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Latest revision as of 13:05, 30 October 2017

Paris: Return Home
Date of Scene: 31 August 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Doctor Strange, Rogue

Doctor Strange has posed:
Strange marches into the hotel room looking for Anna Marie and he look around for the young woman. The hour is late, but Stephen doesn't concern himself with such trivial matters when there is work to be done.

"Anna Marie." He calls out, still refusing to call her just Marie for reasons he explained earlier.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue is on the balcony outside, the glass doors are both open and she's standing up against the railing with her hand sresting on it. She's wearing a black bathrobe and she'd just gotten out of the shower because her hair is brushed perfectly straight back and down her body.

When she hears his voice she glances back over her left shoulder, her eyes were surrounded by a fresh workup of black eyelinder and the rest of her makeup was flawlessly applied, she'd been preparing to go out tonight for dinner somewhere.

"I'm out here." She called in to the hotel room to him.

Doctor Strange has posed:
"Anna Marie." Stephen says softly as he approaches the doors to the balcony and steps through the door way, his hands slowly lifting up to the rails and he pauses to look out over the city of lights, slowly drinking in the wonders of the ancient town.

"I think it's time." He says ominously towards Rogue, not quite looking at her yet as he's certain the news might break her heart further. That is what he does however, his grey eyes turning to look towards the young bride-to-be.

"It's time to go back to New York." Stephen says, extending a gloved hand out softly towards Rogue.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue watched him join her at the railing and she then looked back out over the city and she sighed softly. "Yeah." She said at him. "I figured as much was comin'." She let her hands slip from the railing then down to her sides and stared at the city's skyline a couple seconds longer before she looked back at him.

"I'll get dressed. My stuff is already packed."

Remy's belongings had been sorted and donated to a clothing store. He had high quality stuff, so it wasn't difficult at all to find some store wanting to take them and Marie had known she couldn't just hang on to them like some kind of weirdo.

The teen frowned for a second and turned to go back inside their hotel suite.

Doctor Strange has posed:
"I'll give you some time." Stephen says, pulling his hand back as he realizes she doesn't need or want it yet. He does step back into the room and makes sure he's out of her way.

"I know you're not quite ready to return to Graymalkin, so you don't have to. I have a room for you as long as you need." Stephen adds, reassuring the girl she doesn't have to worry about a roof over her head or any such trivial matter.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue would pause in the doorway and she'd just turn around to look at him after he said he had a room for her. She eyed him for a couple of seconds before asking.

"Why are you being so nice to me?" She said to him. She asked, because... well, because of Mystique. Rogue knew that Mystique had hired people to watch out for her over the years and she just couldn't shake that this man... even with all the power he seemed to be possess, might actually be a tool of Mystiques. Even if part of her brain told her that this guy was way above Mystique's level. But still, maybe she had 'something' on him.

"Don't get me wrong, Misthe'ah. I cerrtainly appreciate the kindness and all that you've done. But I'm a guarded person, I've had a rocky road up t'this point, 'nd it just makes me... curious."

Doctor Strange has posed:
"It's more than an appropriate question." Stephen says, taking a seat on the chaise lounge and staying out of her way as he responds.

"I saw a girl a few nights ago, trying to kill herself. A girl who had felt so completely and utterly alone that she tought not living would be so much easier."

Stephen takes a long breath in sitting up taller as he does so. "I was in your shoes once. Only for much more, selfish reasons." The doctor explains. "So I'm giving you a second chance as the world gave me one."

He looks up to Rogue, hoping that was a sufficient enough answer for her.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue let these words sink in and she stood there, conflicted on her next movement or motion... moving that-way and-this just a little before she just decided to dip her pointy chin in a little nod. "Right." She simply said.

"Makes sense then." She told him while turning to her right to go back into the hotel suite. "I'll be just a second then."

Rogue would then go toward the doorways to her bedroom and she'd let them mostly close in her wake, but not entirely. She'd spend the next few minutes getting dressed and putting her belongings completely away.

"Are we taking an airplane?" She asked him, since she wasn't entirely sure how this man intended on getting back to New York.

Doctor Strange has posed:
"No Anna Marie, planes are a bit too ... mundane, don't you think. With babies crying and middle management men on their phone call with blutooth. No I think we'll be taking a much more, direct, method of travel." Stephen says, the joking tone very noticeable in his voice.

"Or would you rather experience that 18 hour flight again?"

Rogue has posed:
Rogue came back out of her bedroom with her bags over either shoulder, leather duffle bags that she'd bought before the trip. She walked toward him and smirked. "Not really. I'd fly it myself, but I don't wanna get tired half way across the ocean and have no place to rest. Though, eve'ah since I learned how t'fly a big plane like that, part'a me has always fantasized about bein' in one'a those scenarios where the pilots are incapacitated and someone shouts 'We need a pilot! Is anyone a pilot!?' and then I could jump up 'nd wave my hand around 'nd say. 'I'm a pilot. I'll save us!'."

