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Latest revision as of 03:28, 30 October 2017

Beach Time
Date of Scene: 29 August 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Polaris, Wolverine

Polaris has posed:
Vacation on the mind, Lorna's headed out to the beaches of Genosha to get her drink on and take in the tropical waters. She sits in one of many beach chairs, a cooler nearby, and large sunglasses covering her green eyes as she soaks up the sun. Seeming to recharge in more ways than one there is an unmistakable hum of electro magnetic energy around her.

Wolverine has posed:
    Grumbling, grunting, groaning, and stumbling, Patch walks down the beaches of Genosha and wonders why he was there. The trail of smoke he leaves behind reveals that he is, once again, smoking a cigar of the finest quality. In this case, a newly purchased (yeah right) cigar from Genosha. "Not bad..." Patch says to himself as he removes the cigar from his mouth, looks at it, and returns it for a long drag.

    The grizzled old man that stumbles down the beach was wearing dark clothes. And sweating. His leather black eye patch covers his left eye this time, and he struggles to find who he was looking for. Patch spots her, looks relieved, and moves to talk to her. "Lorna." Patch says as he finally finds her and admires her...sunglasses.

Polaris has posed:
Glancing up, the energy about her fades and Lorna sits up a little, knees drawing up some as she gets up right. "Hello. Aren't you a little overdressed?" She wonders, eying the dark clothes and looking the old man up and down. Letting her glasses fall back into place she stretches out again and gestures to the cooler. "It's not Canadian, but it's cold beer." She offers offhandedly.

Wolverine has posed:
    "Huh. Yeah. Seems like it." Patch crosses his arms across his chest while chewing on the stogie. "It's hotter than I remember." Looking around, Patch shrugs. "Anyway..." Patch's eyes find the cooler, and he grins. "Ya' know, ya' always had a way with me, kid." Patch reaches down and takes a cold one. "Beer is beer. I kin handle it."

    Opening the beer, Patch removes the cigar from his mouth with his left hand, just in time to take a long pull from the beer with the right hand, holding it for several seconds. "Ahhhh...nuthin' like a cold beer onna hot day with bikini's an..." His eyes look down at Lorna, and he almost blushes.

Polaris has posed:
Lorna lifts a shoulder. "If I had qualms about being seen in a bikini Logan, I wouldn't wear it." She tells him and uses a tendril of power to open her own bear as she leans over to pick it up, looking at Logan. "Since I'm guessing you aren't here for the view?" She smiles at him. "What's on your mind?"

Wolverine has posed:
    "Well now. Fair enough." Patch's accent disappears for a quick moment, and then he gets back into character. "You mean Patch, Lorna." His eyes scan around, but no one seems to notice. "Ayway, green bikini's are certainly not common. The view is spectacular, though." Patch grins. "Naw, not here for that unfortunately." Patch sighs. "Got some Hand activity in New York. Somethin' goin' down, and I need allies. Thought I'd come here before Madripoor, since it's on ma' route. You heard anythin'?"

Polaris has posed:
"Patch, you're so right. You reminded me very much of a motorcycle enthusiast I know. I do apologize." Lorna amends and drinks her beer. "Hand activity, so you're headed to Madripoor? What ever is in Madripoor?" She wonders, and looks to the water for a moment, considering. "Well, I suppose I could take a break from the island life to offer some assistance, you're buying the drinks after, though." She tells him and props an arm behind her head to cushion it.

Wolverine has posed:
    "Death. Agony. Betrayal. What's always in Madripoor." Patch shakes his head. "It's never good going there, but I am one of the "crime lords" there, so I should make an appearance. With Viper, Yakuza, Hand, Maffia, Hydra, and who knows who else, I am sure it is a deathtrap." Patch shrugs. "It's why I always put on my sexy "Patch" alias." Patch chuckles.

    Patch finishes off his beer as he feels the heat of the day...and the encounter. "Don't I always, sweet cheeks?" Patch says with a wink. Which looks weird considering he has one eye covered. "I would appreciate any help we could get. In for a penny..."

Polaris has posed:
"Sweet Cheeks? Aren't you imaginative with unexplored territory?" Lorna wonders and quirks a green brow. "I can move you with my mind you know?" She drawls and drinks her beer, a grin growing despite herself. "Madripoor sounds like my kind of party lately. That is rather the trouble with sticking to the up and up-they don't like when you play hard." She murmurs and flicks a look Patch's way.

Wolverine has posed:
    "Sweet cheeks..." Patch says with a bow and with general aplomb, "I am anything if not imaginary. 'specially in unexplored territory." Patch grins. "Huh. No kidding'. Move me with your mind..." Patch's grin gets wider, and then he decides to retreat before he got hurt. "Yeah. Madripoor has been a hive of scum and villany for a long time. Probably why I get along so well there. It's the Han Solo thing." Patch chuckles. "Playing hard isn't an issue, I assure ya'. Everyone does. I could always use an emerald haired beauty on my arm that can manipulate the gamblin' tables...could use a little squanch." Patch laughs.

Polaris has posed:
"Why, Patch. I do believe you are buttering me up." Lorna says coyly. "And flirtations are hardly done at such a distance." She murmurs, crooking a finger at him. "Besides, you're still close enough to be well within my pretty clutches, had I a mind to play with that exquisite feeling infrastructure."

Wolverine has posed:
    Patch grins. "Butter. Heh. Yep." Patch says, "Well, flirting is all a' part a' tha' game "sweet cheeks"." Patch chuckles. Then he backs up a step or two. He raises his hands, open palms, and says, with a laugh, "Truce! No need to play around with ma' infrastructure." Patch adds. "I'll leave ya' ta' bake some more. Just give me a hollar when ya' get to town. and we'll go from there." Patch's eyes watch as a young asian woman chases down a volleyball across the beach. "Hmmmm...." Patch eyes her, and starts that way. "Maybe a distraction would work..."

Polaris has posed:
Amused, Lorna shakes her head as he follows the woman running by and drinks her beer. "Sure." She nods and glances down at herself to gage how much more sun she can take before she's too tan for her green locks. "You enjoy that distraction, I'll see you in a bit." She offers and settles back with a bit of a stretch. "With clothes perhaps, just to mix things up."