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Latest revision as of 18:55, 29 October 2017

Cats, Angels, and Spies Oh My
Date of Scene: 18 August 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Sam Axe, Ahadiel, Feral

Sam Axe has posed:
One of the joys of being on a pension is day drinking, since his is a government pension Sam Axe is putting your tax dollars to work enjoying a satuarday. He is dressed like he he should be in a bar overlooking a beach, sadly the abr he is in overlooks a city street but beggars can't be choosers. This is not one of Sam's normal spots but he is trying to lay low since he has made a couple of enemies among the criminals of Brooklyn. He sips his mojito from the bar as he glances over the dinner groud given the time more folks are eating than not. Sam says to no one in particular, "You see the trick to a good mojito is using fresh mint leaves, sadly those seem to be hard to come by up here."

Ahadiel has posed:
If this were a noir novel, it'd be when the femme fatale walks in wearing some slinky dress that fits like a glove. But, well, it's more a comic book than anything, so instead the redhead comes in wearing a crimson blouse and jeans. She makes her way towards the bar, sitting down a few spots away from Sam at the bar. Eyeing his drink, she grins at the bartender, "Mojito as well, seems about perfect for the heat and humidity."

Feral has posed:
There's a brief lapse of silence before a loud belch a couple seats down answers the pensioner's comment. The picture of class and refinement thumps on her chest before washing the noise down with a dark pint and returning to the burger in front of her. Messy hair, a shirt whose collar is dangling limply from being at least two sizes too big, and faded red pants with more cuts and tears in them than there are peanuts in the bowl beside her entree. Some people drink during the day just because they can.

Glancing over, Vanya's eyes sweep across the bar from Sam to the woman past him, seeing their side of the world in tinted yellow through her glasses as she idly taps a worn pair of flattops against the bar, no socks to pad them.

Sam Axe has posed:
Sam lifts his glace in toast to Angela, "Nice to meet a woman with taste." At the sound of the belch he glances hte other direction and smiles making the somewhat snarky comment, "Another country heard from." Though he does flash a quick smileto Vanya and offers her the same raised glass salute he offered Angela, drinking after both of course even if the salute is not returned.

Ahadiel has posed:
Angela takes her drink and raises it slightly to Sam, "Why, thank you." She smiles a bit, sipping the mojito, then glances curiously over to Vanya. Studying the other woman for a moment, her eyes then flicker back to Sam, "Seems like you're more used to a beach than Brooklyn. From your clothes, I mean."

Feral has posed:
Verbally introduced or not, Vanya raises her glass back and takes a full drink before wiping her mouth on her arm. At the glance from Angela, the brawler's eyes flick back and she gives a little grin. "Good beer does that," she replies proudly, then calls a little louder so the ginger can hear. "Nice color, I like red too." Her torn-up pants get a slap for emphasis.

Sam Axe has posed:
"Yeah, I am." San answers Angela, "Sadly the closest beach is the shore and I tend to get jumped every time i go to Jersey, they just don't appreciate my winning personality." He shrugs and looks over at Vanya, "Is there any other kind?" he asks about beer.

Ahadiel has posed:
Angela laughs softly, "Well, that's darn rude... though well, I don't know if I'd call a lager 'beer'. But then, I prefer stouts, if it comes to that." She grins wryly at Sam, "Somehow I find that hard to believe. About your personality, anyway. Though I tend to find the perfect times to visit when no one's around."

Feral has posed:
"Bud Lite," the brown-haired woman answers immediately before pouring a third of her bowl of peanuts into her mouth and crunching away. Someone's hungry it seems.

Sam Axe has posed:
The beer conversation draws a smile from Sam, "I didn't know I was in the presence of connoisseurs." he takes another drink, "Well it is true about Jersey." He shrugs, "Maybe they are afraid I will class up the place."

Ahadiel has posed:
Angela laughs softly, "I freely admit to being a snob about my beer. Or other alcohol. If I want something, I want it to be the best." She grins, "Not that I often want for things, but considering the life I lead, sometimes money can be a little tight."

Feral has posed:
Vanya's face contorts into a grimace as she swallows a mouthful that might have been a little too big. "New Jersey isn't that bad. Gotham has a better night life than this place can ever hope to," she rebuffs with a toothy smile as she reaches her arm across the bar and slides her plate, her bowl, her silverware, and her beer all one chair closer to sit beside Sam.
The Slav leans around to look at Angela again and quirk an eyebrow over the rim of her glasses. "And what do you do for a living?"

