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Latest revision as of 00:25, 30 October 2017

Lobbying For Detection
Date of Scene: 26 August 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: 1316, Red Robin, Raven, Wonder Girl, Kaelyn Silverleaf

Hana Yoshida (1316) has posed:
    A young lady is waiting in the lobby of the Tower - she's a pale girl, her eyes are green and her hair is dark and heavy, worn long. She's dressed in a full body suit of particolored green and black.

    She's standing near the door when anyone notices and responds, Hana leaning against the entrance, seemingly trying to decide if she should be here or not. So far, being here has won.

Hana Yoshida (1316) has posed:
    A young lady is waiting in the lobby of the Tower - she's a pale girl, her eyes are green and her hair is dark and heavy, worn long. She's dressed in a full body suit of particolored green and black.

    She's standing near the door when anyone notices and responds, Hana leaning against the entrance, seemingly trying to decide if she should be here or not. So far, being here has won.

Red Robin has posed:
    There's a good chance the Titan known as Red Robin knew someone was headed for the lobby before she even got to the lobby. He's got cameras and visuals all over the place... especially around the Tower. How else is he supposed to keep it protected? Besides, knowing that somebody's coming makes it easier to get the element of surprise going and look (almost) as intimidating as his mentor.

    "What's your business here?" Red Robin seems to just come out of the shadows as if he were watching her for the longest time. His cape draped over his uniform to make him look even more spooky. He's just kind of standing there and looking as though he were both studying her and untrusting. It's a combination of the two. It always is when Red Robin is on the case.

    There's a chance he might be a little more cold than usual due to some information that he has received about another member of the Titans. Thus? The perpetual frown.

Raven has posed:
Rachel Roth arrives. Where? When? That's difficult to tell. Tim, with his egregiously keen eyes, would probably have seen her walk out of a dimly lit corner as soon as he entered the room, but anyone else... It's hard to figure out who would or wouldn't see her just... Violate space like that. It's one of the things she does, that people hate. There are several of those. Most of them she does primarily because people hate them.

She remained silent, somewhere between half-gliding until she's a few feet away from Hana's side. Tim is taking the lead in questioning, but she has spooky down-pat, either one-upping her teammate, or just enhancing his own intimidation factor.

Hana Yoshida (1316) has posed:
    The girl takes a step back as the Red Robin appears, her fists clenching for a moment, but she manges to not fall into a defensive stance, though doubtless Tim could see that in her movements. She puts on a smile. "Hana des...." she begins in a Japanese style, but just then the spooky girl appears and drifts up to her. Hana's pale green eyes move to Raven. "I..."

    She keeps her calm, so far. She doesn't flinch at the mysterious appearances. "You have another one, like you?" and she motions towards Tim's colors. "The little one? He's been taken."

Red Robin has posed:
    "I know."

    Red Robin makes this clear as he continues to approach Hana. He doesn't seem to notice Raven's appearance or he's just trying to continue playing Gotham Cop, Raven Cop. But either way, his steps and his gaze (as much can be seen via the mask) are predatory as he gets closer to Hana.

    "What do you know about it? About him? Where you there? What did you see?" The questions are coming sent flying at her with a calm interrogative tone. Not rapid fire but just one after the other to keep her mentally off balance. So there's a higher chance at the truth. "Who sent you?"

    It also helps that he's monitoring things to make sure she's not lying. Lie Detectors rock.

Raven has posed:
    Raven's eyes narrow silently as they remain locked on Hana. It involves opening herself up a bit, but Raven is... Practiced, to say the least. As well, the Gotham Cop, Raven Cop dynamic works only when she's the creepy one that makes your soul scared, whereas R-R is the unhinged one that makes all of your fleshy hinges scared.

    "She is frightened. She wants to flee." she speaks, the monotonous drawl echoing from her throat more than anything, as if her voice doesn't quite work right, because it has no tonal inflection. "She is also angry, but she is defying these things. There is something else. She feels... Responsible."

    Raven begins to quietly pace, moving around the back of the woman so as to get to the other side of her. She makes little noise, being so light, but it's not the -noise- she makes, but the lingering feeling of her -being- there, that is unnerving. The creeping sensation that she's inside not the building, but the people within, that makes her aura of strangeness and menace that much more... Potent.

