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Latest revision as of 18:10, 29 October 2017

Literature on the Lamb
Date of Scene: 17 August 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Wonder Girl, Rainmaker, 1277, Stardust, Box, Stargirl

Wonder Girl has posed:
Bryant Park is a popular hangout at most times, providing a place for a little respite close to some of the busiest and most crowded parts of the city. Close to the soaring glass towers of several banks and other major corporations, it sees executives and office workers alike sitting in the shade with a latte or even glass of wine from the one of the on-site bars or restaurants, and so close to the main branch of the New York Public Library, there's plenty of draw for students as well. In the summer, there are frequent events, including the occasional free play or concert, none at the scale of similar events in Central Park but in some ways more accessible because of it. Today, it was a reading by a popular new author. A mild draw, compared to some other events, but it still saw a variety of people camped out on the central lawn, either on a few rows of chairs or on blankets in the grass.

This all provides a certain ironic twist to the heist being undertaken just nearby. Although the a public instition like all the NYPL branches, the central location does house certain rare collections, often circulated to various institutions and museums for display, or the most delicate ones kept under carefully-controlled conditions in the basements, with researchers traveling from far and wide to gain access. This sublevel has fairly impressive security for a library, perhaps supported by some of the city's more influential figures who wish to see such rare (and occasionally dangerous!) works protected. And yet with the aid of several unusual devices, a trio of masked figures have been able to penetrate the rare book storage and run off with several tomes.

By the time the alarm goes up, they've already made it out of the building, choosing a back exit through the park to avoid the running out the main entrance smack-dab into 5th Avenue. There might be cops out there! Two figures move ahead, and one behind of a small floating... it almost looks like a book cart itself, something obviously designed to allow them to transport the fragile old tomes just as carefully as they were being stored. Except it hovers, and might have lasers? Who knows! They come out right by one of the restaurants that backs the library, and hang a quick turn, heading through the park toward 42nd street, maybe toward either the subway or to find an escape route between several of the buildings on the far side.

Rainmaker has posed:
    One of Sarah's new indulgences, since she recently received an ID she can actually use publically, was to get a library card! Sure, it's not much, but as she's pretty much self taught, the ability to get any book she wanted from someplace like the New York Public Library system was too much of a temptation to pass up. Sure, it's not COLLEGE but it sort of fills that need for her.

    Unfortunately, when the alarms went off, she was busy sitting reading a book on utilitarianism by Kant (her very first book to be checked out!) and was right in the path of the robbers as they start to flee right through the park.

    And as the police get closer, one of them gets the bright idea to take a hostage...in particular, the pretty Amerindian girl blinking at the oncoming mess, as he grabs for her arm, trying to jerk her up as she drops her book "You're coming for a ride, hon!"

    She immediately struggles, jerking as she tries to slam an elbow into him, but caught by suprise she's not in a position to do so easily, the blow glancing off his side as he woofs, then growls, jerking her again.

    By that point, Sarah has had enough. "...let...go..." she says sharply, her hands starting to crackle with energy, before there's a sharp *ZZZZZORCH* as the charge jumps into the man as he jerks like he's been hit by a taser and falls on his back, twitching. At which point the young woman simply kicks his gun away, yanks off his belt, then flips him over to tie his hands. Then sits on him to wait for the police to arrive.

Claire Bennet (1277) has posed:
Claire Bennet had trailed along with some kids from school, supposedly to see the lecture but mostly to socialize. She still hadn't made many new friends at school, as of yet. She was social enough, natural and comfortable with others, but something just kept her from fully committing. Maybe she was just afraid of terrifying them once they found out what she was, what she could do. Sometimes she terrified herself.

But then there's the alarm and she finds herself breaking off on her own and trying to intervene. She stands in the way of one and he holds up an arm, firing off a wrist-launched harpoon that goes right through Claire's mid-section, splattering blood across her stomach and making a deep, rich stain that spreads through her baby blue blouse.

"Are you kidding me? This...this is Michael Kors! I paid 200 bucks for this top, you...you...you turd!" she yells. She leaps on the guy, who's mostly just standing there horrified as the impaled girl doesn't even flinch, giving her an opportunity to punch him right in the jaw and knock him on his butt.

