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Latest revision as of 16:57, 29 October 2017

Starlight, Darkness & The Window Between!
Date of Scene: 14 August 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Blink, Solaire, Imbroglio

Blink has posed:
It's early evening in Gotham, the sun having not quite hit the horizon of buildings yet. Still the end of the day brings the end of work, and people drive, walk and otherwise use various modes of transport to make their way home after yet another tiring day.

Thanks to time difference, Blink had had to move their 'Patrol' forward a little, missing the full night hours of the morning and instead starting early. For all that she could get back in seconds, the lack of sleep of the previous weeks had been catching up with the young mutant.

Waiting at the agreed meeting spot (an open roof that could easily make them seen from the air, but from below kept them all but invisible), she's wearing her normal 'hero' garb. Tight green lycra cycling shorts and fitted dress that was barely more that a strip at front and back below the waist. All about the east of movement.

Brown suede gloved fingers brush something off a turned down boot of the same material. Her glowing green eyes scanning the surrounding buildings. "Come /ooooon/ D...Immie..." She mutters under her breath. "It's time to find some /goons/!" With typicaly impatience, the toe starts to tap. Dana of course... Still has a whole ten minutes to still be on time, let alone late.

Solaire has posed:
    Solaire was doing his usual. Exploring. With Sol still lighting his silhouette is the easiest thing to spot. He drifts along just above the skyline, staring down and.. peoplewatching. Not many people are on rooftops, so the curiously clad Blink begets a pause in his 'controlled descent leading nowhere towards the ground' to peer from directly above that particular roof.

Imbroglio has posed:
Of course, when it comes to Blink, Dana is usually a bit over-eager. Even when she makes an effort not to appear so.

So even though it's ten minutes early, there's a falcon flying up to the roof of the building. The details are hard to make out in the lighting and the creature's speed, but it stalls and slows to a halt mid-air.

To Blink, the sight will be familiar. To the observer, less so. The flesh melts and malforms into a more spherical shape, shifting and mutating like an explosion of eels within it. Just before it hits the roof, it takes a vaguely humanoid shape, kneeling there where it lands.

It rises then, and by its first step it is clearly Imbroglio. A young woman with short hair, whose features constantly shift and change in unsettling ways to mask her civilian identity. Her 'uniform' is a shapeshifted one-piece of black, featureless flesh to create the illusion of clothing worn.

"Sorry for making you wait," Dana mumbles awkwardly upon her arrival.

Blink has posed:
Blink grins, giving her head a shake. "I've only been here a few minutes. Pretty early to find thugs though..." She admits before Dana has a chance to, obviously a little sheepish herself at having to make it this time. "I hope you didn't lose out on any hours at work..." She adds with what same expression.

But then there's a loud /CRUNCH!/ followed by screams and calls not two roads distant. Blink's head whips around. "Sounds like someone might need us!" She grins. At least she might not sound /quite/ so happy about the prospect. "Come on!" A -Blink!- produces a rent in the air that she leaps through, just in time to see a school bus (it would have to be wouldn't it?) leaning over the edge of a bridge, the truck that it seems to have swerved to avoid laying on it's side some yards distant...

Solaire has posed:
    Solaire was about to drop down and make a greeting. But then. Sounds of bad stuff(tm) have his eyes turning that way. He angles his fall and slides with increasing swiftness over to the source of the noise and shouting. Eyes alight, posture as streamlined as he can manage. He won't be there as quickly as Blink but in his time assessing the situation he comes to a couple of conclusions. First, that bus is too big for him to heft(he's tried saying hello to an SUV and failed to give it a handshake for lack of oomph) so instead another plan arises. He drifts in closer to the bus with his figure shimmering in heat. Trying to get below the end over the bridge.

Imbroglio has posed:
Before Dana can answer, there's the sound. Apparently comfortable with Blink's portals, she apparently moves to leap through as well. Hopefully not ending up cut in two when it closes.

