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Latest revision as of 13:16, 29 October 2017

I'll show you mine...
Date of Scene: 07 August 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Blink, Molly Millions

Blink has posed:
Late afternoon in Genosha and Blink's training for the day is winding down. Or it /would/ be if the young mutant didn't have something specific to train for now! As it is, she's moving about the abandoned area of the Island, large buildings like broken teeth against the summer blue sky providing her battleground.

As she appears first in one place, a crystal shard flies from her hand to shatter against a derelict van, which promptly glows blue, then vanishes. Which is all the time the young teen apparently needs to suddenly be on the /other/ side of the square, just as the van returns to Earth with a loud -CRASH!- right on top of another car. The mutant's aim is improving it seems...

Molly Millions has posed:
Molly's training isn't Blink's training. But when there's the sound of cars endeavoring to crush one another to death... it's at least enough to draw her attention from her own efforts at *ahem* trying to learn how to swim, to investigate. Granted, the cyborg probably doesn't look any level of intimidating in her blood red bikini as she skulks up between a couple of buildings towards the apparent 'death-zone', but until she establishes just what's going on she's at least making some effort to skulk.

Blink has posed:
Blink's nowhere to be seen for several long seconds. But then she's leaping from a tenth story window, three, no four shards flung away as she spins, to vanish only twenty feet up into another rent in the air...

Each shard has a target. And three of them hit, a car, a push-bike and a piece of wall. The fourth must have missed as it shatters against the ground with no apparent effect. Everything else vanishes though, and doesn't seem to reappear.

Which might cause the onlooker to miss the leaping pink teen as she flies across the sky, using her momentum to fling two more of the crystal shards, before finally hitting the ground into a shoulder roll and a skittering stop. With a -blink!- -blink!- two more cars vanish. Followed shortly by loud crunching noises atop one of the buildings, only just audible to the mutant's pointed ears.

Molly Millions has posed:
Well, that answers the 'who' at least. She could leave the teen to her training, but elects instead to stroll out into the 'kill zone' without an attempt to hide. Evidently figuring that in this case it's probably best to be seen rather than become a car pancake on accident. Somewhere, a Tolkien nerd is no doubt decrying that the beacons have been lit and Gondor calls for aid, given just how shockingly /white/ she still is. Nanites, after all, don't understand the concept of tanning, even if it wouldn't result in her winding up looking like a piebald horse thanks to the amount of synthetic skin that laces her body.

Blink has posed:
It's a good call, because even as Blink turns she's got another shard to hand, a wide quiver on her back nearly empty now after the day's training. She barely stops herself throwing it, fingers reflexively grabbing back onto the crystal as she see's Molly... In a /bikini/!?

The mutant gives a full armed wave, depositing the javelin back into her quiver as she jogs up to the older woman. "Hey Mols! You've missed the beach by a ways... Want me to take you there?" She takes a moment to look at the woman's outfit, and her fishbelly white skin. "Looking /good/ Mols! Red's really your colour!"

Molly Millions has posed:
The scraps of material do nothing to conceal the ugly red scar that runs vertically down the left side of her chest, from somewhere under the top down almost to the junction of her thigh. She raises her own hand by way of acknowledgment and sets it on her hip, content to wait patiently for the younger woman to jog up,"No. Wasn't looking for the public beach." there's a grunt for the compliment and the barest shake of her head,"If you're going to swim... being weighed down by extra clothes is bad, right? So. Yeh." tada. Bathing suit,"I don't think the silicon or steel is going to help much, though."

Blink has posed:
"You're learning to swim?" Blink grins, a note of disbelief in her voice. "Oh! Well in that case!" A hand slips out sideways, a portal blossoming to life with a -Blink!-. On the other side is a darkened room, but the smell of chlorine emanates from the window.

"Then let me help!" She gestures with a thumb towards the window. "Swimming Pool, a private one. Owners out of town for a few weeks, or at least the schedule on their fridge says so." Because ownership is a rather loose concept when you can get into anywhere, any time.