Stardust has posed:
Between the Book Bandits and their escape stands the Fountain Plaza. Upon which, today, there is a lovely little French market. French Market! What deep failing of national morals, Colette wonders, has lead to NOBODY TELLING HER!? She walks from stall to stall in delight, enjoying the smells of bread that smells like bread, interesting pastries and pates, and cheese that is not made of reconsititued plastic chips. It reminds her of home. Well, not the Manhattan apartment she /actually/ lives at, but her old childhood home. Magnifique!

It would all be even more magnifique if it wasn't for the surviving book-bandits and their floating cart, barelling through the stalls and knocking croissants and baguettes flying. Unnacceptable! Bystanders scatter wildly to get out of the way, apart from Colette, who crouches low, waits, then stands up and stretches an arm out for the remaining book bandit to run into, face first, causing him to drop his gun and drop himself, in a daze.

  Colette however is not done. She then launches herself at the floating book cart thing, leaping on top of it with the apparent intent of... wait, how do you wrestle a floating cart thing? Especially one that starts spinning around madly? She clings on tightly for a few moments before being thrown off and into a stack of tumbled baguettes. Dusting off the crumbs, she gets to her feet and chases after it again. "Come back, floaty book cart thing!" she yells at it.

Box has posed:
A flying car is not the most unusual thing one might see about in New York City in this day and age, but it still stands out. That is what is descending from the sky right now, piloted by one Madison Jefferies as it comes down, coincidently, in the vicinity of the park, jet engines transforming into wheels as it lands, and when it's all said and done the whole thing looks like a late model Lincoln Towncar. Out of the driver's side door steps Madison, only now taking in the scene unfolding before him.

Stargirl has posed:
Courtney was in the park for a run and just to enjoy the day. Well, she had been in the library earlier, but her research done, back to the summer air. She heard the alarm as well and the commotion and jogged over to see what was happening. The blonde appears just in time to see Claire skewered. "Omigod. Are you _alright_?" she wonders, but Claire seems to have things under control. Well, Claire and the girl sitting on another masked bandit.

Wonder Girl has posed:
Cassie had been inside the library, there for some research even if it was between school terms. NYU has a couple buildings in the area too, and it was convenient to stop by the library before going to see one of her professors to ask about some 'independent study' plans... something she was more and more in need of as the hero-ing routine kept biting into her normal school schedule. Seeing the men rush by her in the hallway, she'd gotten just enough of a whiff of suspicion that when she heard the alarms moments later, she'd decided to go after them. Though, fast as she is, she doesn't really know the back hallways of the place and gets a little lost finding her way out to the rear exit after them.

This has emerging out the same doors a bit after they do, slamming them open wide with a shouted "Stop!" And then, erm, she looks around notices they've gotten further than she thought while she was lost, and has to chase them some more.

In the meantime, the guys go down rather as one might expect them to, one, two, three in quick succession to the unfortunate luck of running into such a collective of impressive ladies out enjoying their day in the park.

Evidently, the cart itself may be programmed to complete the heist even in the absence of its operators, mere disposable minions to whatever dastardly... literary connoisseur was responsible for this attempt! It continues up a ways, and then little wings pop out the sides and small engines fire up. Quite the book cart! Cassie sees it going, at least, and launches after it, flying into the air. However, she only gets so close before the thing proves it does in fact have lasers! A quick array of blasts lance out at her, and the girl veers off in defense, bringing up one of her arms. She'd managed to put on her bracers while she was running through the halls, and raises it in time to deflect the beam back at toward its origin. It grazes the cart, hitting one of the wings, which sends it on a wild crash-course toward the edge of the park, possibly through various crowds, and ultimately right at the posh flying car.

Rainmaker has posed:
    The sudden sounds of gunfire draw Sarah's attention as she stands up quickly, looking over as she sees the brief fight as Cassie neatly deflect the laser bolts before they can do too much damage (especially to Cassie). But then the cart is hit, and starts spinning out of control towards the flying vehicle. Any other day she's just be admiring the awesome ride...flying cars aren't -that- common.

    Still, the young Apache frowns, then sighs. Well it's not like anyone will probably see too much, right? She focuses....and suddenly the wind picks up in a sudden gusts, swirling and starting to spin around the cart until it howls to life, reborn as a large dust devil, that tries to catch the cart to slow it. As it hits, though, Sarah lets out a grunt..it's....heavier than expected! She pushes as hard as she can, but it might not be enough!

