, looking back over at her. "Oh, no... Its just a regular ol' school. Boardin' school. Teaches just about everythin' one could ask for."

Rogue looked then to the Gotham Knights girl and she grinned at her. "A whole cart? Dayum, lady... you're gonna make the boss happy for his hooke'ah times tonight!" Thats a weird thint to say, if someone didn't hear Jubilee's earlier statement about this place's manager's fetish for prostitutes.

Jubilee has posed:
"Pizza getters are on Aisle 2, right here!" She gestures like one of Barker's Beauties at the tremendous selection of three spatulas which she has designated for pizza-getting. "But I'm sorry, we don't have any books about spatulas. I just use Google for that. I'm sure there are people who collect spatulas that are old and cool, 'cause people collect spatulas of all sorts, for all kinda of reasons." She cops a serious and knowing look, raising her eyebrows at the newcomer. "All. Kinds. Of. Reasons."

Turning to Atlee again, she kinda shakes her head, then just blinks once. "You're all paid up, just grab a handful, whatever ya like!" Cause screw the manager, and his hookers. Well. Maybe not.

Atlee (1034) has posed:
    "I'm getting TWO." Atlee confides in Kate, smiling at her. "Just in case..." She considers Kate's already rapidly filling cart, looking back at her much smaller basket, then perks again when Jubilee assures her it's all paid for. "Oh! Well. Maybe...I should get more. Oh! Maybe a small one for little pizzas too, and calzones. Do they have calzone spatulas?" she inquires curiously of Jubilee, then peers over at Rogue. "Oh! A boarding school. I haven't seen one of those, that is one where you live at the school?" she says curiously, but slightly disappointedly, images of hundreds of students doing martial arts style exercises wielding spatulas in brightly colored gis fading from her mind.

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
"Hookers?" Kate asks, and reaches up to scratch her nose. "I guess hookers need spatulas too, for lots of reasons, both home and business-related." she nods sagely at that. "Eh, there's a sale." That in reponse to Rogue's surprise at her wheeling around a cart. "A SALE." and she waves the flyer handed out by the helpful young man outside. "I think I'll give them as gifts. Or maybe I'll become a super-villain and this will be my calling card? Batman will tremble at the might of... Spatulantrantula!" and she laughs. "Jubilee, did someone say? I'm Kate." A look at Atlee. "You look familiar."

Rogue has posed:
Outside, near the highway, the man in the Spatula Costume is nearly run over by a car full of rowdy teenagers who lay on their horn! The man in the Spatula Costume is shouting and throwing handfuls of flyers at them as they drive off!

Rogue just grins at all three of them and then leans back against an old support beam that keeps the ceiling up where ceilings are supposed to be. "Yeah, its a school that ya live at. I'm about t'graduate though, in about a week and a half... Gotta figure out what I'll be doin' afte'ah that." She told Atlee.

Listening to Kate, she'd grin some more than look to Jubilee. "This place is a front for the mob, isn't it?" A big grin on her smokey red painted lips. "I mean, I'm startin' t'understand why there's a whole store for spatulas of all sizes'n shit... but at the same time, I'm gettin' a distinct... Money Launderin' Scent from this entire place."

Jubilee has posed:
"If it's money launderin', it's the ONLY thing he's ever laundered. You should see some of the stuff he wears. Looks like he's been hidin' in a hamper or something. And I oughtta know...." Jubilee trails off, at that. Then, she looks between Atlee and Kate, wondering if this is initiation on Earth for some strange alien tribe that disguises themselves as dingbats. "Oh no, I mean hookers use 'em for cooking, too. Just y'know, sometimes people want them for kinkier, and more nefarious purposes. Trust me, I oughtta know..."

Jubilee dashes to the door and leans out, her little school girl skirt fluttering in the wind. "Dude, I told you to STAY AWAY FROM TRAFFIC. You KNOW how the Guthries hate you, Steve! You're just asking to get run over, Dumbass." She shuts the door and leans back against it. "Gods, the pressures of spatula sellery." (Which probably sounded like celery. And will ignite a whole new round of confused looks.) "S-E-L-L-e--- salesmanship."

