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Latest revision as of 22:34, 29 October 2017

Log 2153
Date of Scene: 24 August 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Kaelyn Silverleaf, Juggernaut, 1326

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
Kae glances to Mina, then grins a bit. "Sure will." Kae notes, and glances at the 50 pound note... Tina picks it up and collects the various books, starting to carefully wrap those that are being held in a nice canvas cloth. She then sets about putting the various bookx back as Kae still stands near Cain. "This whole place is a stash. When I'm not selling to the public at large, I'm finding things for collectors." She says and tilts her head. "At that point I can either go broker the trade on the item, or put the person searching in touch with the owner of said item for a finder's fee..." she says and tilts her head, before she grins a bit. "I imagine you have quite a few stashes, as you kind of... give off a glow, kind of like a lighthouse in the middle of a pitchblack night kind of glow to the right eyes." The latter bit is said very softly, and somehow made to carry directly to Cain.

Wendy no nods to Volf.. "Sure I can make you a chai, we make our own blend if you like..> Do you want a chai coffee or tea?" She asks curiously, smiling as she's allready going about making a blend of spices, and begins to grind said spices up with a really nice motar and pestle...

Juggernaut has posed:
"Nope. I'm..conservative." rumbles Cain at Kaelyn, allowing a big grin to split his features with his teeth full and showing though partially hidden by the size of his jaw and the swell of is massive chest.

"But maybe you got something back there...that I'm 'smelling' so to speak.. I might be interested in it getting a look at it. Something maybe you got no business having. Might be a touch dangerous.. Attract the wrong people.."

His voice trails off as he speaks and he considers Volf more closely now, though not exactly accusatory but still ..a more direct gaze as Kaelyn addresses him.

Volf Boiardi (1326) has posed:
"Coffee, put a little honey in there for me," Volf says, with a gesture of his left index finger, hand loose. As Cain looks in his direction in a scrutinizing manner, Volf looks back, his hand slowly dropping as it stiffens. "I'm just hear for the local culture," Volf explains with a crooked, right-sided grin. "Got a date that's into gothic stuff, figure I'd pick her up a bracelet before I see her the first time." He looks back to Wendy, now deliberately shunning Cain with his attention, putting his arms up on the counter between them and hunching over it. "That's the secret, you know," he explains to her, placing his right hand beneath his left, rubbing the back of the right with his palm. "Men are a good catch when they buy you something cheap but nice on the first date. Their mother taught them it. Just gotta wear it on the next date, if you want a third. Otherwise, he gets the signal, no worries involved."

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
Wendy is all smiles as she points out. "Oh it's all about gothic here." she says Wendy as she sets about selecting a nice bean to go with the chai spice mix that's currently sitting in the pestle.. Soon enough she grabs a nice North African bean and drops the roasted beans in the grinder. In a few more seconds after the beans reach a good consistancy, the young woman mixes up the beans and the spices, before running them through the espresso machine, just using that fast brew method to really bring out the taste of things. Soon enough a large coffee with a jar of honey is set out on the counter and Wendy comments "Ready!"

Meanwhile Kae looks at Cain curiously, eyes seeming to glow a bit, before she shrugs and heads into the back... She returns with a couple small statues "Which aspect?" She asks curiously, one is blue one is green, the other is red.... "Honestly these little things are pretty benign..."

Juggernaut has posed:
    "You're handling this pretty straigt forward and easy going..." muses Cain as he eyes the statues and then looks over Kae. "Do you know who I am girl?" his hand lingers above the destructive aspect but doesn't settle down on it just yet.

Volf Boiardi (1326) has posed:
"Ooh, got the whole crock pot fulla goodness," Volf murmurs, dipping a narrow wooden stick into the honey by the tip, then carefully moving it over to his coffee and stirring it in delicately, his right pinky sticking out and curled inwards to avoid a crook of his pistol hand. "I really appreciate what you gals got goin' here," he says, slowly gazing into his cup with his eyes lidding heavy. "The dude that owns this place must got a nice sum of money saved up to run this number, right?" He says as his eyes lift and he sets the stick atop the jar, horizontal, before he wraps his hands around the coffee. He's using his criminal enterprise insight openly, arousing the proper form of suspicion. "Not accusing you of anything or asking anything, just appreciating a creative play." He grins as he sips his coffee, his mind blank, but the implication of a frozen asset to keep money tied up and out of sight present. If he was identifying as a cop, he'd reference the potential as a support network.