Claire Bennet (1277) has posed:
Claire Bennet glances up from her pummeling as Courtney asks if she's all right. She stands up and brushes some blonde hair behind her ear, her opponent whimpering on the ground a bit as she says, "Oh, me? I'm fine, totally fine, I mean, why wouldn't I...oh. Yeah," she says.

She reaches down and grabs the spear in her gut, slowly pulling it out and throwing it on the ground. She doesn't show any signs of being disturbed or bothered by the act of withdrawing a metal spear from her belly button. "Sorry, I know, gross, right?"

Stardust has posed:
Still sprinting in pursuit of the book cart, Colette spends long enough agonizing over the decision of whether to take to the air in a highly public situation or not, giving it time to get well ahead of her. Far enough ahead that Cassie gets to it well before she does, and sends it careening wildly... back in her direction!

  More worryingly, in the direction of crowds of bystanders. Though they are fleeing madly, there's a serious risk of a dangerous collision. Colette can think only to increase the chance of collision, by charging straight at it so that it collides with her.

Sarah's dust devil hits the cart first, slowing its passage, giving Colette time to cut it off a the pass and throw her own strength into slowing it down. She digs her heels in, pushing as hard as she can to help stop it, her shoes scraping along the ground as she fights the remaining force of the spinning cart, getting closer and closer to the flying car...

Lucky for Colette she's wearing sneakers today, really.

Box has posed:
The real trick about the flying car, is that it doesn't actually fly, it's a regular old Lincoln Towncar, if anyone where to get in it and try to use it. That doesn't stop Madison from getting involved to protect the car, however.

The Technokinetic reaches out towards the flying library cart, so to speak, beginning to subsume control of the device, recreate the damaged wing, and throttling down the engine to aid with the wrangling of the device, and limit the destructive ability of the flying book depository.

Stargirl has posed:
    "Stay there! Don't move!" Courtney shouts at the supposedly wounded girl complaining about her designer top. "I'll be right back." and she moves as fast as she can towards the cart and the lady trying to stop it. She's faster than she should be, even in the fine shape she's in. There's a whine from her middle, under her hoodie as she exerts herself. Then she's there, trying to add her considerable strength to stopping the collision. Sure, she could whip up a forcefield, but that's maybe revealing too much. Anyway, she didn't think about it.

Wonder Girl has posed:
The efforts to slow the cart are well-placed, if nothing else slowing it down enough that people are able to get out of the way as it drops lower. The wind does this well - it doesn't seem to have any programmed reaction to that, save for the engines firing to try and turn it this way or that, probably as just part of its usual flight protocols in reaction to the strong wind, trying to keep it stable. And that means less forward power, if nothing else, giving Colette and Courtney both enough time to get in front of it, around it, however they please. Colette throwing herself in the way will definitely stop it with a little effort, as the engines don't really seem powerful enough to overpower her (let alone Courtney!), only designed to keep it moving. But they both *do* trigger those defenses again, the thing firing off one volley of blasts, possibly at point blank range, and then-

Then it politely stops in the air, levels out, and stops shooting, while evidently repairing itself.

Cassie has recovered from her evasive maneuvers by then, and swoops down quickly, trying not to cause much further stir. She sees Courtney and Colette, the most familiar faces in the midst of all of this, and starts toward them and the cart, calling. "Hey are you two- woah!" On the way, she manages to catch sight of Claire and... wow, just wow. "Ohmygawd, that's gross. Are you ok? You... actually look like you're OK."

By now, with good response times in this (very rich) part of the city and so close to major avenues, a squad car has already turned down onto 42nd, responding to the alarm. They're still far slower than the heroes, but a few uniformed officers are soon on hand to cuff and wrangle the downed robbers.

Rainmaker has posed:
    This isn't really something Sarah has practiced a tone...because how often do you get attacked by an armored book cart! But once the other girls have it, she lets up on the wind, so she's not blowing dust into their eyes if nothing else, and then...well it shuts down and seems to be willing to come quietly. The winds die down, disappating back to the normal soft breeze that was blowing through the park.

    She looks around a bit furtively...well...hard to what she did, but with so many apparently heroines, maybe people won't notice? She does scoop up her book, sliding it in her backpack, before she goes jogging over to join the other girls in staring at the fact Claire is...not hurt, even with all the blood.

