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Latest revision as of 19:46, 29 October 2017

Paris: Eifle Tower - Strange Rescue
Date of Scene: 20 August 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Rogue, Doctor Strange

Rogue has posed:
Rogue had watched the Blackbird move away from the tower and begin to leave, she even waved at them one last time as they departed her while she made her way to the tower's lift.

But as the X-Men's jet pulled away and started on its pathway home, Rogue's eyes watched its engine exhaust grwo smaller and smaller until they were just small dots o nthe horizon. That is when she looked down at her hands and that power-cancelling bracelet in her hands that had been gifted to her by Tatum and Hank to give her happiness on her wedding night, let alone the rest of her life with her new husband.

But thats not what it was providing her now, it was providing her with a way to escape what actually came to happen on her wedding night. She'd pretended for the X-Men, Scott and Jubilee, she'd lied to them just to get them to leave. They had their own lives, their own problems to deal with. She wasn't one of them.

With an exhale and a soft nod, Rogue put the flat gunmetal grey bracelet back on and she stepped to the railing. She was resolved to do this now, it was the right thing to do. She didn't want to live in this world, she didn't want to be this person anymore.

She just wanted to be in her dad's arms, and smiling at her mother. She wanted to be with Remy and joke with him like she had since the day they'd met. There was only one way to do that.

Rogue made her way over the railing of the tower's topmost tourist level, ahd gripped the bars behind her as she stared out at the the city she'd come to believe was the place she'd be most happy. But now she was at her lowest.

So there was nothing left to go toward, no more light to lead the way.

Rogue blinked the tears out of her eyes and she let go of the railing and lenaed forward to drop herself down to the earth, de-powered and just a normal girl.

Doctor Strange has posed:
"Did she...?" Says a voice to themselves, but Rogue would hear a "No!" Just as she starts her plummet towards the Earth a large red band snakes it's way from over the rail and streams down through the air towards the falling girl.

The band streaks through the air and moves to wrap around Marie's waist several times and braces her neck and head before it goes taught.

The X-man was feet away from the ground when her decent was haulted and a small dot comes out over the the rail and seems to real Rogue back up towards the top level once again. The Doctor Strange is floating out above the rail with his power-collar from his cloak framing his face and he has a rather stoic upset look on his face as he stares Rogue down while moving her via his spell to the railings above the tourist level. This is a place few get to ever go, and this old Doctor seems like he's about to scold her.

"Tell me girl, did you feel anything when you jumped?"

Rogue has posed:
Rogue's eyes were closed while falling, she'd free fallen a lot since she'd started training with her flight power. So falling really didn't scare her anymore, she'd alwyas just powered-up her flight and swept herself up and out of harms way. She told herself that this likely wouldn't even hurt, it'd be over in a flash!

When the descent stopped, when the wind stopped blowing across her face and through her tattered wedding dress, she... thought it was over? For a split second she thought she was dead, but...

Rogue's eyes snapped open and her mouth shot open wide, she gasped and looked around to see herself being pulled RIGHT back up to the top of the tower from the ground that hadn't been far away....

Rogue looked around wildly up until the point that Strange spoke and she shot her red eyes up to look at him. "Who are you?" She asked in that cajun-flourished voice. "Why did you stop me?" She asked further, ignoring his question as her mind was... racing too much to process it.

Doctor Strange has posed:
"I- young girl, am now your primary physician." The doctor says, moving Rogue onto the catwalk and using the bands as a kind of extra limb, the doctor's hands are surrounded by glowing red sigil's in intricate south asian designs circling his hands used to control the crimson bands around Rogue's torso.

Stephen makes her sit on the metal steps as he floats back onto the monument. "And I don't like repeating myself..." Strange says, inviting the girl he rescued to answer his question. "Answer my question, because I asked it first, and I'll answer yours. You see we adults call that conversation, taking turns, building a report with one another." He is still kind of an ass though.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue came to find herself bound in magical energies that she didn't at all understand, she'd seen wild stuff in her life, but nothing quite so... deliberate. Runes and asian lettering drawn in the air with visible energies? She'd never seen anything like that.

