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Latest revision as of 18:26, 29 October 2017

Paris: A Gift From Friends
Date of Scene: 18 August 2017
Location: Paris, France
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Deadzone, Rogue, Beast

Deadzone has posed:
Ah, Paris. Reputed to be the most romantic city in the world. Here for the wedding of Anne-Marie and Remy, Tatum and Hank are taking some time for themselves before the wedding. But not before they do something that is even more important. THere is a knock on the door to Anne-Marie's hotel suite, Tatum standing there with a smile and a small gift. "You ready for the big day? Got your old, new, borrowed and blue?"

Deadzone has posed:
Ah, Paris. Reputed to be the most romantic city in the world. Here for the wedding of Anne-Marie and Remy, Tatum and Hank are taking some time for themselves before the wedding. But not before they do something that is even more important. THere is a knock on the door to Anne-Marie's hotel suite, Tatum standing there with a smile and a small gift. "You ready for the big day? Got your old, new, borrowed and blue?"

Rogue has posed:
It took a minute for anyone to come to the door, but eventually it did pop open and Rogue peered out from the room inside. She saw who it was then and she flung the door open and then put her gloved hands together, wearing white gloves and a white bathrobe. Remy had paid for a very high-dollar hotel room and it was all fancy and posche.

Rogue had a look of pure excitement and childish glee on her face as she stretched her arms out to demand a hug from Tatum. This Rogue was still a good 7 years younger than the one Tatum knew from her owm world, but there were times where they seemed a lot alike still, and this might be one of them.

"I don't got... any idea... how any'a that works." Rogue said in her southern dripping accented voice after she'd demanded a hug. "But!" She stepped out of the way and motione dto the bed in the other room where a large bag was drapped over it. "I DO got my... dress!" She said and punctuated it with a little triumhant leap into the air!

Deadzone has posed:
Tatum enters the suite as Rogue invites her in and gives her a huge hug. Tate's gotten used to some of the changes, age being a significant one in this world in a lot of cases, but she loves it when the similarities make themselves clear. It makes Tatum feel more at home and happy.

"Okay, well, it's just a tradition to ensure good luck for the marriage. And you have the dress, so that is something new. At least I guess it's new, unless it's old or borrowed."

Rogue has posed:
It was pretty clear that Rogue had just gotten out of the shower cause her hair was even still damp and the whites of it were streaking down her head and down the back like a racing stripe (which was typical when he rhair was still wet like this). Rogue backed up into the main room of the hotel and spread her gloved hands out wide and motioned to all of it. "Isn't this palce amazin!" She said, laughing a little like a big nerd before she glanced back toward the open bedroom doors and then back at her friend, it was clear that Marie was almost literally busting at the seams with happiness!

"Oh, its totally new... 'nd... Ah really do not wanna even say what it cost, cause it makes me puke a little every time I hear it outloud."

Rogue nodded her head then and grinned. "But yeah, totally gonna need some good luck... But the dress is green, it ain't blue... Does that mean Ah screwed up already? Please say no... I wanna wear it all day, every day... for foreve'ah if possible." This was followed with more nerdy laughter.

Deadzone has posed:
Tatum laughs at Rogue's excitement. "Well, you're a day away from the wedding and still gloriously happy about it, so you are already one step ahead of mine. Just promise me that if you do do the run away bride thing like I did, that you don't run off into space for over a year? Cause that would seriously suck. Besides, everything changes when you finally come back to Earth, so I really don't recommend it."

When asked about the dress, Tatum shakes her head. "No, you totally didn't screw up. You're dress doesn't have to be the blue. We'll figure something out. Now, for the old, borrowed and blue...." She thinks for a bit, pursing her lips. "I'll lend you some earrings for the borrowed. And we'll get you a blue garter for the something blue. Now for something old...."