    "Did you heal that already?" Sarah says, sounding somewhat impressied as she looks at Claire, then mmphs. "...oh, and your top...sorry..ah, I've got a clean shirt I was going to use for the gym, do you want it?" she offers, sliding off her pack.

Stardust has posed:
With the intervention of Sarah's dust devil, Madison's technokineses, and the strength of Courtney and Colette pushing against it, the cart's momentum doesn't stand much chance. As it grinds to a halt, Colette lets out a relieved "Phwoooh," and dusts her hands off. She turns to the woman who'd been pushing beside her with a grin, and offers her thanks. Which come out something like "Than...Court?? WAH!"

The "WAH" is accompanied by a sizzle and smell of charring rubber, as the last vestiges of the defense systems coax a laser to life, which zaps groundwards, clipping the edge of her shoe and leaving a neat slice down one side. Colette quickly kicks the protruding laser nozzle out of shape, and starts on the others. "Get them, Court!" she encourages, while bashing away.

When the cart's defenses are finally fully out of action, Colette jabs a finger towards it and tells it "And don't do it again!" before turning back to Court to resume her grin. "So... that's uh... coincidence, huh? And. And. And Cassie can fly. Did you know Cassie can fly?" Colette stands there, blinking, then trots over towards the... injured? girl. Cassie can fly. Cool.

Stargirl has posed:
"No pro..." Courtney begins, but as the lasers fire at Colette and herself she reaches out and her Cosmic Staff appears from where it had been floating invisibly. She takes it in a hand and projects some golden energy blasts at the weapon systems Colette hasn't already smashed. "There." she says, with finality. That done, she puts the staff's end on the ground and she leans on it a bit, being lazy. "She can fly? No, I didn't know... I knew she could jump like a super-kangeroo, but I hasn't seen her fly." Maybe noone will notice a six foot-long golden staff in her hand. Right?

Box has posed:
"You must have found the off switch while you were pawing at it." Madison comments off hand as he burshes his hands off lightly as he starts around towards the rear of the car he landed in, going to pop the trunk open as he glances over towards the gaggle of super ladies. "So, what was that mess here about?" Was that shooting I heard earlier?"

Claire Bennet (1277) has posed:
Claire Bennet takes her top off carefully, leaving her in a thankfully modest undergarment, a grey sports bra. SHe tends to wear things like that, just in case her clothes get messed up. She's pretty new to trying anything heroic, whatever her powers.

"Um...that would be pretty sweet, thanks," she says to Sarah. To Cassie, she nods, "Yeah, I'm fine, I just...don't feel pain," she says. I know, it's really weird, sorry." The wound in her belly has sealed entirely, although her abs are still pretty nicely bloodied up.

Wonder Girl has posed:
Cassie can fly and has laser-proof jewelry! But she's totally playing it cool right now, hands in her pockets, way more focused on Claire's once-injury than anything else. If it wouldn't actually look more suspicious to start whistling, she'd be doing that!

"Shhhh!" she tells the other two C's as they seem intent on discussing her ability, and well, she's not commenting on that staff thing either because we are all just TOTALLY PLAYING THIS COOL. "Oh no, it's fine, I get it," she tells Claire, very non-judgmental, and maybe even a little wink-wink I GET IT-ish, while glancing around. She even kind of moves closer to provide a little cover while the girl changes into Sarah's spare outfit, though it may be as much to help her hide any of the blood-spattered mess and her own lack of injury than for just pure modesty.

When Madison comes over, she walks a little his way and gives a shrug and a smile. "Oh man, I don't know. This crazy machine just came flying out of the library and was doing some kind of crazy light show and bashing into people and it was nuts. Looks like it stopped though. Uh I wonder if the..." She does edge (cautiously) a little closer, to see if she can get a look at the contents. "It actually kinda looks mostly in one piece. I wonder where the museum people are?"

This is answered not too long after, as some staff eventually come out the back door too. The place doesn't really have much in the way of security personnel (because it's a freaking library!) but they do seem concerned about the theft, but they're pretty cautious in getting anywhere near the strange high-tech cart.

Stardust has posed:
Colette totally didn't notice Courtney's six foot long golden staff. Well, to be more accurate she STARES AT IT WIDE EYED. But she /says/ nothing, that's kind of the same thing, right? As everyone gathers around the wounded-scratch-just fine Claire, Colette answers Madison: "There were guys with guns and a flying cart thingy. Probably robbers," she explains helpfully. Luckily Cassie is on hand with a rather better explanation.

