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Latest revision as of 22:15, 29 October 2017

Terrific Triplicates and Nifty Nightwing
Date of Scene: 23 August 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Nightwing, Triplicate Girl

Nightwing has posed:
    Bludhaven's skyline doesn't hold a candle to Gotham's nor Manhattan's. It's a dark city still, with the same flicker of lights granting evidence of people living there, driving along the streets. But the industrial buildings aren't as aesthetically pleasing even as the Gothic architecture in the Bat's city, let alone in New York. But there is something more severe to the place, something grittier and almost in reflection the criminals that operate there seem to have a little more dirt under their nails as it were.
    Just one such a fellow was Gary Vivaldi. No crime family stooge, this guy. Just a freelance hitter that had been making coin playing off the Russians versus the Ukrainians and making bank off of it. Of course things changed when at a meet the Ukrainians and Russians shared notes... and a contract went out on him.
    "You can't leave me here, Nightwing!" Gary's voice quavers as he dangles from the rooftop flagpole that in better years past used to have an American flag fluttering from the top, only now there's just a plastic strip whipping in the wind above the man.
    "Technically. I can." The vigilante says, standing there as he attaches the zip tie cuffs to two of Gary's compatriots, both unconscious in their business suits with their firearms scattered about on the rooftop. "But don't worry, the police will be along shortly."
    "Cops, whatever. You know as well as I do the bastards are crooked in this town."
    Nightwing's armor creaks faintly as he gains his full height. "I'll keep an eye out, Mr. Vivaldi. But in the future if you don't want to get arrested... don't shoot people."
    With that he starts to step away.

Triplicate Girl has posed:
    It's probably not often that people fly through Bludhaven. Literally.
    It's also probably even more rare, that three people fly through Bludhaven. Literally.
    It's even, most likely, extremely rare that when three people are flying through Bludhaven at the same time, they are, in fact, identical triplets.
    Tonight is one of those nights.
    "Hello down there," calls the girl in black, a girl in grey, and white, on either side of her as all three land onto the building, looking at Gary, curiously. Almost, naive, Luornu asks, "How did you get up there? That's - a curious place to be. Are you alright?"
    The girl in grey, however, is peering curiously at Nightwing, but she says nothing, instead she taps the girl in white's shoulder, points at him.
    "We were just flying over, getting a feel for some of the cities we haven't visited yet," the girl in white calls to Nightwing.

Nightwing has posed:
    Bludhaven is rarely a stop over for supers, and so they definitely would draw the eye. In fact Gary sort of twists a bit with the wind, his red features turning to the side as he espies the triplets and rubs at his eyes a few times to make sure he's seeing what he's seeing. "I, uh... he put me up here. I wasn't doin' nuttin'." The man replies to the curious question of the girls, but then he almost looks towards Nightwing for help.
    The vigilante, however, isn't that much help at all as he responds. "He's not exactly telling you the truth." He's turned at the edge of the rooftop, even as far off there's the flickering blue and red light of the approaching squad cars a decent ways away. He rounds on the triplets and looks from one... to the other... to the other. His brow lifts and he says, "I... don't believe we've met."
    But he holds up a hand to point towards Gary, "Stay put, the cops are almost here." But he only spares that for a moment before looking back upon the women. "My name's Nightwing." He offers in way of introduction.

Triplicate Girl has posed:
    "We're new," says the girl in white, with a half-apologetic sort of smile. She reaches her hand out, to shake Nightwing's own rather easily, a warm smile on her face.
    "Of course. Yes." The Luornu's have been studying up on their Earth history from this timeframe, including accessing present-day libraries, news articles, and so forth. Nightwing is remembered, then, and his costume recognized. "You like to hang people up like this to teach them a lesson, and make them easier for the authorities to capture." She looks, then, to Gary, and frowns. "You were attempting to decieve us. The last person who tried to trick us wound up in a very tiny," and she makes a motion wiht her hand to indicate just how tiny, "House," like a model train-station sized building. It's true. It was Micro Lad. Who could already shrink. It's just information that Luornu doesn't choose to share.
    "And is presently above orbit. Our Cruiser will be taking him to more proper authorities. I suggest you tell the truth, from now on."
    The girl in grey offers, now knowing who Nightwing is, "I'm Triplicate Girl. And, she's Triplicate girl," she points to the girl in white, "And, so's she. Triplicate Girl, I mean."

Nightwing has posed:
    "You lucky bastard," Gary's voice lifts only for Nightwing to point at him and say sharply, "Shut it."
    But then he turns back towards Triplicate Girl and accepts her handshake, just a calm business-like double shake and then he steps back to look sidelong across the rooftop. Just a small distance, "It's good to meet you, Triplicate Girl. Perhaps we should speak...." He gestures with a thumb over his shoulder and then looks up towards Gary. "Don't try anything."
    That having been said he'll turn and take a few quick strides, planting a boot and leaping off the side of the building to flip once and then land on the other rooftop, some distance away. Just taking a few more strides to build up distance and to get somewhere that the thugs in their various states of consciousness can't overhear.
    Once there and once she's joined him with her other selves, he'll turn to her and tilt his head, "So are you triplets, or are you a shared consciousness?" He asks her curiously.