Rogue's eyes looked around once he sat her down on a set of metal stairs, she still couldn't move and was under his control. "Ah what?" She asked him then, returning those red eyes to him. It was night time outside, but she could seem him just fine with the use of Remy's eyes.

"Did Ah feel anyting?" She asked him then. "No... no Ah didn't. Ah just wanna stop feelin' all tegethe'ah, which is why Ah jumped t'begin with!"

Just by looking at her, he could clearly see she'd gone through a pretty rough night.

Doctor Strange has posed:
"That's ... what I hoped not to hear." Stephen says, lowering out of the sky onto his feet and takes a single step towards Rogue before taking a knee to be on the same level as her. One of his hands moves behind his back, taking the mystical symbols with it but just enough to keep the spell around the girl active.

With his eyes at the same level as hers, Stephen uses his free hand to tug at his goatee thoughtfully. "I am Doctor Stephen Strange, Sorcerer Supreme." The wizard introduces himself and then answers her second question because he's feeling generous and trying to help the injured girl. "I stopped you because it's the right thing to do. Because as awful as your situation is, it's not the end of your life." Stephen says, a touch of sympathy is in his voice. He was there once before, he does understand.

"Now, I'm going to let you go and we can talk like adults, but you have to assure me you wont do something so reckless again."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue watched watched him, her dark eyes locked onto his face as he knelt down in front of her and spoke. She just stared at his face with her white hair all messed up in front of her face, like thick cobwebs, peeled down out of that once wonderful hairstyle she'd had crafted for the night.

"Eve'ah?" She asked. "Or just now." She shook her head. "Cause eve'ah is a long time, 'nd Ah don't like makin' promises that last that long."

Rogue tipped her chin up at him and looked down at him defiantly, that stubborn way that she looked at people... to scream at them with physical language, that she was tougher than they think. "But Ah'll agree t'it for the here'n now... cause Ah'm a reasonable person, ya see."

Doctor Strange has posed:
"Somehow, I don't doubt you, but, I did meet you jumping off a tower after your friends came by in their invisible jet just to make sure you were okay. Try and see where I'm coming from." Stephen says with a light hearted smile as he undoes the spell and moves his hand back around to rest on his knee while examining Rogue further. The red band unwinds like a tape measure given a bit of slack but there's no pain or really any kind of feeling to it other than warm taffy or like a pliable rubber band.

"Oh, wow, that I didn't see." Stephen says and with a double clap of his fingers, Rogue's dress slowly starts to fill itself back in, all the missing, torn and long gone fabric returns as if from no where, the dress returning back to it's normal clean state from just a few minutes ago. "There, the easy part is done."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue watched him up until the restraints left her and she then pulled her hands up together rubbing the bare flesh palms against one naother, that wrist band would likely catch his eye too as it clearly was not designed to go with the rest of her attire, the little LED lights glowing blue and moving in a specific sequence to indicate it was actively doing... something.

Rogue felt her dress move some and she looked down to see it flawlessly restored to new again. She used her hands some to move it around to make sure she wasn't going crazy and that it WAS indeed back to 'new' again?

Rogue's red eyes shot up to look at him. "'ow did you do dat?" She asked him then, her husky voice was serious and curious all at the same time. "'ou said you're da Taco Supreme?" She narrowed those red eyes at him. "You live up on dis tower? Watchin' ove'ah all'a Paris like some kinda.... Watchman?" She wasn't at her most verbose moment in her life.

Doctor Strange has posed:
"I'm the Sorcerer Supreme... but now I'm a bit hungry..." Stephen says with a chuckle, shuffling a bit as his knees to stay comfortable. "I'm a really powerful wizard." Stephen says with a kindly smile towards the southerner and her questions. "No, I watch all of the Earth and this dimension, I just happened to be meditating out here when you and your X-men friends stopped by." Yes, he knows about the blackbird. He's actually an associate of Charles.