Wonder Girl has posed:
Seeing there's people downstairs on the monitors, and probably a bit agitated over their missing member, Cassie makes a quick trip down to join them, skipping the elevator and just hopping down the open shaft alongside it, designed for flyers who want shortcuts. Hovering just above the ground and then landing, she's out of costume in some casual lounging clothes, but... well she's never much of a costume person anyway.

"Hey," she offers toward Tim, before turning a curious glance toward the unfamiliar figure who's joined them. "Is this about-" And well, she overhears enough to confirm that it is, frowning. "You know at first I thought he was probably just off, you know, doing bat stuff. Lurking. Perching. That kind of thing. But this is serious, huh?" And turning to the unfamiliar woman, worry etches her features. "What happened?"

Though, hearing how Tim fires questions at the other woman rapid fire, seemingly more agitated with each one, she reaches a hand for his shoulder. "Hey, it's OK, calm down. I think she's here to help?" And, seeing that they have Raven to confirm this, she turns toward her, listens a moment, and nods at that pronouncement. "So no need for the uh, third degree." Really, though, her calming tone seems as much for Tim's benefit as the woman he's questioning, who she turns toward in turn. "Just... slowly, explain what happened?"

Hana Yoshida (1316) has posed:
    "You... know?" Hana asks, and her attempt at a stoic mask falls, her brows knit. "Well, I did try to notify the Batman, so perhaps that..." and she considers. All that seems true, the usual vitals-detecting that a lie detector might use don't seem out of the ordinary as she talks.

    She looks between the pair, looking back as Raven drifts around behind her. "_I_ sent me. He was taken by a man that looked much like Deathstroke..." she says the name as if she knows very well who the Terminator is. "... but he was not Deathstroke. He was in dark colors, not those stupid 'shoot me' orange. " she continues. "His skill was poor. He was relying on his speed and strength to take the fight." that to Red Robin.

    "He might be hurt. He was hurt, your friend." she says, looking to Cassie as she appears as well. Hana shifts her weight to her front foot, perhaps just nervous energy, or perhaps preparing a snap kick at Tim. "I was there." she admits. "They took him after they detonated some explosives and I did not see where they fled to, the man and his allies."

Red Robin has posed:
    Red Robin reads her like a book and gives a nod at the statement that was given. He's also probably recording all of this. "Thank you." There. He added some politeness in for the sake of the Titans reputation. He's too focused on finding Robin to be worried about manners at this moment. Granted, there are other people here to make sure that nothing goes down. He doesn't look like he's ready to do anything but he's always ready to spring into action. The only action he does, though is step backwards to give her some more breathing room.

    "We'll take it from here." He doesn't have anything else to say to the eye-witness. He's already putting the information he's gotten into his wrist computer to see what kind of results he can pick up on. Before he gets to the scene. He's definitely going to have to go to the scene of the crime. Just a matter of when.

    For now he's going to focus on cross referencing Deathstroke with Deathstroke Imitators and Wannabes.

    He immediately scrolls past the name 'Deadpool' and the 7638 red flags alerting the moment that name is highlighted.

Raven has posed:
    Raven paces out from behind the girl, and then moves to step up next to Red. She has yet to say anything that she didn't get from being inside the other woman's head- or a portion of it- and that's probably a violation of some manner of privacy.

    "I think she knows more." Raven offers, plucking at any secrets that Hana might have, dragging them into the light- even though she references nothing specific about them. "She said they. That means it was not only this Deathstroke pretender. There were... Others, it sounds like."

Wonder Girl has posed:
"Who?" will be Cassie's question, as that particular name gets thrown out and Tim starts doing his searches. She's relatively new to heroing and a lot of what experience she has, well, it's with the Amazons, dealing with their divine dramas and many of Wonder Woman's foes. The world of elite international assassins is not really her thing!

"So what actually happened?" she'll then press, joining in Raven's inquisition, albeit in a much more friendly-faced way. She's definitely a ray of sunshine compared to the gloom of Raven and anyone related to the Batman! "We just need to know the full story, so we can get some picture of what's going on here and figure out what we're going to do about it. I don't even know who this guy is, let alone his imposter, let alone why some imposter of some other dude would want to kidnap Robin." Well, er, that Robin. She glances at Tim. "I guess... maybe to get at Batman for something?"