Sam Axe has posed:
Sam shakes his head, "Gotham is full of crazy people, and this is coming from someone who knows crazy." He looks over at Anglea and waits for an answer courious himself, "I'm on a pension myself, but I side work from time to time."

Ahadiel has posed:
Angela grins, "Actually, I'm an artist. Specifically, a blacksmith. Which you wouldn't think was all that popular, but it's pretty good work forging armor and weapons for the SCA and cosplay crowd, or even local movie studios." She shrugs a little, "Not exactly the best paying work, but once word gets around..." She shakes her head at the mention of Gotham, nose wrinkling a bit, "I live in Hell's Kitchen, and you wouldn't EVER catch me crazy enough to go to Gotham except for a good reason."

Feral has posed:
"Gotham's where all the fun is, the fighting here is $#!@," Vanya professes again. Martial arts? That might explain all the muscle.
"You don't look like a blacksmith," the brawler notes curiously. "Or are there machines to do all of that now?"

Sam Axe has posed:
The ex-SEAL laughs, "Well I try to avoid fighting, at least without a very good reason." He takes a drink, "Blacksmith huh? Not the kind of job you hear often these days,but I am sure there are plenty of uses for skills like that." His mind immeadiately starts thinking of ways it could be used, mostly in destructive ways.

Ahadiel has posed:
Angela smiles, "Well, maybe not, but that's what I do." She digs in her purse, and pulls out a business card. "See?" And she slides the card over towards Sam, shifting position to sit next to the man to make passing the card easier, "And I don't have many machines to help me out. I'm stronger than I might look." She nods towards the man, "I used to fight a lot, when I was... ah, younger. Ran with a bit of a rough crowd." Which really, does NOT look like her.

Feral has posed:
"Oh-HO, did you?" Vanya asks with a disbelieving smile, suddenly sitting straight and interested in the red-head now two chairs away from her. "You don't have any of that fight left now, eh?"

Sam Axe has posed:
The middleaged man asks, "So bit of a mispent youth huh?" He glances over at Vanya, "Sounds like you are looking for trouble, reminds me of someone I knew in Miami.'

Ahadiel has posed:
Angela hmms at Vanya, "I prefer not to, not without a reason." She smiles faintly, looking wryly at the man, "Exactly. Misspent youth. That's precisely it." Relatively speaking, anyway, as she says, simply, "Angela."

Feral has posed:
"Bah, I'm too hungry to flip a table. I don't need to get kicked out of /another/ bar when I still have food on my plate," Vanya dismisses as she curls her arm to flex a substantial bicep at the pair beside her and grins enough to flash a canine. "If you think you're that strong, arm wrestle? Loser buys a good beer."
"And you too, stubble. All this heat's made me thirsty."

Sam Axe has posed:
He Introduces himself, "Sam Axe." He smiles, "US Navy retired." He looks over at Vanya, "Why to I get the feelings I am being set up." He looks over her trying ot see if there is any sort of scam he should be worried about.

Ahadiel has posed:
Angela looks a bit amused, but shrugs, "Oh, alright. Though I think you might have a slight advantage in that regard. Loser buys a round?" She finishes her mojito and makes her way to Vanya's table, sitting across from her as she extends her hand, "I suspect this isn't going to be that quick." Well, she doesn't mind buying a round... though she's not going to be a pushover either.

Feral has posed:
The were-woman at the end of the group laughs. "Vanya," she adds to the roster, "and what you see is what you get, I just think I have better muscle than you. Go on, you can pick the table."

"...Or ladies first," Vanya notes as she gets up to sit opposite Angela and shake out her arm. The hanging neck of her shirt is pulled to the side to make room as she sets her elbow on the table and wiggles into a slight crouch on the seat, fingers squeezing the table's opposite side. "Alright," she replies, gripping Angela with a calloused hand and giving a firm squeeze. There's an excited glint in her eyes as she looks across, relishing even the small challenge with a confident smile.

"You start."