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
Kae tilts her head then in that carrying whispering voice, it doesn't move past Cain much "An Avatar of Cyttorak. I think judging by your demeanor, destructive avatar I would think..." she says and smiles again. "At that point, realizing this. Would it be at all wise to be all hostile toward you and ask you to leave or to not grab what you wanted right away instead of going through the normal rigamarole involving trying to 'find' what you wanted from the back? I have what looks like a normal human, and my two apprentices to take care of, not to mention the store which supports the three of us." she says and smiles again the whispering over. "Besides, you've come in here, not done anything wrong at this point and thus you are an honored and cherished customer. If I can find something that you are looking for and help you. Then that is my job and my priviledge to do such."

Tina and Wendy give a sly grin, and motion to the rather exceptionally curvy, streetclothed dressed Kaelyn who's currently talking to Cain... "That would be the 'dude' who owns this place..." They both say simultaneously befoure laughing... "She encourages us to wear street clothes, we just like wearing this as it adds to the ambiance here..." They say then Wendy Whispers "And it is a little poke at our rather carefree boss over there."

Juggernaut has posed:
    This brings a barking sort of laugh-snort from the giant red head. "No need to get all nervous about it girl." He's not bothering to lower his voice now. He seems dismissive of Volf at the end of the day and doesnt' much care what the two girls think either. He just sort of eyes Kae and then sniffs, rubbing his nose as he pulls away from her and leaves the statue in her possession as well. "I didn't come in here to knock the place over. I would have by now. I don't do much with the whole dancing around the point. Besides, what good would it do me to hurt a lil'slip of a girl like you?"

He waves it off dismissively and turns slightly, "Keep it. That don't do me much good. Not like I need to know what the guy looks like."

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
Kae blinks at the laugh and shrugs with a bit of a quirky grin on her face "Well there is that too. Anyhow, no matter what my personal tastes may be, I try to keep my shop neutral, it's a place of study and located on a nice leyline nexus and I kinda wanted to keep it from being relocated ya kno? Hard to find places like this." she adds again..> Then motions to the statues "Anyhow, I found two of these in India, and one in Napal... Anyhow they're 300 a piece if you like... There's not a lot to them, I think what generally made them special has quite faided over the years." She adds and then tilts her head "Sooo coffee or tea?" She asks now changing the subject...

Juggernaut has posed:
    "What, you thought I was going to pay?" asks Cain brusquely but with clear amusement at the very idea..almost rethinking if he wants it or not now. But he doesn't make any more towards it. He's no reason to not respect her wish of neutrality and safety other then simply wanting to prove that he doesn't have to if he doesn't want to and there's no real reason to do that outside of pure boredom. He's not -that- mean or much of a bully. He shrugs his boulder sized shoulders, "No thanks. That dont' do much for me." He jerks a thumb at Volf and rumbles, "You got other customers here though."

Volf Boiardi (1326) has posed:
Volf sips his coffee slowly with both hands, looking over to Cain with both eyebrows up as he threatens to knock over the shop. "I don't know about that, man. This place doesn't make enough money to stay afloat, and you're after something that you both know about. And yet, here they are, getting to hang out and do nothing." He takes another slow sip. "That means this is a money dump for someone that's into some freaky sh**. I'm not a hero, never was, but I understand street code. You snatch the artificer's equivalent of a completely unique promisary note, whoever owns it is going to come for you. And this place has patrons, from up above." He lowers his mug to the table, turning his back on Cain as he picks up a black Chinese prayer bracelet off a shelf, marked clearly as being a reproduction. "You want to give yourself trouble with the local magick community, be my guest, but I won't be the one wearing a monkey vest."

He sets the bracelet down on the table, and reaches into his inner coat for a bound leather wallet, opening it up and pulling a trio of old twenties out.

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
Kae tilts her head and sighs "Ya can't fault a girl for wanting to try and make a buck or two." she says and sets the statuary up on the counter. She glances back to Volf now curiously, wondering if he needed help, and at his commentary, the girls grin a bit. Kae tilts her head at the bracelet curiously and reaches out with a hand. Suddenly it's not there, and in the redhead's possession... She looks it over curiously and tilts her head "This comes with a minor charm, what would you like it to do?" She asks now and smiles a bit, pretty much smacking anyone over the head with a sledghammer as to what exactly Kae is, if the store wasn't a dead giveaway.

Kae glances at Cain, then to Volf, and makes her way to the counter, before motioning to Cain... "Get him some of the chickory coffee we have available? A big one..." Wendy nods then fills a wooden mug big enough for most people to act as a pitcher, before bringing the brew to Cain. She winks and says "On the house." Kae then stops near Volf and tilts her head, looking at the bracelet... "Sooo, what exactly do you want this to do?" she says and holds up the tag, that says the item comes with 'blessing'.

Juggernaut has posed:
    The huge man's features darken as he hears Volf. There's a creaking sound of sinew stretching and muscle fiber bulking up as the brute shows the slighest hint of displeasure.