"Would you be willing to tell me what happened? Why would someone as sweet and wonderful as yourself be jumping from the Eifel Tower?"

Rogue has posed:
Rogue's red eyes blinked when he asked this of her and she seemed a bit surprised that he knew of the X-Men. "Meditatin'." Rogue repeated in that stolen cajun accent. "Dats what Ah was tryin' t'do too. Only, Ah wasn't lookin' for temporary peace." She showed him a smirk. It was clearly visible that the young teenage girl had been crying, her dark eyeliner was all runny and as roughed up as the rest of her.

After a moment though, Rogue just looked away back down at her knees where she fiddled with that glowing bangel bracelet, turning it around her wrist. "My weddin' night. Supposed t'be anyhow. Someone... some ting... interrupted it. Tried takin' us all down. Bad friend'a the X-Men, Ah guess... not sure. Everyting went by so fast, can't even process it all. Groom dead, many othe'ahs hurt... All my friends have left. Ah'm ready t'noat tink on it no mo'. Ah'm ready t'sleep for foreve'ah."

Rogue looked back up at him, tears welling up again on her lower eyelid. "Ah'm eighteen, goin' on one hundred." Her bare right hand went up to point at her head. "Can't get away from da' bad toughts, dey're dere, non-stop." Her head lightly shook, her eyes squinted shut and she looked out at the city and wiped her eyelids with her right hand fingertips. "Ah'm death, da Grim Reape'ah. Trail'a bodies, whereve'ah Ah go."

Doctor Strange has posed:
Stephen frowns at Rogue, but something happens even he wasn't expecting when the cloak lifts itself from around his shoulders and moves slowly with a flutter in the breeze to wrap around Rogue's bare shoulders and give her the fullest hug a semi-sentient piece of cloth can, even the collar seems to stretch up and wipe away her tears.

Strange rolls his eyes and smirks but doesn't speak.

The sorcerer keeps his attention on Rogue and offers out his gloved hand for her to place hers in. "That is a very unfortunate night." He reaffirms. "All hope is not lost. Not in this crazy universe we live in. I've seen things, things wilder than you could imagine, even these 'bad thoughts' you have."

"Everyone has dark thoughts, yes some are darker than others, but it's the ones who act on those thoughts, they are the 'bad people'." Stephen notes, "And you. I can tell, you're one of the best people."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue watched the cloak as he went around her bare shoulders and hugged her like that. She had no idea that the cloak was some kind of sentient being all of its own, she just figured it was another one of the wizard's spells. "'arry Potte'ah." Rogue said with a soft smile through her tears at the cloak when it dabbed at her cheeks like that.

She'd look to Stephen then after hearing what he said and she'd eye him closely with those red pupils. But after a second she'd shake her head and look back down. "Ah got da dark toughts from so many people dough, not just one." Rogue lifted left hand up and displayed the bracelet.

"Dis d'ing is whats keepin' me from my mutation. A mutation Ah've used many times... T'suck the spirits'a people right up'n inside'a me. Leave'em dead afte'ahward."

Rogue just slowly shook her head and reached out to take his offered hand. "Just by touchin' mah skin, Ah rob people'a life n'soul. Now... now my head, is filled wit'em, arguing for deir place at the front'a da line."

Rogue looked down again then and there. "Don't know where t'go. Don't wanna go back t'da X-Men. Dey... don't need me. Everyone Ah loved is dead now."

Doctor Strange has posed:
"I can promise you they need you." Stephen says, standing up slowly, helping Rogue to her feet if she'll let him. "A woman like you, far more mature than her own physical years. Anyone would be lucky to have you as a friend." Stephen said, his stoic face only able to ever tell a truth as his bedside manners were the worst! They could even be to blame for where he is now and not in some penthouse in Manhatten.