Sam Axe has posed:
Sam Axe moves over to the table with the ladies but remains standing, "Alright lets have a clean match." He then recites some rules as best as he cna remember them from the one time he watched 'Over The Top'. HE conclused with a "Ready, Set, Go." and lets them start the match.

Ahadiel has posed:
Angela smiles, "If you say so..." Her hand is also somewhat calloused, since... well, she IS a blacksmith, despite her looks. Then she begins, looking fairly impressive, though she's not really using her full strength yet. Mainly because she doesn't want to just flatten the were-woman's arm if she goes at full power. That and she's mainly looking to have some fun! It's no fun if it ends right away!

Feral has posed:
Vanya's arm tenses as force is met with force and their hands stay put. The brawler lets out a small but audible breath that splashes the deadlock with slightly beer-tinged air.

"Not bad but you'll need more than that," is all she says as her shoulder turns slightly and she pushes back harder. It's either good technique or the coarse brawler is exceptional in her own right.

Sam Axe has posed:
Sam is a bit surprised that they are so evenly matched, he figured the Brawler would make short work of the Artist. He settles into a chiar to watch nad enjoy the show with a drink.

Ahadiel has posed:
Angela smiles, "Wait, we started?" She winks at Vanya, and then she puts more of her strength into it, rotating a bit as she does decide to put in more effort, "Well, in that case..." Apparently the Name doesn't mind if an angel is sarcastic. At least not to Her, anyway...

Feral has posed:
"Yeah, yeah, fake a yawn like a drama queen, I've done it before," Vanya laughs as she smiles right back, meeting Angela ounce for ounce and ramping the force even higher. True to her words to Sam there's no trick; raw muscle, and a lot of it, is trying to push Angela's hand into the table - or at least budge her from even. And if it means showing a barely-human level of strength? The brown-haired woman is apparently willing to do it.

Sam Axe has posed:
Sam watches the pair as they continue he glances at their chairs and the table to gauge how much force is being applied and raises an eyebrow but he does not call attention to it. a few of the other patrons have gathered around to watch the match nad some bets are being made.

Ahadiel has posed:
Angela actually uses her full strength, finally, starting to move the needle a bit. Her arm slowly and gradually starts edging Vanya's arm down, though it is definitely not easy for the unassuming woman at all. She chuckles, "I'm... impressed." And she sounds like she really means it, it's definitely meant to be a compliment as she looks at Vanya.

Feral has posed:
'"What the $!#@? Where is that noodly arm hiding all your muscle?" Vanya agrees with a strained laugh. Leaning deeper into the table with a grunt, the were-woman stops her hand as it hovers a few inches shy of brushing wood and begins to lift it back towards level by just the faintest hair.

Smiling widely across at Angela and showing a pair of canines that might be just a little too pointed, Vanya starts to slowly, barely regain her ground when--


The third player of their game, the table itself, folds and shatters into two wooden halves beneath the pair's elbows. Sam might want to lift his drink and quickly.

Sam Axe has posed:
Sam Axe jumps back at the crack and kablam of the table, he manages to save his drink since this is not his first rodeo. the betting crowd starts to grumble sicne no one will be making any money. the bartender comes out from behind the bar looking quite angry, "What did the two of you do? You know that's gonna come out of my salary."

Ahadiel has posed:
Angela looks a bit sheepish, "I guess we'll call it a draw. Hm. You pay the next round, I'll pay for the table?" She looks over at the bartender, "Ah, just arm-wrestling?" She looks pretty innocent at that. Of course, she's had twelve thousand years of practice...

Feral has posed:
"Chert vozmi!" Vanya shouts in frustration more than surprise as she falls forward towards Angela before catching herself and the two table halves come to rest against her knees.

"Sure, and Pensiya hasn't spent any of his own money today, he can help too," Vanya adds, generously offering Sam's contribution for him. "Maybe pay for a better table so it doesn't break again."

Sam Axe has posed:
Sam gives Vanya a glance, "Hey now I didn't break the table." He is notroiously cheap and a bit of a mooch after all. The bartender for his part announces, "I don't care who pays for it, somebody better or I am gonna start kicking people out."

Ahadiel has posed:
Angela smiles wryly, "I got it." She helps Vanya back to her chair, then grins, "Pretty good there." And with that, she pulls out her purse, "Don't think I know there's an insurance deductible there too, but I do apologize sincerely for the inconvenience." Her eyes sparkle a bit in amusement, "And if you need better tables crafted, I know some people."