Molly Millions has posed:
There's dubiousness in Molly's stance, it's not that the room is really dark with her it's,"...that doesn't smell like water." chemicals. Water. Color the cyborg suss. Still, she's not had any reason to disbelieve Blink to this point, which is why she does elect to step through the portal,"If we're going to spend at least part of the time on an island... I guess knowing how to swim might be useful." she mutters drily.

Blink has posed:
As Blink steps through, the portal closes, she claps twice and light floods down from recessed bulbs in the ceiling. An olympic length swimming pool, under ground going by the lack of light and windows. Or maybe it's just night where they are now?"

"Actually I was thinking on that... If you're going to do wet-work in this era, you're gonna need to know how to swim." Because apparently, Blink does actually think about her friends when she's not with them. "So I was going to suggest me teaching you anyway." Pointing at one end she says. "That's the shallow end. Shoudn't be more than half a metre... And that smell is the chemicals they put in the water to keep it clean." She points to the filter and grins. "All the crap that comes off us, goes in there, then chlorine tablets keep the bugs dead."

Molly Millions has posed:
"You shouldn't even kn..." Molly doesn't finish that sentence, though she does shake her head, expelling a breath through her nose and pressing her lips together,"Fuck I'm getting old." there's a depressing thought. She sniffs in the direction of the water with a wrinkle of her nose,"Chemicals to /clean/ the water?" of course she sounds more than slightly dubious, chemicals in the water is exactly why she doesn't already know how to swim. Still she does shift off towards the shallow end,"This world is just fucking weird sometimes." she opines, mostly to herself.

Blink has posed:
"It's one of those balancing acts I think, enough to clean, not enough to poison. The sea doesn't have this, but a pool doesn't have tides and waves. It's easier to learn here, even if it does sting your ey-" One look at Molly's silver lenses and Clarice trails off; "Well I guess that won't be a problem for you."

With a laugh the brightly coloured girl starts to pull off her quiver and boots. "So how far have you got? Can you float?" A beat. "Wait... /Can/ you float? I mean, what was that you were saying about steel?"

Molly Millions has posed:
There's a brief burble of laughter from Molly,"No, it wont be. Since I first replaced my eyes I've only twice lost a lense in... twenty? Years?" there's a grimace,"Haven't... tried? I mean... the deepest I've gotten was when we were in the water with tentacle-girl the other day. But... yes. The lenses are only about... five percent, maybe... of my alterations, Clarice." there's a sigh from her as she dips a testing toe in the water,"Low-gravity... not a problem... but this? It's not the same."

There's a glance Blink's way,"You fight well, by the way. Are the spears... directional? I heard some of the crashes... but do they all... appear? Or no?"

Blink has posed:
Blink only waits until she's down to her cycling shorts and a matching sports-bra before diving into the deep end with all the grace of someone who grew up on an Island. The momentum brings her up to the shallow end, where she breaks the surface with a small gasp, breathing in air as she works the water out of her eyes.

"Dana... Tentacle girl is called Dana." She corrects as she makes her way over to the edge, leaning back against it as her legs float up before her. "So you've been up in space?" No, that was getting off topic. "The javelins? They work as kinda... Storage devices for whatever energy it is I use to open the portals. Everything re-appears somewhere, I decide where just before I throw it. So most guns I've hit lately are somewhere out in the sea. People go... Various places."

Molly Millions has posed:
"Dana." Molly agree's, electing to utilize the ladder to clamber reluctantly into the water with a grimace,"It... itches." she complains, hands held awkwardly above the surface and lenses watching the floating girl with an aura of puzzlement,"You should send them to my apartment, instead." she suggests drily with regards to guns,"How good is your peripheral vision?" she asks, at least in part to distract herself from the water. Because between her synth skin and the nanites it feels all kinds of strange to her.