Beast has posed:
There comes a knock at the door, and some grumbling, before a familiar voice calls through. "Rogue? Tatum? Are you in there?" teh slightly muffled voice ask. "Correction.. Are either, or both, of you in there and /decent/?" he asks with the qualifying addendum. "If so, can I come in? Or if not, can I come in with my eyes closed? There is an old woman from next door staring at me..." There is then some french spoken, hard to make out since it comes from down the hallway but it is accompanied by some yapping of what may be a small dog and Hank repliess sounding exhaspereted. "Non madame. N'ayez pas peur. Je ne suis pas un lion bleu. Non, je ne mangerai pas votre précieux chiot."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue listened to Tatum's space talk and she walked back over to her to give her anothe rhug, A> because she felt a bit sad after hearing that story and B> cause she was a ball of emotions and Tatum was one of the few people on this planet that she could safely hug and so she tried to take advantage of that physical contact option. "I ain't goin' inta space, sugah.... I can't stand that stuff... Its the literal worst!"

And thats when she heard Hank's voice and would smile brightly, blinking her eyes and looking the direction of the doorway.

"Entrer, Hank. Nous sommes décent et présents!" Rogue said out to the Scientist X-Men.

She then pointed toward the door and grinned big. "He's both old and blue. Does that work?" She asked Tatum with a look of sincere happiness at this joke and assessment.

Deadzone has posed:
Hugging Anne-Marie again, Tatum smiles. "I actually kind of liked space. And some of the Green Lantern Corps are hot as hell. Or at least they were where I came from. For all I know, they could all look like space bugs in this world." She has to laugh at the knowing and not knowing things. It's a pain at times.

Looking over towards the door, Tatum grins. "I have no idea what he just said other then lion blue. Wait till you see what we have for you. I know that usually the bride and groom go over the wedding presents after the honeymoon, but Hank and I figured that you were going to be wanting our present *for* the honeymoon, so you are getting it today instead," she says, by way of explaining why Hank has a gorgeously wrapped package with him about the size of Tatum's palm.

Pondering the question about Hank, Tatum jabs at Rogue. "He's not that old. THough he is blue. We could always put a little clipping of his fur in your bouquet..."

Beast has posed:
*YAP YAP YAP YAP.* The barking increseases in intensity and the door handle shakes, not engaging for a few moments. "No.. Down! Go away! Leave me alone, you malliciously miniature mutt!. ALLER! ALLER! SORS DE MOI."

Finally the door opens and frazzled Hank McCoy rushes in and slams the door behind him, leaning back against it.. His spectacles are a bit askew and he is panting. He is dressed quite nicely, though not in his actual wedding clothes.. Casual slacks.. White shirt.. Royal Blue vest.. No shoes of course.. The hem of is pants look a bit... nibbled.

"Oh mes étoiles et les jarretières!" he huffs, as the barking gets further away.. further... gone.. Then he relaxes. "And they call /me/ a beast.." HE stand a bit straighter, running his claws through his mane, and glares slightly at the Bride-To-Be. "Only /one/ of those is true.." he says, then looks to his girlfriend. "You will not be mangling my magnificent mane for a bridal tradition.." he warns her, then he reaches into the vest and withdraws said present, looking a bit nervous. "Sorry, I was tweaking it a bit, making sure the warning chime was loud enough.." he says and then steps up beside his lover, but looks at Rogue. "This is from us.. And where /is/ that gregarious gadfly of yours?"

Rogue has posed:
Rogue had no idea what a Lantern Corps and it was clear on her face as she listned to Tatum talk about the. "If they're hot, you can bette'ah believe I wanna be in on that." She said with a grin to her friend.

Rogue looked clueless about the wedding gift too as she just kind of nodded a couple of times at Tater before Hank started making all kinds of ruckuss and then just slammed his way into the room. "Did little Fifi get you good out there, Mistah?" Rogue chided him a bit with a big grin. She lowered her hands down from Tatum's arms and turned to face Hank.