Atlee (1034) has posed:
    Atlee giggles a bit at Kate, then blinks as she asks, looking at her curiously as she cocks her head. Then there's a flash of recognition. "OH! Yes! Windiwyrm." she says, likely a bit mysteriously to the other pair. "Hi! Thank you so much for helping with that!"

    She switches the basket to her left hand. "I'm Atlee." Actually, she just...offers it to Rogue too. "OH, well, congratulations! Graduating is a big accomplishment. What did you like studying most then?"
    And offering a hand to Jubilee when she comes back from encouraging the Spatula to not end it all via Guthries. "Nice to meet you all."

    And yes, Jubliee handily heads off the next question before Atlee can get to it as she ohs, then giggles a bit. "That kind of sellery." She's a bit unsure on the money laundry thing. Wouldn't that make it come apart? She totally lost her first paycheck like that. Well, most of it. "Well, I don't think I need any for hookers." Atlee says thoughfully. "I'm pretty sure I don't know any?"

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
"The Mob?" Kate asks, and looks around again, suspicious. "Hmm." At Rogue's mention of a future career she shrugs. "Maybe they need someone to help mind this store? Worth a shot." These people are much more interesting than the actual spatulas. "DO you have turners that are a spatula on the bottom and tongs on the top?" She looks Jubie's uniform over. "I couldn't wear that. I don't have the legs you do." A nod. "Edible sparulas? Made of celery? Cool idea, at least they're biodegradable." A smile for Atlee. "The least I could do. I wish I had one of those things for walking around New York, it'd help with the smell."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue walks over to the counter where there are registers setup for checkouts. She sets her bag of random spatulas down and then sits down on the countertop beside the register. She'd grin at Jubilee as she shouted out at the man picking up his flyers while trying not to fall down in that giant WIND CATCHER of a suit strapped onto the top of his head.

She heard Atlee's introduction and question, regarded her again and tipped her chin up a little while dangling her legs off the counter. "Rogue." She says her name back. "Or Marie, whicheve'ah you like more. And I think I dug History the most, the teache'ahs were all pretty damn smokin' hot." She'd flash a grin then and there at her.

Her head would shake at the suggestion of 'turners' though. "No way, Lady." Rogue said, pointing up at the old yellowing banner above the entrance. The banner eads 'WE SELL SPATUALS, AND THATS ALL!'.

"Tongs would go against their store policy." She'd grin some more. "And... uh, nah, I'm gettin' married in Paris in two weeks too. I plan t'stay there for awhile, if possible. Hopefully. Maybe they got a European Branch for this place there, 'nd Jubes can put in a godo word for me." More grinning from the girl with the whote/brown hair.

Jubilee has posed:
"Yeah, no tongs for sure. Guido says nothin' that could be 'misconstrued' is allowed. Sorry bout that. But you can have one of these oven mitts for your trouble." She reaches up and snags one off the rack that is labeled in sharpie as "Unuseful Cloth Wearable Spatulas." Then she looks at Rogue. "You're still taking me to Paris with ya, right?"

Atlee (1034) has posed:
    Atlee grins at Kate. "They're actually quite peaceful when they're not above ground. Maybe with blinders?" she says curiously. She wrinkles her nose. "But yes, it would be very nice in New York, it smells...um...memorable." she adds, politely.

    Then Marie distracts her with the reveal of imminent marriage, her eyes getting excited. "Eeee! Congratulations!" Atlee squeals, looking honestly happy at the idea. "Paris is a very pretty city too!" she assures her, then hesistates. "Um, but don't go down in the catacombs on the south end. It's...well, I would not recommend it." she says, very seriously. "The lower levels especially." Because Skelegophers. She looks at Jubilee. "Oh! Are you a bridesmaid?" She's heard about this! And sort of mainlined several hours of bridal channel programming one night.

