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Latest revision as of 03:24, 30 October 2017

Message for you, sir.
Date of Scene: 29 August 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Blink, Nightwing

Blink has posed:
Rain. It lashes at window panes and hammers at asphalted sidewalk with equal verocity. The muted roar of heavy drops an echo of the liquid's time in the sea. It remembers when it crashed at cliffs, toppled seemingly obstinate mountains to sand one wave at a time. As each drop dashes itself across pavement, car roof or umbrella. It remembers. It knows it is only a matter of time before this too gives way before the weight of water.

And it's one such umbrella that protect's Blink from the night's deluge. To her, Bludhaven is as good as Gotham for it's downpours. So she'd decided to bring a bright pink brolly with her. The only one she'd been able to find before heading out, beggars can't be choosers after all. And Blink, wearing her normal 'action' garb of deep green, lycra cycling shorts and a loose dress of the same hue was most definitely not in the mood to be soaked. Again.

Despite best efforts, the teen's soft suede, turned down boots were already damp - adding the smell of leather to the odours of wet exhaust and stone to the night air. Not for the first time, her softly glowing green eyes scan the buildings and surround, grumbling to herself in that Barbadian accent; "Where /is/ he?"

Nightwing has posed:
    Perhaps there was an element of sadism to the time he had spent observing the scene and making the rounds. If questioned about it he'd assuredly fall back on the fact that he had to be careful, considering her known associates and the past there. But there was something mildly amusing about seeing the young unflappable Blink being flapped about by the rain and its apparent war on her umbrella. Though, to be fair, he didn't linger on the sweep. Just a quick run past, a sweep of the area, and then it's after that that he'll make his approach.
    Easy to approach unawares in this weather, even as the rain causes the black and kevlar armor the vigilante wears to have a sheen to it with the moisture sluicing down the contours of its design. She won't see him coming, but his voice will serve to herald his arrival as he lifts it. "Hey, Blink." As if none of this was a big deal, and a night time rooftop rendesvouz in the storm was as natural as the Sunday newspaper.
    A few steps carry him closer and then he'll gesture towards a small alcove stairwell that he pushes open despite the 'Keep Locked At All Times' sign on the outside. It'll provide some cover from the rain, enough so they can talk. "What's up?"

Blink has posed:
Stepping inside and only too grateful to be out of the rain, the green clad mutant folds her umbrella, placing it off to the side where it drips down the stairwell - away from them. For a moment she just watches him, fairly certain that the rain hid her small noise of surprise when he'd announced himself. Fairly certain, but not /completely/. Any smirk would be noticed, and marked as well.

"I have some info and photos of the Gotham fight ring that Batman wants closed down." Her hand reaches to her belt, a normal movement - if perhaps a little exagerated so that he doesn't get jumpy. When it emerges, her fingers hold a small micro-SD card. For now, she doesn't hand it to him.

"It comes with a price though. He's to leave Sally Shears alone. She's not going to work in Gotham anymore, and he's not to go looking." Her voice is level, a hint of the exhuberant youth still there, but tempered behind whatever resolve has her doing this. "Deal?"

Nightwing has posed:
    "I can't make that deal, Blink." Nightwing settles in against the opposite wall of that small alcove, his arms folded over his chest as he looks to her. She can't see the irises in his eyes, just the faint after-image perhaps, though she can see the subtle furrow to his brow. "And if I know Bats, he couldn't either. But if she doesn't make her home in Gotham, then chances are she'll be free from his efforts, depending on what she's done." That might say something, however, that Batman hasn't 'marshalled' his forces against this Sally Shears, so perhaps she's not up on his hit list too high. At least for now.
    A tilt of his head is given, "But if you trust me enough, I'll make the case as I can. No promises, but it'll be the best you can get I think." His smile is there, faint, a little lop-sided as he knows the difficulty it may present her, and it presents him too since... well... it's not the first time he's been the intermediary between a concerned party and the Bat.

Blink has posed:
A moment's unphased sterness, no more and then she's deftly handing him the card as that Blase grin blossoms firmly into place. "Aww hell cutie, you know I'm not gonna hold onto this whatever you say." She touches his palm only long enough to make sure the card is safe before withdrawing her arms to cross them beneath her breasts.

"There's no way either me or Sal could ever stomach something like that happening. Just make sure he takes them down okay?" That at least she thinks he can agree to. An illegal fight ring's one thing, especially when all the contestants are willing adults. Keywords, willing and /adult. Kids being involved just breaks all sorts of rules, even for those in the grey area's of life. "Kids shouldn't have to deal with what I did. Not any of them." A single nod, and that seems to be all she's going to say on the matter, because almost on the same breath; "So how you been sweetie? I hope you're remembering to look up now?" She adds a wink too, just for good measure.

Nightwing has posed:
    "Definitely," Nightwing answers her in that calm manner, though his brow knits slightly. He frowns at what she is advancing, children fighting in illegal matches. A shake of his head is given and he tucks away that memory card into an interface in of the compartments on his waist, clicking the lid closed as he turns back towards her while the data is quarantined and then uploaded through the Bat Computer network.
    As she speaks further on it he shakes his head, "Yeah, that sort of thing tends to cut short the time a kid gets to be a kid." His own voice is measured, none of his own emotions slip through in that faint moment, but then he nods to her. "We'll take them down, Blink. Don't worry."
    That having been said he'll sort of scoff at her flirtation, holding a hand up and waving it to the side as if to brush away her words. "I've been fine, Blink. You? Still doing the Genosha thing?" He asks.