Imbroglio is then on the scene! She also goes to the bus first, being a bit stronger than the average human. She moves to try and pull on the bus, only to find she isn't nearly that strong, in the end. Hopefully she can budge it with whatever Solaire is planning, looking inside to see whether it's full of children or not.

Blink has posed:
Clarice takes one look at the situation, from the eyes of someone without super-strength and works out her best option is probably to help in the only way she can. With a portal!

A swish of the hand and -Blink!- a portal opens in the only safe place within the bus - right at the very back. Noting the glowing guy dropping and hoping he's going to help she calls; "You two keep the front down, I'm getting the kids out the back!" Before waving at the obviously scared children she can see through her window in the air. "Come on chickies! Don't touch the glowing bits, they're lava!" That's /got/ to be a game they still play right? "Onto the roof!" Of course, elfin eared purple girl with glowing eyes? For the moment the young kids are more unsure of that than they are of the drop...

Solaire has posed:
    Solaire counters, "Keep everyone on the front of the vehicle, have the driver cut the power." he shouts out. The force of his voice projects quite loudly as he gets to the side of the bus. "I will try to cut this end off so it is not falling." his hands and arms shimmer with more heat and his suit peels away, now sleeveless and exposing snow-pale skin with pulses of golden light running through his veins. He's gonna try to give the bus a hug if everyone moves to the front.

Imbroglio has posed:
Hold the bus in place? This, Imbroglio can do. She's heavier than she looks, after all. Maybe not heavy as a bus, but she's worth at least two full-grown adults. Enough to counter-balance the kids while they're leaving a portal or Solaire is cutting open the tin can.

So this is what Dana does. She holds the bus tight, trusting her weight to help counter that of the vehicle.

"I don't think we need both the portals and the-... whatever you're doing. One of you should check the truck!" she suggests as she holds things in place for whichever one remains.

Blink has posed:
With all the kids already cowering away from her, it's easy for Blink to just go with this new Bright-Guy's plan. With Imbroglio's shout added in, she shrugs and says; "Sorry kids! Looks like you're going with Mister Fun In The Sun!" A -Blink!- has the portal closing and her... Leaping off the building?

-Blink!- Another rent in the air beneath her has her falling into a shoulder roll having only fallen about six feet in total. One look at the front shows her that the only openable door is on the floor, the uppermost side of the truck having been the one that collided with the bus. "Well /crap/..." She opines, a hand on her hip. "Guess we're going in through the front!"

Solaire has posed:
    Solaire begins his process then. He orients to the side and touches a window, it shattering on contact. From there he moves his upper arm down and cleaves it through the side of the bus while sinking downwards. His other arm hooks up from just before the edge of the bridge to make the cut as neat as possible. When his arms meet that's when he goes to burn his way across the floor. This way the heat has somewhere to escape to instead of just filling the bus.

Imbroglio has posed:
The first shattering window has Dana jumping a little.

"Be careful! Don't let the children cut themselves!" lets out Imbroglio at this, shifting her weight and grip to keep hold as things seem likely to start changing.

Blink has posed:
A javelin slams into the windshield of the truck, the whole thing glowing blue and then just /vanishing/ (to reappear above the local landfill to the surprise of quite a few seagulls). With a grin she's offering the guy behind the wheel a hand.

"Come on fella, let's get you out of here huh?" Her warm Barbadian accent hopefully smoothing over the oddness of her appearance. It must work, because a tattoo'd arm grabs hers, a heavy set man working his way free. Added to Dana's warning she shouts at Solaire; "And check where it's gonna fall!"

Solaire has posed:
    Solaire's trip moves on to start up the other wall of the bus and he drifts slowly upwards. Until the roof is the last thing holding the end up. It's easy to start tearing that off and burning through it. When the back end begins to fall from being cut off the starman drops to grip it with cooled hands, trying to slow it as much as he can towards whatever's under the bridge. Long enough to ensure it lands somehow inconsequentially.

Blink has posed:
Blink grumps at the Glowy Guy's silence, but maybe he's mute? Or can't hear her over all that /burning metal/ he's doing? Either way, Mister Trucker is out, and despite the accident he looks a bit bleary eyed. The mountain of energy drink cans that now rest against the floor (see passenger door) of the cab shows the probable cause for the accident. Just a guy, worked too hard.