Blink has posed:
"About average? I mean, what's normal? I can see things coming from the side, if that's what you mean. But that's more a trained thing, you don't do years upon years of fighting training and don't get a kinda... Awareness, of your surroundings you know?" Clarice is talking to Molly like she's her equal on that part at least, which is likely a mistake. Molly's reactions would put her far ahead of the mutant on any day of the week.

"It's the dispersion waves you have to watch out for. Really if I were a vicious s.o.b, I could just cut everyone in half." She lets that hang there for a moment, or maybe that's something else that crosses her face. The girl gives herself a shake. "It's the chemicals probably, you'll want to shower after. So let's see if you can float." Holding her hands out to the other woman, she grins. "Now take my hands, and just lean forward, I'm going to walk backwards and drag you behind me. The more relaxed you are, the easier it's going to be to float. Got it?"

Molly Millions has posed:
"You're asking me what's normal." the solemnness of Molly's response belies the entertainment at that particular idea,"Someone who wanted to kill you would likely do it from a distance. Gunshot before you realized you were in danger. As the safest route for insuring they didn't wind up dead in the process. Unless they were someone you trusted. And then it would come down to how fast your reflexes are at free-casting a portal." she opts for, wading at least a little deeper, for all that she's practically standing on her tip-toes rather than do more than a hop to leave the floor of the pool,"Hopefully, you'll never need to be that kind of person." offered absently by her, though there's something in her tone, just that hint of bitterness, as if she doesn't really believe that there's survival without being willing to kill. She's being asked to take the younger woman's hands, and there's naked reluctance on her face,"Lean... forward? How is that going to make me float?" relaxed. Her. Right.

Blink has posed:
Blink listens nodding. "Nightwing made that mistake, left himself open to a sniper." She makes little motions with her hands. "Because math Molly. The water you displace pushes against your, or something. Either way the water holds you up, it's a liquid, not a gas." Again, science isn't the mutant's strong suit. Except trajectories, /those/ she excells at. Through practice.

"And you seem to think I'm not willing to kill." Her own grin turns to a small, rueful smile. Itself tinged with bitterness. "I had to tell Dana that it's something you have to be willing to do, if you want to survive." It's difficult to tell where those glowing green eyes are looking, but her face at least is directed towards Molly's. "I was part of the uprising don't forget. At thirteen." And that, is that. Cat's out the bag now.

Molly Millions has posed:
"It's next to impossible to not be open to a sniper." Molly points out placidly,"That's where perception comes into play. If you see the shot and your reflexes are fast enough, you can redirect it. If not..." well, no need to finish that. She does allow her hands to be taken, and lurks there with all the stiff discomfort she can possibly manage while trying to resemble something like relaxed.

"I prefer not to think of you as willing to kill." the old cyborg corrects,"But you are correct. But you have not... lost the ability to smile." and that, at least, for her, helps. Maybe. Helps her forget, at least. But it's in her tone, in her world, Blink's youth, and having to fight such a war, aren't unusual things, regretful, yes, something that the press of her lips say is amongst the few things that actually spark her ire, but not... surprising.

Blink has posed:
"That's something we've got in common at least." Clarice agrees with Molly. "I'd rather forget I did it too..." And then, even softer and perhaps not meant for Molly's enhanced hearing to actually have picked up; "At least it was my choice then..."

But there's that shake again, a full body shudder that releases her from the darker topic. Blink's Blase grin is back in place, eyes bright. "You're still stiff." She wiggles Molly's arms. "If you're stiff, and I pull, then you're gonna sink. And you don't want that." A pause and she grins wickedly; "Do I need to give you a /massage/ to get you all relaxed? You know one of those all over body ones that's going to have you all /manner/ of embarrassed by the time I'm finished? Is /that/ what I've got to do Mols?" She's practically giggling by this point, the girls mood as mercurial as her reflection in Molly's lenses. The idea of not being able to get a sniper she lets go, even though /portals/.

