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Latest revision as of 20:12, 29 October 2017

It's nice to dream...
Date of Scene: 21 August 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Blink, Superboy

Blink has posed:
It had been an emotional night in the end and it wasn't until late into the US morning that Blink finally stepped through back onto the beach of Genosha. Dressed in a white button up blouse that was more like a dress on her, the young teen's hair is dishevelled and it feels like something set up shop in her mouth. And refused to clean up after itself.

Carrying only her sandals from the day before (her feet being bare) and her phone, Clarice looks pretty sorry for herself despite having already swallowed some tylenol for the headache she's also carrying. Which is when her phone suddenly wakes up with a -bling!--Bling!--Bling!--Bling!-- a whole slew of texts coming in all at once. Tiredly she checks, eyes widening as she reads.

Dropping her shoes she uses both thumbs to quickly send a response; 'I'm okay. Sorry didn't realise the signal was gone! At Hammer Bay; are you okay?' Send is hit, and then, worrying at her lower lip, the teen types, deletes and retypes the same message three times before she finally hits send as well 'Need a lift?'.

Superboy has posed:
About three minutes pass before Connor replies. First he tried to call, but that doesn't work since he is currently in Genosha and there is no roaming ip deals with Genoshan companies. Fortunately he is social media savvy enough to stay close to a place with public wifi.

'I am fine' 'I am in Hammer Bay too, checked your place even' 'I want to see you, just tell me where.' Messages come in quickly, as Conner is fast typing that fancy Starktech smartphone. He was going out already when he realizes he really should stay in range of the access point and wait for a response.

Blink has posed:
He's /here?/ That takes a few moments to process, as does the fact she's still in nothing but one of Molly's blouses and her underwear. Nothing for it now though; quickly she texts back - at the same time flicking her spare hand to -Blink!- a rent into the air back into her apartment. Skipping through as she hits 'send'. 'I'm back at the apartment, head back here?' Because at least he knew where that was, and hopefully she'd have time enough to change.

Superboy has posed:
She better be quick, because Conner is as fast as he can be without breaking the speed of sound. (He has learned not to do that in the middle of a city). He doesn't bother with doors, either - since she has a nice veranda in her apartment.

He has not changed clothes since their aborted date half a day ago. Sidearm's blood stains his jeans, but he has fully healed of the bruises he received from the cyborg.

Blink has posed:
Which is just enough time for her to have half-undone the blouse, revealing the lacey white bra beneath. As she looks up to see him gliding down onto her veranda, and likely looking at her too, it's probably the first time she wished she had net curtains up.

Her dishevelled face turns a dark plum colour as something akin to a squeak escapes a throat suddenly tight with... Well embarrassment might be one, but there's a whole host of hormone fueled emotions that effectively cause the teen to lock up, fingers resting on the middle button of the blouse. "Conner..." It's one word, tinged with surprise and... panic?

Superboy has posed:
Conner is looking at Clarice, very true. He is wondering where that nice summer dress she had in Hawaii has gone. He is checking to see if she is injured. And... maybe he was also checking out that lacey bra. Er... oops.

Eyes up there, on hers. It takes a small amount of willpower, but he is getting better at not being too obnoxious. Instead he smiles a bit and steps into the apartment, moving to her side and reaching for her shoulders. "You got me worried," he states softly, and then pulls her into a hug.

Blink has posed:
This... Is most definitely not what she expected. For a moment the girl stiffens, and then it's like a switch is flicked and all the tension drains out of her. Leaning into the taller teen, Clarice murmurs softly; "I'm sorry... I didn't think you'd want to... After that look you gave me when I stabbed him..." Quickly she scrubs at one eye with her sleeve. It's a moments honesty, but the emotions with? Well they're a moment's weakness. At least to her.

Gently she extricates herself from him, standing back, owning her lack of clothes with a cocky pose, hand on her hip. "I don't know Conner, coming into a girls apartment when she's getting changed, what a rogue!" That Blase grin is back on her face, even if a sniff ruins it for a moment. "Let me put something on and then we can talk okay?" She's already moving towards the bedroom door, and if she sashays her hips a little? Well that's just being cocky too.