With a moment to see the bus start to fall, the mutant leaves the guy, dashing to the edge to look underneath. Just a bit of wasteland; thank goodness!

Solaire has posed:
    As soon as he's touched down atop the smouldering former-overhang of bus he looks upwards and bends at the knees. A small flex to launch him upwards up to the edge of the bridge again to try and.. get on the side of the bus, feet to bridge. He'll try his damndest to turn it if he can so it's not just facing the edge still, "Turn with me!" he shouts out to Immi at the head.

Imbroglio has posed:
"If you think that's best..." murmurs Imbroglio, shifting her weight along with the man's movements.

"Maybe they could just use the emergency exits?" she points out even as they move. Windows on the sides, door in the back, and several lining the ceiling for just such an occasion. But she does try to be helpful.

Blink has posed:
With her job over, Blink watches the two strong-arms move the bus into a less precarious position. Some school is going to give their insurance company a bit of a heart attack. Idly she wonders if they now cover for 'Act of Superhero'. But what she says is;

"That's good! And I can hear the cops coming..." Now that she mentions it (and there's not the noise of screeching metal) there /are/ sirens in the distance. "Time to scarper I think!" A -Blink!- has a portal open, back up to their original rooftop. "Hup hup!" She calls, gesturing through, not realising that not /every/ hero needs to be gone before authorities turn up.

Solaire has posed:
    The back door, or the open maw of bus, would have been facing off the bridge. But with the back of the bus now facing streetway mostly, it's finished. Blink mentions something about running and Solaire touches the ground a moment. For speed to lift off and jump in the direction of rooftop, suit closing up and dropping to just fall off and hopefully land on da roof of getaways(tm). Hopefully.

Imbroglio has posed:
Dana isn't super familiar with vigilante law. She sees the bus is fine, and she makes her way to hop through the portal quickly.

Blink has posed:
Which is where they all meet up, now alone and having fought the evils of Road Accidents together, it's time for introductions. Offering one pinky-purple hand to the bright and quiet man once he lands. "Hi! Name's Blink, this is Imbroglio. Thanks for the assist!" Her grin is wide, open and friendly - despite the glowing green eyes.

Solaire has posed:
    Solaire nods to Blink and spends a moment carefully observing the hand. Eyes glinting, unsure of how to reply to it. "I am Manker Yrael, or Solaire." he introduces with a friendly smile given. "Today has gone well all things considered." a bus was mighty prey, later he may have to see if there are any greater. He turns to look at Imbro and nods, "I bid greetings to you both. Are such activities your norm?"

Imbroglio has posed:
"Yes, thank you," answers the shapeshifter quietly, looking over Solaire only briefly before averting her gaze.

"I wouldn't say norm, but we do try to help people," she answers the query.

Blink has posed:
"This is our first time out on patrol together actually." Blink agrees with Imbroglio with that same irrepressable grin. "Nice to meet you Solaire, good timing too!" With her hand ignored, she lets it drop away without comment. Not everyone understands human interaction afterall.

"How come you were about anyway? Haven't seen you in Gotham before." To Imbroglio she gives a quick one armed hug, clearly knowing the other woman well. "You did /great/ Im! All that /this bus will not move/!"

Solaire has posed:
    Solaire nods with a smile, "You two seem to work well together then, for a first voyage." looking between the pair. "I was peoplewatching. It has been a few months since I landed on this world and I believe it was at this city." he recalls. "Just chance brought the opportunity for me to be here on time."

Imbroglio has posed:
Imbroglio can't help but smile brightly at the praise. Probably also the hug. She presses into it, wrapping an arm in turn.

"I didn't do much. I'm glad I could help," she answers modestly. A look to the space-man, "Where are you from, then?"

