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Latest revision as of 01:44, 30 October 2017

Who's that girl
Date of Scene: 28 August 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Troia, Hawkeye (Bishop)

Troia has posed:
It is late afternoon. Already businesses are emptying out of the first round of workers, those who get in bright and early. While not the height of rush hour, there are enough businesses in Manhattan to make the sidewalks always eem crowded. Nearby at the Themysciran Embassy, the doors open and a dark haired woman steps out. She wears simple fare, just street clothes rather than anything formal, which make make her easy to overlook. That is, asside from the one small detail about how this woman seems to be the very image of Princess Diana of Themyscira herself. Of course one would have to wonder why the Amazon's ambassador would come out the front doors and risk being mobbed by all of her admirers and the paparazzi. Perhaps she thinks she can out smart them by doing the last thing they'd expect?

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
    A youngish woman has been there, near the Embassy, for an hour or more, just watching the building and the various comings and goings. She's dressed in a knee-length skirt - navy blue with thin black pinstripes, and a eggshell-white blouse under a well-tailored business jacket of navy to match the skirt. Clipped to her jacket is a magnetic-strip ID card with her name and 'Stark-Fujikawa' printed on it.

    Keen eyes notice Princess Diana exiting the building even if noone else does and the woman moves towards the ambassador. "Excuse me." she says as she nears, her hand in her pocket but not otherwise seeming terribly threatening. "I... I don't want to bother you, Princess, but I would like you to have this..." and she produces a silvery coin, a 1999 Susan B. Anthony dollar.

    "This was a great American woman, and so I thought a legend should have another legend." Kate says, offering the coin on her palm.

Troia has posed:
Donna Troy walked down the sidewalk that flanked the embassy's semi circular drive and had almost made it to the street when the woman walked up. A moment of confusion registered in her silvery blue eyes before she realized it was a case of mistaken identity. As the coin is offered, Donna offers an apologetic smile. She even seems to smile like her sister. "I am very sorry, miss.. but I'm not the Princess." Technically? She was. Kinda. It's complicated. But to try and clear it up further she added, "I'm not Diana...."

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
    "You're not?" Kate asks, confused, and she takes a step back to look the lady over again. "You... but... surely." and she scratches her nose as she considers. "I guess that's why you're not flanked by guards or something." Still, she holds out her hand again, with the coin still on her palm. "You could get it to her, though? I still would like her to have it." and she smiles. "My name is Kate. Kate Bishop."

Troia has posed:
Donna Troy smiles. "I'm not Diana, no. I am sorry. But I am her sister. Donna Troy." She then nods with a wry hint of agreement, "Yes. The guards are for the Ambassador. Her sister is just another resident of Manhattan" she laughs quietly. She looks to the coin and nods, "Yes... I could. And I will, Ms. Bishop - if that is what you wish. But it would carry much more meaning if you were to give it to Diana yourself. Don't you think?" She smiles. "I cannot promise a time. The Ambassador is quite busy. However... I'm sure that she would be pleased to meet the daughter of one of the city's most prominent. And you could tell her for yourself how much the coin means to you. I would not take that opportunity away from you if it can be arranged."

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
    "Oh." Kate says, unferstanding finally coming to her. "Her sister. Nice to meet you." she says with a smile, managing not to look disappointed. "I doubt she would want to meet _me_. I'm just a spoiled rich girl and she's a princess and things like that." She closes her hand, then, and slips the coin back into her pocket. "And you... you're a Titan, right? That must be terribly interesting, being a heroine." Kate herself doesn't look so much like a soft trust-fund baby - she's lean muscle and at this range Donna might see a number of imperfections in the girl's face, in her hands... some of it is covered by light makeup but some of them not so much - tiny scars here and there on her ears, knuckles, what might have been a cut on her left hand, things such as that.

Troia has posed:
Donna Troy might notice the little imperfections but she isn't one to bring them up. That would be mortifying for both of them. She smiles. "I will talk to Diana. I would not bring it up if I did not believe there was a good chance that it could happen, Ms. Bishop. I would not knowingly dash someone's hopes. That would be utterly cruel." She offers a warm smile. "As for being a spoiled rich girl?" She studies Kate briefly. "Perhaps you were born into a comfortable life and your family is well to do. You do not get to choose your family. But spoiled? I suspect that you have more discipline than that. Perhaps I am wrong? But... perhaps I've inherited a little bit of my sister's intuitions" she says with a smile.

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
    Kate's eyes narrow slightly and her lips draw together as she considers what Donna's words might mean, but she puts her smile back on a moment later. "Well, you and your sister have good eyes. Aren't you part-goddess, or something?" she asks. "I like to think that being born into my family gives me... I suppose 'free time' to help people. Charity and the like." she adds quickly. "I do what I can."

Troia has posed:
Donna Troy smiles. "And that is what I meant. You could have a reality show on TV. Or any number of things. But you're trying to help others. That is admirable. And that is why I think Diana would be pleased to meet you. If you have a preferred way to be contacted then I will get back to you in the next day or two at the most." She brushes her hair back over her shoulder. "As for the Titans? As you say... my own family affords me the time to help others in need." She smiles.

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
    Kate unsnaps her tny purse and looks through it, a look of satisfacion on her face as she finds what she was looking for: a business card. She hands it over to the Amazon - it has Kate's name and contact information, of course. "Thank you, that would be lovely." She looks back to the embassy. "I've always wondered what Themyscira would be like, it must be a paradise." Kate says, her gaze returning to Donna. "and Diana in the Justice League... that must also be amazing."

Troia has posed:
Donna Troy takes the card and after a brief glance, mindfully tucks it into a pocket of her own purse. She nods, "I am happy to do it." She smiles. "It is. If you can imagine Fiji or Hawaii untouched by modern archetecture or cars. No aircraft. Grecian inspired archetecture.." She smiles as she thinks about it, "It would be much like that." She then looks a little self conscious as Diana's activities come up but she nods. "Yes. She has sought to demonstrate that peace is not about being weak but standing up for what is right or for those who cannot defend themselves. It makes me very proud to know she is the primary representation of our nation."

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
    Kate nods again. "A great woman. So was Susan B. Anthony." and she smiles. "I should let you go, princess. I'm sorry for interrupting your day with my petty little request. It _was_ nice to meet you, though." she says, looking a bit sheepish for taking up so much of Donna's time.

Troia has posed:
Donna Troy shakes her head, "Just Donna. Please. The Princess is Diana." She smiles. "I am content to live my life out of the spot light." As if being an Amazon and a Titan were any means to avoid it. Perhaps in her eyes. "It was very nice to have met you Ms. Bishop. Perhaps we might meet for coffee some time and you can tell me about your charities? I would be interested to hear more."

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
    Kate nods again. "I would like that too, pr... er, Donna." she begins. "But, if you're Diana's sister than you're a princess too." she protests. "But, alright. Yes, coffee or something would be very nice. Anytime that suits you, please just text or email me. I'm generally available."

Troia has posed:
Donna Troy reaches into her purse and offers over her own business card. It states she does professional photography and gives contact information. She nods. "Well maybe later this week then? It would be nice." She smiles. "It was a plesaure to meet you." She offers her hand in a friendly gesture of farewell.