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Latest revision as of 03:37, 30 October 2017

Drill Sergeant Summers
Date of Scene: 30 August 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Cyclops, Black Rose

Cyclops has posed:
     Tonight's Danger Room lesson was particularly grueling. A simulation of an extrapolated possibility that could happen during the upcoming mission. After a brutal assault on Mojo, the blue team had fallen into a trap, Mojo having set up an impromptu gladiator match which ended up rendering most of the participants dead.

  It was set up for one thing only, to prepare all of the younger participants to understand the danger of the mission they were to undertake. Nothing about it pulled punches, it was a gauntlet, a sort of Kobiyashi Maru.

  Suited up for a mission, Scott had on a variant of his usual X-Men gear. Navy blue unitard with long sleeves, and gloves, a usual Sam Brown in gold and Scott's head uncovered, with his visor. Once the simulation had ended, A familiar hiss and mechanical grinding had opened the door to the infamous Danger Room. His face stern, as he entered, even if the simulation had ended positively, he would find something that could be improved on.

Black Rose has posed:
    One thing Scott, and the other instructors would have picked up on quite quickly is that Yana Asarov meant what she said. She actually seemed to look forward to the simulations, no matter how hard they were. And, something else? She, unlike perhaps most of the other students would often request to re-watch the simulation, and be just as critical of herself (in a positive fashion) as any of the instructors.
    Yana Asarov was driven. That much was clear.

    Scott had been able to observe just how versitile that Yana's abilities were; her ability to 'buffet' one of her team members (by physical contact) against damage, to take damage herself, to turn any ordinary object she could throw, or wield, into a far more powerful weapon such as throwing bits of metal into heavy gunnery and machines to render them inert, to being able to create a 'kinetic dampening field' to eliminate any and all physical kinetic motion save hand-to-hand combat, to slow or speed kinetic motion of herself, allies or enemies and, in those moments of stealth to be able to locate guards, objects, and their positions with a 'kinetic radar'.
    Her situational awareness, and combat readiness spoke of, as Jean and Doug had both observed on her initial tryout, to prove she has had training prior to joining the school.

    Dressed now in one of the students uniforms, Yana is breathing hard, flushed, but, exhilerated. She is not, however, cavorting. She is not bragging about all the cool stuff she did. Instead? "I should have been faster on my reaction time at the end. I thought I had a few extra moments to slow the motion of the gladiator before he attacked again. The other was deceptive in his own speed. I will do better, next time, Mr. Summers."

Cyclops has posed:
     Scott offers the young lady a towel, before he starts talking. Yana was already proving to have her head in the game more so than most of not all the other young mutants that had volunteered. "That simulation was meant for one thing, and one thing only. To show we may be entering into a situation where there is no possible positive outcome."

  "Every single time we go into a situation like this there is a chance one or more of us won't make it back. And that's something we all need to accept, to make sure everyone will not hold back." Scott keeps his frown, if not showing it just slightly more from that statement. "It's going to be a hard battle, but we are going to make sure everyone is as prepared as can be going in."

  Cyclops had been running scenarios every day since the team had formulated their plan, while it showed on many of the others, the X-Man had noticed Yana's willingness to keep working through it all. It was a tenacity that he liked to see. "You've done well so far." He offers, taking a deep breath at that statement.

Black Rose has posed:
    "I'm pleased, Mr. Summers, that I'm at least earning some confidence," Yana says, earnestly. Her features are placid, as she dabs the towel over herself. "Your simulation room offers a lot more - complexity than how I trained. Which was little more than a few men in padded armor, targets, and, firearms." She offers the briefest of smiles before continuing, thoughtfully, "And just how often -do- you get into a situation like this?"
    She lays out her astute reasoning, "When I tested with Ms. Grey to be allowed to try out for this mission she had me in an area with dinsoaurs. Dinosaur riders. Natives. Things." The savage land, most probably.
    "She also said at the discussion these simulations were taken from Mojoworld. Which leads me to conclude that - the dinosaurs and the natives are also a place you've been to before." She looks thoughtful.

Cyclops has posed:
     Scott notes the student's mention of prior training, he had heard she wasn't as new to all this as Jean originally thought.

  "The Danger Room not only provides us with a concealed area to train, but also a safe environment for students with highly destructive or volatile powers to learn how to control them." In fact, Scott himself had been in an iteration of the Danger Room when he was younger, before he was given his trademark visor. It was one of very few places he knew where he could open his eyes without their protective eyewear. "It is an indispensable part of our curriculum as educators, and X-Men."

  Cyclops gave a nod to Yana's guess. "Many of the simulations we run in here are taken from accounts of missions we have done over the years. That particular one is interesting." He offers, before he returns to his stoic demeanor. "Contrary to many of the students' beliefs, we don't looking for trouble. We only intervene when it is necessary."