Molly Millions has posed:
There's a careful squeeze of Molly's hands, for all that there's no words of reassurance, though she can't help the wrinkle of her nose at the smell of the water, which isn't helped when she snorts,"If you think that would embarress me, you have another think coming." she drawls broadly, though she does endeavor to at least better fake something like relaxation. Uncomfortable itchy water and the oddness of how it feels,"Why's it necessary to float anyways?"

Blink has posed:
Blink grins. "Still don't see you getting out." She notices lightly, but lets the cyborg get away with it. "You float because that's the basis of swimming..." The grin turns to a smirk. "Or something like that, they always get kids to float first at the pools." She'd seen it, sure she'd been sitting up in the rafters watching, but she'd /seen/ it.

It's time though, and so Clarice adds. "Take a deep breath, and then try to just go limp." The mutant begins the slow walk backwards, pulling Molly along in an easy, steady pace.

Molly Millions has posed:
"I'm not. I refuse to be killed by water." that's really it, for Molly. That's her motivation to learn how to swim. There's an aggrieved sigh as she endeavors to relax, not really particularly wanting to get her nose /or/ her lenses near the water. This is why doggy paddling is about her most sophisticated water move. She at least endeavors to behave relaxed. And thank goodness for the buoyancy of water, because as Blink well knows with their teleporting that one time, the lean woman is a good thirty pounds heavier than she should be for her size. She at least manages to teeter along for a few feet before she stops trying to tip-toe a foot along the bottom, and pretty promptly eats water afterwards with all the dignity of a five year old.

Blink has posed:
As soon as Molly's head dips under the water, Clarice lifts her hands back up, bringing her out of the water. "Good! That's not bad on your first try!" A few feet? Sure it might seem longer when your body's only a few feet, but Molly's never going to be a tiny tott again. So here they were.

"Now let's try that again, and this time, let your feet just come away..." And thus begins the slow and painful process of float-sink that is their next ten minutes...

Molly Millions has posed:
Most likely, mentioning those ten minutes in public would probably be a 'nuke the site from orbit' offense for the cyborg, but at least Molly doesn't utter a word of it outloud, or let her pride stand in the way of being at least taught how to float without horfing water like a glutton at a feast, even if there's a moment of 'my tear ducts are burning, give me a minute' as she has to float to the edge and find something to spit into/wash her mouth out with. For all that one thing might appear to be improbable to be related to the other. She does at least manage to float sort-of vaguely by the end of it,"And people do this shit... for fun?"

Blink has posed:
"This bit isn't fun." Blink admits with that grin. "It's when you get a bit better you can do it for fun. Plus with the beach, there's the sea and sunbathing and the like to go with it." All along she'd been a font of encouragement, cajoling, warming, just not letting Molly quit. And in the end, when Molly had floated? Blink had actually /cheered/ for her!

"Alright, I think we'll teach you a nice easy way of swimming next time that'll allow you to keep your head up." Because there would /be/ a next time, even if Clarice had to find Molly and bring her. "And remember, you're learning this so you don't die if you fall out of a chopper into the ocean."

Molly Millions has posed:
Molly grunts acknowledgment regarding the prospect of another lesson, for all that she's not cheering. Floating's enough for one day, after all. Right? Right,"I don't get the desire to scorch oneself for extended periods of time, either. And so far haven't flown, here. I do need to find... some way back and forth between New York and here, however. Not that I don't appreciate your assistance... but you've got better things to do than play transportation for me." she opines,"I don't even know how long it would take to fly between the two. Teleportation is... fantastic, especially when some days it feels like I barely get here before I've got to go back for something else."

Blink has posed:
Clarice giggles. "We're in Metropolis, so /here/ isn't really where you're thinking." Free of the lesson, the girl drifts around the water, floating on her back. "You'll fly sooner or later, everyone does." With the exception of her perhaps. "And /really/ Molly, you keep on saying that... But really how long does it take?"