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
"A Paris wedding? Ooooh." Kate says with envy. "I've been to Paris. It's as beautiful as you imagine. Dijon really has better food, though... and less snooty waiters. Paris has the best bread, especiallty if you just want an inexpensive baguette or something for some pate or cheese." she explains without being asked. "Well, congratulations." that to Rogue. "Are you registered somewhere? Not here, of course."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue grinned at the question then from Jubilee after staring at that oven mit for a moment. "Professah said he'd pay for anyones ticket who wants t'go, they just gotta get their name in pretty quick onta the list. So yeah, totally would love t'have ya there." She'd grin some more before looking over at Atlee and Kate. "Ah...." Rogue would laugh softly and shortly.

"I haven't actually done a damn thing t'prepare for any of it. Remy, uh... the Groom?" She gave a confused look at saying that outloud for the very first time. "He said its 'all taken care of chere'." She did a mocking impersonation of his voice, which was remarkably good, eeriely accurate.

Rogue would then sit up a little straighter on the counter top beside the register, her right arm would go to rest on its top. "Ain't figured out whos a bridesmaid. I mean, I guess I can do that when I get there and see who's come t'be in it. Far as I'm concerned, anyone who runs up and says 'ME ME ME' I'll let'em do it. If nobody does, well, I'll make do without."

After a short pause she then shook her head. "Oh, and I totally wanna snoop around in them catacombs. Seen a Youtube all... about that! Looks awesome!"

Jubilee has posed:
" Well I'm gonna be flower girl, cause I've got mad skills for throwin' things at people," Jubilee states matter-of-factly. "Besides the bridesmaids usually catch the bouquet or somethin' and that's the LAST thing I need. Men will be the ruin of me, yet. Trust me, I oughtta know."

Atlee (1034) has posed:
    "Oh. I thought it took much more planning than that, that sounds much more sensible." Atlee agrees with Rogue, then blinks at her determination to visit what she just warned her against OMG Rogue! "Oh. Well...if you DO, then...maybe.." the violet-eyed girl says, uncertainly, then rummages in a pocket, pulling out a little card and a pencil, and quickly scrawling across the back of it, before she hands it to Rogue. The front is for a 'Giovanni's Pizza' in Staten Island. "Please give me a call, and I will help you if there is trouble there in the catacombs. They are very interesting, it just can be a bit dangerous." she says, very earnestly.

    There's a side look at Jubilee. "...men are ruining you?" she says curiously. "Do you prefer women then?" Which is fine! She is a very open minded Stratan! Besides, humans are weird how they get caught up on that sort of thing sometimes, she feels, especially when it doesn't even affect them in the first place.

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
"I hope he looks as hot as he sounds, with a voice like that." Kate comments. "Mot everyone's gonna match? Isn't that illegal?" She asks, confused. "Won't the Wedding Police shut you down for not having identical shoes at least? What about the flowers? Won't you think of the poor florists? Not to mention the wedding planners who won't be able to go to the Riveria this year..." She peers at Atlee a moment. "That was a personal question. Wow."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue grins specifically at Jubilee's words. "I'm gonna make sure the bouquet goes straight to you, Flower Girl." She told her friend. She'd shake her head side to side then. "Don't know about men ruinin' though, unless one'a them got you this job." And that was just for a good old fashioned ribbing tease!

Rogue would reach out her still gloved left hand and she'd accept the card from Atlee, turned it over and read what was on it. "I'll keep aholda this, tryin' remembe'ah that. Much obliged." A soft smile was given to Atlee.

"My uh... biggest concern about a weddin' is whethe'ah or not people are just havin' fun. I don't really care about the color'a flowe'ahs or what the hell folks are wearin'. None'a that shit matte'ahs, ya know?" Rogue's bare right hand went up to brush some of her white hair out of her face. "Whate matte'ahs is the food is good, the drinks are alcoholic, the music is loud and people just... have fun."

Jubilee has posed:
"NOOSA, you can throw it at me, but I'll dodge! Oooh, but I'm comin' to the catacombs, too. Just in case you need somebody to blo--light up the place." She nods at Rogue. Then turns to Atlee. "I don't prefer women, no. I like guys. Some people call me boy crazy. But boys don't like me. So I end up settling for someone who just wants to hurt me, and not even in a good way!"

