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Latest revision as of 13:11, 30 October 2017

Log 2272
Date of Scene: 31 August 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Feral, Domino

Feral has posed:
The ocean is a vast, cold, and empty space to the human senses. Passing downward into a dark hadal abyss, past the horizon in all directions, and offering precious few proofs of life for the land-shackled - but to those kin to the watery depths the endless seas are much smaller and some things hard to miss.


Loosing a roar that echoes through the underwater tides, a dark-scaled and tiger-striped chimera cuts through water within the flow of an undersea current - nature's aquatic highways. From the waist down and even a little higher, her body curves in the unmistakable form of a tiger shark, complete with its pointed fins and thick, muscular tail. Higher up, the sandpaper scales remain but curve themselves into a more humanoid shape, grey-eyed and branded by a rune across her face. The shark-woman's body is badly worse for wear, with dozens of cuts and pierce marks held together by nylon threads and standing out a stark, albino white where the edges of the wounds have bled into another creature more suited to nursing its injuries. Vanya's visibly in no condition for a rematch but it's clearly not stopping her from chasing the distinctive scent of another Russian - a much, much bigger shark.

She also seems to be carrying a large keg that's lashed to her waist and trailing in her wake.


Domino has posed:
    Injuries carry smell, and smell carries long distances. Sound carries for miles. Vanya might as well be broadcasting across an entire continent.

    This time... the shark in question is not ignoring the call.

    Orange eyes glow in the deep depths shining of their own accord, as a large mass swims up towards Vanya.

Feral has posed:
    The sharkmaid slows as the scent she's following grows stronger and swims a small S to sniff around. The small pits in her skin tingle at the sensation of life nearby - big life.
    <Come out already, jackboot. I'll follow you as far as you swim,> she calls in her native Russian.

Domino has posed:
<Why in the world did you follow me here? I would have thought you'd just go home and lick your wounds. Not swim out here trailing enough wounded smell to draw in predators for miles,> comes the low rumble through the dark water, as Akula rises to meet Vanya.

Feral has posed:
    <There you are,> Vanya sighs with a note of frustration as she pitches down slightly to face the massive shark. <Let them come - if you didn't feel like swimming halfway to Europe I wouldn't have had to.>
    Flicking her tail to turn in place, the were-woman nudges the keg in front of her and grasps it with a webbed hand. <I brought a drink for after our fight.>

Domino has posed:
<This is a piss-poor place to be having a drink,> Akula points out. <You didn't answer my question: Why are you here?> she demands, treading water to remain in position, bobbing up and down slightly to keep water moving over the gills along her ribs.

Feral has posed:
    While the larger shark bobs the smaller one just sinks, spinning another small circle as her fin distends and splits behind her to form a pair of legs. After a moment's shifting, a powerful kick shoots Vanya back up to eye-level while aerating a matching set of gills beneath her chest and a smaller set along her neck. In physiology, the two have a lot in common.
    <I just told you, I'm here to have a drink with you,> she answers brusquely, lifting the keg to about lower-gill height. The white gashes across her shoulders might be stopping it from going higher.

Domino has posed:
    <Why?> Well, it's a straight forward answer.

    Noticing how the injured elder is struggling with the keg, she reaches over and takes hold of it, to relieve Vanya of the burden. <You shouldn't be here, you're injured. I should be killing you right now....> she grumbles.

Feral has posed:
    Vanya's arm gratefully falls back to the woman's side and gives a small swish of its hand to help steady her in the water, even if the shape-shifter doesn't offer verbal thanks.
    <And what, become the only old shark left in the oceans? You beat the *$@# out of me, that fight's already over,> she rebuffs just as bluntly and a little coarser perhaps because of what she's had to admit.
    <And that's why I'm here with vodka. It's not right to pretend you don't exist after that.>

Domino has posed:
<I am still under orders from my superior officer to kill you and the coyote,> Akula points out. <But I'm guessing... you don't comprehend who he is. What we are,> she posits, holding the keg. Looking at it, then back at Vanya, <We'd better swim to some shallows or a rig. You'll draw the big predators in your condition. We should at least surface.>

Feral has posed:
    <Mercy tried to make him sound scarier than you but no, I have no idea,> Vanya answers openly.

    <I wasn't planning to drink underwater anyway. Lead on,> she offers, still tethered to the keg in Akula's hand.