Colette gives Cassie a nod and mimes zipped lips, before she takes a look at Claire's lack of visible wounds with a mixture of confusion and concern. "You might be in shock?" she suggests. "Adrenaline. Stops you feeling pain. Uh. I'd strongly recommend a rapid trip to hospital, but I'm not entirely clear what you'd be asking them to look at."

Rainmaker has posed:
    Sarah tugs out a mostly folded purple t-shirt and hands it over to Claire. ""Here you go..ah...I'm a bit taller so it's going to be a bit big, but should be comfy enough until you get home" she says, looking the other girl over thoughfully over, then says more quietly. "That's a pretty strong talent you've got there." She looks at the other girls. "Um, all of you, actually...." she says, not meaning to ignore anyone.But also trying to heed Cassie's comment to keep it on the down low.

    And there's that awkward 'what do I say now moment'! What do you say after you all whip out abilities to stop a runaway armored book cart and robbers? Miss Manners really didn't cover it. She also eyes Courney's staff. Because huge golden staff. It's shiny.

Stargirl has posed:
"Hey, Cassie." Courtney says finally as she nears. "Good to see you." and she smiles at Colette. "Good job, by the way." She looks past, then, to the dressing Claire. "Is she okay?" Court asks, quietly. She gives Sarah a little wave. "Uh, hi."

Claire Bennet (1277) has posed:
Claire Bennet puts the shirt on, finding it reaching not quite to her knees and plenty baggy over her petite frame. She messes with the buttons a bit, smiling to the tall woman, "Yeah, I...>I guess I don't know what to do with it all the time yet," she says. "YOu were amazing, though. All of you," she says, looking at the others. Some of them were flying! Holy cow.

"I'd been wanting to meet other people with talents, I just...never imagined meeting so many all at once."

Box has posed:
"It looks like it they weren't very succesfull robbers." Madison observes as he glances over towards the gathered bodies of the would be villains, craning his neck just a little, "Must have been hired by someone if I were a betting man." He pulls out a set of keys which he inserts in the trunk of the car, popping it open. "Good work though, I must say."

Rainmaker has posed:
    As the police start to arrive in more force, so does the other bane of superhero existence...the press. And as they do, Sarah starts to get a nervous expression. "Um...it's cool meeting you all, but I really need to get going. I really don't wanna be on the 7 o'clock news." she admits, starting to turn away, then paussing, before she reaches into her pack. "Um...here..." she says, quickly scribbling out her number on some pieces of paper and tearing them off to hand to people. "Maybe we can talk sometime? Like...lunch or stuff, where cameras aren't following us around." She smiles a bit ruefully. "And feel free to keep the shirt, if you'd like. I can get another.

    She waves before she scampers to avoid any more cameras...she reeeeeally doesn't need her face where people all over the country might see it. Not when Genesis is probably still looking for her...

Wonder Girl has posed:
"Hey," Cassie echoes back at Courtney. She's seen her pull some oddity so there's no surprise here, even while they try and figure out what to do with Claire. "I don't think the hospital's a great idea if she doesn't even look hurt. Maybe uh... I dunno, hide the old clothes and just pretend it didn't happen!" Madison's theory on the robbery mastermind gets a nod as well. "Yeah, I guess? I'm no good with machines, but maybe someone could figure out something about him from it?"

But soon, there are both cops and a few museum personnel nearby, and then news vans on top of that the criminals being hauled off while they all sort of consider the strangely hi-tech card with some degree of caution. Of course, there are questions to answer too, with the officers making the rounds of everyone nearby and asking about what happened. Cassie, at least, leans in on it being rather chaotic: "Oh I don't really know, that thing was just shooting eveywhere, maybe it was out of control? I didn't really see what happened to the robbers, maybe someone stopped them or they got zapped by their own thing gone haywire?"

Stargirl has posed:
    Courtney lets the staff float on its own again and wrap itself in a light-reflecting forcefield, so it fades out of sight before the police and the press get to her. She echoes Cassie's explanation. "I was just jogging and I saw the thing crash. There was someone on top of at least one of the guys, but I didn't get a good look at her. She might have had a Batman symbol on her costume, though. Yeah, I think that was it."