Atlee (1034) has posed:
    Atlee looks suprised, then immediately apologetic as Kate points out the personal question. "Oh! I'm very sorry, I forgot..." she admits, sheepishly, to Jubilee. But when she answers anyway, she nods slightly, frowning at Jubilee. "But you seem very nice! I'm sure there is some boy out there who would be much better for you, and make you happy." There's that earnestness again. That's just the way the world should work, after all. She smiles at her. "Maybe you will find someone you like at the wedding?" She nods firmly at Rogue. "Yes. It should be about joy and the start of something new and wonderful. Pretty things are nice, but they are there for decoration."

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
Kate nods in agreement. "There'll be someone. They'll fall right in your lap someday. Just keep doing what you do until then and don't get caught up in finding someone. Works for me." Works for Kate, the no-relationship person.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue just sat there on the counter and listened to the three of them, nodding her head at the positive words for Jubilee. "Any lady that can rock a schoolgirl skirt like that ain't gonna be havin' too many problems reelin' a guy in." She added onto the positives with a grin. "Just do what I did, seduce a teache'ah. You just gotta wear'a a lotta tanktops and lean ove'ah your desk a lot while they're yammerin' on about their borin' ass topic."

Rogue would slide off of the counter and drop a wad of bills on the spot where she was. "I bette'ah get back t'the school though. Ororo's wantin' t'get her cookin' done. She's probably wonderin' where the hell I am."

Jubilee has posed:
"Ehh, I'm not too worried about it, either way. There's this really handsome guy I met, but he works all day, so he can only come out at night to see me. His eyes are...." She swoons. "Mesmerizing. He's probably comin' over tonight after it gets dark. I'm so nervous, he's never been to my place before..."

Atlee (1034) has posed:
    "Then I hope it goes very well for you! Don't worry, just be yourself and have fun?" Atlee offers encouragingly to Jubilee. She blinks as Rogue brings up the time. "Oh! Yes, I should probably not be taking up your time." she offers apologetically, digging in a pocket. "How much is the one that is not free?" She pulls out some bills, then offers them to Jubilee, smiling. "The rest is a tip for being so helpful." She grins. "And maybe it will be helpful if you want to order pizza on your date!" Because obviously it would be just a date at home? Netflix and chill! She's heard this is a thing.

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
Kate looks at her cart. "This is probably all I need. I guess I'll check out." She nods knowingly. "Hmm. All night, mesmerising eyes? Keep a lot of garlic around, just to be sure."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue would walk past Jubilee and give her a nice firm shoulder pat as she passed by. "Look forward t'partyin' in Paris." She said before grabbing her aviators off the hem of her tanktop. She glanced at the others in the store. "Nice t'meet ya'll too... Who knew so many cool people hang out at Spatula City!" She flashed a grin and waved a hand before going outside and drawing her skateboard out of its hip-sling on her left side.

Rogue started to skate out toward Steve in the Spatula Costumes. She skated past him and gave him a flirtatious wave and then a blown-kiss from lips off of fingertips.

Jubilee has posed:
"A'right Rogue, I'll see ya back on campus!" Jubilee deftly pockets the money Rogue deposited on the desk, to split with her later. "Oh no, keep your money," she says to the other two, as she bags their finds for them. "Consider it a gift from Spatula City, to you." She smiles brightly and nods to each of them. "Hope you guys have a terrific night. I hope too, as well...thank you. Great meetin' ya both, and feel free to come by any time, for all of your spatula needs!"

Atlee (1034) has posed:
    Atlee smiles at that. "...well..okay. But then you should come by where I work later so I can return the gift!" she insists, rummaging to pull out another card and offering it to Jubilee for her pizza place. And then Kate too, just because she's there. Same place she gave her the coupon too, also! "And you as well! Perhaps I"ll see you all there sometime." She snags her package and smiles. "Have a wonderful day, and hopefully a very lucky date for you, Miss Jubilee." She follows Rogue out, trotting out and down the street, out of sight.