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Latest revision as of 03:40, 30 October 2017

Multicast Thunder!
Date of Scene: 30 August 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Thor, Wonder Girl

Thor has posed:
For most people, simply arriving at the Themysciran Embassy, particularly without some official invitation or pre-established business would be an intimidating prospect. But today's visitor is not like most! His entrance comes in fairly grandiose fashion, without pretense of humility or normalcy: with a rush of wind, the Asgardian God of Thunder descends upon street before the embassy entrance, cape fluttering, Mjolnir in hand - though just as quickly set aside upon his belt. "Hail, fair maidens of Themyscira," he greets wather representatives are on hand. "I am Thor Odison, Crown Prince of Asgard. I come seeking audience with the immortal daughters of Olympus, and with your Princess, that we might confer upon certain matters of divine concern."

Wonder Girl has posed:
Unfortunately for Mr. Mighty Thor, Diana isn't at the embassy when he happens to stop by on whatever godly whim. Some of the other Amazons will greet him of course, albeit with a sort of polite distance. He might not be a human male, but the Asgardian somehow screams 'man's world' all the same! Fortunately, a non-native Themysciran honorary Amazon does happen to be at the embassy. Cassie was there for a bit of her normal training and workout, and is just passing through the hall beyond the entry when the commotion draws her attention.

She hustles up to the entry to peer through, even as the other Amazons are discussing how to precede. "Oh wow, Thor!" The girl nearly bursts through the others to stand before him, looking up-up-up. "I've seen you on the TV and on the news and stuff, but this is really cool!" Then, curiously, "Um... so what brings you by? Oh, looking for Diana? Mmm, she's out!"

Thor has posed:
For all that he may be met with skepticism and suspicion, Thor shows no displeasure at his treatment. He is a guest, here of the fabled Amazons! "If her Highness is elsewhere detained, then I shall return when she is better able to receive me. Please, do extend to her my..." Then he blinks in mild surprise as a young woman not really in keeping with the mode of the rest of her sorority, neither in dress nor disposition, appears there before him at the door. "'Tis I, young maiden. Thou art a friend to the Princess?" A beat. "And a... member of her nation, as well?"

Yet here, as he looks upon her with a certain curiousity and awaits her verbal answer, the God of Thunder rests one hand upon the upturned grip of his stowed hammer, and through it already possesses an answer his own. "Nay, thou art not like them, not entirely. I sense as much. Prithee, tell me your name, young lady."

Wonder Girl has posed:
"Of Diana's? Oh yeah. I've known her since I was a kid." Which may have been no more than a few years ago, by Cassie's more youthful reckoning of time. "She's like an aunt or a big sister to me, really. And yeah, I'm an Amazon too-" And here the man interrupts the very question he asked her. "No, you're right. I was TRYING to say, is that I guess I'm an honorary or adopted one? I wasn't born, made, whatever on the island." She folds her arms over her chest and continues to peer up at the man, a certain challenge etched into her expression.

"Cassandra Sandsmark. And since you're such a big know-it-all, Mr. Thor, I'll tell you exactly what you're sensing: You may be the Asgardian God of Thunder, but I'm the daughter of the Olympian God of it, of Zeus himself!" While this may not be how she introduces herself to everyone she meets, face-to-face with a proper God for the Athena-knows how many'th time in her life, she does not shy from or conceal the full of her heritage. "So what's it to you?"

Thor has posed:
"By Odin's beard!"

Such an invocation is proof that Thor is suitably surprised by the revelation, or at the very least, impressed by it. "Yes, yes, I felt something of it, and your words do bring truth to my feeling! Astonishing, and most fortuitous! I came seeking the presence of one familiar with the Gods of Olympus, and instead, I have found their daughter instead." And here, then, perhaps the unexpected, as the large man bows deeply toward her. "Many apologies, if there was aught in mine words to give you offense, Lady Cassandra. I am honored to make your acquaintance."

With his, he returns to his full standing height, and seems to consider the young woman all anew, in light of these revelations. "Might I then trouble thee for a word? I would hear more of thine tale, and share some of mine as well, for it is not often that I meet those of like nature, at least within this realm of Midgard."

Wonder Girl has posed:
Lady Cassandra? As much as it sort of tickles to get the kind of royal treatment usually reserved for Diana, Cassie just... she just can't even. Hands go up and wave it off a little. "Um, just Cassie's fine. I don't, uh, live up there or hold court with my dad and his siblings and other children, you know? I couldn't handle all the crazy MC Escher nonsense anyway." What? "Anyway, I'm just a college student. Well, I mean, you asked how I know Diana and that's kind of the thing. We met through my mom, when Diana was working at her museum, but for a while I used to help Diana as a sidekick. It was pretty cool!"

Now with Thor asking to speak to her a little more, she looks sidelong at the Amazons who first met him. "I think it'll be alright? He seems like an up-and-up guy and I can handle myself, anyway." And at least in absence of any command to the contrary from Diana, the women will take Cassie's request, perhaps owing to that Wonder Girl status. "So yeah, c'mon." She turns to start in, walking through the entryhall. "What's on your mind that brought you down here, big guy? You're like an Avenger, right?"

Thor has posed:
"As thou wouldst prefer- Cassie, then," agrees the Thunder God, with a fair degree of nonchalance. While his speech always has a certain regal touch, it hardly seems some aloof affectation. Maybe they simply teach good manners in Asgard? At least when not in the heat of battle or deep in ones cups! "Ah, yes it has been some time since I visited the Olympian realm. I do find within it certain oddities, compared to mine own realm, but none too troubling. Are all well there? I imagine thou hast visited more recently than I, as rare as such visits between the realms may be, necessitated usually by matters of great import."

Bowing his head when Cassie speaks up on his behalf, the man falls beside her at an easy stride. "The trust thou vouchsafe me is most kind. I am aware of Princess Diana's companions in-arms, but not, it would seem, the whole of their nature or identity. Yet to stand before thee, I do know that thou speakest true, and that there is a great power within thee. Verily, as I wield Mjolnir, I sense also that thou bearest divinely-granted arms and a certain small portion of the power of the divine thunderbolt."

Wonder Girl has posed:
"You've been there? Jeez," Cassie reacts with some surprise, although this only really indicates her limited experience with things godly. "I didn't know you guys had mixers up there." A brief shrug. "I guess it makes sense." Then she just kind of gives him a look. "They're doing how they always are, I figure, which means squabbling amongst each other, plotting, and causing trouble that occasionally lands here on earth or often gets aimed right at the Amazons." This said a little more grumpily.

They walk for a bit, and she does smile at the man's over-exuberent gratitude. "Sure, don't mention it. You're a hero like Diana, and I really admire that, you know? So there's no reason anyone should doubt you. But," and here, stopping short of some hallway they're walking down, she rounds on him, stopping in his path and looking him dead on.

"Look, Thor- and geez how crazy is it that starting a sentence like that is a normal thing for me -I'm just gonna point something out here." She pauses and draws a breath. "You're one of them, and for you maybe all this stuff is normal. But it isn't for me. My dad was never a part of my life and I only met him because of Diana. Until then, I was just human. Just a girl without a dad and a mom who worked too much. So yeah, maybe we're both the kids of Skyfathers or whatever they call them, but uh... I'm not a God, and even if part of me is, I don't think like them, or prboably like you."