Feral has posed:
"Yeah, yeah, yeah," Vanya dismisses as she absent-mindedly waves the bartender down while brushing splinters off her shirt. Accepting the help back into her seat, she rolls the table halves off her legs, letting one slam loudly to the ground before casually picking up the other half under her arm and standing up.

"You want I put this somewhere? Your trash, yes?" With dismissal comes broken English and a stronger Russian accent. Grabbing the stump of the table as well, the were-woman grunts as she swings it up onto her shoulder like a baseball bat.

Sam Axe has posed:
The bartender nods and gestures to the side door to the alley in regards to where the table should go. Sam grins, "You know since neither of you one you might both buy a round." Good old same always caging for a free drink or lunch. There is a reason he was the scourge of every federal agent with an expense account in Miami. He asks Vanya, "So what do you do for a living?"

Ahadiel has posed:
Angela looks over at Sam, "Hey, I'm already paying for a very shoddy table, thank you." She grins, and can probably be talked into paying for a round after Vanya, though. After all, it's only money.

Feral has posed:
Vanya pauses with wood in both hands. "This," she answers with a coy smirk before turning back around and heading for the side door.

"And a fight sometimes," the brawler adds without looking back.

Sam Axe has posed:
Sam grins, "That is true and you don't even get to have the table around later to tie a room together, still will be a good story." He nods to Vanya, "I see, not a lady to mess with then."

Ahadiel has posed:
Angela smiles slightly, "Honestly, I loved it. I had forgotten how much fun that can be." She looks over at Vanya, and seems genuinely impressed, "Don't mock my noodles, but I have to say, you're very impressive. I feel pretty lucky there."

Feral has posed:
"They're stronger than they look. I like firm noodles," Vanya agrees gamely to Angela. "How do the Italians call it... al dente?"

"Oh please do!" She tosses to Sam with a laugh before disappearing through the door. After that display she's more than willing to shout across the bar.

Sam Axe has posed:
Sam shakes his head once more, "No thank you. I know when I am out matched." He moves back to the bar, "Well let's hope that was the only excitment tonight, I am not ure my heart could take any more." though he does not appear to have a heart condition or to be at all unhealthy.

Ahadiel has posed:
Angela passes Sam a wry expression, "Or is that because you didn't want to end up having to pay for a drink?" She smiles wryly, and gets a curious mix of a Black and Tan... in this case, a stout and a cider. But it seems to appeal to her.

Sam Axe has posed:
Sam Axe looks back to Angela looking agreived, "Hey now you make it sound like i am cheap." He is but he would never admit it. "I would be happy to buy a round." he really wouldn't but feels a bit backed into it now.

Ahadiel has posed:
Angela smiles at Sam, "Well, then, you can get the next one. A good struggle does always make me thirsty." Of course, she'd never admit to backing him into that corner, but still, it was pretty fun to manage.

Feral has posed:
Vanya comes back in and grabs the last large piece of table from the bar floor, hefting it high over her head with one hand then resting it on her shoulder like a shot put. "London porter," she drops in passing for Sam before heading out the door again.

Sam Axe has posed:
He nods as Vanya places her order and he adds a mojito to the round he is purchasing. Poor Sam, it is truly a sad day when he is buying his own drinks, "So you mentioned living in Hell's Kitchen? I don't get to Manhattan often but it sure seems to have a lot of superheroes."

Ahadiel has posed:
Angela chuckles, "Keeps the crime rates down, honestly. Haven't seen many, but there's been weird things that happen around there. But it seems that's more New York than anything else." She looks a bit wryly at Sam, "I mean, you had crazy scientists trying to kidnap test subjects out of Central Park, even."

Sam Axe has posed:
Sam looks over at Angela, 'Really I hadn't heard that? any idea what they were up to? I mean there has to be some sort of end goal in mind for that sort of thing." He shrugs, "Nothing like that every happened in Miami. Down there it is just your graden variety crime." He leaves out the boat loads of government comspiracies.

Ahadiel has posed:
Angela hmms, "I don't know really... heard some people say something about 'Advanced Idea Mechanics' or something. Not something I'm honestly all that familiar with." She shrugs a bit, taking another drink from her glass.