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Latest revision as of 13:00, 29 October 2017

Living for the Weekend
Date of Scene: 07 August 2017
Location: Stark Tower, New York City
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Iron Man, Pepper Potts, Hawkeye (Bishop)

Iron Man has posed:
It's a busy day at Stark Tower. Most work days are busy, but today especially so. Announcement of a new Stark-Fujikawa phone leaked early this morning and ever since, the phones have been ringing with reporters, tech-types, and others about whether the news is true.

Despite the noise, Tony stares out the window of his office. The news hums in the background talking about Stark-Fujikawa stock and its uptake thanks to the leak, but Tony isn't paying any attention to that. Instead, his arms remain crossed and a smug smile pulls at his lips while he stares at the buildings across the way.

He's actually on time for once--probably because he sees it as important. Also because he received a call that he should get his butt out of bed for this. Discussions and invitations sometimes go better when he's here. And when Tony wants something, he shows up.

Coffee has been set at the little couch space of his office--in front of the still-on TV. Coffee and... beer? Some habits never die.

Pepper Potts has posed:
While Pepper certainly doesn't introduce Tony to every new intern and staff she recruits, there was something special about Kate Bishop. She couldn't entirely put her finger on it, but she just had that hunch, and Pepper's learned to trust her hunches over a decade of business. So, the important morning meeting is simply an introduction, coffee, and Pepper trying to feel out how the two might work together.

Not that she actually expects Tony to BE here for it. He never is on time. Almost never. So, she's stepping into his office, leading Kate behind her as she's explaining, "Tony normally comes in around ten. We can get started on the first week financials, meanwhile, and prepare for the press conference this afternoon while we're ... waiting. Oh. Tony!" Pepper blinks, happy surprise across her faintly freckled features.

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
Kate has come dressed conservatively, of course: a Janet Van Dyne special matching blouse and knee-length skirt of deep black, patent leather flats, and a fitted jacket. Her hair is held back with little silver clips. "Thank you again for this opportunity, Miz Potts. Whatever you need, of co..." and she spies Tony. "Oh."

Iron Man has posed:
The surprise in Pepper's tone earns a smug smile and a dip of Tony's head as he taps the watch-like device (since when does he wear watches?) on his wrist. "You said nine, right?" His eyebrows lift. "Or were you aiming to use my office for some other meeting without me?" His eyes gleam with mischief when he treads back to the couch area. "JARVIS, shut off the televisions."

"Yes, Mister Stark," the tinny voice of the AI echoes through the room.

Tony motions for the pair to join him on the couch, "Take a load off. Have a drink. We can get some snacks--" his eyebrows draw together as he casts Pepper a look that silently asks if snacks are an option. He lifts a hand and waves off any concerns or awkwardness.

Pepper Potts has posed:
That smug smile earns an affectionate smirk from Pepper -- how the woman can manage to look annoyed but utterly enamoured of the man at the same time is hard to tell, but it's a look she's perfected over the years. She steps the rest of the way in, door still held open for Kate, and then smiles between the two, "Kate Bishop, this is Tony Stark, CEO of Stark-Fujikawa Holdings... Tony, Kate Bishop, our new intern. I've got a good feeling about her so I just sort of plan to throw her in the deep end and see if she swims." Pepper's smile widens a bit more, some mischief in her eyes about that.

"Coffee sounds lovely. And scones, maybe... JARVIS, have Essen send up a breakfast service for four. As soon as possible. We'll double the bill if they get it here in ten minutes." Pepper orders smoothly, certainly open to food but she's not going to make it herself.

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
"I thought I would be making the coffee." Kate says, good naturedly. She smiles at Tony. "Nice to meet you, Mister Stark." She shrugs at Pepper's comment. "I like to think I'm a strong swimmer." She waits for the others to sit before she finds a spot. "What can I do?"

Iron Man has posed:
JARVIS's tinny voice states, "Your order is in, Miss Potts as are the instructions."

Tony lifts his hands following the AI's easy reply. "Smart," he taps on the side of his forehead while shooting Pepper a look that extends to Kate as he notes, "I'm never up here enough for breakfast service," his eyebrows draw together and he finally takes a seat in one of the arm chairs.

He rocks his hand uncertainly at the at the notion of swimming, "Sounds like Pep has some tasks in mind, but I have my own thoughts." He reaches for one of the beers on the table. "I suspect Pepper gave you the tour?" his eyebrows lift expectantly. "We've steadily been working on upping our communications technology and clean energy branches. As it stands, our biggest competitor on the communications front is LexCorp with the L-Phone. But what we need is social media presence and people using the new phone. Well, what will be the new phone." His head tilts and he smirks.