Hana Yoshida (1316) has posed:
    "They did have energy weapons." Hana adds. "They were definitely _not_ Yakuza. They were there to steal money from the oyabun and his gambling facility. Perhaps it was a trap for your little Robin-bo? I do not know."

Another look at Red Robin. "There is not much to see, if you go. The bodies of the fallen that were not taken by the poilce are little more than melted smears on the ground now. The kobun will be shooting first and asking questions later in Cobble Hill and so I urge caution."

    To Cassie now. "Deathstroke is an assassin and a mercenary, very powerful. Not human in the way he moves. He is strong, very strong. Not one to cross. He is a shinigami. This is well-known in the shadows." She shrugs, thinking. "Perhaps..." and her mouth forms an 'o'. "I am very sorry. If he has been hired to eliminate you, I am truly grieved. Are there people you wish to tell you love them? I will see that the message is delivered when you are all gone, when he is done with you."

Wonder Girl has posed:
Once again, there's a lot that goes over Cassie's head. Like all the Yakuza talk. Still, Hana's more pointed explanation of who this Deathstroke person is, that she can follow, albeit not with any particular enthusiasm. "Sounds like a jerk." Yet at the same time, she's not going to stand there as the other woman pronounces all of them already in mourning! "Think you're getting ahead of yourself there, lady. Maybe this guy is really strong, but first, someone's already said the guy on scene was... an imposter or something? And second, well, we're a team. As strong as anyone is, together, we're nothing to mess around with."

Standing akimbo, she makes a stubborn face. "Anyway, is that all the info you have? Nothing about where they might have taken him?" The whole group is standing around in the lobby at this point, continuing to chat, Cassie with her teamates facing their visitor, Hana.

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
Another female enters the tower, this being a tall redheaded woman, wearing a backpack, jewelry jeans and a silly shirt. She pauses just inside, glancing around and see's Hana there... She blinks a bit and shrugs before starting to walk up on the conversation at hand, staying quiet for now she waits till she's addressed... However one of her clockworks does kind of make an appearance, a small brass and nickle-scaled dragon with a few tiny exposed gears and red gems for eyes crawls its way out of her backpack where it perches on her shoulder.. Kae blinks and looks over at it and mutters "Sooo need you not to do that..." She mutters, and the amazinngly lifelike little clockwork crawls its way back into Kae's backpack, before she now looks from person to person and smiles "Ahhhh, Hallo?" Greets the redhead.

Hana Yoshida (1316) has posed:
    Hana looks to the door. "She was there too." and there's a little motion of her hand towards Kaelyn as she looks back to the Titans. A nod to Cassie. "I had no reason to go looking for him, but I thought I should tell people that might be the boy's friends. And the Bat." She shrugs. "I could not stop the man, though I tried. He seemed more interested in taking your kohai than attacking the yakuza." She shrugs. "If someone were to pay me, I might consider assisting, but otherwise this is not my fight."

Wonder Girl has posed:
When Hana directs her attention toward the entrance, Cassie glances further along at spots the approaching woman and her... pet? Well, she's seen stranger than that, to be sure. "Oh? You were also there for the... fight? Ambush? Kidnapping?" She isn't really sure how to classify any of this, of course. "I'm just trying to get an idea if there's anything we can go on to follow them, to find our friend."

As for Hana's offer, or demand, of work for payment, her brows furrow a bit. "Oh, so you're another mercenary?" This does not go over well with the true do-gooder sort that she is, though she'll glance toward Tim in consideration, "I don't really know how we, uh, deal with that kind of thing. Have you talked to Batman? How he wants to approach this?"

Raven has posed:
    Raven is still reading the girl, plucking at her emotions like the volumes of open records one might find in their local library. "She is a professional, to an extent. I feel like something important is being overlooked in that she saw it happened. That fact being... Why."

    There is a pause, as Raven looks over at Red Robin, "It is probably important. She seems to be... Proud of some things that happened there. I think we should know why she was there in the first place. Why she would even be witness to these things at all, regardless of what she saw."

Red Robin has posed:
    Red RObin has been paying attention and listening while also working on his wrist computer this entire time. He hasn't said anything but that's not strange for a Bat Brat. He's been focused and living up to his mental potential. He's already started piecing some of this together but he's going to need more intel and more evidence if he's going to figure this out.