"Ya mean Remy?" She asked about the Gadfly thing, not entirely sure what that word meant. "He said he had t'take care'a some stuff and he'd be back in an hour or so. So I hopped in the showe'ah and was preparin' for a night out on the town..."

The southern belle's green eyes went down to the presented present and she reached out for it tentatively. "Ya'll are really gonna make me blush. Ya know I didn't ask for any presents, just havin' folks here is enough t'make me happy. I mean... this is like my holy land, I got everythin' I could want, really." But that didn't stop her from reaching out to grabby hands the present!

Deadzone has posed:
Looking over to her lover, Tate smiles wide. She knows what is in the parcel and has been wanting to give it to Anne-Marie for days. "Well, I'm pretty sure that you are going to change your mind about having everything you could want when you see what it is." Inside the lovely ribboned and papered package is a box, like what might contain jewelry. Inside the box, is indeed a bracelet. Or more of a thick bangle.

"Now, you're probably wondering what's so special about this bracelet. Well, remember those power cancelling collars from Genosha? They act like my power. Magneto was going to destroy them all. Relics of our slavery, as he put it. But I talked him into letting the X-men have one. For research purposes. This is like those collars. Only smaller and less slave looking. But that means that it only lasts about three or four hours before needing to recharge. But, I'm sure you can get a lot done in three or four hours with no powers to worry about." She waits for her words to sink in, watching Rogue's face the whole time.

Beast has posed:
Hank rolls his eyes and shakes his head. "I am still trying to decide if Fifi was actually a dog or, a R.O.U.S..." he mutters, using a term familiar t anyone who is a fan of The Princess Bride. "Or perhaps a chimeric splice of both.. In any event, the results are Inconceivable.. and yes, I know what that word means..." he says.. then blinks betwween the two women. "Wait, who is hot? Because my ears are NOT burning and that means you are not talking about me.." he says, deadpan. "Something, again, I find inconceviable..." he then grins a bit and motions for Rogue to take the box.

"She is oversimplifyong how hard it was to aquire and then retroengineer the technology." he says, then blushes as what tatum is insinuating but.. mans up. "I tried my best to make it as tasteful looking as possible. It is very VERY energy intensive. It takes 48 hours to fully charge and only effects the wearer.. It works by using the wearer's own bioeletric field to internalize the effect.... No, you probably don't need to know the specifics" he says, then frowns. "I don't know if you will get three hours, though is possible. Our tests were as thourough as we could make them..." he ahems and if he WASN'T blue and furry he would probably be blushing.. "I mean.. Uhm.. The power drain is different with different wearers and their abilities. It should last at LEAST two hours for you, since it is calibrated for you alone.. anyone else, only fifteen minutes to a half hour tops. It /will/ warn you when you have five minutes remaining, then again at one.."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue took a seat on the edge of one of the fancy sofas here in the front room of their hotel suite and she started to unwrapping the parcel after pullin gher gloves off her hands and dropping them onto the sofa's cushion to her left. She listened to what both of them had to say and reached inside the box to pull the bracelet/bangle out and lift it up to get a better look at it, turning it slowly.

Rogue had been to Genosha, but it was 4 years ago... its where she'd first met Magneto and first been introduced to him by Mystique, she still remembered that day... vividly. But she didn't know they had power canceling collars.

Rogue just stared at it, turning it slowly between her fingertips.

"Holy shit." She said after hearing both of their explanations. They'd said a lot of things and she wanted to process it all, but she was finding that rather difficult to do. Part of her wondered about any negative side effects... but that part of her was being told to shutup and stay in the back corners of her brain (Carol).

Rogue looked up at them both, shot looks between them both and then shot up off the arm of the sofa and went to big Tatum another huge hug! "This is effin' amazin'!" She said at Tatum, giving her a big kiss on the cheek whether she wanted it or not!

She'd disconnect from that friend and then move to go and hug Hank! ... but she froze and then put the bangle on over her wrist and laughed again like a little nerd ... sure Tater was right there, but its best to be safe then sorry, right!