With one hand she gestures first left, then right. Each movement greeted with a -Blink!- "Gotham, New York..." Another two movements, completing the compass points and still the mutant floats. "Genosha, Hawaii..." Taking a deep breath, she lets it out slowly, her depth in the water adjusting as she does. "Seconds. I don't offer it to just anyone you know..." All four portals wink shut at once, leaving them with only the glow of the electric lights. "But maybe you're right... I might not always be here anyways..." Her voice drifts off, leaving the comment hanging there.

Molly Millions has posed:
There's a pause from Molly and a laugh,"Of course we are." after all, her GPS says as much, but she just... hadn't paid attention to it,"I've flown plenty. Back home. And it's not a case of time, it's a case of... you're not a machine. You're not... furniture. Or a tool. Or a taxi. And convenience isn't a good enough excuse to me." she elects to lean back against the edge so she can practice floating with her head supported,"You'll outlive me. At least, you had better. I'm... glad that you and Lucy are getting along, too. It's not healthy for her to only spend time around... me."

Blink has posed:
"Yeah, she's been through a lot. Luce needs all the friends she can get." Clarice flushes a soft plumb. "That's kinda why I brought Dana over, so they could meet and hopefully hit it off. It's such a shame that Luce's nanites took that moment to..." She trails off, not really knowing /why/ Lucy had gone silent on them. She moves on quickly.

"I've got a new mission coming up..." She admits quietly; the real reason for her comment coming out. "Mystique came to me personally... I don't really know what it is, but she's going to talk to Mister Creed first, so it's probably pretty dangerous." A beat, and her grin returns full force. "/Personally/ Molly, that's /Mystique!" As if Molly should know the name of every Brotherhood leader already.

Molly Millions has posed:
"Lucy perceives the world in ways that not even I can fully understand. The nanites that make up our colonies were intended for medical purposes. But the corporation that had stolen them intended to repurpose them for military use. Lucy, angry, or frightened, is more deadly than I will ever be. And I'm not the one who can teach her the coping mechanisms to handle that. In truth, I need to divest myself of her nanites, because it gives her information about my physical status... and that's just..." not good. Ultimately.

It's a matter of thought for Molly, for all that the access is no doubt going to be flagged somewhere along the line, to look up Mystique. The grunt she gives is anything but impressed. Concerned, is more like it,"I don't understand the appeal of celebrity, Clarice. I don't... get it. And I was there when Tally Isham died. Just... work out who you want to be. What you want to do with your life. I was fifteen when I chose to become a meat puppet. But even that was just a step. The one to afford my blades and all the things I would need to survive in my line of work. You want to do that... I'll help teach you what I know. But don't do it because some blue-skinned lady made it sound cool."

Blink has posed:
"I'm not a /child/." Clarice frowns at the other woman from where she drifts lazily and very childlike across the top of the water. "I want to help the Brotherhood because equality for our kind is /important/." As she drifts back into the shallows, the purple teen lets her feet touch the bottom, slow steps bringing her closer, so she can look down into those silvered lenses.

"Have you heard of 'Control Collars'?" The way she stands now, erect but loose, she's more Blink the freedom fighter than Clarice the teen in that moment. "They put them on our necks, use them to control our powers. Control /us/." She swallows, just to prove to herself that she can without feeling it anymore. "I wore it for more years than I want to remember, they made me do things with it..." She shudders, and suddenly that comment of it being her choice makes sense. "And now Mystique thinks we can get rid of them for good. That is something /I/ consider worth fighting for, worth dying for even. If it stops them from going on any other necks." And she'd said too much, cheeks staining, but still /Blink/ doesn't back down. No matter how much under that Blase facade she's trembling.