Pepper Potts has posed:
"We figured, while both Tony and I understand the concept of social media, we didn't *grow up* with it. We're not one of those infamous millenials the media likes to tout all the time. Social media, the internet... It's like a whole other language. We speak it as a second language, almost fluently, but we didn't grow up speaking it. You did. So... if you'd be interested in spearheading such a campaign..." Pepper seems to work as naturally as breathing at Tony's side, like she can read the man's thoughts. But that might come after a decade of working together.

Meanwhile, she does go over to the already brewed automatic coffee maker, the one she has on and waiting for her every morning already, and begins to prepare both her and Tony's first cups of coffee for the day. "Kate...how do you take your coffee? Essen will take a bit to get here and I'm not holding off on caffeine any longer."

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
"Oh. Cream and sugar, please." Kate says politely. "I could have done that for you, Miss Potts." She finds a spot and sits, smoothing out her skirt under her. "That wasn't something I was expecting, but it sounds interesting." she nods after another moment. "I'd be happy to give it a shot."

Iron Man has posed:
Tony cants his head at Pepper, a kind of thankful acknowledgment as his hands clap together. "Perfect." His lips pull up at the edges. "That's all we want. JARVIS manages my social media," of course he does, "and just chooses a quote from the day to tweet," which is how Tony ends up with some of the most nonsensical tweets. "I'd rather have something more purposeful. So tweeting about the phone, using the phone, discussing promotion of the phone--yeah, that's all in the purview of what we have planned. The launch will actually be giving away an inordinate number of phones." How many? It's possible Tony hasn't even decided.

He takes a swig of his beer. "Along with that, interns typically do intern things," his hand waves flippantly. "That means doing things on an ad hoc basis. It can be anything from picking up dry cleaning to making the coffee."

Pepper Potts has posed:
"It's alright, Kate. I didn't hire you to be a coffee girl. If you're working here, you're *working*, and learning things while you do it." It's like Pepper is the stern, loving mom while Tony is the cool dad and this is how the business runs. No one is surprised. Pepper then carries a tray of coffee over, setting it down on the coffee table between all of them.

Kate is given her coffee first, then Pepper reaches over to Tony, giving his beer a little glare. "It's before 10 am. Coffee.." And, unless he fights her on it, Pepper smoothly switches out the beer in his hand with his favourite kind of coffee expertly doctored just as he likes it. The beer goes back in the mini fridge.

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
"Thank you." Kate replies as she's handed the coffee. She has a sip. "Mmm. that's really good." She tilts her head a little as Pepper takes away Tony's beer. "I'm not quite old enough to drink myself, but I make a mean Moscow Mule, if the situation comes up. You let your computer tweet for you, Mister Stark? Aren't there legal issues there? Aren't your stockholders watching your social media like hawks? Might they not sue you if they think something is out of the ordinary?"

Iron Man has posed:
Tony blinks owlishly when Pepper replaces his beer with a coffee. The momentary pain written over his features becomes hyper exaggerated when Kate notes she makes a mean Moscow Mule. He snaps and points at her with his non-coffee'd hand, "That! She might not make coffee all the time, but that! She can do that."

There's a smirk at the notion of letting JARVIS tweet for him. "The company account is watched. My personal twitter," he shrugs. "Less so. Or, if they care they haven't said it. Probably because the stock does well." He squints. "I think the stockholders mostly worry about extreme fluctuations in CEOs."

Pepper Potts has posed:
A low groan escapes Pepper's lips as she finishes putting the beer away and comes back over to the sitting area. She's about to sit down JUST as the buzzer on the door goes. "Breakfast." She really hasn't stopped, sat down or relaxed since 7 am. That's Pepper Potts, however. She will stop when she's dead. SO, she sets down her coffee mug and walks to the door, accepting the tray over flowing with various finger breakfast foods. She brings it back and sets it in the middle of the table.

"Eat up, both of you, it's going to be a long day. And don't encourage him, Bishop. I hired you for social media, calendaring and international flight booking. Not bartendering." Pepper huffs, just a little bit, her pale eyes flickering between the pair as she tries to figure out just how much trouble this might be,

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
Kate chooses a chocolate croissant first, holding a napkin under it to catch any crumbs. ""Yes, ma'am." she agrees, smiling winningly. She looks between the pair as she nibbles on her pastry. "If you don't mind me asking, how can you be sure that your computer won't post gibberish or something really personal? DO you have a database of approved messages or something?"