"You guys are the greatest!" She said and then launched herself at Beast and gave him the same hug and a the same big kiss to the left cheek with the (hopeful) safety of the combined Tatum/Genosha Braclet keeping everyone and their mutations properly where they are!

Deadzone has posed:
On her world, it was only 2017, so technically, she's sort of 8 years older then she actually is, or at least her knowledge of the world is 8 years older then someone her age would normally have. So Tatum smiles at the Princess Bride reference. "We were talking about the hotness of the folk in the Green Lantern Corps. They're like the police of space. As a human in space, I had to deal with them a lot. There aren't a lot of us in space, and apparently we have a bad reputation. Something about humans tending to be theives and pirates?" She shrugs, not exactly certain where the prejudice for humans in space came from, only knowing she had to deal with it often.

Seeing Anne-Marie's reaction causes the goth to smile happily. This is exactly the reaction she wanted. "I'm sure Hank here could give you detailes about how it works that would work really well if you have insomnia. I was dumbing it down to a normal person level," she says, giving her lover a wink to let him know she's teasing. "Hank has been working so hard on this and we've made sure to test it's limits extensively." The smile on her face to her friend as she waggles her brows is without a trace of blushing, unlike Hank.

"Hey now, don't waste all the charge on hugging him! Leave that for tomorrow night. You're gonna need as much power in that thing as possible."

Beast has posed:
Hank doesn't tense in the slightest as Rogue hugs him tightly. He did make the thing, after all, and he is definately sure of his own skills. Also, he did say they had tested it rigorously... and his love says basically the same thing.. so yeah... BLUSHING! Thank god for fur. He wraps his big arms around his student and holds her tightly for a moment. "It's the least I.. /We/.. could do.. You deserve it." he says a bit huskily.. then sniffles.. Is he crying?

He relases Rogue and wipes at his eye. "Sorry.. Must be allergic to Fifi.." he murmurs.. Then ahems, tigs at his vest in a patented Picard maneuver, and smiles.

Then he looks at tatum and snorts. "Yes I have heard of the Green Lanterns.. I do have friends that deal with Extra terrestrials on a semi-regular basis... And I will have you know that tehre are very few aliens that can reach the level of Hotness as that one as humble as myself has reached /without/ the need of 'magic ring'." he says. Heh, tehre /has/ been a bit of a change in Hank since Tatum arrived. he seems a bit more at ease, these days. Oh he can still be socially inept but sometimes a more.. swashbuckling and funny persona seems to emerge... except when tatum is slinging innuendo. "Tatum, My love.. she doesn't need to know..."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue would finish her hugging rounds and do as they both said, removing the bangle and holding it then within her left hand. She grinned between the both of them. "You guys really are somethin' else. I mean seriously... think about this... Ah can use it t'kiss him in the ceremony now. I don't gotta hold back... Somethin' I'd been thinkin' about for awhile now. How that moment was gonna be ripped from me like so many othe'ahs in my damn life."

Rogue paused and looked between them. "Speakin'a that though... I gotta make a request outta both'a ya. Ah mean, Tatum, you're in my Bridesmaids group, ya know that! But I haven't had a chance to ask Hank about..."

Her green eyes went back to Beast and she clutched the bracelet. "My dad is, obviously... not gonna make it t'morrow. I wanted t'ask the Professah, but he already pulled the question outta my head when I was bein' all evasive about it and said he's just happy t'be there for me." Rogue shook her head then side to side, clearly nervous. "I was wonderin' if you'd walk me down the aisle thing, ya know, play the part'a... givin' me away? Is that the right term?" She asked, her eyes then going to Tatum for confirmation about this, since Tater clearly knew more about weddings tha nthe teenage Marie did.