Blink has posed:
"Landed? Like /aliens/?" Blink's look is full of surprise and perhaps just a tinge of awe. She'd met an alien before, and of course Superboy is half an alien, but technically from Earth. But this is a new new alien! "That's pretty cool! I'm a mutant, so no spaceships for me. But yeah, where are you from Solaire?"

Imbroglio's self put-downs are given a small frown. "Own the good times too Im! If you hadn't done your bit, no one else could have done theirs. That's /teamwork/."

Solaire has posed:
    Solaire seems infinitely curious. "Why would I need a ship to travel amongst the stars? I drifted here on my own." he explains in brief. "My homeworld was destroyed and I was adrift for many months. Longer than I have been on this world. It was your star that told me it had a people on one of its planets. So I changed my aimless course to come here. Thusfar, the people are curious."

Imbroglio has posed:
Imbroglio just looks... bewildered by pretty much everything Solaire says. She gives a sidelong look to Blink, raising a brow a little.

"Teamwork. Yeah," she answers, forcing an awkward smile. Weird as she is, she's not super familiar with dealing with metahumans or especially non-humans. Other than herself.

Blink has posed:
"So... Stars /talk/ to you?" Is apparently what Blink takes away from the explanation. The idea of giant balls of burning gas /talking/ has her somewhat boggled. The concept being outside even her ken.

"That's just... Well I'd say /crazy/ but here you are burning through buses and flying about like a Supe. So I guess it probably /is/." After all, when your friends randomly start doing the impossible, the bar is shifted somewhat on what actually fits under that catagory. "All I can do is open portals! Do they say anything interesting?"

Solaire has posed:
    Solaire's curious about the line of question.. why does everyone.. "Not.. actually speaking. But they shine in patterns of light that I can understand. Otherwise how would I have found this world? Your star constantly brags about hosting people with mastery over metal and stone that bend their world to their whim, created impossible things out of nothing." he explains. "Most of the time it is simply an explanation of weather from the time they had given that light. How old they are, what their neighbours are like." with a nod.

Imbroglio has posed:
"Weird," is the answer given by the eldritch abomination given human form that is Imbroglio upon hearing Solaire's explanation.

Her weight shifts. She looks uncomfortable upon this roof, but she doesn't complain.

Blink has posed:
"That's so cool! Our star's proud of us!" She takes it at face value it seems, giving Im a grin as she offers; "Even you!" She points up at the large orange ball descending towards the horizon, not far off kissing it now. "That." She points back at Im. "Think's /you/ are awesome. Let that sink in a bit..."

Solaire has posed:
    Solaire blinks a couple of times. Blink seems excitable, he will note this down. "It gets a little.." he shrugs, "It is repetetive." is all he suffices to say. "What do you two do for fun? One that changes shape I imagine you have many ways to keep occupied." glowing eyes peering at Imbro. He saw that hawk, he's not fooled! "My changes are cosmetic for the most part or are a byproduct of moving my starstuff around and very limited in scope."

Imbroglio has posed:
"I'm not sure-..." Dana starts to explain to Blink, but she really doesn't seem able to even try to dampen Blink's enthusiasm. It's infectious, judging by the smile on Imbroglio's face.

Her attention turns back to Solaire at the question, "I don't have a lot of time for fun... but Blink has been taking me places lately. Going out with her is fun."

Blink has posed:
"Fun? /Fun/? I'm the definition of /fun/!" Blink crows with a grin. "We go hunting ice cream, or fighting bad guys, or training over on Genosha." She's ticking items off on one hand, going to the other when she runs out of fingers. "Watching races, exploring wierd places, going on missions... Though those aren't /always/ fun... Showing AIM who's boss..." And she looks like she's going to keep going, unless someone stops her...

Solaire has posed:
    Solaire nods a little to Imbro with a smile. "Of course, companionship and comraderie go a long way to making the best of time." and then Blink goes to list. "What sort of missions?" he asks with a single brow raised. Curiosity shines in his eyes. It's a question that should distract from a list! "That is a good list of fun things I can concur with even if some I am unsure of the meaning." and then, "What about winding down?"

Imbroglio has posed:
"What's AIM...?" wonders the most clueless metahuman.