Molly Millions has posed:
"No, you're not." Molly agree's, though something in her tone suggests that probably just makes her feel even older,"And I understand that it is important, I don't disagree with you regarding that at all, Clarice. The discrimination that mutants suffer, bluntly, boggles my mind... and I come from a world that doesn't have them. But there are many ways to fight, and costs that come with those ways. As your friend, I just want to make sure that you don't make a choice you'll regret later on. But also, as your friend, you only need call if you need my help."

Blink has posed:
Blink releases a breath she hadn't realised she'd been holding. And with it, so too the persona slips away, leaving her to sink back into the water up to her chin. Resting there with the water holding her weight, crouching becomes an actually comfortable way to stay nearby. Though there's something in that gaze that's a little off, wariness maybe?

"Thanks Mols, I doubt if I'm on a Brotherhood mission they'll let me call on you, but hopefully that's because we won't need it." And if they do? Well Blink is a total advocate of 'do now and appologise later' rather than asking for permission in advance. "Don't tell Lucy about the collars okay? She worries enough as it is." And really, it's kind of embarassing to think she was once so incapable of thinking for herself that she just went along with it as 'just life'.

Molly Millions has posed:
"I'm not offering to your Brotherhood, I'm offering to you. You are my friend. My friend only needs to call me and I will be there for them." MOlly let's herself sink down so she can peer over the water at Blink,"Lucy worries a lot. She has lost a lot in her short life already... much as you have. But that is because she still believes, and she cares... these are not bad traits to have. People should be free to live their lives, to an autonomy of self that is simply... basic rights, to me. I recognize that I will never fully comprehend what mutants have gone through... and continue to go through, here, and I'm not going to pretend like I have the solution for it. But it doesn't mean that I don't recognize that it's wrong. Or that I don't think you should seek to right it. Just... be careful, okay?"

Blink has posed:
The tightness around the teen's eyes loosens, and her grin returns, reflected in the softly shimmering water. "Yeah, she's had it rough too. It's good we're here to help her find some grounding and make her own way from here..." Her grin gets a bit wider; "Giant sand castles and all."

It seems the right time for a hug, so mindful of Molly's tech the girl bobs across to give the older woman a good, one armed hug. "Sorry if I got all grrr on you Mols, it's just a sore point y'know? And Mister Creed coddles me enough to make /anyone/ want to go out and smash stuff...

Molly Millions has posed:
"I appreciate it, certainly. I care for Lucy and I want her to be safe, and happy... but those are things that you can teach her better than I can. I'm just... glad that you're there for her." there's a stiffness to her at the hug, touch isn't exactly one of Molly's strong suits, and the one she gives return is feather-light and short, acknowledgment without trying to pretend that she's discomforted by touch in general,"It's okay, I understand... though I've no idea who this 'Creed' is. Not your father, I'm guessing? But... someone like me for Lucy?"

Blink has posed:
"Mister Creed is Sabretooth." Clarice agrees, moving away as she picks up on the stiffness. Not a hugger, noted. "Victor Creed is his name, he's the one that broke me out of the cages, got the collar off me." She rubs at her neck absently, then forces her hand down as she realises she's doing it.

"He looks after me, but since my parents are uh... Gone." She still can't quite bring herself to say /dead/. "He's been looking after me. Training me too, all my fighting skills I owe to him." Blink's 'million mile stare' might as well be six inches for all her glowing eyes give away. "He's a good man, though he gets a bad rap. Should have seen his face when I got him cigars from the Madripoor Governer's house..." She giggles softly to herself, now /that/ had been an adventure.

Molly Millions has posed:
There's a pause from Molly at the name 'Sabretooth',"Almost two meters tall... blond, sharp teeth, claws?" she enquires with a vague air of puzzlement.

Blink has posed:
Clarice grins. "You've met him then? Isn't he /huge/? I keep telling him if he'd just let me give him a haircut... And maybe some nice clothes, he could net /any/ girl he wanted." She eyes Molly. "Even you I'd bet! He really is such a sweetheart deep down..."

