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Latest revision as of 18:48, 29 October 2017

Paris: Eifel Tower Talk Down
Date of Scene: 19 August 2017
Location: Paris, France
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Rogue, Cyclops, Jubilee

Rogue has posed:
AFter fleeing the wedding, Rogue darted through the sky, bits of her dress falling off of her body and exploding in a streak of pinkish energy bursts as she coped with the mutation absorbed from Remy LeBeau's body. She streaked through the sky like a firework until she reached the top of the tower, the infamous tower.

It was after visiting hours, the monument was on lockdown. The entire facility was clear except for down at the base where security patrolled.

Rogue resided up here, for quite some time, just seated on the edge of the top-most level one can reach, she was holding that braclet between her hands, rolling it over and over slowly... it could deactivate her powers... She could slip it onto her wrist, and just... drop.

Be free of the sorrow, be free of this fucked up world that is hellbent on taking everything she loved from her...

She started to just slide the braclet right onto her left hand, wiggling her fingers through it.

Cyclops has posed:
     It's not every day you come to a wedding with one of the most high-tech jets ever conceived. It's also not every day her most experienced pilot is attempting something as crazy as what he is doing now. The stealth jet's cloaking was activated, and the silent propulsion system turned on. Rouge most likely had known what it sounded like, a high breeze. The hatch on the rear of the plane opens, and out steps Scott. "Rogue." He says, walking out to sit on the ledge.

Jubilee has posed:
Jubilation crouches, watching Scott talk to Rogue for a moment, before she ever considers getting out. She doesn't want to overwhelm her friend, but she couldn't leave without finding. Or helping. Or at least watching to make sure that someone helped. So for now, she just crouches, and watches her friend.

Rogue has posed:
That damn jet sure can sneak when its wants to sneak...

Rogue's head shot to the right, her hair was still partially-bunned and partially-wildly tossled around her face. Her eyes were still, Gambit-red and she glared at Scott with a demonic like anger that he snuck up on her like this.

"Don't matte'ah no mo', Scotty." Rogue said in a decidedly not-Mississippi accent. "Ain't no reason t'be here watchin' out for Rogue. She's doin' just damn all fine all be her lonesome, Slim." She clearly wasn't herself, not entirely anyway.

Rogue shot her head out to look at the city of Paris sprawling in front of them.

"Place supposed t'be the city'a love. But it ain't dat, it ain't dat one damn bit. Its da city'a death'n sorrow. Tricks, dirty stinkin' liddle tricks. The kind dat lure your fine little asses in, then kicks dem right hard as they can. Pop!"

Rogue looked back at Scott and she grinned at him, tears were still visible on her cheeks as she popped that braclet onto her wrist entirely.

"Go on den, fly dat bird back to its nest, Flyclops. Make sure all dem kiddies are safe, back where dey belong."

Cyclops has posed:
     Scott's expression changes from slightly mournful to a grimace. "It does matter, that's the thing." He steps down from the hatch, getting closer and closer as long as Rogue will allow. "It's not the city's fault. And I am not going home until all of us are ready." He stood his ground, ready to bring her into the plane and take off when she wanted. "Don't." He offered, No reason for him to lie to her.

Jubilee has posed:
She saw Rogue put on the bracelet. She knew what it would do to her. And she knew that there was only one reason for her to put it back on, now. "Rogue." Jubilation hopped out of the hatch and slipped past Scott, likely before it even registered for him that she was out. Without hesitation, remorse, or the usual awkward posturing, she wrapped her arms around Rogue's shoulders and hugged her close. For the first time. The first time she'd hugged anyone...really hugged them...in at least 13 years.

Rogue has posed:
"Ah am ready though, Soctty." Rogue said back at him then, her voice breaking up as she was starting to cry more openly was trying to fight it with all her might. You see, this was a mental-wall-breakdown in-progress for Anna-Marie. These walls were put in place by Xavier and he wasn't here to help with them, so all the flood of memories and personalities in Rogue's mind were fighting for control of her, the two largest were pushing themselves to the front, Carol.. and now Remy. While all the others held Rogue's own mind back, trying to silence her.

"Ya see? Cause Ah see." Rogue said through rolling tears. "Ah thought ya'll hired good teache'ahs, Slim. Not bad people, bad teache'ahs." She shook her head right to leve more. "But ya don't. Remy was a bad person. He did bad dings. Worse den... worse den Ah woulda expected. And Ah see it now..." Her gloved finger went up to her head. "Dey're right here, jabbin' at my brain."

Rogue heard Jubilee and felt her come up behind her and hug her, she didn't resist. Jubilee was her friend. But she just closed her eyes and lowered her chin. "Just want da pain t'stop. Every day Ah try t'pretend it ain't dere, but... its dere, now its only gonna be worse." Her parents, now Remy.

"Suppsoed t'be celebratin' right now. Not, whateve'ah darkness dis."

Cyclops has posed:
     "Gambit had...a past. We never spoke about. But there is a reason the Professor brought him in. He believed Remy wanted to be better than what he'd been raised to be." Scott stops, looking as Jubilee ran out to hug Rogue, his grimace receded back to his normal deadpan expression. He maintained a silent watch for now.

