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Latest revision as of 13:07, 29 October 2017

It's A Long Way To The Top
Date of Scene: 07 August 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Molly Millions, Thor

Molly Millions has posed:
It's been a long day... hell, it's been a long week even. The downside of steady work is having to actually /work/, even if the upside is money. And after early morning sessions trying to get used to the simulation of driving the Stark car, Molly had a change of clothes into 'Sally' the Stark intern and has spent most of the rest of the day stalking people under the guise of playing intern.

There's at least been minimal effort to try and dsiguise herself. Her rough-cut hair has actually been bound up into a professional looking up-do, those silver lenses covered by black sunglasses. Money's certainly got to be good to have gotten her to wear heels /and/ a pencil skirt /and/ a blouse. But as the cyborg breezes through the main lobby with mail that will never be delivered in one hand and a latte in the other wearing a nametag that proclaims her to be 'Sally' she can't quite hide that 'I'd rather be murdering someone' walk of hers and she's totally forgotten that it looks less intimidating if you have a sparkling white smile plastered on your face.

Thor has posed:
It's been a bit drizzly - not totally rainy, but not dry out either. It's cooler, the clouds overhead. Surely Thorh as nothing to do with keeping thigns a bit cloudy and wet out. He enjoys a good cloudy day but would -never- manipulate the weather for his own nefarious purposes. And so he walks into Stark Tower not in his armor and regalia but looking more or less like a homicidal maniac (because they look just like everyone else). But, there are always the tells - the big infectuous goofy grin. The shoulders that look like they belong on a marble statue, not a human being. That accent when he speaks. "Ho there - Sally," he says, spying the nametag. "You look just like someone I know. Anyway, I have need of some assistance in procuring some services. Are you able to do that or do you have to go get someone more important?"

Thor has posed:
This wouldn't be so bad, if he hadn't called it out halfway across the lobby. Damn him and his incredible senses.

Molly Millions has posed:
What... the... war god. Molly recognizes that voice, and it probably shows, at least for him, in the pause on the progress of that coffee to her lips before her head cranes his way suspiciously. But there's... people around, so she smiles. It's too bright, with far too many teeth to match the tone in which she utters,"Good evening sir and welcome to Stark Tower... reception is over that way... but I'd be happy to assist if I can." behind the sunglasses, and the lenses, she dismisses the pop-up from the facial recognition software currently loaded into her wet-ware. Yes. Thor. Thank you Jarvis.

The mail is dropped on the reception desk as she watches him, wary and curious, especially at that grin. She suspects he knows damned well it's her, even if she's not about to call him out on it given he was at least nice enough not to call out her other name.

Thor has posed:
"Yes, well," he says. ANd yet he doesn't walk any closer. So apparently, as you drop the papers on the reception desk, if you want this to be anything other than a conversation across the lobby, you're going to have to move...to him...surrendering the space. Yup, Thor's a punk....that or he's not, and he has no idea how excruciating thi sis. "Yes well, you're a woman so you'll do. I need to plan a rather fancy event and I have no idea what passes for fancy on Midgard. I know that your alcohol is terrible, barely stronger than water and not nearly as alcoholic as my piss...so! That leaves the fact that, at the least, I believe you all have things like flowers and music. How do I plan this type of event?"

Molly Millions has posed:
Damn him. Molly is as comfortable in heels as boots, but she doesn't like them in the slightest. Fashion be damned. But it's so much easier to blend in with them. She has to remind herself that 'Sally' wouldn't walk like she's potentially planning a murder in the lobby, that smile edging up another notch to gritted teeth as she saunters her way over,"I'm sorry sir, I'm only an intern. I wouldn't have the slightest clue about a party planning department." offered in a dropped tone as she approaches,"But I can say with reasonable confidence drinking your own piss wouldn't count as fancy." yeh there's no real pretense in that sentence, no matter the lilt she keeps to her voice for all those that might not actually be in hearing distance.