Molly Millions has posed:
"Oh no sweetie... not in a thousand years." Molly's adamant on that front, and cagey in the way she elects to turn and swim over to the edge of the pool to clamber awkwardly out suddenly,"I've met him though, and yes, he is huge." and a whole bunch of other adjectives that the cyborg could choose to use, but instead opts to keep her mouth shut on that front.

Blink has posed:
Blink's young, but she's not stupid. And one of her lessons is body language, all about when people are ready to fight, when they're about to back down. Amongst other things... The way that Molly distances herself is telling.

"What? What happened? What did he do?" She's wise enough to ask what /he/ did at least, not what Molly might have done to provoke it. Worry tinges her voice, so she keeps her mouth shut after the question rather than risk it being noticed.

Molly Millions has posed:
Molly gives a small shake of her head,"Nothing. He's just not my type." yeh, it's a deliberate misdirection, but still,"My hands are beginning to get all wrinkly and it's making my fingers feel weird. I think that's enough for one day, maybe?"

Blink has posed:
"Sure..." Clarice pulls herself out of the water with ease, the chemically laden fluid slipping over bright pink and deep purple skin alike as it pools around her feet. "If you don't want to tell me Mols, that's fine. But say it straight okay? We're friends, we don't need to... To sugar coat things." She'd been about to say /lie/, but people rarely responded well to being called liars.

"And if it's something I /should/ hear... Well, I think a friend would tell you something like that. So if you choose not to, I'll assume that." A pile of fluffy towels rests on a stand in one corner, apparently not caring if the owners find out their pool is being used, Blink grabs one for herself, tossing the other towards the fish-belly pale woman. For the moment though, Clarice seems all too interested in toweling herself dry to actually look at Molly...

Molly Millions has posed:
"It's not for me to tell, Clarice. I will say that I understand, now, where you get ferocity in training, and watchful intelligence. He is not a man I would cross lightly, and you can consider that a compliment. But it is also true, that he is not my type." there's a shrug from Molly as she catches the towel,"If I felt he was a threat to you, I would say so. He is not an enemy of mine, if that is your concern, nor I his. I doubt he would even recall meeting me."

Blink has posed:
Clarice pauses in drying herself as Molly explains, and then she laughs again. "Ferocity in training? Yes I suppose that's a bit of an understatement isn't it... I've not seem him /really/ let loose, but I remember him fighting that first day..." She lets out a small whistful sigh; "Guy's /unstoppable/. And probably the reason none of the people my age on Genosha will look at me twice..." There's a note there that she doesn't /really/ believe that's the reason, but that's a whole other kettle of fish.

"I suppose if you don't know the man behind the teeth, he can be a bit intimidating." She finally admits; "But I won't set you up on that blind date, now I know." Was that a joke? Surely it was a joke... Though the way she's grinning... Was it a joke?

Molly Millions has posed:
There's a grunt from Molly,"Woe to the one who breaks your heart, honey." is her circumspect answer,"But no, no dates... blind or otherwise, please. With anyone." just to clarify, a glance directed Clarice's way, even if there's only the thinning of her lips to display her seriousness on that front,"Let's head back, shall we?" she's only sort of toweled off, sufficient to not be dripping on the ground, but not like a few hours in the Genoshan sun wont take care of that.

Blink has posed:
Clarice looks back, putting on a face of mock hurt. "Why /Molly/... Are you just using me to jump you around places?" She manages to keep a straight face for all of two seconds, before the giggling kicks in. "Oh... Can you just /imagine/ it? You two in a fancy restaurant, him in a suit that barely fits, you trying to work out what the hell the cutlery is for..." She's still giggling as a hand flicks out, opening a portal back to the Genoshan beach they both know so well by now.

"Come on then Mols, let's go get a nice cool drink to get those chemicals out your tea ducts." Because that's the sort of odd comment that you remember! Once their both through, towels left behind forgotten, the auto-lights click off. Leaving the underground pool in dark silence...