Beyond this, she seems to go quiet, the other two having more to discuss than she has to add.

Blink has posed:
Blink stops with her mouth still open. But seems happy to change the subject to whatever the other two are interested in; "AIM are /bad guys/ Im. They were trying to steal kids and teens, put them in cages." Her voice turns stony on that last line. "So I showed them the error of their ways!" She finishes, glossing over what was effectively dropping men through jet engines.

Shifting her gaze back to the bright bright alien, she ellaborates for him; "I tend to do things like aid relief, or helping people move stuff they need. At least for the Brotherhood. With Immie here, we go out and catch the bad guys and now apparently help kids in buses!"

Solaire has posed:
    Solaire listens to all of this. The question he was going to ask is asked for him. And learning that he just gives an acknowledging gesture to Blink. "Are there any institutions of learning here? I have not divined if there are in my time peoplewatching. I have assumed there is some written form of communication that I have not discovered either."

Imbroglio has posed:
"What does it... stand for?" wonders Dana, bewildered by Blink's explanation.

"There are lots," Dana answers vaguely to Solaire, looking like she thinks this was actually a helpful answer.

Blink has posed:
"Something like... Advanced Idea Mechanics... Or something?" Blink offers vaguely. "I don't tend to ask them names after I see them doing something like that. I just start the butt-kicking until they can't do it anymore." It's all so simple in the world of Blink! "And yes, lots of learning places. From bland standard Universities and the like, to Xavier's School for special folks. Maybe you could go there?" She's attempting to be helpful too! Dana gets a little nudge and a smile; checking in on the smaller girl.

Solaire has posed:
    Solaire hums. AIM demystified. Many places to learn.. Xavier's? "If you could give me direction then I should have no problem in attempts to go there and study." he chimes in politely. Other potential inquiries on hold while he listens to see if directions can be provided!

Imbroglio has posed:
"I've never been there. You could probably just find a map?" suggests Dana a little awkardly, giving Blink a smile at the nudge. She can't check her phone because... well, she didn't bring it. Hard to bring when you're a shapeshifter that can't shift their clothes with them.

Blink has posed:
"It's in New York, I can /take/ you there, but I have no idea how to get there otherwise." Blink admits with a sheepish grin. By now they can all hear (and see) the blue flashing lights getting onto the scene... To find everyone already safe. Great job heroes!

Solaire has posed:
    Well, the bus will probably never be the same again. But to be fair it wasn't helping anyone with its butt being too heavy. "Oh. With your portals. That sounds like a good idea to make distance and get to the location." he praises Blink. His eyes turn for a single moment to observe the lights with them shimmering bright. Then turning back towards Blink. "Going there means I can then navigate my way back and have a better understanding of where than directions, I suppose. Also to know how it looks."

Imbroglio has posed:
The lights get a brief glance from Imbroglio as well.

She then looks to Blink, "I guess I'll head back while you show him around?"

Blink has posed:
"We're on /patrol/." She intones at Dana before turning back to Solaire. "I've got to finish up here, but I can easily open you up a way." A hand flicks out to her side, opening a portal that's easily big enough for Solaire. Through which can be seen the back garden of Xavier's mansion, along with the building.

"If you want to study, ask for Professor Kurt Wagner, he's really friendly and quite cute." She smirks, hand on hip as she /finally/ remembers that she's meant to be being /Blase/ Blink, not excitable Clarice. "Through there, have fun and tell him I sent you!"

Once Solaire is through, and the rent has been closed, she turns to the other woman. "Ready for the actual /patrolling/ part?" She asks, before starting to make her way across the rooftops - searching for whatever lurks out there!

Solaire has posed:
    Solaire accepts the portal and raises his hand in parting. "Thank you for your assistance, I hope that our next meeting also be so beneficial for all." and then he hops through. Woooooo

Imbroglio has posed:
There's a double-take, followed by a dubious expression, directed at Blink when she calls a teacher 'cute.'

"Cute, huh?" she wonders a little more boldly than usual even as they start to move across the roof.