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Latest revision as of 19:10, 29 October 2017

The Succubus and the Strange
Date of Scene: 20 August 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Starr, Doctor Strange

Starr has posed:
    ELycia had been in this dimension for a couple of days now. That portal that suddenly opened seemed to dump her here and.....now she was barely scraping by. Mostly because she didn't know where she was. The city might've been similar, but it was a city of full humans, and that she wasn't familiar with.

However, she took a different turn this day and.....felt the familiar pull of magic that she didn't feel before....and that brought her to a rather lovely looking mansion. "Mmmm...." She says before she actually walks up the steps.....and knocks on the door....

Doctor Strange has posed:
At the door at Elycia's first knock, Wong takes a step back and smiles to Elycia, inviting her in with a simple sweeping gesture followed by the inviting scent of freshly brewed green tea teasing at Elycia's smeller.

"Come in come in. Doctor Strange has been expecting you." The kindly Asian man says with a smile ushering the succubus into the sanctum sanctorum.

"He's right in there." Wong says, directing Elycia towards the kitchen as he wanders off down what looks like an infinite hall.

"Hello?" Stephen says, looking up from a tablet he has sitting before him on the kitchen table.

Starr has posed:
    Elycia smiles to Wong and nods. She walks her way in and shakes her head. "Almost like home." She says as she makes her way into the kitchen.....and smiles at Strange. "Hello Doctor Strange. I thought I felt a familiar pull of magic here." She then crooks a smile. "How horrible are portals around here?"

Doctor Strange has posed:
Stephen's eyes soften at Elycia's presence and he smiles at her even, lifting his hand to his tablet and pulling it face down, signifying that she's the priority at the moment. "The portals around here have never been a problem for me, it's always been the ones that create them I find to be problematic." Stephen says with a playful wink and an invitation for her to sit at the table with him.

Starr has posed:
    "Well....that's why I'm here. A portal suddenly drew me in and I landed near here. So unfamiliar that it took me two days to find this place. It feels like they nearly killed magic here." ELycia says sitting down at the table....

Doctor Strange has posed:
"I'm sorry about that." Stephen gives his condolences, and then makes a motion towards the hallway Wong disappeared down earlier, "I can have a room for you to stay in while we find a way to not only send you back home, but solve this issue of these phantom portals opening up and displacing people." Strange says, his tone completely serious in that he will help the succubus to the best of his abilities.

Starr has posed:
    "No need to be sorry, I imagine I'm here for a reason. Just worried about Sasha." Elycia then leans up against the wall. "How tightly do you keep control of your magic in your home, Doc?" She says as she has her eyes closed.

Doctor Strange has posed:
"We'll help your friend too." Stephen says, his eyebrow lifting softly, "Did she get brought here as well?" Stephen asks before he lifts the tea cup to his lips and takes a slow long pull of the drink and the offers the second one of the table towards Elycia.

"I keep my own magic pretty locked up tight, but there are quite a few artifacts around that can give off some powerful mystical energies... Should I point them out so you can at least know which ones they are?"

Starr has posed:
    "No. She's still home." Elycia says taking the tea and sipping. "Another time, but I asked because I have to enchant my clothes because of what happens to me...."

Doctor Strange has posed:
"I will certainly help you with that, and you know I'm still quite intrigued by the things you mentioned, which wasn't much, but I'd like to see your change sometime." Stephen says over the lip of his cup, his elbows resting on the table as he looks at Elycia with a careful, examining eye.

Starr has posed:
    "you will, eventually, Doc." Elycia says softly. "I do keep a few energy recepticles around though, Doc. Usually resembling gems...."

Doctor Strange has posed:
"You did mention that, can I get you anything to help maintain yourself, extra recepticles, or something more masterfully created for such a purpose?" Stephen asks, offering still more help to the displaced woman. He SHOULD say no offence, but those words don't come naturally to the Sorcerer Supreme.

Starr has posed:
    "Gems are fine, they just have to be enchanted to become receptacles. I'll need a large one for my room though. And they can't be flawed." ELycia then sighs. "I know I'm asking for a lot so far, Doc. I'm just trying to blend into a completely human world. A 7 foot red head with horns and a spaded tail would draw quite a few stares.......as well as people trying to 'send me back to hell'."

Doctor Strange has posed:
"I understand just how harsh this world can be." Stephen says, standing up and carrying his tea cup and saucer over to the sink, the china rattling softly against the metal basin before he turns around and starts to march down the hallway with a soft pace. "Come, I'll set you up with a room and we'll go about finding you a suitable gem." The wizard announces.

Starr has posed:
    Elycia nods, and finishes her tea, then follows Doctor Strange at an easy pace. "it'll be better to stay here than to try and find a room on my own. Thankfully, my money seems to work here." She then looks to Strange. "WHo was that....guy that opened the door for me, by the way?"

Doctor Strange has posed:
"That is most fortunate, as often the currency from two entirely separate places don't work." Stephen says, walking the hall of countless doors and with his hand pointing at each door he passes and whispering to himself each resident.

"Here. This one will work for you." Stephen says, opening the door and allowing Elycia to enter a room that would not only feel uniquely comfortable to her, but would obviously be large enough should she feel the need to get to her full height, she wouldn't feel confined or damage anything.

"Oh, he was Wong, my kind friend, mentor and steward of the Sanctum Sanctorum."

Starr has posed:
    "Thank you, Doc." Elycia says giving him a fond hug. "I do appreciate you allowing me to stay here. I just hope I'm not a danger, or I change into something different while I'm here." She then opens the door. "We'll look for the gem tomorrow though, Doc. For now....sleep is required."

Doctor Strange has posed:
"Sleep well Elycia." Stephen says, after the hug is broken and he smirks to the woman. "If you need anything, ask Wong, or if you need something else, ask me." Stephen says with a smirk of his lips to Elycia. "And don't worry, you wont be able to break this place if anything ill happens."

Starr has posed:
    "no...for me to break anything, I'd need a near constantly supply of energy and.....I'd have to turn my receptacles off." ELycia then smiles. "Something I don't plan on doing when I'm under your roof. Good night, Doc." She says slowly closing the door.