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Latest revision as of 14:45, 29 October 2017

Human Wrongs
Date of Scene: 11 August 2017
Location: New York City
Synopsis: Assassinations rarely right any wrongs, but Heroes have to stop them anyway. Also, Psylock Telepathathically teaches English to Kenan Kong.
Cast of Characters: Super-Man, Psylocke, Stargirl

Super-Man has posed:
The conference has not been going very well, Kenan realizes that is why he has been sent as a visible bodyguard. Some other countries have been accusing China of many things, from selling products at under production price to excess pollution to human rights violations. This has made Kenan have to stay close to the diplomat today. In basic standing there doing nothing but try to watch out for anyone doing anything other than TALK. It is prettry boring and he has simply been standing for hours on end. Now, finally, the car is making it's way back from the conference with Kenan and the diplomat aboard in the back and a UN driver in the front.

Psylocke has posed:
There are always those who feel they have the right to interfere in the politics of the world. Their beliefs are such that they will do anything to uphold their agendas. Even the ultimate evil of taking a life.

That is the intention of those who lay in wait for the bulletproof limosine that holds the diplomat, his bodyguard and his chauffeur. As the limo starts to go through a green light, a garbage truck comes out of no where. It collides with the side of the limo in a loud crunch of steel twisting, the vehicle being pushed a good ten feet with the full side of it crashed in before coming to a stop. The doors of the truck open and men step out behind the doors, aiming automatic weapons at the vehicle. They do not fire, knowing that it's useless until it opens.

Three other SUVs come in from the opposite side, blocking the car in completely as more men jump out. Except one who walks unarmed toward the vehicle, bold as can be. He's built like a bodybuilder but there is a strange orange glow around his eyes. Apparently, they brought their own metahuman to the party.

Stargirl has posed:
There's a girl above the conference grounds, a blonde in red, white, and blue and with a long golden staff. She's talked to the site security, so noone's worried that she's going to do anything odd. No, Stargirl offered to keep an eye out for costumed supervillians or missiles, or other wacky stuff like that. As she sees the Chinese-flagged limo drive off she watches it in interest until it is lost in traffic.

The horns and crash, though, bring her attention again. She flies quickly towards the commotion. She notices the pinned-in limo. "Hey!" She waits a moment to see what might happen. "Doesn't look good."

Super-Man has posed:
As the truck strikes the limo, Kenan draws his power into his belly and holds on to the diplomat...providing an invulnerable shield. Better to be acting as a support during the impact that become an invulnerable missile hitting the man he is supposed to protect. Kenan releases the diplomat, moving power to his thighs and using his x-ray vision to check for interal injuries. Good, nothing but bruises. OK, Power to hands, if you are going to exis do it where they do not expect...Kenan rips open the floor of the limo and places his feet on the ground. Grasping the frame of the vehicle, he leaps into the air, carrying car, driver, and diplomat in a soaering arc.

Psylocke has posed:
The vehicle flying was not something they expected. A couple of the men open fire but the bullets ricochet off the sides and undercarriage of the vehicle. A few of them are looking to one another, trying to determine what they should do.
    The metahuman raises his hands. The orange glow around his eyes is mirrored around his hands. A moment later, a blast of energy shoots from his hands into the engine block of the car, destroying the front of it entirely.

Fourteen men with guns, four at each SUV, two at the dump truck. One metahuman.

Versus two superheroes. About even odds.

Stargirl has posed:
"What the...?" Courtney gasps as the limo flies out of the trap, with legs sticking out of the floor. "Weird!" Still, there are bad guys down below. "Surrender and you won't be harmed." Stargirl calls from over their heads. "Otherwise, I WIlL punish you!" She wrinkles her nose. "Was that too 'Sailor Moon'? I hope not." she asks herself.

Super-Man has posed:
Kenan lands the car gently at the end of the arc and steps out of the vehicle. He has to deal with these foes quickly. He feels the energy flow to his feet and the world is suddenly moving in slow motion. Excellent, he has reached a new power, he can access his speed! Moving at just under the speed of sound, Kenan sets about making short work of the gunmen. The Meta will be more difficult.

Psylocke has posed:
Hearing the warning from above, the confused men find a target after all. Half of the men turn their weapons in the direction of Stargirl. Things are rapidly escalating, destroying their time table for a job that should've taken under a minute. With the unkonwn in the limo and the girl in the air, they still are determined to finish the assassination. The seven aimed at Stargirl open fire.