Superboy has posed:
What look? Oh... that horrified look he had when he realized Sidearm had really, seriously attempted to kill her? Conner punched the villain a little too hard, too. Guy will be eating through a straw for a month or two. He is not particularly sorry about it.

"But I..." he stammers. Wait, she is not taking this too seriously. Or trying not to take it too seriously. Breathe. "You look fine to me," he manages, although maybe not sounding as smartass as usual. And she escapes.

Women are confusing sometimes. Most of the time. Almost always! He waits there for a few moments, and then goes to find a seat to flop down and think.

Blink has posed:
As the door closes behind her, Clarice leans back against it. For a full ten seconds she just stands there, now and then dashing at one or other of her glowing green eyes. Deep breaths until it passes. Relief, mixed with the crazy emotions of the last day or so. It's all so much more than she's used to. But no time to dwell now.

It takes the work of seconds to pull a wet-wipe from her makeup draw and quickly wipe at her eyes and face. That done, the blouse is finally removed and underwear changed with the addition of another of the light flowing sundresses she seems to prefer when out relaxing on the beach.

By the time she comes back out, her hair's been braided to keep it out of her face and she's smiling. All the normals, none of the worries. Honest. "Can I get you a drink?" She asks, and there's only the hint of a tremor to it. She gives herself points for that.

Superboy has posed:
Ah, to have X-ray vision like normal Kryptionians. Instead Conner has to wait, listen, more wait, some pacing, more wait. Door opens. Beat.

He sighs. Drink? "Sure. I mean, anything is okay." He steps closer again, following her to the kitchen if she goes there. "Where did you go, Clare? Inspector Makoa told you barely talked to the cops, I was afraid you had been injured."

Blink has posed:
She grimaces at the cop's name. "They weren't listening, when they started looking jumpy and like they might go for their guns, I just told them what happened and left." She hides her face in the fridge, apparently looking for drinks. "I didn't want to have to do anything to /them/ so that I could leave. So I left before I had to." That at least, seemed logical.

As she straightens, she offers two cans, one orange soda, one cherry. Whichever he doesn't take, is popped open with a snap-hiss noise and a mouthful swallowed in an attempt to buy a little time to think of what to tell him, and also to wash that horrid taste from her mouth. "I went to Molly's, I needed to uh..." She pauses, not quite knowing how to say it. "I needed to talk, and shower. And she knows me, and you and so... Yeah." He gets an appologetic smile. "I didn't know that the phone wouldn't work there... Sorry."

Superboy has posed:
Conner randomly takes the one of the cans, orange soda, and listens. Next time he is tossing Sidearm through the portal and staying with Blink. It is not as if the supervillain needed him at the hospital.

They really need something better than those cellphones if they are going to keep in touch through all those timezones and different countries. He can get her an American SIM card, at the very least.

He nods when he hears she went to Molly. Of course he misunderstands the reason. Clarice went to Molly because she had been attacked by a supervillain and was afraid, and Conner wasn't around. The idea she was very much in control of the situation and deliberately injured Sidearm is not registering. "I shouldnât have left you alone. Cops can get nervous around people with powers. And no one likes nervous cops." So yeah. Say it already, boy. "I am sorry."

Blink has posed:
/He/ is sorry? That one gives the mutant pause for a moment, can halfway back to her mouth. After a moment, she smiles - not the blase grin he must be used to by now. But a genuine, warm smile that softens her whole face. If anything, it makes the teen's features that much prettier. "Thank you Conner. But I /did/ tell you to go. It made sense, you had the credibility to get the Doctors to see him straight away. And I've already had run ins that were less than favourable, you haven't that I know of. So it was just good strategy for you to go and me to stay." Besides, she couldn't have lifted the bad guy anyway. Dragged maybe, but not lifted.