Domino has posed:
<Hold onto my dorsal fin,> Akula suggests. <Or I will carry you. I can move quickly in the water, get us to the surface. How does that sound? I will explain a few things on the way, if you wish to hear it.>

Feral has posed:
    Kicking herself over and then behind Akula, Vanya brushes against the militsya's back as she squeezes her legs around her waist. Suction cups pucker themselves against the shark's skin as the shape-shifter draws out another creature's genes and a third tentacle loops itself around Akula's dorsal. The rest of her hunkers down close to keep from being ripped off by drag.
    <Talk all you want. Call it a courtesy for almost killing me,> Vanya offers as if entangling her fellow Russian in squid tentacles was a mediocre thing.

Domino has posed:
Akula doesn't seem to mind. She speeds up towards the surface with strong pumps of her tail and kicks from her legs. <I was born as I am now, a shark from the day I came from my mother's womb. I was acquired as an asset to the People's Army immediately, declared dead, given a new name and taken to a special fortification under Directive X, a part of the army dedicated to finding the Soviet answer to Captain America.>
    The surface is getting closer, more light shining down from above. <Winter Soldier was already there when I was just a little girl. He was ... my hero. My role model. He encouraged me through all the hardship and training. He was the closest thing I had to family until I was given my platoon.>

Feral has posed:
    Vanya listens as the water rushes past them, her grip keeping her secured to the speeding shark as she frowns faintly and out of sight - whether from old memories or Akula's effortless speed is hard to tell.

Domino has posed:
<I am out here because I came too close back there. Too close to becoming nothing but a beast,> Akula explains. Further up they go, the surface is only a few dozen feet away --
    Akula surfaces with keg and passenger in tow. She continues audibly, not missing a beat. "When I smell blood and fear, together, I lose control. I become an animal that cares for nothing but killing. Killing until I can no longer lift my head from the ground. It happened in Afghanistan. I smelled the blood and fear ... when I awakened, I'd slaughtered an entire village, allthe Mujahadeen... and my platoon. My beloved comrades. I was lying on a desert floor covered in rotting gore, sand, and flies."

Feral has posed:
    Vanya's frown deepens as she listens and lowers her eyes, more from the story than the sudden glare of sunlight. Her features don't bother to shift yet; she can breathe air in this form too.
    <Hell...> she murmurs somberly.
    <Good thing you didn't go after Mercy. That would have been short.>

Domino has posed:
    "That is why I am here. Because it will happen again. Someone in that soft American city will run from me, cut themselves, be afraid of me... and then in that densely populated area? Hundreds. Thousands of corpses. I cannot do that. I cannot be responsible for that. There is being a soldier... and then there is being a butcher," Akula states firmly.

"I am not a butcher. Shore leave is over. I have to go back to the ocean, where I am stored away in my weapon locker, like a good gun."

Feral has posed:
    "Che!" Vanya scoffs derisively as her scent betrays annoyance and a deep-seated frustration. "Fear is any animal's response to danger. If that's your problem you should start holding your nose." Loosening her grip on the shark's waist and dorsal fin, the chimera lets herself drop to straddling Akula's tail as her body swells with blubber, smoothing and softening the dense landscape of heavy muscle weighing down her smaller frame. Her legs reform with tapered fins poking off of them and a long, full tail shoots out her back like a gleeful child let out to play. Like Akula's its upper lobe is long, curved, and ends in a can-opener hook - though the angular tiger shark's actually looks pointed enough to do the job. Genetically the two are close cousins and floating one on the other it shows.
    "It sounds like you need some of my genes," she considers pensively. "I don't suppose taking a bite would do anything for you but make you less hungry?"

Domino has posed:
    "You'd be right. I'm afraid I can only get DNA in the usual manner." Akula actually smiles a bit, even laughs softly. "I can't just hold my nose. I'm a berserker. I must always be vigilant against my own nature. Winter Soldier's voice... it was the only thing that pulled me out of my creeping bloodlust." She sighs. "I am sorry. It was an enjoyable fight, but you are not someone I should be trying to kill."

Feral has posed:
    Vanya smirks at the compliment. It is at least to her ears. "Then next time we'll be more particular about our audience; just us and Winter, and maybe a friend of mine who likes a good fight. You were getting me excited too and it's easy to kill when you're having fun."
    "I've lost more fast friends that way," the predator chuckles wistfully.