    Cassie's words strike him in the chest though and he finally looks up. He hasn't told Batman. He was too busy trying to solve it he didn't think to... oh man.

    "We'll handle it." Red Robin has to stop himself from saying he'll handle it alone. That's usually what gets Batman into trouble. "Your information will be helpful. Thank you." It's then that Red Robin notices the new person in the Tower and his eyes narrow again at perhaps Kaelyn's entrance and Raven's words at the same time. "Have anything to add?" is asked of Kaelyn because it looks like Red Robin is ready to go.

Hana Yoshida (1316) has posed:
    "And?" Hana asks, perhaps a bit miffed at Cassie's disdain. "It is an ancient and honorable profession." She shrugs, though. "To put one's self in danger for no reward is the height of foolishness." she ripostes.

    Her head whips around to Raven, and Hana's eyes narrow. "You! You're looking in me?" she says, almost in anguish. Her fists clench again and her eyes blaze green, unnaturally. "Stay out!" Her hands too, sickly green and the temperature jumps around her.

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
Kae blinks curiously.. "Mercenary? Ummm, nooo not exactly." She then smiles cheerfully and points out "I own a coffee shop and Occult store in Bludhaven." she adds the, girl having to get in her little push for her shop, before glancing from one person to the other. She tugs her backpack off her shoulder, it's a small-looking backpack. A leather thing with lots of jingling things on it. Kae opens it up, and reaches in like one might normally reach into one and at the right distance, then further, and further and finally she's up to her shoulder into the article... She then opens the backpack further nad goes with one head and both arms into the backpack momentarily, before finally withdrawing her self and a sword...

"Soo this belonged to the big head honcho fellow that was fighting Other Robin I think? I get lost as to how many of y'all are... I was able to use it in a scrying ritual, and I may have a bit of a lead.. The Waterfront here in Gotham is where I think one might be able to start... I can probably divine a little more if I were to get closer as there's some interferance..." She says and tilts her head, curiously as she looks from person to person.. "Now this might not be where Other Robin is held, but it's a place this sword came from and a place that the armored ninja-fellow has been or been often.."

Wonder Girl has posed:
"Ancient, maybe," Cassie mutters back at Hana. "Honorable, I don't know. Some of us, we actually care about other people, about the whole world not going down the toilet while we sit around and count pennies." Huff. Turning from the other woman, she focuses on her teamate, echoing Tim's conviction with a nod of her own. "Yep. Don't worry. He's got an even bigger family now, than he did with just the bat-folk."

All of this said, she turns her attention toward the new arrival and the rather curious show she puts on of spelunking into her own, evidently bottomless backpack. It's a neat trick, and Cassie sure looks curious watching it. "Huh. What else you keep in there?" she wonders, grinning a bit, though the momentary levity passes as the more serious discussion resumes. "Oh, hey, that's great. We've got some idea already then. What do you think," and she looks between Tim and Raven. "Do we go and poke around, or is it better to get some more info? These guys do seem kinda... well, I guess we shouldn't underestimate them, anyway."

Red Robin has posed:
    Red Robin is only halfway paying attention because he's focused on the sword now. Because that's evidence. Hard and physical evidence. He's already moving to take the sword from Kaelyn. "Thank you." His gratitude always sounds as stoic as the rest of his words because he's focused on the task at hand. He's not focused on anything else. There's no reason for him to be focused on anything else.

    "We will find him. Your help is appreciated. We will not be paying for this information. That's informational terrorism." There. He's said his peace about it and now he's off to activate Detective Mode on his lenses and inspect the sword. "This is a Titans matter now." Seems like Red Robin is done with talking to these outsiders. Especially since he adds, much quieter, almost a whisper: "Titans Together."

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
Kae ummmmms... She blinks at Robin... "Ummm when did I ask for money?" She asks curiously then scratches at the back of her neck... She then snaps her fingers and litterally climbs into the back pack, feet first, dissapearing for a while, finally she returns and dumps a few techie type guns and some other stuff she picked up at the site... "Here's more!" Kae says cheerfully as she finally etricates her self from the backpack... She sets those out and looks at Red Robin now curiously "Oh and I'm not a Mercenary... Am a..." She pauses and looks at Raven curiosly then smiles and looks back at the others. "I'm a bit of a magic user and all.. And as I said, I can help if I get some of these things closer to the waterfront and do another scry on it and all... But I kinda gotta have a little bit of this stuff to use when making the magic..."