"Funny. I don't seem to remember asking you for your opinion, boy. Folk just like butting in on other folks conversations around here, eh?"

His gaze is cold but he seems to respect some form of common decency as it's not like he's marching over to lay hands on Volf and he ends up adding, "Besides, since you're so busy listening in on everything, you shoulda heard me already tell the girl I wasn't interested in knocking this place over."

Volf Boiardi (1326) has posed:
"Sorry for the misunderstanding," Volf murmurs, growing surly himself, a faint tremor in reply to the stretch of sinew, a soft pulse escaping him with just the hint of a memory dampener regarding his image, spreading to the three around him. It's a weak use of his ability, a reflex, it will make the briefest details of his day at the shop forgotten after he leaves, in longterm memory. Short term memory is unaffected, keeping the Mutant discharge secret to all but the most skilled mentalist. "No blessing please. I don't want to put magic on a gift for a first date." He lays the three twenties on the table, careful not to leave his fingerprints on the counter below with a two-fingered pass to Kae's side of the counter.

Coffee in his right hand, he extends his left finger for the bracelet, an enigmatic look of apology on his face. "I'll be on my way now."

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
Kae tilts her head as the two guys appear to be getting annoyed with each other and she sighs, Meanwhile Wendy is still offering coffee to Cain. Kae tilts her head as the wards around the place flare just a bit at the use of a power on the three women here and she shrugs before she takes the bracelet... She tugs a nice rosewood jewelry box out from under the counter, and sets the bracelet in before removing the tag. She then sets a small card inside that resembles a care and feeding card, it also has an I O U mention on the back with a list of small charms that can be selected and a suggestion that the person just hold the card and the bracelet and simply say three times the charm they want... Kae winks at Volf and holds up the box after putting the cash away. "Part of the cost is the charm that comes with the item. There are some rules in place with this little trinket." she says with a slight wink... "Anyhow, this way yer girl can select her charm." She adds and waits for the box to be taken.

Juggernaut has posed:
    "Hn." Cain seems to be mollified abit by what he perceives as the other man being subdued by his anger. He relaxes visibly and backs off, the vaguest hint of a mild apology at being fuming coming out when he rumbles, "Just be careful what you say to who.. No harm no foul. You're still breathing..."

The psychic pulse goes unnoticed. Not like he wears that helmet 24-7. He's got a stubborn will though but he's little reason to know there's something there that needs to be fought with. Instead he's now distracted by the jug being offered to him by Wendy, "Huh? What's this?"

Volf Boiardi (1326) has posed:
"Lady's choice then, I suppose," Volf murmurs curiously, accepting the box with his palm, his fingertips briefly touching Kaelyn's fingers, with their dry feeling of ruthless, cold certainty, the truth to the veneer he hides beneath. He sips his coffee, as he steps back with his left foot, keeping his right forward with Italian grace of manners. "Thanks for the company," he says, a faint Sicilian accent touching his lips as he forces it forward, his hand already felt, before he turns about and shuffles out of the shop, ducking his head to sip the coffee as he turns about and shoulders his way out backwards with a turn to face front, not touching the door with the box out of respect.

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
Kae glances around the place curiously now and watches the fellow do the whole Italian style leaving and whatnot.. She smiles and says "Have a nice day sir, enjoy your purchase." And oddly enough, it's in perfectly understandable Italain, probably northern Italian by the dialect she's using... Kae then glances back to Cain curiously as Wendy says "Chickory coffee, it's free with your visit.. I thought considering you seem to be nearly as big as the Washington Monument, you might like a big cup... Or in this case a jug of it!" Kae blinks at Wendy a few times and shrugs, muttering "Gotta give her one thing, she's fearless.." Mutters Kae, Tina snickers now reminds Kae that she needs to empty the Till, and Kae does just that, just leaving enough to make change for the next few customers Kae then adds to Volf, now in english "Look forward to seeing you again!"

Juggernaut has posed:
    "Yeah, okay." says Cain as considers the huge cup and Wendy, "Coulda swore I said I didn't want anything but whatever." He starts for the door as well and but adds over his shoulder, "Lots of weird things around here. Never know who might show up." He eyes Kaelyn as he speaks and then gives her another shark like grin before starting to squeeze his vast physique through the door once again while also holding tight to his jug of coffee so as to not spill it.

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
Kae grins at Cain now as well, the girl offering a wave. "You have a nice day sir! Try not to knock over too many buildings, mason's get upset when their work gets messed up!" she says, now grinning broadly and trying to maybe make Cain laugh again.

Juggernaut has posed:
    The giant gives no answer to that. Just..goes. Seems like he doesn't have a sense of humor or at least one that would laugh at that!