Domino has posed:
Akula laughs. "That's why I chose to fight those I knew would be too hard for me to beat. That way I was in no danger of berserking." She grins skewly. "Plus, some of them came with benefits at the end. It was nice to f**k after thirty years at sea."

Feral has posed:
The smaller shark shares in the humor and Vanya laughs as well. "You must have a hard time finding men to play with. I've only met one so far who could beat me that well - two if we count you," she adds, thumping Akula's thick side with her fist. "You've got more testosterone than any humans."

"So what did the Red Army do to make you such a monster?" the little predator asks the big one curiously.

Domino has posed:
"I was always a monster. They just trained me to be a soldier," Akula explains with a grin, the both of them rising and falling slowly with the waves as they crest and trough. She takes the thump with amusement and laughs. "I could fire a dragnov and hit a bullseye at 500 meters when I was six. I had my first kill when I was five. Every part of my life was drilling, training, strategy... everything for the glory of the Soviet cause." She loses some of that amusement, her expression falling, her eyes clouding. "Now there's nothing left. Nothing but maggots dancing in the motherland's corpse."

Feral has posed:
"Bah, that nation's greatest achievements were you and me, comrade. The bread lines outside your barracks weren't that warm and happy," Vanya dismisses, refusing to share in the sorrow at their lost past. She seems quite content to ride the larger shark as long as she's allowed and rests her head over Akula's shoulder. With wounds comes an urge to rest.

"You're saying you were born with that body unchanged, with high tougher than a tortoise shell and more strength than a polar bear?" she asks sceptically with a small flare of her nostrils, filling them with sea air and the other Russian's scent as her red eyes flit upwards. "I call you a liar."

Domino has posed:
"Believe what you want. This is how I have always been," Akula snorts. "Which reminds me. What should I call you, hmm? I am Ulianna Saratov, codename Akula."

Feral has posed:
"That's not much of a codename," Vanya smirks. "I'm Vanya, Feral when someone insists on a codename, but since we're trading full names, I was Tatiana Lebedev some time before you were born."

Domino has posed:
Akula gives a skew grin. "Did you expect the glorious people's naming committee to come up with anything more creative than 'Shark'? Besides, they were training dolphins for the navy, it was good to make the capitalists think they were training literal sharks."

Feral has posed:
"I didn't know they were doing that," Vanya notes with a raised brow. "All I ever saw of the navy were their ships and shore leave. Stalin and Khrushchev more interested in bombs and rockets."

Domino has posed:
"Oh yes, the people's Navy had trained whales and dolphins, just as they had ships and iron presses with medals," Akula explains. "I was Spetznas. I did things that the country disavowed. I corrected mistakes."

Feral has posed:
"You killed enemies of the state," Vanya summarizes, chuckling quietly as she lets her arms drape over Akula's shoulders as well. "So you're one of those bogeymen I heard of..."
"In another world I could have been your platoon commander, grandma."

Domino has posed:
"And you might have been a part of my platoon, old woman," Akula smirks. She looks at the keg. "Now how the hell are we going to drink this without glasses. Or a table."

Feral has posed:
"Only as your superior. I have seniority," Vanya laughs. At the mention of drinking, the tiger-striped shark flicks her hand to the side flippantly. "Pull off the top and tip it, it's not that heavy."

Domino has posed:
"You're lucky I can't f**k you, I probably would have by now," Akula snorts, a half-hearted threat said in jest, as she places her hand on the top of the keg. The metal whines and crunches as she pulls it open, an impromptu pop-tab created by raw mutant strength.

Feral has posed:
That really earns a laugh from the feral woman on Akula's back, as well as a 'friendly' stab in the ribs from Vanya's claws. "Too bad for you I would want to be on top. I'm not sure I could enjoy it with someone I can't overpower."

"Heeeh... music to my ears," she purrs at the sound of rending metal. "Go on - you have the first drink."

Domino has posed:
"Really? You, on top? Never would have guessed." Oh the sarcasm. The jab just tickles and makes her laugh. "That construction worker was the same way. A pity he was too busy trying to keep me as a guard dog instead of as hunting dog." She takes a deep draught, knocking back a whole fifth of the keg, before passing it back to the beat up passenger.