Black Rose has posed:
    "I was - quite impressed with Negasonic Teenage Warhead," admits Yana, honestly. "I did a practice run earlier with Piotr, Dani, her, and Tabitha." Scott may notice Yana's jaw clench, briefly, at the mention of the latter name. She clears her throat. It's not time to complain about other students. The mission is imperative. And, getting on it.
    "That's what Ns. Grey said. I'm sure she already told you about my - overzealousness. She told me you have to be on the highest moral ground."
    Scott, no doubt, would have seen the footage and told about Yana's 'zero-to-kill' once faced with one of the savage-land natives who tried to set her ablaze. She'd put a hole through his head with a ball bearing. She'd done her best to use more controlled powers, and seeking to incapacitate, rather than kill.
    "Still, trouble seems to find you. Us. At least, it looks that way."

Cyclops has posed:
     Scott gave a nod, and perhaps returning that clenched jaw with one of his own.

  "I did see, and while I don't condone that kind of action. I would be lying if I said there was never a time when we have had to make a choice like that." He definitely did not like having to go that route, but there were plenty of people in the X-Men that did not have any trouble at all in making that choice.

  "Merely being a mutant can get us in some sort of danger. It is only fair that we know how to defend ourselves when that happens."

Black Rose has posed:
    Yana considers Scott, nodding her head thoughtfully. "That's what my father said. And, it's why I'm only entering the school now. He didn't feel he could help me expand my powers anymore." She purses her lips, "Though, if he knew about your simulation chamber? I probably would've been in here the day after I manifested," she jokes, some.
    There's a pensive look, then. She looks to Scott, adding, "I don't expect it anytime soon, Mr. Summers. But, I want to be a leader. I believe I have the overall qualities. I've, admittedly, not worked with people before. Not until now. So, that is new. And I'll need experience. If you, or any of the other teachers feel that I'm qualified as I believe I am, I'll gladly take any additional workload, or training, to help me hone those skills as well."

Cyclops has posed:
     Cyclops looks around the room, it wouldn't show it, but he remembers many a time here in this training hall. Mostly trying to keep Bobby focused on the task at hand rather than losing his mind that they were in a giant video game.

  At the notion of becoming a leader, Scott can only give a nod to Ayana's statement. "Let's see how this op goes. When it is over, we can talk more." He did, however make a note of a couple more simulations he could run with the students to give them a taste of the teamwork they do. Perhaps she can show her mettle then as well. "If it is teamwork that you will need to improve on, we can arrange things to put an emphasis on that, and field leadership."

Black Rose has posed:
    "While my father prepared me well for - what was out there," Yana agrees, "He really couldn't bring in a cadre of mutants to throw things at me and work with me. As you said, hard to contain some abilities. Look, Mr. Summers. I - really appreciate this opportunity. I promise you, and Ms. Grey both. I'll give you my best. And I will prove myself to you." She looks appreciative.
    "If there's anything else you think I should work on? Let me know. I'm not afraid of criticism. You can't be afraid of your weaknesses. Knowing them, and how to strengthen them or, protect yourself from them is paramount to being successfull."

Cyclops has posed:
     Scott himself has a reputation for not pulling any punches when it comes to critique. He'd definitely be sure to do the same with any pupil. "Nor am I afraid to point out what needs to be improved upon." The X-Men Field Leader makes a note again for the future. But for now there was much more work to be done. "Phoenix is going to head Blue Team, have you familiarized yourself with its roster?"

Black Rose has posed:
    "Yes," Yana agrees, "I've ran a little bit with my team, overall. We have several more simulations planned, before the deadline." She is looking forward to it, but there's a reserved excitement. She can't be blamed for that, really.

Cyclops has posed:
     "Good, if you want to lead someday, you need to study your teammates, learn their strengths and weaknesses and adapt to them. But overall, they need to be able to trust you in battle." Scott offers, something he was never quite that good with, but his teammates did trust him with their lives, if they didn't like him. "Take time to get to know them, it will make the real thing and the simulations easier."

Black Rose has posed:
    "Thank you, Mr. Summers." Yana is appreciative. "There are some more - abrasive," Yana measures tentatively, "Than others. I am attempting to find a constructive measure to deal with them, without," she presses her lines thin, "Ruining the respect I'm trying to build."

Cyclops has posed:
     "You'll have people like that all throughout life. It sadly doesn't stop at school." Yes it was an overused saying, but it was definitely true. "Best you can do is just do your best and try to find some common ground." Scott was also not as good at that as some of his colleagues.

Black Rose has posed:
    Yana looks wry. "Hopefully, the common ground isn't that we end up dispising each other." Still, she nods, and there's much to think on. "I'm going to go shower, and, then come back and study the tapes. Thank you, again, Mr. Summers." She smiles towards Scott, and then turns to head off to get out of the student uniform, back into her other clothes. And then, time to hit the tapes.