Stardust has posed:
(Everyone has super-powers. Like... everyone!)Oo Colette thinks to herself. oO(Apart from me! I totally didn't do anything that anyone would know was super-powered, right? I mean I just hit a guy and pushed at things, anyone can do that. There's loads of non-super-powered folks who do stupid things like this, right? Like that Robin guy the other night. Probably everyone will just assume I'm some unpowered kid-ninja with cool gadgets. Only without the gadgets. Pushing on something and hitting a guy doesn't mean a thing, for sure! I mean Court would have noticed easily enough 'cos we were both pushing on the same thing, but I'm sure she was like totally distracted by her MAGIC GOLDEN STAFF thing. I'd be distracted if I had a one of those. I wonder where you get them from. So cool. I'm gonna check Amazon later. No, don't wanna copy court. No staff. But, Cassie can fly! So cool. I bet she can fly way faster than me, grumble grumble. Maybe car-guy doesn't have powers. Apart from like... super cool car powers.)

Hey kids, don't go reading Colette's mind, it's messy in there.

Colette nods in agreement with Cassie's assessment of the situation. "Yeah, it was chaos!" she explains gleefully to the officer who asks their group. "There was like about ten of them, I think! With robots. But a couple of people showed up and beat them up. Except one who tripped over by the fountain. I think one of the guys who sorted everything out was Superman! I didn't see any Batman symbols though. Could have been like Superman and Batwoman teaming up. Something like that. I didn't get a clear look, but it was cool. "

Nothing like a specacularly unreliable witness statement to discourage police interest, right?

Claire Bennet (1277) has posed:
Claire Bennet shakes her head quickly, "I definitely don't need a hospital," she says, now almost embarassed that she's drawn attention to herself, and looking a bit nervous as authorities start showing up. The last thing she needs it so make the news or a police report. She might not be able to die, but her father would certainly want to kill her.

She smoothes the shirt quickly and gathers up her ruined blouse, stuffing it under the voluminous garment. "I...I should probably go..." she says, starting to back away and look for a way out of here without being accosted by anyone likely to want her to fill out a statement or ask for ID.

Box has posed:
"I imagine the police will be able to get something usable out of the machine, at the very least." Madison agrees with a nod of his head at Cassie's remarks, "I imagine in New York City they have whole squads of folk dedicated to investigating super-crime, and the like. It's really quite hectic out here, to hear the news." He adds, reaching into the trunk, pushing back a blanket, and starting to lift out a descent sized black box, a foot and a half on each edge, made of some glossy black material.

Wonder Girl has posed:
Seeing that Claire is trying to blend into the crowd and vanish, it looks like Cassie is happy to try and run interference for her. "Oh was it Superman? I thought it was Wonder Woman. Have you heard of her? She's the best!" And her own MO, including the bracer-fu, would match her mentors, making it at least... vaguely plausible that the elder Amazon had been responsible, minus the terrible mismatch of hair colors! Strange that she wouldn't stick around, of course, since she's quite public about her activities these days, but who knows! "Maybe she had another crime to get to?" the young woman suggests to the cop questioning her.

Although the police say they do want her to stick around to talk to, they don't seem to mind her going a short distance, and so she does head over to see what Madison is up to with his car, peering to try and get a look at whatever he's hauling out of the back. "Probably, I guess? Whassat?"

Stargirl has posed:
Courtney sees Cassie move to Madison and being curious, heads in that direction too. "C'mon, Colette. Let's check out what's going on." She grins at the other blonde (besides Cassie and Claire). "We make a good team, I think."

Stardust has posed:
"Yeah! That was it, Wonder Woman. I always get her and Superman mixed up. Easy to do." Colette is eager to spin her nonsense. Whilst standing usefully between the cop and Claire, giving her more opportunity to slip away. Claire after all has blood, which would raise suspicions. "Obviously not close up, I mean, different genders, right? But from a distance. They both got the whole letter thing going on. W and S. W is kind of like if you rotate an S through ninety degrees, and then twist it in the middle, know what I mean?" Before long, the cop is desperate to get away.

Colette nods to Courtney, following her over to the car and the mystery box. What's in the mystery box? That's gotta be worth checking out. Returning Courtney's grin, she agrees "We do! That was fun. Victory number two for the C-brigade." As they arrive by the car, she nods towards Madison and asks, "Hey! What's in the mystery box?"

