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Latest revision as of 13:43, 29 October 2017

Join the dark-side.. We have cookies
Date of Scene: 10 August 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Domino, Sebastian Shaw

Domino has posed:
Nightwing had left only a few hours ago, begging Neena to stay a little longer until he could talk to Batman. He thought something could be done to prevent her return to the dark side.

One wonders.

The top floor apartment in a side alley of the Narrows is only accessible by a locked door in the hall and the fire escape. She's still left the sliding door and window open. Her weapons are ready and packed for the mission Mystique had proposed. The manilla folder Sabretooth left for her is still on her coffee table. She sits on the mauve couch in front of it, laptop open, email to Wayne Industries finished. She hits send, closes the program, and powers down the laptop.

She unplugs it, and picks up a power drill sitting conspicuously nearby, and begins drilling holes through the laptop's hard drive area.

Sebastian Shaw has posed:
From outsite in the night just a solo car comes, and though it is a nice car there is no fan fare or anything wierd about it at all. It stops inside the alley, and from the back one man steps out looking around the place with a bit of disgust. Out of the front a large man also gets out and looks like he is going to follow the man that got out of the back before the man holds up a hand.. "Stay by the car.. Don't let anyone mess with it." he states in a calm tone straighting his buisness suit before turning to look back into the back seat of the car.

The man is tall, about six feet tall, though he seems fit he does not look like one that fights often. He wears a very fancy suit so sticks out a bit in his fancy suit that looks like it cost more then most the people here would make in their lifetime not to mention a pair of fine looking gloves. He looks back into the back-seat.. "I do not wish anyone to remember this." he adds before shutting the door and entering into the apartment. As he heads in he doesn't talk to anyone actually just taking the elevator up to the top floor it is like peope don't even see him there. He walks quietly to the apartment he noted she lived at from her file. He moves confidently, as he knows why he is here and who he needs to talk to though the people not seeming to notice him continues.

Finding the right door he gives it a look making sure his tie is properly straight he reaches up, and gives it two quick knocks waiting he gives one sharp one. Domino would reconize it as she has worked for the goverment before it is the 'handshake' code that some agents use to declair their side to others. It would be obvious to her though who it might be could not be, Shaw was not well known he prefered it that way. After bring Weapon X back online he had stayed in the background to let Sabertooth run it, declearing him just a donar. But the man was a bit of a fool who rushed in, and he would meet this lady himself to decide wether to keep her on, or kill her tonight.

Domino has posed:
NSA knock in the narrows.

"[Censored!]," she mutters under her breath. "Nightwing, I know you want to be the white knight instead of the dark one but this is -not- how that works."

Domino's already suited, weapons in holsters at her sides and thighs, and she flicks torque up to its highest setting on the drill, keeping it in her left hand as she goes to the door.

"No thin mints this time, you're cheaping out on the chocolate, and you can take that right to corporate," she says as she stands to the side of the door, answering. Her whole body is tensed, and she's ready for a police raid - or worse.

Sebastian Shaw has posed:
The man sighs, and waits for the footsteps as he heard her shouting at him from the other side of the door. Great another one that took this as a game, why couldn't he find someone serious for once, but then again that is what happends when you put someone like him in charge. He reaches forward, and just with his palm strikes the door pushing it back, and off the hinges with a loud poping noise of metal as the hinges break launching the door backwards. Standing infront of the doorway straightening his glove on that hand is the man previously described looking in. He doesn't look happy, but at least he seems more bored then angry.

As he steps forward he speaks up his words seem pronounced fully and his voice calm. "I tire of these games.." he looks around a bit ignoring Domino he nods. "How... quaint.. I would figure someone in your field would have more then... this." he states this with a bit of disdain, but then turns to look back at Domino. If she attacks him, or points guns he ignores it like she is just a bug not something to be worried about he looks down at her. "I know you have been recruited.. I know that the little bird has talked to you."

He goes silent again his eyes narrow looking at her, "This will be very simple.. You will tell me what he said, and why Creed wants you.. Or I will toss you out that window behind you as I do not need the weak." as he speaks even if she had attacked he would slowly take off his fancy jacket to take the time to fold it infront of him.

Domino has posed:
Domino stands there, her mouth a flat line, one hand going to her hip, the other still holding the power drill like a gun dropped and pointed at the floor.

