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Latest revision as of 14:18, 30 October 2017

Artificer's shop Quandary
Date of Scene: 05 September 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Kaelyn Silverleaf, Scarlet Witch, Doctor Strange

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
Witching hours, and again, Kae has her shop open. Though the wards around the shop are set up to filter visitors. Those that see normally might just see a darker shop, might not even hear much of anything going on inside. Those that have been specifically allowed of course can see, and probably most empowered can see the place if they got close enough. Those that do? Well the lights are on, there's even a glow in the back area that's part garden it seems, even the wards are set up to make the whole area kind of act like a green house, or an earth alined lessor circle of power?

Out front? There's the windows that are nice, glazed glass, with stained glasse edges, all those edges being well arcane symbols and runes, all empowere dof course, though subtly. Honestly, this is a shop that caters to the normal as well as the magic community so blacking the place out completely from the magical eye would be a bad idea. Out front is a wooden 'chief' with piece pipe, and well the door appears to be open for the most part. Inside? Well it's a warm atmosphere there's a number of people here relaxing and enjoying a coffee or sandwitch from the cafe and lounge that's built into the third of the normal floor, the rest? Well it's lined wall to wall with shelves, the building on the inside seems to actually be bigger than on the outside at that.

There's plenty of newly made artifacts too as well as components, and a nice spining display with clockwork and other constructs. There's crystals, gadgets, incense, pretty much any bauble or minor need up front, as this place caters to just about everyone. However the large back door is open, and there, to magical sight, it and the basement are both crawling with potential. There's another circle in the back, summoning tables, small circles in the basement, and just about any kind of resource one might need to do most forms of magics...

Lounging at one of the chairs is Kaelyn, currently she's a little out of 'sorts' as some of her experiments have taken up her time, and body and mind, litterally! She's in a humanoid dragon -construct- one done so well to the naked eye it might as well be a 'normal' dragon hybrid, but there's of course runes down her sides and neck, these made up of the fine semi-crystaline scales. And of course if one were to look close, the body is basically hundreds of enchantments held together into one larger, at least to those with a very well trained magical eye, others might just see a magical creature... Kae is currently reading through a book, muttering about the time she's going to be trapped in this thing while she waits to be able to leave it. Meanwhile, a blond girl dressed litterally as a witch, an auburn headed girl and a black headed girl. Wendy, Tina and Tanya all giggle a bit at Kae's predicament.

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Despite any capacity for artfully transitioning through the vastness of space and occasionally time or various interdimensional boundaries, the somewhat memorable pair of Doctor Stephen Strange and Wanda Maximoff appear via a rather more mundane methodology: the front door of the shop. Which isn't to say they might not have flown or transported themselves some of the way (because who wants to deal with traffic on the bridge?), but public spectacle is avoided. Plus, a longer trip has allowed Wanda to take advantage of some time to catch up with the Sorcerer Supreme, no doubt one of her most significant contacts in the city outside her own Avengers, and perhaps even then. She'd explained a bit along the way about her absence, something about returning to the Serbian-Transian border region where she was born, searching for more clues of her past. Naturally, there were troubles along the way, demons and Romani witchcraft, but considering who the conversation was taking place between, it might have all sounded rather run of the mill.

And so, she'd just about reached the finale by the time they arrive: "And that's as much as I learned, before I decided to return to the city. I didn't wish to inconvenience Commander Rodgers. I'll revisit the matter soon enough." With that, indeed, their steps arrive at the door of the shop. It's very Witch-like timing, in it's coincidental perfection. "So you've not been in here yet? Do you know when it opened? I suppose there's only one way to see what the story is." There are probably other ways, in fact. But it's more fun this way! And as she's not the sort to wait on a gentleman to open the door for her (or at least, she's very much trying not to be any more, living life out of the shadows of her father and brother), she simply heads inside.

"Hello?" is her call as they step within, her eyes taking in the interior of the shop and all its interesting contents. "Well, it looks a little more than your average hipster new-age nonsense repository. I swear there's a new one of those every week in Brooklyn, it's hard to keep up with all of them." But her gaze arrives on the woman after a time, and she pauses, shifting to stand akimbo with a hand at her hip. "Well, no, definitely not hipster nonsense, this one. Hello there, all of you."

Doctor Strange has posed:
    Stephen bites his tongue when Wanda starts to step towards the door way and he is so progressive in his thought process that he doesn't try to open the door for the witch, or he was too distracted.

    Distracted seems to be the obvious answer as he's standing off to the side staring intensely at the stained glass and the runes the obviously skilled woman has set up. He lowers his hand to say something to Wanda, but the witch has already slipped inside and causes him to again, hold his thought process.