Wonder Girl has posed:
Again, Cassie watches Kaelyn's odd bag-related trickery with a certain fascination. In fact, once the other woman actually climbs inside and vanishes, she walks to the edge of it to peer inside herself. Which of course leads to her being slightly startled as the bag's occupant pops back out again, tossing out a collection of odd toys and gizmos. "Here lemme help," she offers, offering a hand while Kaelyn climbs out. "I think he was talking to the uh, other lady," she also adds, nodding across at Hana.

"I don't really know what to make of any of these, but if you can track their position at all... I think that'd be a big help." Which inevitably has her turning her attention back toward Tim, and there's concern again in her expression, sensing whatever worry behind his determined facade. "We shouldn't turn anyone down who is just *offering* help, especially if they have any talents we don't," she points out. "Many of us, we've worked for other heroes, and now we work together... so we should appreciate what teamwork can do. And the Titans should definitely contact your mentor and his other allies too. We'll find him together."

Raven has posed:
    "Informational Terrorism doesn't exist." she states, at first, before waiting a moment to respond, and then finally asking, herself, the question she had not yet heard anyone else ask, or have answered. "Why were you there?" she inquires, looking over towards Hana. "I do not believe in such fortunes. I is not mere serendipity that allowed you to witness the event that you did."

    Finally, for once, Raven's hands pull themselves free of her sweater, the slim, almost totally, utterly perfect looking things resting at her sides, as she seems to roll her shoulders. "Your feelings have betrayed an involvement more than cursory. I want to know what you were doing that brought you there."

Hana Yoshida (1316) has posed:
    Hana's fires are put out, the temperature goes back to normal, though slowly. Still seething, she glares at Raven. She spares a momentary glance at Tim. "Very well." she says, seemingly dismissed by Red Robin. She turns to go, very rudely not bowing or even inclining her head. She looks over her shoulder to keep Rachel in view, just in case as she goes. "I wish you all luck. I truly do."

    Raven asks a question, though, and she stops. "I was there meeting with... a business associate. He was offering me a job on behalf of a third party, but I turned him down." She puts her hand to her head, though. "I want you to stay out! My feelings are _mine_, not yours to rifle through like so many files."

Red Robin has posed:
    Red Robin doesn't have the energy to sigh in the middle of trying to get this all planned out and ready to roll. He's focused on trying to get things going the way they need to on this investigation. "Leave them with us. I'll track Robin." He's simply not wanting to add wild cards into the mix. This is a Titans matter and these people aren't Titans. ONE OF THEM WAS JUST ASKING FOR MONEY! All of this goes on in the span of him looking at one part of the sword, to the pile of tech guns and then back to the sword. For those that know him-- or Raven-- it's pretty easy to read.

    "Leave us a way to get in touch with you. If we need your assistance, we'll contact you." Red Robin will explain all of his feelings to the team later. He's got to get this stuff upstairs to his lab.

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
Kae peers "The mall isn't too far away from where it happened, and I don't run away from things when I hear gunfire.." Her attention on Raven now as she answers the question of why she was there.. "Anyhow, I tried to help him, by warding him and trying to maintain the ward... The explosion kind of messed that up.. " she says and then grins at Cassie "Thanks for helping me out." Kae motions to the bag and shrugs "If you like you're more than welcome to go in if you're curious." she says and takes a few steps away.. Then Red Robin does the whole 'get in touch if we need you' thing... Kae then smiles brightly as she looks to Tim "I fix my mistakes. I wasn't able to keep your friend from getting kidnapped, but I fully intend to help in his retrieval... So... There's a few options, you let me work with you. You don't let me work with you and I go and try to help by my self whether you like it or not, or, you guys stop me from trying to help and all... Mind you I've allready gotten enough from the scene to go straight to that waterfront and do my own magical investigation, but I'd much rather work with someone then at odds with them." And yah, the rudness by Red Robin and the dissmissal has gotten the redhead's dander up... She is... afterall a redhead, complete with temper once her pilot's lit.