Triplicate Girl has posed:
    "Well, the latter is probably the more accurate guess, but still wrong. We do share a consciousness, true. But only when we're our singular self. To be more precise, the founders of our planet were carriers of a dormant meta-gene, and chose a planet with three active suns that had curious properties with the expectation it would activate their latent genetics. It did." The girl in white gestures to her other selves. "But we're all real. We are each our own person. And we're the same person."

Nightwing has posed:
    At various points through her answer she'll see his features go through subtle shifts. At first there's a nod as if understanding, then a lift of his brow heralds curiousity, only for that brow to furrow as puzzlement returns. Finally he draws his lower lip in between his teeth for a moment, worrying at it and then he tells her, "That's amazing, I've never heard of such a thing." Though, to be fair, there are quite a large number of curious things in the bat computer though getting Batman to speak on the matter is one other thing entire.
    He steps to the side and folds his arms over his chest, leaning back against an old radio tower that last worked forty some years ago and has now long since rusted through. "Were you just passing through, visiting from this planet?"

Triplicate Girl has posed:
    "Oh, no. We're stuck here." It's the black Luornu speaking, now, while the grey one just quietly watches Nightwing again. "Quite a few of our friends were thrown back in time to get us out of the way in a bid to take over the United Planets and the galaxy. Some, like myself, managed to transport back to try and help our friends return. It's going to be a few years, though. So, we're stuck here for now. Our Cruiser is orbiting Earth."

Nightwing has posed:
    "So..." Nightwing steps to the side, his uniform crinkling faintly with the creak of leather and kevlar. His irisless domino mask hides his eyes, but she can tell he's looking towards each of them in turn, as if not sure exactly who he should be speaking with, or not wanting to offend one or the other. "You're from the future?"
    A small window flickers up on his heads up display and he signals for it to search facial recognition. If these people are pulling a fast one perhaps the computer will have some data. But as it flickers through its files it keeps coming up empty.
    "One of the people I've faced here in the city was a set of twins whom you remind me of. Though..." His lip curls slightly, "You seem a bit nicer."

Triplicate Girl has posed:
    "Why wouldn't we be nice? You uphold justice. So do we. Besides, it's good manners to be nice," she says, reasonably. "At least until someone tries to hurt you, your friends, or threatens the stability of the galaxy." The girl in white looks back to where Gary is being 'helped' down by the police, "Or, your city."
    The girl in grey giggles. Just a little bit.
    And the girl in black nods, "We're from the future. Yes. Approxmiately a thousand years in the future. But, given our stranded status, we have little choice to interact. We've chosen to defend Earth, and the surrounding area, and cities as best we can and add our collective ability to your own, until we can return home."

Nightwing has posed:
    You'd think that after the years with Batman he'd be used to the weird by now. But it still takes its toll, albeit mainly just one of endurance. He gives her a faint smile and lifts his gauntleted hands, fingers flaring as if surrendering to the moment as he says, "Well, welcome to this day and age." He offers, perhaps amused at how ludicrous it sounds in some ways. But then, as quick as that, he accepts it and just runs with it.
    "If you need help, please let me know. Have you or your people spoken with the League or with Batman?" He steps to the side and starts to dust off the surface of an old air conditioner, giving her a place to sit. But then he dusts off a bit more, remembering that she is three not but one.

Triplicate Girl has posed:
    "We've worked with The Wasp, and Reed Richards is assisting repairs to our ship," the girl in white offers to Nightwing, cheerfully. She looks contemplative, and exchanges then a quizzical glance with her other selves, some kind of quiet conversation taking place, briefly. "No. I don't -think- we've had any real contact with your Justice League. But, SHIELD is aware of us. One of their representatives has already been aboard our ship, to verify our story. A wise precautionary measure."

Nightwing has posed:
    A nod is given and he smiles, "Alright, if you don't mind I'll tell them." The young acrobat steps back to his old seat, leaving her to avail herself of the one he cleared off for them or not. He instead furrows his brow contemplatively as he looks towards her, trying to hammer out the implications of this existence of time travelers and the possibilities for what could come to pass. Eventually he shakes his head and smiles again, "Do you have any other abilities beyond... well, there being three of you? And the flying I imagine."

Triplicate Girl has posed:
    "Well, I don't. No. And flying," she holds out her ring, "Is more because of our Legion rings. They provide adequate flight in or out of atmosphere. Everyone who is a member of the Legion gets one, of course."
    Then, finally, it's the grey girls turn to talk, as she hedges, "But some of the others do. Like, Invisible Boy. Or, Bouncing Boy. Saturn Girl. Shrinking Violet. Lightning Lad."
    She seems to think such names are completely fine, normal, and okay. "We all have different abilities. Compliment each other. Though, I do know Tri-Jitsu."

