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Questioning Shiva
Date of Scene: 23 August 2017
Location: Gotham City
Synopsis: The Question approaches Shiva, asking for her help with someone he believes is worthy of being trained.
Cast of Characters: Question, Lady Shiva

Question has posed:
Gotham city's rooftops are the typical meeting place for those that call themselves vigilantes. Batman, Robin, Huntress, and The Question all use them to rendezvous with each other from time to time. Tonight, The Question sits on a particular rooftop above the Lucky Dragon Chinese food restaurant, sitting in the middle of the roof in a lotus position as he meditates, and waits for his companion. It's not like her to call, but when she does, Vic tends to answer.

Lady Shiva has posed:
    He deserved to know the situation with the traffickers was done. Dr. Mid-Nite seemed to have disappeared, leaving her unable to reach him to give him the same intel. At the appointed time, she slips onto the rooftop silently, her dark duster shifting behind her in the slight breeze at this level. Even when it is stifling hot in the streets below, the rooftops usually have some air flow.
    Seeing him meditating, she doesn't interrupt but waits quietly. She is sure he is aware of her. He will acknowledge in his own time. There is no reason to be rude.

Question has posed:
"Shiva." says Vic from his position on the ground, slowly unfolding his limbs from the meditative position. "I never heard from your friend. I hope he didn't have any issues with your task...or did you find his methods to stifling for your needs?"

With a casual motion and without any wasted effort, the Question rolls back on his back then spring up onto his feet, turning to face where the Assassin waits. "Did everything go as planed, or did you resort to your typical brand of punishment?" It isn't an accusation, there is no hint of malice in his voice. The question is a genuine one, merely seeking answers.

Lady Shiva has posed:
    "No one is dead," Shiva responds with a faint ripple of her shoulders. "I have lost contact with the doctor. I feared I would not be able to find those responsible. Fate stepped in."
    She doesn't move from her spot, giving him the courtesy of choosing how close or how far to remain from her. Not that it matters but at least it is less threatening than closing the space between them and potentially putting him further on guard. "I went to challenge Nightwing. To test him." She knows he won't approve but she shares the information. "We struck a deal. I assisted him with a problem, he gets a year before he faces me. The group he was after was the very same that the good doctor was invesigating."

Question has posed:
The Question hrms. "Nightwing gets a year, and I only got a few months? That hardly seems fair." Not that Shiva can tell, but there is a grin on Vic's face under the mask. "Yes, I know. You weren't testing me at that time, you were testing your own theory. Still, after all the times you have tested me giving him a year seems lax for your standards."

The Question rolls his neck, a loud popping sound emanating from it as the bones realign, "Do you think he will pass? And if he doesn't, are you concerned at all that his mentor will seek vengeance?" He pauses, "No, of course you aren't. That will be /his/ test."

Lady Shiva has posed:
    He is one of the few who can earn her smiles. Shiva's lips curve upward slightly as he answers his own question. "It was the offer he made, not the one I had chosen. He wished assistance rescuing a mutant being used by the Russian mafia. She was being drained of fluids and those fluids used to create their human weapons." She keeps her voice flat, placid, not letting the fury return now that it is all over. "We rescued the girl. Then I went back in and made sure the ones responsible would not be able to repeat their sins."
    He likely saw the report of the warehouse where a dozen Mafia members were found injured, some to a level they would never recover and would always be dealing with pain for the rest of their lives. "They received justice for their deeds. Yet, I honored your wishes and those of the doctor." They lived. Even if they would prefer to be dead.

Question has posed:
The Question has quietly to himself. "I wondered about that. I wasn't sure if that was you, or if that was the Bat. He can be just as brutal at times, when his temper is flared. I should have known it was you, though." He bows slightly at the waist, his face remaining focused in her direction. "I'm glad you didn't resort to lethality. I've been trying to temper the anger in others like Richard tempered mine. I'd be a bit hypocritical if I just went and didn't try and at least persuade other means."

Lady Shiva has posed:
    "My temper was in play. The girl was a child. She had been used like cattle, kept alive to process her for their benefit. It disgusted me." Shiva may not be maternal but she did not approve of someone being treated that way. "Non lethality is no less cruel than death. Perhaps it is moreso. The state they are in, most will be hoping for death. Some may seek it actively." She doesn't seem bothered by it. It's as if she's discussing the weather. "But the situation is resolved. So you need to seek. I thought you should be told. How do you fare?"

Question has posed:
The Question nods to Shiva, "If they do, then that is their choice. Nobody can stay their own hand if they truly desire to seek the afterlife." He pauses a moment, "And I am not sure I would have held back either, so I commend you on your restraint."

"Vic shoves his hands into the pockets of his jeans and shrugs, "Thank you for the update. I am doing well enough I suppose. Life moves on. I have been talking to a cop who I see a lot of myself in. I'm thinking I might take her under my wing a bit, so to speak."

Lady Shiva has posed:
    That earns an arched brow. If he sees himself, perhaps this is one worthy of being checked out by her. If she has his spirit, that warrior hidden within. But no, he is considering guiding the woman. It would be impolite to interfere. Not that it will stop her. She will simply look from afar instead of testing for herself.
    "What is it about her that reflects you?" she asks, focusing on the mask covering his face.

Question has posed:
"Her drive. She hunts for the answers just as much as I do, even to the detrimental cost of her own career. She doesn't back down, or take no for an answer. Sound familiar?" He smirks under the mask, Shiva likely noticing the way the lip moves under the psudoderm that makes his 'face'. "I'm thinking, depending on how things go, of taking her to Richard."

Lady Shiva has posed:
    "Sounds very familiar," Shiva says with another of those smiles. She can read the smirk, having learned to tell his expressions a bit more than those unfamiliar with him. "If you think she will benefit from his teachings, then that is the path you should take." The woman is now off limits for Shiva. She will respect the boundaries completely. "Perhaps after, I will meet her." Which he can take however he chooses. She doesn't explain herself. As is her way.
    Turning, she moves to the edge of the roof. "We will speak again soon. I have heard the Hand is causing problems in New York. I think I will go see what has them abuzz." She pauses on the roof's edge and glances over her shoulder. A flick of her wrist and a burner phone is tossed his direction to either be caught or to clatter to his feet. "You may use this if you wish to reach me." There will be one phone number already saved in the contacts.
    An instant later, she's gone over the edge of the roof and disappears into the night.