Raven has posed:
    Raven can obey a lot of requests. That one, of course, is one of the better ones, as Hana has not earned the Titans' ire. As a result of this, Raven pulls her aura back, becoming all the less menacing. Quietly, she moves off to one side, slipping her hands back into her sweater's pockets. She has nothing left to offer and, sadly, the magical displays from Kaelyn are lost on her... This time.

Hana Yoshida (1316) has posed:
    The pale girl inclines her head slightly to the magical redhead and moves again, headed for the door once more. Her good deed for the century is done.

Wonder Girl has posed:
Somewhat ignoring the conflict between Raven or Hana (or more likely, trusting that Raven can handle it, with plenty of backup on hand), Cassie continues with Kaelyn and Tim, helping the former up like she weighs basically nothing. "Here," she'll tell the witchy-woman, pulling out her phone, "Why don't you give me your info, and I'll keep in touch? I like your backpack, by the way." She may mean fashion wise but... no, probably, definitely the magic tricks.

Actually being offered to go in it and take a look, well, um. She does look curious, peering over and into it again. She doesn't look afraid, but curious, definitely. Hers is a bit more of a magical background afterall, if in the somewhat grander, mythic tradition. But it's not her first magic item! "Um, if you don't mind?" She crouches down and, first sticks a hand in. Assuming she's not eaten by a grue, she'll even poke her head in to look around...

And apparently, inside the backpack, someone ends up giving her a cup of hot chocolate, which she emerges holding, looking slightly confused... but hey, hot chocolate! Sip.

Still, even with her drink, she does caution Kaelyn: "I wouldn't go poking around there by yourself. If this first time was a trap... well, this could all be a big, elaborate DOUBLE trap, right? So if they're easy to find, it probably means they're waiting for us. Plus, if we go wandering around a huge area without good info, we might just tip them off. I think we should do all our homework first, then go in as a team."

Red Robin has posed:
    "That's what I just said."

    Red Robin almost fumes as he heads over to collect as much of the gear as he can carry. He rolls his eyes, but the lenses hide it, although he's dramatic enough to move his head with the rolling of the eyes because that's just what makes being a masked avenger even cooler.

    "I'll be in my lab. Forensics. I'll let you know when it's time to move." This is said to the Titans and with that, Red Robin is headed for one of the shadows so that he may go get started on his detective work. He leaves the others to play nice.

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
Kae tilts her head at Red Robin's reaction, then shrugs and looks to Cassie... "Guess I'mma gonna be doing this my self." She says and offers a card to the other female, Cassie "This will let ya contact me... Ya can call me on yer phone, or just swipe the pentagram and talk.. I'll hear you..." Kae says with a slight smile, then reaches into her backpack and withdraws a clear plastic tumbler, this one having a green liquid, "Hmmmmm.... Green Tea Latte... Yay!" She says cheerfuly. She says "Thanks Wendy!" The hand of a young woman now reaches -out- of the bag and a "Your Welcome!" Is returned. Kae then moves to pick the backpack up now, pulling the zipper to the right. Oddly the bag doesn't close, However it now just looks like a normal backpack on the inside. She then flips the zipper handle over, swiveling the thing before closing the backpack... Kae flips it up on her back now and glances around curiously... "Anything else?" she asks, now looking from Raven to Cassie curiously.

Raven has posed:
    Raven's response is as quiet as it is simple. "No." she states, before making her way towards the stairs back up towards the dormitories. She has some things to think about in regards to how they were going to... Well, do the deed. After all, they had to -find- this imposter Deathstroke. Then, they had to actually beat him, which was... Probably going to be difficult. Because it's never easy.

Wonder Girl has posed:
Checking out the card, Cassie grins and tucks it a little holder in her phone case. "Cool, sure. I'll be in touch, don't worry about grumpypants." Learning to deal with Robin(s) and their usual emo-ness is an core Titan skill! Pondering if there's anything else, she shakes her head. "I don't think so, not right now, anyway. Thanks for the help, and the drink!" She waves at Wendy, too, because why not!

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
Kae grins a bit "Well help emo-bat-boy and all... Maybe you can get em to laugh." Kae says with a wink, and she makes her way to the door, the girl heading on outside... She then glances around curiously and as she walks a little further passes beyond a lightpost, but well where she should be there, she simply isn't.