She goes to run a hand through her hair, then remembers that it's braided and instead wraps an arm over her stomach, hugging herself lightly. And it's then also, that she remembers that she's not been home since the fight. Quickly, she turns darting behind the counter of the kitchen to grab something metallic and shove it into the old lead-lined fridge. Shove it right up to the back - he'll likely get a glint of metal and green. "Don't need /this/ out here do we?" She quips quickly, back to her normal (if somewhat bashful) grin.

Superboy has posed:
Conner is not sure what kind of reputation he has in Gotham, if any. But the hospital staff was quick and professional. They are probably quite used to receive weirdos with stabbing wounds in Gotham General. Of course the police wanted details, so he had to stay there for a boring couple hours. And then he spoke by phone with Makoa and learned Blink went missing almost right away.

He will have to give some extra explanations to the SCU officers later. Maybe tomorrow.

Then she goes to find that piece of metal, surprising Conner. "We don't need it? What is that?" He asks, peering curious.

Blink has posed:
"Uh..." Blink flushes, turning and standing in the same fluid movement, leaning back to rests against the worktop (and at the same time make it impossible to open the fridge again without moving her). "It's that thingie that he had that made you go all woosy. I thought it better that I hide it away with my collection, than let someone else get their hands on it and hurt you with it again." She talks quickly, not wanting him to misunderstand the /why/ of her keeping it. It's certainly not a 'just in case' nope nope nope.

With the explanation out there, she seems quick to shift the topics again; "How are you though? The bruise is gone, that's good healing!" Picking up her can she attempts to draw him away, a small crinkle of worry around her glowing eyes. /For/ him perhaps? She has no idea how close he has to get to be hurt by this thing. "Let's go stand outside huh? Nice and faaaar away from it."

Superboy has posed:
Conner ahs, giving the fridge a considering glance. "That was kryptonite. It is poisonous for Kryptonians and neutralizes their powers, and I am Kryptonian enough it affects me too. But it is not harmless to humans either and you shouldn't have it in your fridge, or your home. It is like having a chunk of uranium around."

He turns to the girl. "I am fine, I heal very quickly, particularly if I have sunlight. You okay?" He moves closer to the girl, in the case she wants to teleport them out. "Put that thing in a lead case, please. I will make sure Kal... Superman gets it, for safe storage."

Blink has posed:
"We can go somewhere else if you want." She -Blinks!- an opening up just outside the veranda. "I'll drop it in that ocean rift when I get a chance." She offers, "Later today maybe. Just /ploop/ and it'll be so far down even Arthur won't be able to find it." Yep that's right, she just called Aquaman by his first name!

Putting an arm around Conner's waist, she attempts to lightly steer him through her rift and out onto the sloping tower roof that they saw the sunrise on, instantly wind picks at her hair and clothing, causing it to lift and flutter. The Barbadian hugs herself lightly against the chill. "I'm fine, really. Barely a scratch..." Though there are solid plum bruises around her wrist, fingermarks from where Sidearm grabbed her. "Honestly the hard part was trying to work out how to take him down quickly without using too much force." Because for her at least, that's a consideration.

Superboy has posed:
Tossing it into an ocean rift seems safe enough. Although given the kind of enemies Superman has, maybe it would be better if the Justice League has it. "Who is Arthur?" He asks, thinking maybe he is a mutant Clarice knows that is good at finding things.

Sure, Conner lets her steer him. To her favorite perch, cool. His eyes rest on her wrist and he frowns faintly, pulling the girl closer to him, an arm around her shoulders. "Well, yeah..." taking villains down quickly instead of exchanging quips. Not his style. Sometimes talking to criminals works to get them to talk about their problem and solving the situation without punching. Mostly, it is more fun. Mocking Sidearm for being an idiot is fun. Was fun. It is not going to be something he does again. "That is smart of you. I should have taken him down the second he came announcing he would 'destroy me'."

Blink has posed:
Clarice leans in a little, just because she's cold. Honest. "Yeah, you're very much the 'true superhero' Conner." Something warm in her voice says that's not a bad thing in her mind. "You believe in Justice with a capital J. And that's brilliant and ever so sweet..." She trails off, the words just seeming to echo another conversation she'd had not so long ago with Molly.