Box has posed:
The black box is lifted out of the back of his trunk and he reaches to close the trunk behind him, "Well, it's a sophisticated sensor device." Madison says in response to the question of the newly arriving blonde woman, "Measures atmospheric conditions and similar phenomenon, primarily." gesturing lightly in towards the park, "I was going to find a spot here and see if I couldn't get some readings for a bit."

Wonder Girl has posed:
The explanation seems good enough for Cassie, who for all of her brawn, speed, and general amazingness, usually glazes over a bit when the gadgety folk get too into their technobabble. Though she does have at least one lingering thought on the matter, which is to wonder, "Think you can track it back or something?" She's not shy of hiding her interest from him, perhaps because he sets off the oddity meter just a bit himself.

Now that the other girls have more or less disengaged from the police and come over to poke around, she pops up to sit on some low stone wall and relax a bit. "We do make a pretty good team," she'll admit, dropping all the caginess and grinning over at the other two. "Though actually, I sorta got one already." Then she peers over at the box. "Pretty weird robbery, huh? Not the usual bank-vault sorta deal."

Stargirl has posed:
"Oh." Courtney says as Madison explains about the sensors. "Okay, I'll stand out of the way. I don't want to mess up the signals or anything." So, she follows Cassie again. "Yeah, do I get to meet these friends?" she wonders good-naturedly. "I've been busy, but I still want to take you up on that thing at the Embassy."

Stardust has posed:
"Atmospheric conditions?" Colette asks Madison, looking a bit disappointed. "You mean like the weather?" oO(Maybe he does have superpowers after all. He's probably Captain Meteorology. No. Wait, if you had meteorological powers, you'd have to call yourself the Weather Man, right?) She keeps a close eye on him though, as she hops up onto the wall next to Cassie and Courtney. "Oh? Did you team up with kung-fu guy?" she asks Cassie with a teasing grin. Then, more quietly and seriously, "Yeah we kind of do. So uh... well when we chatted before, I thought... well I didn't guess you two were actually... powered. I mean the Amazon training thing and the kickboxing is a pretty good place to start, but it seems like the two of you are way ahead of there."

Box has posed:
"Oh, I most certaintly could, yeah." Madison says in response to the initial question of Cassie's, nodding his head towards the Demi-Goddess, "I don't particularly know who I'd tell the information to, however, or if it would be useful, it would likely lead to a dead end, hand off, dead drop, or similar."

A nod is offered to Colette, "More or less the weather, and you're fine, Lass." He adds to Courtney, "You shouldn't interfere with it at all." The man starts his way towards one of the taller trees that line the outskirts of Bryant park, holding out the box towards the trunk, which sort of unfurls, growing vaguely arachnid legs that it uses to start climbing up the tree. "So, what brings you girls out to the park today?"

Wonder Girl has posed:
"Kung-fu guy? Oh!" Cassie grins, and shakes her head. "Nah, he got away and I never figured out where I'd seen him." And this has her glancing over at Courtney again, who she's brought the team bit up with before. "But I do have some other friends who do this kind of thing." She doesn't go into any more detail just there, but bobs her head in agreement. "Just lemme know when'd be a good time?" she tells the one C, and then goes on to the other, "You too, if you want. I might send that other girl a text about it too, in case she wants to swing by. I dunno who is all working with who, but even if you're not looking for a team, it'd be fun to have a group to practice with." And ssince Colette does make a point at her having more than a little self-defense instruction going for her, she grins and shrugs. "If you come by I can show you the whole deal."

This said, she cranes her head over at Madison's gadgetry. "Well, if it's not something you'd follow on your own, I guess uh, let me know if you find anything from it? I have people I could tell." The vaguely mentioned team people, surely. "I was just here to pick up some stuff for school. Didn't plan on meeting book-bandits."

Stargirl has posed:
"Okay." Courtney replies to Cassie. "Will do." She shrugs as Madison says she won't interfere with signals. "Bet I would." she mutters. "Oh well." She speaks up then. "I was just jogging, is all."

Stardust has posed:
Colette watches Madison's device climb the tree with a look of fascination. "I'm sure normal weather sensing stations don't walk," she remarks. Then in response to his question, "Market. Oh! Market!" She cranes over to look at where the French market was, but unsurprisingly the market's main business now is tidying up the mess. "Oh well. Next week, then. There was a market," she explains.