There is a faint blurring and gunmen begin to fall one-by-one. Leading to the ones still standing firing madly in multiple directions.

One of the men simply disappears, the shadow he is standing on seeming to reach out and grab him then drag him into nothing.

Stargirl has posed:
Stargirl's golden forcefield deflects all the bullets easily. She smiles and sticks her tongue out at the gunmen while they waste their rounds on her. "I'll ask nicely again, because I'm feeling charitable today. Drop your guns and surrender!" She notes the men falling, but she was expecting something like that to happen... there had to be another hero on the scene.

Super-Man has posed:
Kenan decides to let the flying girl...he thinks he knows her from his classes actually, Starlass or something like that. He has been studying a bit about friends of Superman, but she was barely mentioned in a footnote on the Justice Society. In any case, she seems like she can handle herfelf, so he lets her distrace the remaining gunmen as Kenan drops back to normal speed and draws his power back to his Belly. He gets the feeling he is going to NEED to be invulnerable.

Psylocke has posed:
As soon as Kenan stops moving at a blurring speed, the metahuman gets his chance. He turns toward the hero. The burst of energy is a blend of kinetic energy and heat. It is fired directly ad Kenan's chest from a distance of about thirty feet.

Exactly two of the gunmen decide that this is getting too dangerous for their blood. They drop their guns and simply turn tail and run.

Six gunmen left. Another shadow detaches from the ground, sucking a man downward. He starts to scream but it is eerily cut off as he disappers.

Five left. And they all open fire at Stargirl, apparently not caring that she is giving them a chance to surrender.

Stargirl has posed:
Courtney sighs. "Alrighty, then. I warned you!" She directs an energy blast at one of the gunmen, a concussive blast that stuns him and knocks him to the ground. She holds out her arms, hoping she looks impressive, all glowy and stuff. "I am losing my patience!" she calls again, hoping she won't have to blast any more.

Super-Man has posed:
Kenan is struck by the blast and is knocked backwards about twenty feet by the force if it. He is unharmed and once he finishes rolling across the ground he gets back to his feet. He focuses his power into his hands and jumps forward hard, performing a body block of the metahuman with immense impact.

Psylocke has posed:
Another gunman decides retreat is the best course of action. He shoves his gun into the waistband of his pants and runs off. Three left. They stop firing since it doesn't seem to be working but the gears are turning. One of them reaches into the SUV but a figure appears within the shadows there, a flare of crimson then a woman appears. The man goes flying from a kick to the head. Then the woman disappears.

The two that are left look up at Stargirl, drop their guns, and put their hands above their heads.

Kenan's attack hits perfectly, sending the metahuman sprawling on the concrete. He starts to climb to his feet, not using his left arm which was hurt in the impact. He still raises the right, going for another blast at the Chinese hero. Unlike Kenan, he isn't invulnerable to harm and that blow has him on the ropes but he's determined to go down fighting.

Stargirl has posed:
Stargirl smiles. "Good plan." and she drifts down. She wraps them in a lasso of forcefield, adding the third she knocked out earlier, and waits for the police to get there. The Super-Man looks like he has things under control, for now.

Super-Man has posed:
Kenan makes a quick decision and channels his power into his feet...rapidly dodging any blasts while striking repeatedly...all in mere moments of time. Invulnerability is a great defense, but it is not so hot on the attack side. Speed offers both attack and defense options.

Psylocke has posed:
The metahuman goes down, unable to dodge and not finding a target due to the blurring speed. A moment later and he is unconscious on the ground.

The two gunmen don't put up a fight. They remain there with their hands up, waiting for the authorities.

Sirens can be heard a moment before the police arrive, quickly handcuffing the suspects and taking them toward the backseats for their ride to the local precinct. Except the metahuman. They keep a wary eye on him as they wait for SHIELD to come take him into custody.

From a shadow near the dump truck, a silhouette appears. As dark as the shadow it is within but humanoid. There is a red tattoo on its face. A moment later, Psylocke takes her usual form, walkings toward Stargirl and Kenan. "You are both well?"

Stargirl has posed:
Courtney takes her staff horizontal and sits on it, relaxing. "I'm fine. How're you? I'm Stargirl." she explains. "That's an interesting outfit." and she coughs as she gets a better look. Then she doesn't look. "Uh, hi." She smiles at Kenan too. "Ni hao."