Feral has posed:
"Blame my instincts," Vanya smirks, her nostrils flaring as red eyes gleam upwards and a transparent swipes across them as the Spetsnaz eliminates a hearty portion of vodka. "I'm sure you know the feeling. There's just something wrong about being at the top of the food chain and then rolling over..."

Taking the keg in hand, Vanya tips it upwards for herself with a grunt as her stitches protest. Hoer own portion is closer to half a bottle as Akula's statement makes her pause and lower her drink prematurely.

"Construction worker?" she echoes pointedly.

Domino has posed:
"John Aaron. First man to meet me and actually have the balls to challenge me to a fight. Though... I wouldn't call him a man. Not after that night. No human man does that for that long," Akula replies with a skew grin and a pleasant memory.

Feral has posed:
Vanya's grip on the keg trembles as she cackles with laughter, hunching against Akula's back before she can restrain herself back to only snickering. "Hahaha, He had you convinced he was a construction worker? And I assume he beat your $## as badly as you beat mine first? I threw him so hard a tree fell on him and all it made him do was smile."

Domino has posed:
"He seemed it at first, but when he had those teeth? No, he was definitely no man." She grins wider and laughs, half purring as she adds, "He f**ks like a god."

Feral has posed:
Vanya smiles wide rows of shark teeth back and points at her face. "You see this mark, grandma? That was the God of War you *$@#ed with. This is what he gives the women he wants regular fights with. I'd say to call me his herald but he just promised me more strong opponents."

"You're one of them, so so far he's delivered," the chimera adds slyly before returning to the keg for another sip. Afterwards it's offered back.

Domino has posed:
"I'm depressed now," Akula mutters, still smirking. "I'll never be happy if it takes a god and the g*dd@mn Juggernaut to satisfy me." It's half genuine lament, half self-depreciating humor.

"And he picked you to be his herald? I'm insulted. He picks the old babushka brawler and not the soldier. Well, f**k him. I don't need a god of war to make my own."

Feral has posed:
"You can have him," Vanya offers freely. "I just like that I can spar without killing him and then crash at his house afterwards. Let him *$@# you until he shatters your pelvis, he has too much of a human fetish for me anyway."

The were-beast's toothy smile slips a little and her hackles droop as she offers the keg of vodka again. "And I guess I should apologize... I was running out of prey until I met you..." Vanya pauses contritely. "I wasn't any challenge to you at all, was I?"

Domino has posed:
"I don't want a man that keeps me like a dog," Akula smirks, taking back the keg. "Dogs need exercise. Someone who keeps them tied up to a tree out back doesn't deserve to have them."

She takes a swig of the keg. "You gave me some good scratches, but if you want the truth, no. I was holding back because I liked you. If I had wanted to be serious, I would have snapped your neck and been done with it."

Feral has posed:
"You should /kill/ any man who tries to keep you like a dog. Doing that to you is an insult to both of us," Vanya rebuffs, turning her head to look out at the endless horizon. The red-eyed predator blinks as spirit leaves her voice and her mouth closes into a slight frown. "Really? I felt my claws blunt on your scales - there wasn't any purchase at all," she replies sourly.

Domino has posed:
"I bled. It healed - I regenerate any lost tissue - but I bled. You pierced me when bullets and swords do not," Akula grins, passing back the keg. "Do not worry too much about it. I respect you enough not to lie, and like you, I was thoroughly outclassed by Juggernaut. Such is life."

Feral has posed:
Vanya accepts the keg back and turns it up for another drink, this one longer than the first. The wounded predator sighs heavily as she lowers it again and allows the now mostly empty keg to float, only lightly holding her grip on its neck.

"There isn't an animal on this Earth with stronger claws than mine - or sharper, but I've never felt a hide as tough as this," Vanya admits as her hands morph to sprout the massive part-ursine daggers her strongest form called 'claws' and scratch them against Akula's collar. "Your hide is tougher than a tortoise shell, you have claws like metal knifes, and you're at least twice as strong as any living creature your size," she lists off.

"And you were born a freak accident from a human womb."

By now the chimera's other genes have chummed the water and wafted onto the breeze; bear and wolf, tiger and hellhound. The subtle malaise of brimstone and smoke hang distinctly at odds with the rest as red eyes look back up. "Uliana you are impossible..." A slight smirk lifts Vanya's features anew. "Kind of like me."