Jubilee has posed:
"I'm so sorry." It was all that Jubilation could say. All that she could manage. Sometimes she felt like her body wasn't big enough to hold all the emotions it tried so hard to contain. "I could have...." She trailed off. "But he would have been a hollow, unwanted shell, and I know how that feels. And I don't want that for him any more than you do." She cast a wary glance up at Scott to make sure he wasn't about to punt her off the Eiffel Tower--a feat that others had doubtless only dreamt of.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue listened to the both of them and her right hand, bare and uncovered came up to hold onto Jubilee's forearm, giving it a soft squeeze, the first time the two of them had ever touched skin to skin with no ill effects because of that Hank McCoy-created wedding gift on Rogue's left wrist.

"Ah been wit' ya'll for just... six whole tiny months. Ya welcome'd me inta ya'lls fancy school, even doh Ah got a troubled past'a my own. Ya let me come in, gave me clothes'n'food'n'hugs." Rogue looked back to her right where Scott was and her face brushed up against Jubilee's own.

"Ya'll made me feel ike Ah had a family." Her head shook side to side then. "But, Ah don't. Ah ain't allowed t'have one."

She looked back down at her lap and then down at the great distance to the ground at the foot of the historic monument.

"Ah can't go back t'your castle. Ah'm just a trouble magnet. Ah'm da bring'ah death. The suck'a a'souls. Ah tink'n its high time Ah stopped all'a dat." Rogue drew in a deep breath then through her nose, her chest rising from the motion of it. "Where Ah go, death follows, like a long shadow on a dusky summe'ahs eve."

She was being dramatic, some part of her knew it... but she'd been through a lot tonight, and she couldn't even keep her own head straight in the wake of it all.

"Go on, git back in your birdie. Maybe we'll see each othe'ah again someday." She whispered those words. Either way, it didn't seem like she wanted to go with them.

Cyclops has posed:
Scott had taken a deep breath. He was torn on letting Rogue go and figure things out on her own, or taking her back to Westchester right here and now. Admittedly he had no clue on what was the better course of action. He'd only hoped that what he did next was the right thing.

  "You have to allow yourself to have one. Trust me, I lived a good part of mine thinking I lost all of mine." Scott offered, looking back to Jubilee without punting her, as much as he would have liked to cross that off his bucket list. "Come back home, please." he offered, a sincerety in his voice that he usually did not have.

Jubilee has posed:
"I'll go if you'll go," Jubilation watched Rogue, leaving the simple implication dangling, that she wasn't going without her friend.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue started to move then, she slipped back off of the railing to stand beside Jubilee and she gave her a kiss on the cheek.

"You guys go ahead. Ah'll be back in a few days time. Ah got... stuff back at our hotel room dat I gotta get. 'nd... we were gonna go on a honeymoon trip not too far away. Ah... still wanna do all'a dat, so Ah dinkin' its da plan I'm gonna run wit for now, no?"

Rogue summoned a smile up at Scott, she glanced down at herself in her ruined dress and then her hands came up to brush her disheveled hair out of her face.

"We got return tickets to New York in a week, Ah tink it was... So dats when Ah'll grace da likes'a your fancy faces again." Another smile was shown then, she seemed to be... better?

Cyclops has posed:
     Scott gave a nod his eyes flashing behind the red glasses of his. "If you need anything..." He says, before turning around and making his way back to the Blackbird. He was preparing to get it back to Westchester, he'd had enough of Paris.

Jubilee has posed:
Jubilee kissed Rogue's cheek in return, hugging her close again. "I'll be back at work at Spatula City, by then, but I work nights, now. Spending most of my days binge watchin' this old show called the Walking Dea--" Jubilee's face turns stone-sober. "Er this really cool show about a mysterious island, it's called "LOS--" Shit. "Game of Thrones." Whew. Dodged that bullet.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue glanced to Scott and then to the blackbird... she could get on the X-Men's plane and just rocket all the way home and go back to her room that was filled with Remy's stuff... she could be surrounded in his scent, his spirit inside of her... clawing at her mind like it was right now. He wanted her to go, he was telling her to go right now. But she just shook her head, right after Jubilee kissed her she shook her head in an over-exaggerated way and looked down at her own bare feet (Her shoes fell off awhile back). "Nope." She said, randomly.

Rogue smiled then over to Jubilee and brushed her shoulder. "Ah'mma go check out the European branch t'morrow mayhaps. 'La ville de spatule'." She grinned to her friend before crossing her arms over her stomach then.

""Make sure... make sure everyone knows dat Ah'm sorry. And dat... Ah hope dey're all okay."

Cyclops has posed:
     Cyclops came back from the cockpit, running his hand through his hair. "Last call, Jubilee." He offers, he'd already understood what Rogue wanted to do. He didn't mind and also knew she could take care of herself. He was rather calm about the whole thing. "We will, but you can tell them when you get back." He says, giving a soft smile.

Jubilee has posed:
"Buckle up for Safety!" Jubilee hops into her seat, after giving Rogue a wave. "Cause I feel the need." Click. "The need for SPEED!"