    "Wanda you'd best be a bit cautious, the person running this place is-" Stephen cuts himself off yet again as he comes upon the scene of the trapped girl and Wanda's greeting to the women. "- I think we're safe." He whispers softly, grey eyes scanning over the scene.

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
Kae notices Wanda, and of course Stephen, the woman having well at least heard of the latter. The three young girls all turn pale as they are about to give their normal welcoming speech, it's Wendy who first speaks up "Welcome to Enchanted Grounds.. I'm sure you allready know what kind of place this is, so please make your self at home... Oh and don't mind the Boss there." The girl motions at Kae "She's stuck in an experimental combat construct she's been working on." After the latter is said the three girls giggle, finding it funny Kae gives them the briefest glare before sighing that crest of hers rising and falling a bit naturally as she sits upright, wings kind of getting in the way, well one of them, before she gets the hang of it... "Umm, I'm an artificer and all, so evocation isn't my strongest point. Working on it, but anyhow, figured with all the crazyness I've seen in the news and all with superheros in villans and space and all I'd make a combat construct.... Did a good job getting capability out of it and all, but I have hell getting out of it once I've put my self inside."

She says and works her way to her feet, they're digitigrade, the massive clawed toes splaying as she gets her weight on it, her tail swaying a bit as she gets her balance. Kae then offers a bit of a bow, head darting forward a bit, she can't help it she's strapped on a dragon! "Welcome to my small shop and home..." She says and then offers a big toothy smile "I'm Kaelyn Silverleaf." She then offers a hand to shake, and from an 8 foot tall dragon hybrid construct it might be scary to some. Still though, the way Kae's gone about making this body, it's extremely lifelike, well actually it just looks like a dragon-human hybrid with some rune-pattern scale patches running down her sides, over her hands, arms, legs, and even tail and neck, as well as the larger wing spars... "Ya don't exactly catch me at my best but It's a pleasure to have you two here."

Scarlet Witch has posed:
There's no doubt that Wanda's senses can perceive that there is more than meets the eye here; her Witch's sight is a well-honed tool, and makes the arcane quite readily apparent. But there is also a bit of an air of, well- not recklessness or lack of caution, but the desire to enjoy an evening without it being filled with demons, and toward this she makes a point of maintaining a certain optimism. So she does not strain to see a threat before one is apparent, does not enter with her hackles raised, with all of herself on guard. She's *trying* to be positive!

"Stephen, you may be a master of the arcane, but your humor could use some polishing. Can't I have a laugh at the fact that our ageless art has become a popular *fad* for a generation of aimless millenials? It's easier than being as insulted as we probably ought to be," Wanda points out. "And here we have an actual sorceress pretending to be Iron Man." She turns again toward the trapped and evidently scaly woman and yet can't help but agree with Strange's assessment: "She seems *exceptionally* harmless, at any rate. Yes, hello there. Would you like some help?"

And then, as they both approach, she thinks to offer some introductions, "It's a pleasure, Miss Silverleaf. I'm Wanda Maximoff." And she glances back, allowing Stephen his introduction, not certain how coy he's going to be on this particular Tuesday. "You may well have heard of us, or certainly of him. You could say we've come as a welcoming committee, of sorts."

Doctor Strange has posed:
    "I don't spend hours making jokes with myself the way I'm told you Avengers do." He says a bit teasingly, but with that hint of jest beneath his deep voice as he follows behind Wanda looking from the red themed mutant towards the draconic shop owner and her -- Employees or friends -- might be the same, it's hard for the doctor to tell.

    "Silverleaf, peculiar name. Strange." Stephen says, somewhat cryptically offering his name while extending his hand towards Kae and smirks. "You seem like a well practiced enchanter and yet, neither of us can say we're familiar with you..." Stephen says, looking towards Wanda, hoping she'll pick up his thought trail and continue his inquiry.

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
Kae is rather gentle in shaking the hand, and then. Umms "Well I've been traveling and the like, just finished my last bit of study in China.. Came here and set up the store." She says, still smilng toothily, she can't help it she's got a dragon's mouth right now. Kae then ummms... "Anyhow I'm kinda new to the area? Just started selling my wares a short while ago really." Kae offers.. "If that helps? Also my Master in Magic's name was Carolinus... Mother is a witch, father's the son of a mage... Kind of a magic family and all.." She says by way of explanation. She turns and heads toward the coffee counter, and gets her self an iced macha late, and grabs a beignet...