Thor has posed:
"And how would you know? It's entirely possible that Asgardian piss could taste like honey and be able to fertilize entire fields of soil. You should not be so quick to dismiss the quality of any of my bodily fluids. My sweat could quite possibly be the cure to some horrible disfiguring disease not yet discovered and here you are now making me feel as if, should the occasion arise, I should not even consider offering myself for study in this regard just because I'm not fancy." He folds his arms, looking to you, "And to add insult to injury you can't help me? Does anyone in here know a ting abou tmusic? This woman here doesn't have any idea on how to pick music for a special event." He purses his lips, "Mr. Stark should hear about htis. Tony!" He calls a little uiter, not wanting one of the helpful recpetion staff have more of a reason to actually do what he's asked.

Molly Millions has posed:
"Oh well by all means, if you want to drink it... just... perhaps not in public." Molly offers with all the innocence she can manage, which is probably none at all, the dubiousness written all over her face for all that she's endeavoring to remain conscious of the potential 'witnesses',"Mister Stark didn't hire me for my musical taste. But I understand he's very fond of AC/DC?" there's no twitch of her at the idea of him calling for Tony, in fact the curl of her lips might just be considered a challenge, like... go ahead and call him, I'm allowed to be here. Her weight settles onto one hip with the tap of her shoe on the stone,"Perhaps I can fetch you a coffee, Mister...? And find a place that you can wait in comfort. I understand Mister Stark and Miss Potts are currently in a meeting."

Thor has posed:
Thor Odinson blinks. "Who am..." and he just rolls his eyes, now. Yes, he's having a bit of amused fun at your expense but that one go thim a little bit. He walks over to the little barrista stand and he pulls out a few of the amgazine covers and starts flipping through them. Most Eligible Superhero. *Flip* Avengers: The Untold Story. *Flip* It's Hammertime. *Flip* Thunderstruck (Tony & Thor on the cover). *Flip* "That's who I am, Thor Odinson, son of Odin Allfather, Crown Prince of Asgard....defender of your realm I might add," he says, pointing a finger but not actually poking you as he looks to the coffee stand, and then you. Since you offered...obviously he assumes this is your area of expertise. "Pepper! Love her. We don't have to interrupt if they're in a meeting. I can wait."

Molly Millions has posed:
"Ohhhhh..." the sarcasm level just can't quite be kept out of Molly's voice as she watches him flip through them, her free hand raised to her mouth in faux shock,"Oh my god... I'm /so/ sorry... I totally didn't recognize you without your giant hammer." her latte is set down though, can he trust a coffee made by her? Because it seems she's at least going to make one of those,"Please forgive my ignorance, your highness... I would /hardly/ want to insult someone of your stature." she can't quite keep the tone out of her voice, for all that she does follow it up with a more serious,"Straight coffee? Latte? No... you like those frothy, sugary drinks I bet. Something with marshmellows and five spoons of sugar to compensate for your saltiness." there's a glance over her her shoulder at him and a slight smirk as she adds in a lower voice, probably not directed at him,"Jarvis, let Tony know that Thor Odinson, son of Odin Allfather, Crown Prince of Asgard, defender of the realm is here to see him... if he doesn't already know."

Thor has posed:
"Jarvis," he says, knowing that J.A.R.V.I.S. is all knowing and hearing, probably a good combatant for the Spider in Game of Thrones, really. "No need to tell Tony. If he's working with Miss Potts then I can schedule a time to meet with him about other things," he offers. "Also, do you have a customer comment card by chance? I'd love to give feedback on my help today," he says with a chuckle. "I think the new intern may be fried...probably needs to go get off her feet and recharge or something." So yeah, the whole electronics jokes things, as much as Thor knows about such, is maybe a hint that yeah, he knows it you. Not like you're in disguise, and if the blue at all shows, well, then yeah, he's going to pretty much assume it's you. But, at the coffee stand, he actually picks up a bag of tea and some of the boiling water. No, he's not a coffee drinker at all. He's into the more serene mint tea that they offer there. "What -is- your job anyway...besides customer morale?"

Molly Millions has posed:
There's a snort from Molly, as she collects her latte and elects to lean against the bar,"Actually I could go a bottle of vodka, a whole bunch of face punching and a few hours in Genosha... but right now I'll settle for annoying you." is offered in a voice not meant to carry,"And I'm just the coffee girl. Mail deliverer. Fetcher of things. Hardly anyone important." it's the cant of her head, a slight gesture that most probably wouldn't recognize is her getting a glimpse of someone walking into the Tower,"Most people don't even notice I'm here." which is sort of the point. And the latte? It's a prop. At least by the way she grimaces when she actually takes a sip of it, looking down at the frothed milk as if it had somehow betrayed her simply by existing.