Domino has posed:
"We should be friends then. Two impossibilities against the world." Akula turns her head to partially look behind her. "So. Do you know how long you're going to live? They actually figured out my relative lifespan."

Feral has posed:
"If nothing human-made kills me, I could exist for a long time," Vanya considers, lifting her chimeric hand from Akula's collar to turn it over in front of them, inspecting the transition of scales into the faintest hint of a furred edge before the claws stretch from her fingertips. The appendage reshapes as bear fur, then wolf fur, then tiger fur consume it entirely and the natural weapons shift to match. Last and finally, the furred tiger returns to one of scales as shark cells return to the surface.

"I had my eighteenth birthday fifty or sixty years ago, now I'm... twenty, thirty, eighty?" she rattles indifferently.

Domino has posed:
"Oh good! I would hate to mourn your death of old age too soon. I will live for a good thousand years, myself. Give or take a decade or two," Akula explains. She laughs loudly. "And no Soviet empire to serve all that time! What a rotten joke this world is!"

Feral has posed:
"More than enough time for me to retake my crown then," Vanya quips as she leans her head in and sniffs the mammoth shark's neck. "How about you take the seas, I take the land, and we destroy a nice beach somewhere every now and then having fun?"

Finally sliding back off Akula's shoulders, the smaller Russian rolls sideways off the thick base of her tail and bolts to the side with a powerful kick, curving in the water to come up face to face with her larger compatriot.

"I think god maybe mixed up when he gave us our lives; yours sounds much more fitting to me. Keep your friends, but you waste yourself serving others."

Domino has posed:
"There is nothing wrong with service. If we all served each other in some way, the world would not be a massive pile of horse dung," Akula considers. "You can have the land, it's only good for shore leave. I am happy here in the water. I have considered seeing if I can find the Atlanteans. Perhaps it might be better to serve a King than a State."

Feral has posed:
"The land is where all the fun animals are, though it is nice getting away from all the 'modern living'," Vanya chuckles, clearly holding her own preference. "The world's not so bad to my eyes, but then--" the sharkette pauses as she looks down at her wavering reflection in the water and frowns.

"$!#@, my eyes are still red, aren't they?"

Domino has posed:
"I thought you were naturally red-eyed," Akula murmurs, teasing. "But yes, friend. They are." If she hasn't passed by the keg yet she does so. "Did you break some blood vessels?"

Feral has posed:
"No, brown, or yellow, or orange, or blue," Vanya answers. The were-woman chuckles and shakes your head. "You woke up genes I didn't know I had and some of them I've had trouble turning off... so these are your fault," she stresses in jest.

"That form was... intense," the shape-shifter smiles crookedly at the memory. "I must have eaten one ($#@ of a wolf one night..."

Domino has posed:
"Maybe you ate lupe garou and didn't know it?" Akula helpfully suggests. "Or maybe you just got a taste of chernobog." She continues to float, contented in the sea, despite the lack of a good table and chairs to sit at for drinking. "I'm glad I helped you get stronger." She barks a short, loud laugh. "Maybe I'll wake up some monster shark in me if I work hard enough!"

Feral has posed:
"Not werewolf, I've played with them to know what they look like," Vanya chuckles. "Maybe I ate whatever chernabog is - I don't remember most of my meals."

"I blacked out like you, only once, but for a little bit longer," she explains casually, smiling crookedly at a thought. "$*@& for all I know you're my granddaughter! Maybe that's where your shark is from."

Domino has posed:
"Well then it's a damn good thing I didn't f**k you, grandma!" Akula finds this -hilarious- and bursts into deep belly laughs. She's going to have to take a minute to compose herself after that one.

Feral has posed:
Vanya smiles wider at Akula's reaction and twists in place to slap her tail into the soldier's side while she's causing waves. Violence seems to be her way of showing affection. "You say that little Ulya, but you missed a lot of spankings. Maybe I should bend you over a rock to make up for it."

Domino has posed:
"Oh you'd like that wouldn't you, you dirty old bag!" Akula laughs. "Keep it up then! We'll see who spanks who if you try it!"

Feral has posed:
"You beat me enough already, I think you deserve some payback," Vanya retorts gamely, snickering bright-eyed as she swims around to the other shark's back and breaches to put her in a choke hold.