"But I'm not a hero, I'm a fighter. I /enjoy/ quipping just as much as the next girl, but he was serious. And that means you don't give them a warning, you just take them out of the equation as quickly as possible." And that's how she leaves that, vague enough. Though somehow, it doesn't sit right with her... "You're one of those ones that believes killing is always wrong aren't you?" She adds, tentatively.

Superboy has posed:
Conner believed Clarice to be a hero too. Fighters? So he frowns faintly. Many heroes (and almost all super-heroes) are fighters. But... he is getting what she means. "I am not sure, Clarice. If they want to talk, I will talk with them. I mean, sometimes the problem is no one has talked to them. Sometimes they will tell you their stupid plan. And yes, I think killing is usually a mistake. Some criminals deserve a second chance, and even if I think they don't, I don't have the right to judge that. There are professionals that can decide that. The judges and persecutors. I mean, maybe there are situations where killing is the only thing we can do, but that should be pretty uncommon."

Blink has posed:
So it's not /always/ bad. That's good... For her at least. Tentatively the girl asks; "So... If someone say, had been a slave most of their life. And then were suddenly set free and they had to fight off overseers before they knew how to fight..." She pauses; "Hypothetically speaking..." Somehow that was meant to make these sorts of things okay right? Clarice at least had no idea /why/. Continuing though;

"And they killed /then/. That wouldn't be so bad? It would have been war, rather than heroing..." And now she was trying to justify it to him, keep his good feelings towards her without being fully honest. And that just wouldn't work either. "Or if they did it by mistake before that? And had people controlling them to kill in between..." Just listening to the words, it finally sank in how much blood was actually on her hands. Her leaning against him becomes more pronounced as her knees weaken.

Superboy has posed:
Well, hell. 'Hypothetically' speaking, of course. Conner turns to the elfin girl to draw her into his arms as she tells him what terrible things she had to do in old Genosha. "I get it Clare, I understand," he strokes her hair gently. "You were a child, and then it was a civil war, and you did the best you could, I am sure. Now you are free, and you can be a great hero. You get to make all your choices." He reaches for her cheek and tilts her head gently, to draw her gaze up to him, "now you can go to school and become the kind of woman you want to be. Maybe I can help you."

Blink has posed:
It's all a bit much, her half smile is tentative still. It's the first time she's seemed /really/ unsure about anything. "I still owe allegiance, but I'm trying to be a good woman. And a good person. But I can't change that sometimes the bad guys are just gonna keep coming back unless they're stopped. For good." She firms her voice a little, taking herself in hand even as she rests one purple palm on his hip. Just to steady herself of course.

"Sooner or later I'm gonna have to make that call Conner, and one day, I'll likely have to go the way that's the darker side of protecting people." She says it with certainty, not an if, but a when. "Are you still going to be able to look at me like that when I do?" Shining green eyes meet his own, searching for something.

Superboy has posed:
That is not a fair question. Conner doesn't know. He doesn't want Clarice having to make that kind of choices. He doesn't want to make that kind of choice, although it is very likely someday he has to. Maybe he can ask Superman during the planned family meeting next week.

Answer, answer something. Or not answer. "You are too beautiful not to look at, Clare," he offers. And since that is not really what he should say, he kisses her before she has a chance to reply. His lips cover hers, and he pulls her closer.

Blink has posed:
Well that wasn't an answer. And she's just about to tell him so when it happens. Her eyes go wide at first, genuinely shocked that he'd kiss her at all, let alone /then/. Tasting of cherry soda and herself, her hands slide around his waist, resting there for a moment as her mouth opens clumsily. Shock and inexperience making her nervous, even more so than the mountain of butterflies that are trying to do backflips in her stomach.

As her eyes close and her fingers dig in lightly as she clings, it's all she can do to keep her legs under her and straight... All of a sudden she has no idea what she was worried about anymore.