Super-Man has posed:
As soon as the Metahuman goes down, Kenan uses his speed to get the Diplomat and the Driver to safety, the car is leaking gas allover the area and there may be a fire. Kenan runs the both to the Chinese Embassy and returns before the police get there. He manages to puzzle out that the shadow girl is asking if he is unhurt, so he answers with one of the English words he knows well enough, "Yes."

Psylocke has posed:
Seeing Stargirl's reaction, Psylocke gives a slight smile. Although she looks Japanese, her accent is completely British. "The costume is comfortable and allows freedom of movement," is her explanation. Then she looks to the pair of them, giving a nod in greeting. "I'm Psylocke. By your presence here, I'm guessing the man in the limo was alright?" She has a momentary thought as she looks to Kenan. "Do you speak English?" Which she imemdiately follows up with the same question, spoken in Chinese.

Stargirl has posed:
Another forcefield, this one over the potentially burning bar, to hold in any fire that might happen (and eventually snuff anything out due to lack of oxygen." She nods. "Well, I hope he's alright. This hero here..." and she indicates Kenan. "... he did most of the work."

Super-Man has posed:
Kenan answers the question in Chinese, "Not well, I took English in school, but did not pay as much attention in class as I should." If she also repeated the statement about the Limo inMandarin as well,he will answer, "The diplomat is safe at the Embassy, along with the driver."

Psylocke has posed:
Psylocke shares he information with Stargirl in case she doesn't speak Mandarin. Then she plays translator again, telling Kenan what Stargirl said. "He doesn't speak very much English," she adds.

There has to be an easier way. In Mandarin she offers, "If you will permit me, I can give you a knowledge of English rapidly through the use of telepathy. I will warn you though, it will probably leave you with quite the headache for a few hours. I understand if you would be uncomfortable letting a stranger in your head though. It can be disocncerting." Then she quickly fills in Stargirl on what she just offered to him.

Stargirl has posed:
"That's a cool power." Stargirl says. "I wonder if he'll agree, though. I wonder if he's considered an agent of the Chinese government and so this might be a bad idea for him?" She shrugs. "Ah, well." she grins. "The only Mandarin I know is 'Ni hao'."

Super-Man has posed:
Kenan considers, "I think the utility of being able to properly speak English outweighs the problems. I will agree." He worries it may interfere with his powers, which do not quite work the same way as Superman's do, but he is confident he can handle any problems that arise."

Psylocke has posed:
"He agrees, feeling it is better to have the skill," Psylocke explains for Stargirl. She walks over to Kenan, raising a hand. "With your permission." She doesn't touch him, she simply stares at his eyes. Her power flares, a pink aura appearing around her eyes in a butterfly effect as she does so. Her mind brushes his, automatically picking up surface thoughts but not digging any further. It is simply a side effect of their minds herging, giving her that glimpse. With a concentrated effort, his own language is borrowed, allowing her to translate the information to English. It takes a few minutes of intense concentration then the pink butterfly effect disappears and she takes a deep breath. Her shoulders slump slightly and she reaches up a hand to the side of her head. No pain but she is a bit worn after that rapid education/learning.

"There," she says in English. "I apologize for the headache but hopefully you understand us now?"

Stargirl has posed:
"Pink butterflies? Cool." is all Courtney has to say about the exchange.

Super-Man has posed:
All right...Kenan can not quite decide if it is more like ketting kicked INSIDE the head by a mule, or like having his brain set on fire and slowly burned. Probably the latter as it more closely reflects how long it seems to take. He concentrates on the aspects of Superma, his courage, his endurance even when he faces death...this is hpow he draws his power into himself, but in this case he is simply using his practice to endure through the pain. He feels each word of the question individually tread down the newly burnt pathways, but does understand them, "Yes, but it still hurts to think in English."

Psylocke has posed:
"Give it a few hours. The pain fades. The brain isn't designed to take in so much knowledge so rapidly. Like working out at the gym, it just will need a little rest and you'll be fine." She glances over to Stargirl, giving her another faint smile. "I've never figured out why my power shows up as a butterfly. Unless I'm using it as a physical weapon. Then it's a different visual effect." She glances over at the police who are leaving the heroes alone for now. Which is strange, they should be asking lots of questions and wanting witness statements. Instead, they seem to not notice the trio are there.

"I'm going to need to depart. When I do, the police will take note of you both. If you would prefer to vacate the area first or spend hours answering questions?"