"I may not be a telepath like your old mentor, but I was The neurosurgeon of record across the world and now I am the strongest practitioner of magic. I think I might be able to help you with your ... crowded mind situation." Stephen says, it would be a grueling spell to reset the girl and she might not like who she really is meant to be... but he doesn't say that part yet.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue would take his offer to raise her to her feet, with that bracelet on she was powerful, just a normal huamn girl who barely weighed more than a hundred pounds soaking wet.

Her red eyes looked up at him and she stared at his face as he was considerably taller than her. "'ou'll do what dough?" She asked him, clearly confused as to the nature of his offer. "'ou can fix me up wit' dat magic'a yours?" She asked him then, holding the bracelet up on display again. "Dats what dis is for, Magic Mike." She said to him then. Rogue drew in a breath and glanced back down at herself, thrilled to see herself back in the clean and perfect dress, but she knew she couldn't keep it now. It would only serve to remind her of this failed night and the passing of her fiancee. She could hea rhis voice in her head right now, talking to her, telling her what to do and encouraging her, but it wasn't real...

Doctor Strange has posed:
"No, I could never era - I mean I could disable your powers, but that's not what I'm talking about. I'm talking about spring cleaning. I could, go in and mentally reset your powers, so that it's just you. Everyone you touched and 'absorbed' or whatever it is you do, they'll be gone. You'll be just. You." Stephen says, keeping her hand is his and the cloak remains on her shoulders keeping her covered from the heavy winds and the cold bite coming in from the north. "But it wont be easy... as I assume you might have gotten used to some things that aren't a part of you."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue looked up at the Sorcerer as he explained this, she felt that cloak covering her and it was exceptionally comfortable though if she saw herself in a mirror she'd wonder if this was some kind of dark Disney story being retold in a weird way.

"Ah..." Rogue mulled the words and proposal over inside of her head. "Don't know if Ah deserve dat..." She drew in a deep breath and sent her eyes to look down again. "Ah've ended lives. Not sure I deserve peace for it. Da first boy I eve'ah kissed, da security guard in da souwthwest, some men in a rowdy bar in Calgary."

Rogue looked back up at him then. "None'a them eve'ah woke up again, afte'ah crossin' paths with me... Ah'm a murdere'ah. We don't deserve freedom from dat."

Doctor Strange has posed:
"Let me guess, the boy was your first boyfriend and you didn't know about your change and an accident happened." Stephen said, smirking to the woman, his necklace tapping against his chest in the wind.

"The other times you or someone else was in danger?" Stephen says, "You had things taken from you as well. Your innocence. Despite me being completely against the idea of killing. I can't deny that it happens. While you might not think you deserve a second chance, I stand before you offering one."

Stephen and Rogue remain near the very tip of the tower, his hands cupped around hers and their hair and clothes flap and rustle in the wind, the sorcerer offering the x-man a fresh start on life. "Consider this your second life, the old you hit the ground, and bounced back up here, new, and whatever she wants to be."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue looked from her dress up to him and then just let her eyes mostly close as she considered what all he said, not denying any of it, nor confirming it either though.

"Dis place." She said, glancing toward the city to her left. "My mothe'ah made me believe it was da happiest place on Earth. Dat comin'ere meant Ah'd be embraced in a city'a love."

Rogue looked back over and up at him, a small headshake following. "But dats not true. My mothe'ah was wrong, cause she'd neve'ah gotten t'come here 'nd see it for herself. Its just like every othe'ah city out dere. Full'a sadness and dirt, stupid people 'nd terrible crimes." Rogue would follow that up by biting down on her lowerlip in thought for a moment.

"Ah wouldn't mind havin' deir words outta my head... so Ah could... 'tink clearly again. Bout who Ah am, and what Ah wanna do."