"Soo if you guys want you're more than welcome to the coffee or drinks and snacks. You're also welcome to look through wares ad my libraries in the back too... I'd be happy also to basically give you the dime tour of my place." she says and smiles "Not often you have famous magi wander into your shop."

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Readily enough, Wanda continues from where Stephen leaves off, making it clear enough to the third party that two are experienced in doing this sort of thing, and perhaps occasionally doing it together. "Yes, it's precisely that. Our community is a relatively well-knit one, even given the vast diversity of its members and our far-flung travels. So someone legitimately new is always a bit of a pointed question mark," the woman explains. "I've been out of the country, or I might have stopped in sooner, but I did notice that there was a different feeling to the area not long after I returned." A pause, and a quick beat, "Oh, if you have tea, I'll have that?"

She ambles a bit further to glance around the shop, letting her Sight lay upon each item in proper now, rather than whatever more vague sensations she might have had at a greater distance. "So, as you can imagine, those question marks bear answering. I'll not insult you with the pretense that this is purely friendly, of course. We need to be certain that anyone new isn't a new threat, intentional or otherwise. Reckless good intentions are as dangerous as ill."

She turns back. "But assuming all is well, we're also here to introduce you to the community. In our work, communication is a great benefit. We all have different styles, different talents, different approaches, and that can mean any one of us may spot a danger before the others do." And then a glance back to Strange, though she doubts he will object: "The tour sounds interesting. Your shop does appear quite the fascinating place."

Doctor Strange has posed:
    Stephen remains silent as Wanda speaks, and yet he stays in the same spot, watching the other girls intently before Kae walks over and offers tea and snacks to which he politely refuses with a shake of his head and a lifting of his hand repelling the offer with a soft hand. The Sorcerer Supreme's eyes then follow Wanda as she walks around the store and he continues to listen to the conversation the two witches are having, until he feels he's cleared and turns back around and stoops to get a closer look at the mystical construct armor. That might have been what set off their patented spidey-- Mystic-sense.

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
Kae nods "Oh trust me I understand. Anyhow as far as operations here, during normal business hours, the back of house is locked up, there are also wards there to make folk not even realize that it's even there if they get too nosey.. Won't work on mages and all, but then again I don't normally have to keep your average mage from going back there. Also there's wards in place to protect those within. From stuff outside and inside too." she motions to the front of the house... "There's components here, that a real magic user can use but also plenty here to keep the regulars entertained too. Wards on the shelf kindly direct folks away from the more strongly magicked items, though I try to keep very little of what could pose any direct threat to the populace away from here. There's some charm bracelets, necklaces, you name it, a few spells you'd see a country witch use maybe in the old world and whatnot... Nothing more than that." Kae informs, grinning a bit "The back area's a different matter entirely... Back there I keep the things I use for enchanting, potion-making, rites, etcera, as well as the foci, and other artifacts I sell to magi as a whole. Anything more powerful is made on demand, I don't go around carying a ton of real strong enchanted items in stock, mostly one shots, wands, and of course potions bracelets, and wards... Defensive magics for the most part." she adds...

Kae then motions to her self. "This is kind of the exception and something I've been working on for some time... While I'm trying to get better at offensive evocations and the like, I figured if I should ever run into major trouble, this would be a good thing to have..." She says and grins a bit.. "It's far from completed... Damned 'suit' makes it really hard to cast spells, Am thinking perhapse it's basically because for lack of a better term it becomes by body, but not completely certain of it, and I can't work on it while I'm inside... Again the whole magic thing." she says and grins again... "I also make my constructs and clockwork in back... Most clockwork I sell has little to no working spells on it. Sometimes I cheat and use a little magic to help me make it work, but that's about it... Anyhow directly in the back is a study area, several magi can use it at once. There's a library back there, and also the rare books I sell. Down stares are the more powerful reagents and artifice components." Kae says and grins. "IN the back is the garden.. Herbs and potion making plants, as well as culinary and veggies are grown back there... I talked a Fae I found locally in helping me with that... " She then motions to a set of stares that go up.. "Mine, Wendy's Tina and Tanya's apartment up there. Kitchen, a less public access library is up there, as well as transcripting presses and printing presses and the like are up there as well... So are some of my early projects."

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Wanda leaves Stephen to his quiet perusal, trusting, perhaps, that the master wishes quiet and concentration to be sure of his thoroughness. This leaves her to the part of their visit that is more the glad-handing, the making friends with someone new. "Yes, I see them," she will remark over some of the protective enchantments, and further offers, "You can relax a little, Miss- may I call you Kaelyn? I don't wish to appear the inquisitor, considering our history with *them*. A look around will suffice for me, you needn't bend over backwards explaining yourself. If I see anything amiss, I will certainly let you know." And of course, there's the silent backup, who she trusts will miss *nothing*, even in the odd circumstance that someone could sneak something past Wanda.