Iron Man has posed:
Tony squints at Kate and then peers at Pepper. He finally settles on: "JARVIS knows." Because that's all the explanation necessary. Maybe. "And gibberish doesn't really bother me. Personal," he rocks his hand. "That's assuming I have a life I need apart from everything else." He shrugs. Finally he takes a gulp of the coffee. It receives an approving nod.

"And there should be time for some bar tendering," his eyebrows lift at Pepper. "I mean," he motions towards the fridge, "if I happened to have all of the ingredients here, by chance, it would be a shame //not// to let her demonstrate her skills. People should always have the opportunity to show their skills."

Pepper Potts has posed:
"*Tony*. It's not even 10 am. Please." This is the first time Pepper's teasing voice goes actually somewhat serious, a line of genuine worry behind her eyes, even if she's trying to hide it from the new employee. Goodness forbid everything not seem perfect in the Stark empire. She then turns pale eyes on Kate, accompanying the look with a sweet, professional smile again. "Sorry. He's teasing, really... and JARVIS is more intelligent than all of us. He checks all outgoing twitters for sense, no doubt."

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
"If you don't mind me saying, now might not be the right time, Mister Stark. I'm sure there will be plenty of time for that later, after we get done everything Miss Potts needs us to do." Then she realizes she's made it sound like Pepper is in charge... even though she really is. "Er, I mean... needs _me_ to do." She goes back to eating and sipping coffee.

Iron Man has posed:
Tony's eyes narrow at the reprimand. The easiness seems to dissipate, replaced by a momentary flash of uncertainty across his eyes, yet he responds to Pepper's assertion that he's teasing with an easy, equally smug quirk of his lips. "Of course. I meant for the launch." His nose wrinkles. "Of the phone."

He manages a stiff smile, "It still needs a name. Something catchy but not irritating or cutesy. I would never name a phone after a piece of fruit... no matter how many buttons it had."

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
"I'm not sure about a name just yet, but if thid came to mind..." Kate begins. "... a shot of the phone on a table lit so that everything looks washed out except for the bright crisp colors on the display. The voicever: 'Starkly beautiful'. That could be the slogan?" she asks.

Pepper Potts has posed:
The tension is there, the worry about the booze, but Pepper isn't pushing it. She just falls quiet now, sipping at her coffee and listening to the banter between the two. She arches a brow at the slogan Kate offers, but there is a small tilt of her head in approval. She likes it, but Tony's reaction will be the real deal.

Iron Man has posed:
Amusement colours every corner of Tony's expression. "That's perfect," he notes to Kate before pointing to Pepper. "Good find with this one, Pep. "Alright. Let's move on it. Get the idea to the communications department so they can get working on that. And keep thinking on the name. It needs to pop."

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
"You could call it 'The Patriot' and see if Captain America would like to come to the launch?" Kate suggests. 'I know it's pretty cheesy, but you'd probably attract an older rah-rah crowd that you might not get if you called it 'The Spider' or something... though Spider-Man could maybe come to that launch party. I don't know... hmm."

Pepper Potts has posed:
A slight arch comes to Pepper's brow, looking over to Tony as Kate suggests some more branding. "How close *are* you and Steve these days? Do you think he'd go in on it? It would be a good boost but... the connection is tenuous at best." Pepper considers, biting at her lower lip a moment or two. She doesn't seem necessarily thrilled at the idea, but then she's generally too nice to be truly good at marketing.

Iron Man has posed:
"Good ideas," Tony hums. "I'll see what I can do as far as sponsorship," he smirks at the thought of Steve launching a phone. "There's a tension there. Between the two lives." He issues them both a one-shouldered shrug. His hands clap together. "But for now, I think you have paperwork. And I have a call with Japan. If that's all--?" he glances towards Pepper to ensure he's not missing anything.

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
Kate rises, not bothering to set her cup down, she balances the rest of her pastry on her cup. "You know Captain America on a first-name basis? Wow." she says, pleasantly surprised. "_That_ must be interesting." she comments. "I wonder how hard it is to throw his shield the way he does..." Kate muses, mostly to herself.

Pepper Potts has posed:
"That's all, Mr. Stark. I'm glad you both got to meet... Make certain you eat SOME Of that breakfast, Tony. You paid for it." Pepper levels gaze with him, caring... Worried, stern. All the things Pepper generally is. She then turns a neutrally professional smile to Kate and nods to the door out, "We've got a long day of work ahead of us, Bishop. Come on. I'll get you a desk and you can start story boarding your marketing campaign..." With that, the ladies head out, leaving Tony alone with his thoughts, breafkast, coffee and beer.