Thor has posed:
Thor Odinson chuckles just a little. "Well...I will give you a dollar...." he hears those are valuable after all, "If next time you're in the ring you go ahead and fight in that. The Undertaker....Versus...The Note-Taker!" Yup, he's amused. "In this corner we have the little upstart, Resistance....and in this corner...The Assistant!" He winks a bit, "I can go all day," he says, chuckling as there's something in his tone, and of course, his not nearly as limited vocabulary as people think the beefcake would have, that letsy ou know he probably could. "Pushing up daisies.....versus just a well worn push up!" Ok, he takes a sip of his tea now. He's done...seriously....well maybe...probably....

Molly Millions has posed:
"You didn't hear? It got raided and shut down." Molly murmurs,"It's a long and... complicated story. But turns out there's a connection between that new drug, Blood, and the series of red-skinned fighters that the circuit kept producing. Hellborn." but then he's talking about push-up and she can't help but glance down to check a button hasn't come undone, aiming a finger his way,"Hey. It's only because it helps me blend in better." she sniffs, setting the cup aside.

Thor has posed:
Thor Odinson shakes his head. "Hmmm," he says, though if there's a drug that can make you rage or beserk or go nuts, best Thor probably stays away from it. He has his own issues with not falling into his battle madness without the help of illegal narcotics. Though...red could be a good color on him. As you glance down so does he too, and then he laughs, realizing you only checked because of his comment and yeah, there's a bit of amusement. "Well....I need to go find a planner of events, since you are apparently piss poor at the job and that leaves me with at least one less option than I had before I came in here and was harassed by the staff. This will be going in my report," which, if you know Thor, at that point only points out the ridiculousness of all this, as if he does reports.

Molly Millions has posed:
"Yeh. I lit out of there with one of the other fighters. But the house double-crossed their... supplier? I guess? Some of it was in the papers. It's not any of my business, really." nevermind that the cyborg likely has enough footage in that skull of hers to be helpful,"I'm glad, actually. I don't hold with killing kids."

There's a snort,"Seriously? You get them to do your party planning? This for your wedding? And... for the record... you decided to come after me. /I/ was just doing my job. I should file for hostile working environment, or something." there's a pause from her, suddenly, head cranking about at someone crossing the lobby with the poise of a hunting dog, for all that she doesn't follow through by sprinting across the floor. Behind those lenses, a note's taken and flagged with the image in her software, kicked along to the AI to pass to the boss about potential trouble.

Thor has posed:
"They have someone on staff who helps with just about everything. Do you think their charity events or press conferences happen just by accident?" Besides, it does help keep them gainfully employed when they basically get to help any and all the Avengers that need something. "At least I didn't ask you to help with my clothes shopping...." cause that would be pretty much the worst, having to take him shopping, giving him things to try on, having to watch and make sure they fit right, getting down and taking measurements of shoe size...inseam...okay back to this reality now. "You thought you knew nothing about music. I dont' understand at all the way you design clothes. It's like you want them to be as flimsy as possible." There's a roll of his eyes as he folds his arms and yup, t-shirt shopping - even that simple act would be...horrible, and boring, and not worth dwellign on any longer.

Molly Millions has posed:
"You have a point." Molly offers absently,"When he said 'Wardrobe' I wasn't picturing three ladies with a bunch of pins and ropes." or, you know... tape measures. Same difference. She does turn her attention back to him to snort,"No, you're lucky you didn't ask me. I'm pretty sure I can handle grabbing tee-shirts, sweat pants and jeans." she elects to make herself a coffee rather than return to the latte; black, no sugar. A Molly coffee, not a Sally coffee,"Besides, I'm on to you. I've already been told you're celibate." she sniffs and takes a sip from her coffee,"I have access to the matrix. That doesn't mean I know what they consider popular these days. I also have a selection of Zionist dubs that a friend sent me a few years ago... but I don't think this century would consider it 'good'." her gaze does come back, and settles on that tee with the coffee most of her way to her lips,"Do you just... get off, on the knowledge that every heterosexually inclined woman in a three block radius would probably stab their own mother just to lick your skin?"