Blink has posed:
"You know it. I've made tee shirts and everything!" She's not joking, from that same belt pouch (and very tightly wound to start with) she produces a black tee-shirt. "I pegged you for a medium." On the shirt, what appears to be handpainted with fabric paint is the slogan; I <3 Genosha!

"Wear it with pride." It's tossed towards him, his for the taking - or ignoring as he see's fit. Either way the energetic teen shrugs and quips; "I've been helping a few others of the hero'ing variety lately too y'know? Saved that bus of school kids with Imbroglio and some sunlight-fire kinda guy." She grins, hiking a thumb at herself; "This girl's helping all over. Patent proof that Genosha isn't what the media says it is."

Nightwing has posed:
    A small snort comes from him as he accepts the t-shirt and sort of looks at it. He'll examine it, twist it around, check it for the size and holds up the medium shirt which would... fit him, but also be very very tight. He cocks an eyebrow at her, "Uh huh. Medium."
    But he smirks and offers his thanks with a nod as that smirk slips back to a smile, "And hey, that's good to hear. Good you've been doing what you can. I hadn't heard about that, but I'm so involved in my own stuff, I tend to keep my head down and focus on what's in front of me."
    "And yah, the media can be..." He lifts a hand to rub at the back of his neck thoughtfully, "It can be a good thing, but like most everything can be twisted around when people are pushing for their own goals."
    A pause then he adds, "But really, it's good to hear you're still all bright-eyed and bushy-tailed doing what you can."

Blink has posed:
That earns him a double thumbs up. "Someone's gotta look out for the little guy. And like you said, you and Batman, big picture people. Painting in black and white and fighting the good fight. All good stuffs don't get me wrong." There's the thumbs again, and that bright bright grins.

"But there's cracks in your canvas and in there's all sorts of folks wearing grey. And that's where us like Sally and I come in. Going where you big and brights can't." She shrugs; "Or won't. Not sure about the what abouts and where fores y'know?" Her bright Barbadian accent making it entirely too difficult to tell whether she's being earnest or sarcastic. The way her solid green eyes glow brighter though, maybe she means it?

Nightwing has posed:
    "Yeah," Nightwing eyes her a little sidelong, his lips curling wryly as he watches her expression and her point of view on things. "I don't know, I've heard Batman called a lot of things, but big and bright isn't one of them." He extends a hand to the side, holding it out for the rain to fall into the palm. He lightly tosses the small bit of water out of the alcove onto the rooftop, adding to the growing puddles. "Usually it's dark and broody. But I think I get what you're saying."
    He rounds back to her, arms folding over his chest as he tucks the t-shirt under one arm. That is one gift that is going to get wet soon. "But I think you do him a disservice to paint him with that broad of a brush. Though I can see how it might seem that way from your point of view." He tilts his head to the side, "But how are things going for you on a personal front? Keeping yourself busy between the occasional crime-fighting escapade?"

Blink has posed:
"Awww /sweetie/, worried about me are we?" She giggles, giving her head a little shake that causes magenta strands to fall in front of her eyes. A hand instinctively comes up to push the hair back into place behind one elfin ear. "I keep busy, training or just hanging out y'know?" A beat; "Unless you mean the adventuring?"

Blink's grin widen's just a fraction, somehow turning from blase to wolfish. "I go out exploring sometimes. The wild places no one else can get to." She raises one gloved hand above her head; "Top of mountains;" The hand drops; "Deep in the congo... Old temples sometimes, it's pretty neat. Mostly I just do it to see what's there." Curiousity killed the cat, thankfully no tail here. Not yet anyway!

Nightwing has posed:
    A chuckle slips from him and he shakes his head, "Well keep doing you, Blink. I gotta go get the data and a heads up to Batman." He pushes off of the wall and then steps out into the rain again, having tucked that t-shirt behind the loop of his belt, he steps backwards out into the pattering fall of droplets. His smile is bright as he extends his arms, "Drop me a line sometime you're in town..."
    He steps further out into the storm, lifting his voice louder to overcome the patter of the rain upon the rooftop and that stairwell alcove she's safe in, "We'll go take down some bad guys for old times' sake." His lip twists, amused.

Blink has posed:
A hand wave and a -Blink!- harkens the opening of a rent in the air leading to the sound of splashing waves. "You've got my number cutie, don't be a stranger!" She blows him a kiss, because, how can you not? It's worth it for that bright smile, defiance against the rain. She can get behind definance.

"I'll be good, you be you. And do your best to get the big B man away from Sally please? She uh..." The mutant hesitates, then shrugs and gives him a big bright Blase grin. "She means a great deal to some little folks that need protecting's all. So do your best for me 'kay?" And then she's leaping through, the -Blink!- of the closing portal the last noise other than rain. Always the rain. If he were to watch her go, he might also see a hot pink umbrella still sitting there in the stairwell. Dripping amidst the shadows.