Nightwing has posed:
    Perhaps one of them is watching him close enough to see that faint haze of confusion come back and settle in to live comfortably upon his features as she rattles off those names so casually. He tries to follow along but sort of stops around Bouncing Boy since that seems like a curious name for a hero. But then again, as he often does, Dick falls back on the thought of who is he to judge? So he just sort of laughs a little and smiles.
    But then he cocks an eyebrow, "I've never heard of Tri-Jitsu," He does look between them, eyes flitting to white, to black, to grey. "But I imagine it's a martial art from your homeland?"

Triplicate Girl has posed:
    "Correct," agrees the girl in black, rather proudly. "It's a martial art skill that we created specifically adapted to our unique status. It's created around your three selves, working in tandem. It creates a measure of uniform trust, and comaradare, as well as experience. It can be - difficult arguing with yourself. Or, if your selves are not doing what you'd like them to do."
    In anyone else, the comment might seem odd, or perhaps comical. But there's an aboslute grave sincerity to the girls words.
    "In a way, it makes you your own personal small fighting force, or special operations team. We're quite skilled at espionage and infiltration as well. Imagine if, Nightwing, three of you could infiltrate a base of your criminals in different ways. Our," and she means herselves, "Ability may not be as great as Superman's," and the way she says that man's name is in very high esteem, "But many of the Legion's enemies who would perform an injustice and seek to gain by it have been brought to justice, because they underestimated me. Or, any of my friends. We are terribly strong, together. And, very effective individually also."

Nightwing has posed:
    "No, I would agree." Nightwing says as he folds his arms, watching her as she explains. "Having three extremely talented individuals with such strong focus and clear goals and desires... it goes a long way to completing a mission. The maintenance of aim that is needed is a foregone conclusion for you." His head turns slightly to the side as his gaze distances imperceptibly behind that domino mask. Something that the Bat had taught him, learn about your allies, your assets and how best to use them in the war. Though his own point of view isn't quite that... narrow.
    He looks back to the three women and nods, "I'd be curious to see an exhibition of the technique sometime in the future." He glances to the side to the police vehicles that are now carting off poor Gary to whatever his fate may be with both the two mobs gunning for him. He shakes his head, then looks back to her. "Now is perhaps not a good time."

Triplicate Girl has posed:
    "Perhaps if we have an opportunity to uphold justice, together, we shall. We have fought with at least one of your heroes, here. Starfire. She introduced us to the delicious Pizza. And," Luornu looks both amused, and half embarassed, "That led to the sampling of other Earth Foods. Most of which would be - illegal - in our time, for lack of any measure of adequate health properties."

Nightwing has posed:
    "Ah," The tall brunette smirks sidelong at them and pushes off his perch, dusting off his gauntlets with the swipe of his hands and tilting his head at them each in turn. "You've tasted the forbidden Creamy Ice? Now you are clearly lost to the sins of the twenty first century." His lip curves and hopefully at this point she has a good read on him even if this is the first display of his sense of humor.
    "Well, if you're in town and need help with something." He reaches to the belt at his waist, unclicking something and then withdrawing a small rectangular electronic device that he holds up somewhat, "You can contact me on this if you have something equivalent." He cocks an eyebrow, curious if they have cellphones in the thirtieth century... or if they have something equivalent. Otherwise the explaining of the concepts might take them a bit of time.

Triplicate Girl has posed:
    "Excellent." Luornu nods, "We've recorded your frequency," the white one says, in friendly manner. "And yes. Along with Cheese Sticks. Onion Rings. Filet Mingon. Sushi. Chili. Blackened Shrimp. Many other dishes. Generally we all go in, and get something different. That way, we get the most out of the experience."
    "We can all use all the allies we can get. Perhaps I will see about getting you a way to communicate to us. We usually use our rings as communicators."

Nightwing has posed:
    "Well, I think a ring might be rushing things." For some reason his lip curls at that, amusement lighting his features. But he pushes past his own wry attempt at humor as he murmurs to the three of them, "It was good to meet you, Luornu. All of you." He turns his head to each in turn and gives a small nod, his hand lifting in a hint of a wave. "Drop me a line if you need anything."

Triplicate Girl has posed:
The grey one waves, and looks to her otherselves, and it's the white one who well wishes, "Well, no. Not a ring. But, perhaps something that can work with them, still. We've got a resident Brainiac on board, --," a pause, as she adds, "NOt the one you're probably thinking of. Good guy," she assures, "Green. Short. Blonde hair. Very dedicated. And, one of my best friends. Take care, Nightwing."
    "Be safe," calls the grey one, and then all three Lu's are soaring up straight into the sky, and up, up, up, most likely into the atmosphere. Home. As much a home as the Cruiser is for, and the Legion now.