Doctor Strange has posed:
"You don't want me removing your own memories." Stephen says, his grey eyes unsually soft for the small girl before him, showing a level of care he had long since forgotten about. "They are what make you who you are." Stephen whispers, his cloak seems to hug her even tighter, warm, and attentive to the young girl. "But every city also has that positive side to it, and I know you can't see it now, but it's there." Stephen says, letting one hand go and pressing his middle and ring finger to the tip of his thumb with his index and pinky finger lifted up, he casts a spell, a large circle appears beside the railing. The thing is a twenty foot long diameter with spinning sigils and squares of sparking orange neon like energies. Stephen steps up onto it and the cloak lifts Rogue effortlessly up with him so they can step out into the air. They walk further away from the tower with a second mystic platform appearing beneath them even larger this time by twice the size and Stephen stops, turning them around to face the old metal spire.

"You just have to change your perspective."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue would glance around as this magical event was unfolding before her. She would certainly never forget this wonderously odd night of highs and deep lows... then back to... whatever level this was on, she wasn't sure yet.

Rogue looked first down at their feet on the sky supported by a runic magical floor. But when he spoke about perspectives she looked back up to stare at the tower, as infamous as it is. Rogue softly smiled after a moment of staring at it and she looked back over at him.

"Looks like every postcard from Paris eve'ah made." She quitely quipped.

Sending her red eyes back to the Tower, Rogue released a heavy sigh. "Ah just don't know where t'go from here. My parents are gone, my adopted mothe'ah is a tyranical murderous sociopath, Ah've got too much baggage back at Xavier's t'go back dere... Now my fiancee is dead 'nd Ah'm stuck 'ere in Europe, with a hotel room dat dere' gonna kick me outta tomorroah afte'ahnoon..."

Doctor Strange has posed:
Stephen smiles as he feels her emotions running through from the view and the night and then he vies for her attention softly.

"I recommend going back to the hotel, and enjoy it if you can, if not, I'll find you somewhere else to stay. I'm still waiting to hear if you want that clean slate too." Stephen says, knowing such a spell would be a difficult cast, and would be very dangerous to both the caster and the victim if even one thing was out of place.

"This is the time for what you want, not what you can't."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue considered the hotel room... Remy's bag was still three, loaded with his clothes. The bathroom still had all of his shaving sundries in it, there was likely still shaving cream in the sink from the shaving cream fight they'd had the night before... clothes still on the sofa from their time spent together there too...

Rogue slowly shook her head. "Don't 'dink ah can stay 'dere. Gotta get my 'dings and get da hell out." She said, her eyes closing as she saw more of Remy's memories inside of her head. She'd open her eyelids again a few seconds later.

"Ah want a clean start, far away from 'ere." She said to him then, glancing over and up at the taller / older man beside her who'd shown up like a fairy godmother (or something) tonight.

Doctor Strange has posed:
"Godfather is what you're trying to think of." Stephen says as if from no where. "And no, I'm just a kind family friend." Stephen chuckles and nods. "I'll help you with your things, I'm not sure I trust you to be alone in your honeymoon suite right now."

The wizard winks his joke, but again, poor bedside manner. "Then we'll go and get you a presidential suite. Something else you don't deserve but have earned."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue released a light huff of a laugh at these words from the man and she gently nodded her head and looked back down at herself, the collar on the cloak was framing her face on either sides causing her white bangs to lay against the red velvet(?) material in stark contrast. "Sounds like someting dat Ah most assuredly shouldn't argue, Wizarding One." Rogue responded to him, looking back up at him and offering a smirk.

"T'ank you." She said then, letting a short pause linger before she finished the sentence. "Fo' catchin' Rogue. She... wasn't t'inkin' clearly." Was it Marie who said that, or someone else?

Doctor Strange has posed:
Stephen nods once and takes a half step back away from Rogue claping his hands together seemingly ignoring the comment about Rogue, from Rogue. That must have been one of those minds she was talking about. That's incredibly unsettling.

With his hands before his chest Stephen pulls them apart quickly and the platform their on seemingly swallows them from the legs up and instantly they're back on the platforms at the tower. "Then lets get a move on to the hotel and to the next chapter of Rogue's life." He says with a smile and a bent elbow held out for the woman to take and walk with him.