Rogue grinned faintly at the man. "Guess thats just childish day dreamin' though." She looked him over for a second. "Whats your way then?"

Doctor Strange has posed:
"That's not childish." Stephen replies, a small grin growing across his face as she tells her simple day dream scenario. "There's always a possibility." He chuckles.

"My way is far simpler and easy enough nearly anyone could do it."

Stephen motions towards the front door of the suite and usher Rogue towards it. If she opens it, it'll be not to the hallway she'd be expecting, but a bright and sunny Bleeker street. Standing on top of a stone stair case looking down the sidewalk to the road, thankfully the trees are still in bloom and blocking out most of the bright sunlight. Stephen takes a step through the door before turning around and closing it and opening the door once more. THIS time, the inside isn't of the hotel room, it's of the great and dark foyer to the Sanctum Sanctorum.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue slowly nodded her head to the taller man as he said these things to her. "Uh huh." She softly said back at him, expecting his ways to be precisely as he said they were.

But when he actually put them on display, by going through these motions... Rogue just went a bit more wide-eyed and then turned slowly around to witness the world around her change.

"Far out." She whispered, eyeing the interior of the Sanctum. She could see outside the windows to the street that he'd just stepped out to and she didn't recognize it exactly, but she recognized enough...

"We're in New York now?" She asked him, opening her mouth to yawn a bit which made her ears do that little 'popping thing' where the pressure shifted inside of her head.

"God. You magicians are like... the coolest, I swear it. All this time learnin' t'master my punchin' skills. Where I shoulda been learnin' the whole..."

Rogue lifted her fingers up then and wiggled them. "Magic finde'ahs thing." She said with a little smirk then at the older man.

Doctor Strange has posed:
"If you're serious about that I can help you there too." Stephen says, as he walks back into his house that's definitely bigger on the inside. SUCK IT DR. WHO!

"Though I do expect you to still help your friends when they need it." The doctor notes as he walks deeper into his house where they come upon a huge landing with a giant crystal hanging from the ceiling. A natural looking chandelier that Strange seems jaded by now, or at least, unconcerned with as he takes a right down a hallway that ... seems to have no end. He walks past a single door and opens the one next to it. "This shall be your room Anna Marie. If you need it that is."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue walked along with him, but while doing so her eyes were all over the place looking at this and that... this place was a trip!

Rogue lagged behind him a bit while looking up at that crystal thing and just staring at it all bewildered like... but when he moved down that never-ending hallway she caught up with him via some fast moving legwork and then sideled up beside him when he indicated which doorway would lead to her room.

"I'm startin' t'think there's gonna be like a little talkin' candlestick and clock and teapot showin' up around this place any minute." She said up at him with a grin before she would move to go into the offered room.

Once inside, Rogue did a full 180 to look it all over.

"Stayin' here sounds great t'me. I don't wanna go back to Xavier's, its a highschool.. I'm graduated. There ain't no reason for me t'be there now."

Doctor Strange has posed:
The room itself would shift as soon as Rogue's hand touched the door knob into whatever she'd need it to be. Even if she didn't know it herself. The room could be any number of variations of itself. It could look exactly like her childhood room, or her room from Xavier's, or the hotel suites she had stayed at, or something entirely new.

Stephen stayed at the doorway and leans against the frame when he gets a bit serious. "I am aware you recently graduated, but you're education is not something that will ever end. The NYU campus is near by, I will pull some strings to ensure you are enrolled this semester." Then he continues after crossing his arms casually. "If you are serious about magic however, it will take lots of time, patience and practice."

Rogue has posed:
Currently the room Rogue was inside of was a random looking room, it was from a post-card she'd bought in Paris. It was the inside of a random farmland house in France that had a single window looking out on a rolling green meadow with a lake in the distance on sail boats out on the waters.

"Wild..." Rogue muttered softly as she sat her bags down on the twin-sized bed with perfectly kept blankets and pillows.

Rogue's hands went up then to brush her hair back over her ears and she looked at the man who'd given her all of this.

"College at NYU and magic studies?" She asked him, a smile showing on her lips for the first time in a week, a real one anyway. "How could I say no to that? I mean, look at what this stuff is capable of... Its dream-giving." She glanced around at the faux-fantasy room.

Doctor Strange has posed:
"There's also nightmares that come with those dreams." Stephen warns ominously as he steps out of the door and leaves the girl to her own whims and funs. "I'll be around if you need anything. Also Wong will certainly help you."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue nodded at him as she figured as much. "Gotta be a downside to all this positive, right? I'm tough though... even if it doesn't always seem like it." She showed another faint smile and then put her hands onto her hips and quirked an eyebrow.

"Who's Wong?" She asked him before he slipped off.

Doctor Strange has posed:
"Assistant and keeper of the Sanctum. He's a hoot. You'll love him." Strange says, as dead panned as he possibly could be, before he lifts a hand in the door way and walks out of the hall to leave Rogue on her own.