Deadzone has posed:
As Hank toots his own horn about his hotness, Tatum smiles and leans in for a quick kiss. His blue muzzle turns to lips for a brief moment and then returns to blue and fuzzy when she pulls away. "Well, I have to admit, that while a uniform does look good, I prefer blue over green any day of the week. And fur feels better against the skin." She winks, loving how he gets all shy and embarrassed about the details. She leans over and stage whispers to the former student. "I'll tell ya everything some time on a girls night," she promises.

"YOu know, it's funny about you mentioning your first kiss as man and wife. That's the very arguement I used with Eric to help convince him to give us the tech. I reminded him about his wife and to think about not being able to kiss her or touch her. And don't let it leave this room, but I think he might have teared up. Or he could have been allergic to Fifi too."g She nods her head when Rogue looks to her for confirmation about wedding stuff. She thinks about her own almost wedding and gets that all too familiar happy weepy look that has been happening a lot around the happy couple lately.

Beast has posed:
Hank grins and accepts the kiss, trying to not get all blustery and flustery, and half succeeding even. "You are laying it on VERY thick, my lovely loquacious lady.." he warns her about Fur and Uniforms and teh debate between them, though is chuckling as well and shaking his head, but then DOES start sputtering when she stage whispers to Rogue. "Wha.. No! You will DEFINATELY not be sharing intimate details with one of my students.." he says, "Even if you conned the ultimate Nillifier out of the hands of Galactus himself, there are some things that should be left SACRED!" he says, hrumphing, then suddenly stares at Rogue as she makes her request.

Except for a few situations, Hank McCoy is rarely a man at loss for a word (or three) but this... This has to be one of those situations. He gawks at the young bride to be, his felinoid eyes wide for a few moments.. Then he nods, ever so slowly, his beastial face softening.

"I would consider it a privailedge and an honor of the highest sort." he says, voice getting husky again. He pulls off his spectacles and rubs at the corner of eye again.

"Damned Fifi..."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue grinned at Tatum and she'd walk over to her and lean up against her side to lay her head down onto Tatum's right shoulder. "I can't wait for a girls night... I wish we could do that while we're here though, cause I'm legally allowed t'drink here." She grinned then and lifted her head up again, turning her eyes to Hank.

"I graduated last week, ya Fifi Fiend." She said to the Big Guy, smiling at him. She walked back over to the sofa to pick up the box that the Bangle came in and she looked around inside of it for a charger so she could get it charging and make sure that the device was good to go for tomorrow.

"I love that ya'll gave me somethin' that ya used t'get it on with, thats just... awesome." She said while thumbing around inside the box. She looked up at them with a big dopey grin then, hoping that that would fluster Hank quite a bit.

"Alright, I gotta get dressed, Remy said he'd be back soon 'nd we were gonna go out on the town for the night. You two gonna do the same, I hope, right?" She looked between them both.

Deadzone has posed:
"Oh hell no! We didn't give you the one we used! We're keeping that," says Tatum with that lecherous grin on her face. "Details later," she mouths the words to her friend, holding her hands about a foot apart, with eyes widen a meaningful nod.

With a laugh, she takes Beast's hand in hers and he shifts to his human self. "Anyway, if you will excuse us, you need to get ready for your fiance and we have a date at the Louvre. Hank is going to show me all the art he loves and see if he can't get me to appreciate it."

Beast has posed:
Hank huhs, and huffs again... He looks between the two women as he constantly tease him, a glare in his eyes. "I swear, one way or another women will be the death of me." he murmurs, shaking his head. Before he can say anything else his phone starts ringing... if you consider Little Red Riding Hood by Sam The Sham & The Pharaohs as ringing. He quickly pulls it out and answers the call. "Allo?... Ca va? Oui ca va merci, et toi?" he then nods a few times.. And doesn't see Tatum do.. what she did.. Thank god. "Okay.. Merci."

He pockets the phone and takes Tatum's Hand. "That was the man desk.. our Cab is here.." he says, then frowns and looks between the two women once more. "Wait.. Did I miss something?" he asks, then after a moment shakes it off and leads Tatum towards the door. "I know I missed /something/.... he murmurs.