"You show me yours and I'll show you mine?" Colette offers to Cassie with a sheepish grin. She's not really sure whether anyone's figured she /does/ have powers, but it kind of seems rude to keep it back at this point. "And I am totally in for the Embassy deal. I don't have anything I can't cancel. Teaming up... well I got to admit it's been fun with you guys these last two times. Gets kind of lonely..." she doesn't finish the thought, but glances at Courtney, remembering Courtney's enthusiasm about teams.

  "I uh... hooked up with some guys from one of those teams the other night", Colette continues. "It was interesting to see how they work together. Or... " images of Robin's face when a bright green wooly mammoth ended his hopes for a stealthy operation flicker across her mind. "Or don't. So you're already in one, Cassie? One we'd have heard of?"

Box has posed:
"I mean, it's safer, and easier then climbing wherever it needs to go myself." Madison says with a shrug of his shoulder, "And the rate of invention and progression of technology in this post metahuman world is rather staggering really, if you think about it. I'm sure plenty of folk use self deploying sensors. Drones of various sorts, crawling, climbing, or flying. Mine's just in a neater package, then most." He chuckles just a bit, "It does seem like the market had a bit of a disturbance, I hope you catch it next time." He says, then an aside to Cassie, "It was going to a spot across town, an empty lot, I think? I'm not entirely sure. I don't think it was going back to it's owners home, however, but I could be mistaken.."

Stargirl has posed:
"Oh, really?" Courtney says, grinning at Colette. "You hooked up with someone? Was he cute?" she asks. "He must've been." she teases. Then a sigh. "I guess I'd better get home. Gotta grab a bite to eat before I run out of time. Probably it'll be a busy night with my luck."

Wonder Girl has posed:
Listening to Madison's explanation, though maybe more focused on the actual location he gives than the general meditations on technology, her brow furrows slightly while her mouth scrunches up in thought or frustration, or a bit of both. "Yeah, I guess that makes sense. Someone smart enough to build that thing probably wouldn't have it fly straight home, just in case. I dunno. If you can't get anything more outta it, it's probably a bust for now. No way anyone shows at the pickup if they know the thing got disabled anyway."

She gives a little huff, tossing an errant strand of hair or two, and seems ready to give up on the idea. Still, she grins a little at Colette's phrasing "Something like that. Just with more swords and togas." The talk of the other team does have her curious - and if only she knew! "Maybe yeah? Well I can tell you about them there, maybe. Still kinda paranoid with all these cops and news people around."

Courtney's little jab at Colette causes her to grin, then bob a little nod. "Yeah, I might go check with the boys and blue, make sure they don't need anything more then head back myself. Seems like the book-box is a dead-end, anyhow." And by now the museum people seem to have talked themselves up the courage to open it and recover their goods.

Stardust has posed:
If only either of them knew. Not to mention what on earth Colette would have done if Cassie had turned up at the Tower while she was there visiting in full costume. That would have been... interesting."Not that kind of hooked up!" Colette insists in a slightly panicked voice. "Anyway, it wasn't someone, there were three of the..."Colette shuts up, her cheeks reddening slightly. " I mean... We met and beat up a bunch of bad guys, is all. Besides, not my type, any of them. "

With a slight sigh, Colette hops down from the wall, pulling out her phone. "Got uh...Google map coordinates or something? Might be a good idea if someone goes and checks out the place. Just in case someone does decide to show" She glances back at Courtney and Cassie "I already ate, and the police really don't want to talk to me any more. I'll take this one and report back to you guys. Seeya you laters!"

Box has posed:
The box finds purchase up top the tree, growing around a branch, practically, and unfurling an array of sensors and devices for whatever 'weather' is being monitored. He turns back towards the women on the ground and nods his head at Colette, "Yeah, it's..." He'll spout off the latitude and longitude, before nodding over towards Cassie, "I hope it pans out for you ladies."

Wonder Girl has posed:
Cassie pops her phone out too, just to get an idea of where the hell those numbers correspond to. They get a 'star' on google maps, and that's that! Modern heroing, so convenient. She will peek up at the tree-box with a curious expression. "That's a hell of a weather satellite thingy you got there, old man," she offers Madison, grinning, and then turns back toward the other girls.

"Alright, I'll see you two around, probably toss you a text when I'm free next and we can see about going a couple rounds in the gymnasium. Or let me know if you catch anyone at the drop-spot." And then she'll start over to give the cops one last go, before heading back toward the Library. Still needs her books!