Domino has posed:
Now she's being play wrestled. It's like two puppies trying to chew tug and wrestle with each other. "Gah! Can't I finish my drink grandma?!" Akula complains while being partially choked, still chuckling mirthfully through it. She keeps a grip on that open keg and what's left of what's in it. Her body is processing out the alcohol to fast for her to get drunk.

Feral has posed:
It's not a hard choke by were-beast standards even with the room afforded by Akula's thick neck, but it's enough to keep a grip and tease. Vanya reaches up with her free hand and ruffles the other shark's hair all over while wrapping her legs around the thresher's sides for support. "Drink away, Ulya. Maybe you'll grow up big and strong like mom," she cackles.

Domino has posed:
"Oh so you want me to get bigger and stronger? I'll keep drinking, next time I will grind your ass into hamburger!" Akula laughs, and she finishes off the rest of the keg. "Now! How about I take you to shore so we can see who spanks who, eh?"

Feral has posed:
"Be sure to drink plenty of milk too or you'll turn flat like your soldier friend," Vanya responds gamely. At the chance to follow through with her threat, the were-woman chuckles. "Heh, you might beat my $!! up and down a sandbar right now, but sure, as long as you can handle a little blood."

Domino has posed:
"Pff! Have you seen these tits? You'd have to take them off to make them flat," Akula crudely replies. Yep, this is definitely the old Akula, back in good form. She tosses the keg out into the ocean and lets it sink.

"So what are you going to do with yourself, old woman? I'm going back to Russia. I want to see what's left of the Union and finally mourn her death."

Feral has posed:
Already on her back again, Vanya loosens her hold and slides back down to the sit on the shark's tail, buckling herself in for another ride. "I think I'll go shopping," she considers, letting the mirth recede for a moment's thought. "You said it best, shore leave is over. I forgot until you were knuckle-deep in my shoulders how much I've been holding back to find a challenge among all the humans and mutants; I'm not a complete predator until I can slap your hide raw."

"Maybe I should go with you," the chimera murmurs. "I was eighteen... maybe twenty when those idiots dropped a bomb on me and I escaped on one of their snowmobiles. After that the next thing I remember is getting hit by a car in Spain somewhere in the last two decades."

Vanya laughs quietly to herself. "In some ways I still more feel like a young woman than an old bag; my body decided not to age too much so it's almost like nothing changed."

Domino has posed:
"Yes, and I feel as if I am still twenty two, despite being sixty," Akula agrees. "It may take days for me to reach the white sea - do you want me to fish for you?" she asks, amenable to having a remora along for the ride back to Russia.

Feral has posed:
Vanya's ears perk as the mention of food catches her mind before it can wander far down memory lane. "Please! If you want I can swim ahead and bleed like a wounded little fishy. The bigger the predator we catch the happier my stomach will be."

"You're from the edge of the white sea?" she infers.

Domino has posed:
"I was born in Arkhangelsk," Akula answers. "The shores of the White Sea. I used to swim in the waters in January. Cold does nothing to me," she explains. She begins to swim Russia-ward, carrying Vanya along. "What kind of fish do you like? I can take down an adult bluefin tuna."

Feral has posed:
"If it's not another shark I'll eat anything I have to," Vanya concedes with a glimpse of reticence poking through. "But try to choose fish with a little self respect - or squid. I get this way by eating predators. If all I eat from here to Finland are sardines I'll get all meep and mild," she cracks.

Domino has posed:
"I'll feed you shrimp," Akula teases. "Can't have you getting too frisky before you're healed." She leans forward into the water, giving Vanya access to her back and waist. "Hold on. I move fast."

Feral has posed:
"I'd shove a shrimp up your $!!, vata," Vanya retorts gamely as she retightens her grip and hunkers down against Akula's scales. "I noticed, all that strength comes in handy in water."

Domino has posed:
Akula is enjoying tormenting Vanya. Best Fish Friends For Life. She starts to swim, and it doesn't take long before Akula is managing to plow along the surface of the waves at 40mph... 50 mph... 60mph...

"Are you okay back there?!" she yells.

Feral has posed:
The weight still pinning itself to Akula's back confirms that she hasn't lost her passenger and as the speed picks up, Vanya's body conforms itself to the shark's waist, regaining its suckers. "You are such a show-off!" she half-laughs and half-shouts back.

Domino has posed:
"You just wait! I haven't even begun to show off!"

And about 200 miles off the coast, the shark makes good on her promises. Best Fish Friends Forever.