"Great. Now I'm never going to get my security deposit back," she mutters, looking over at where the door landed.

Back to Shaw. "You should have brought something to drink as a house-warming gift. It's what all the cool kids are doing these days." She turns as if he's simply no big deal, and pushes the destroyed laptop away, picking up the folder. "Have a seat, I'll put down plastic if the accommodations aren't to your standards of taste. They're that way for a reason. I don't spend money on something I won't get a return on." She gestures to the door that's lodged into the drywall partition between living room and kitchenette. "You know, when people come into my house and do that."

"Creed came to me with this," she says, holding up the folder. "Since final bosses always know everything, I'm sure you probably know what's in here. It's me. It's what I've been missing. He filled in some missing pieces. Mystique did the rest."

"As for the kid, he's doing what all upstanding all American young heroes do and trying to save the damsel in distress from a life of professional killing. He just hasn't figured out that I'm the femme fatale yet. Give him a few years."

Sebastian Shaw has posed:
As she cracks another joker he doesn't laugh, or smile he just gives he a look like he is really fighting the urge to strike out, though he doesnt he just moves around looking at the place quietly listening to her speak he just waits calmly listening to her. As she speaks he goes to the window and looks out it briefly down at the ground wordlessly he then turns to look at her. "I get what you wanted from him.. It is of course in your file." he moves a bit around careful not to 'touch' anything who knows what one might catch in a place like this.

"I asked why did he want you.. I mean your reflexes are alright.. I guess. But you are nothing special, I would clasify you maybe a four." he moves to fridgerator opening it to look inside. "Okay maybe five.. if you can eat this trash." he adds shutting it again he turns to actually look at her. "That is out of a hundred.." before he moves towards her again. "He may have a weakness for you, but I do not share that, and you know too much." he takes another step towards her. "I can't have the lazy or has been assassins working for us.. It ruins the good name.." he is starting to get close now. "And it waste my time."

He looks at you, and you know that look you have had that look before... The steel glare of someone who is about to end someone elses life.. Though his voice doesn't change... "So I would think well before you answer.. I will not ask again."

Domino has posed:
"Because even the Hand and the Assassin's Guild like having the odds in their favor," Domino replies, folding her arms over her chest, drill tucked in under them. She stares right back at Shaw. If she's scared, she's got a damn good poker face.

"Probability manipulation. I don't miss, and when I do, it's because I've just made something worse happen."

Sebastian Shaw has posed:
When stands right infront of her looking down at her he knew both of those had existed though they were nothing to him either as they didn't mess with him so he just let them run their little games for now. He stares at her thinking about it.. "I see... though it is easy to say.. harder to do." he turns and moves away from her he taps a button on his Lapel... "Bring it up." before looking back. "Maybe you are right, maybe you can be of some use so this is what I am going to offer."

He moves to the doorway.. "On the way up here is One million dollars.. If you take it then you accept a job." he actually smiles for the first time since he appeared, as he had the perfect test for her though it looks more evil then happy. "It is very simple.. I want you to use those powers to get something for me after you do I will pay the other half." he gives a shrug, "Or you can turn it down.. But I wouldn't suggest doing that."

He waits at the door-way looking at her.. "It is very simple.. I want you to call in this little bird, and get this item.. I doubt you will be able, but I do not underestimate the Bats." he steps out of the door. The large man carrying a briefcase is already running down the halls he must of ran up the stairs. "I want that little birds cowl.. Get it for me, and I will accept you.. fail, and I will double the pay for someone to kill you." he nods to her.. "Simple.. right?"

Domino has posed:
She looks at the doorway, open. The perch for her visiting bird that she's gotten a little fond of.

"... All right. Give me the drop details and time frame. I have other people I have to kill, too."

Sebastian Shaw has posed:
He looks at her, and nods turning to leave, he stops before he goes and looks back at her. "If he gives it to you I will know.. You must take it, it is the only way." and with that he turns to head back out again. As he leaves the large man would put the briefcase inside the door way give her a nod though his face reads all buisness, and he is also armed. The henchman doesn't say a word though he does put a piece of paper ontop of the case with all the relevent details. He looks like he is about to say something, but doesn't nodding again he turns and follows his boss.

And like that he leaves, the same thing about people not noticing him as he goes he just walks to his car, and drives off... Like he wasn't even there.