"I'd rather you tell me a little about yourself, your interests, that sort of thing. So that we can get to know one another." Her smiles seem genuine, as she follows the other woman toward the back. "From that 'famous' remark, I trust you're familiar with some of ours, but I'm happy to answer some questions about myself, if you like. That seems fair, does it not, equal exchange?" Prices must always be paid in the magic arts, after all, scales balanced, and she acknowledges that here, to put them on more an even level even in conversation.

"So constructs are your primary talent?" she wonders, as the discussion turns back to the suit. "I do not know if we have many other primary artificers active at the moment, so there is use in that, to be certain." There is a glance back toward Stephen. "Do you want to see any of the other areas more closely, or do you have a good enough sense of it from here?"

Doctor Strange has posed:
    Stephen smirks as Wanda and Kaelyn discuss themselves and Kaelyn has a few complaints about the suit as she would, by magics very nature it would be near impossible to do such a thing. But that's not something the doctor says aloud. He keeps his hands behind his back as he lowers his eyes towards the device and hmms at it a few times. Until he catches the sound of conversation aimed at his direction. "No, no, no need. I can get a clear enough sense of everything in here just fine. How about you Wanda-dear?" Stephen asks, his eyes moving slowly to rest on Kaelyn as if she was suddenly a wishful pupil under the scrutinizing eyes of a dean.

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
Kae umms and tilts her head... "Well, I'm from Texas, My family is kind of a magical family, and yah, I am rather talented at Artificing, though my education is quite well rounded. Transfiguration, evocation, Am pretty good at wards of various types whether short or long lasting ones.. There's of course conjuration, I'm ok at gated transportation specially if I've been some where. I have knowledge of extra dimensional planes, and beings, and establishing your own pocket or locus. I am not too terribly good at dealing with extra dimensionals, Just havn't really had to do it much. Honestly I only stopped being a Journeyman a few years ago... The money that I earned from working under other mages, I invested in this place. Learned a lot too." she says with a slight grin too...

Kae umms "But yah I like Artificing, but I like to also do other magical research too, like trying to find new ways to construct rites and spells. A lot of magi, in the past have liked to use various spell and rite components, and didn't at all care if they came from sentient creatures. Soo I've been studying how to get around the use of such components. Mostly because well, I have an issue with using dragon's heart, or anything that really kills the creature you harvest from... I've also learned that there's substitutes for a lot of it that didn't cause harm to the animal that donated it. Other reason for that is that I enjoy learning how to find different ways to construct a spell.." She adds and grins a bit... She then grins and adds "Oh I know there's tons I need to learn I think we all continue needing to learn, and I find that figuring out different ways of doing something kind of exercises that 'muscle' I use to manipulate magic and all." Adds Kae...

Wendy then brings Wanda her tea, a nice black tea, this iced... "If you want it warmed I can get you some warm stuff." Wendy says, "But I do reccomend our iced black tea, it's quite refreshing." She adds and grins a bit, interally being all like 'Yaaay I gave teh Scarlet Witch a Drink!' Wendy then looks to Stephen Strange, and contemplates how to get the Sorcerer Supreme to try something...

Kae's hackles litterally rise a bit at the stare, seems she's built in some extra sensory abilities into her 'suit' as it were. And Kae turn sand smiles to Stephen curiously. "Anyhow, I really do hope to be able to work with the magicking community as a whole.. I've allready tried to help out as much as I can, had a nice chat with Harry Dresden, and this one fellah that evidently deals a lot with spirits... Then also ended up helping out the Titans in a small issue... Also helped out the Justice League group with this big star-thingie, the first day I had this artifice up and running... Saw an issue out on the periphiry of it's sensory ability, went out to check it out, ended up helping..." Kae's interrupted a little by Tina who walks by "Yup and was stuck in that thing, before you refined it further, for what? 24 hours?" Kae then blinks and looks back at Tina, and shrugs, not really having an issue with telling the truth... "Well the last time it was only 10..." she grumps a bit then grins "It's getting better!" A smirk now and Kae shrugs "But if I can advance artificing a bit and gleen knowledge from the experimentation and refinement of this construct, and make it work as I envisioned, then all is good right?"

Scarlet Witch has posed:
"I don't detect anything untoward, Stephen-*dear*," Wanda replies, with a mildly amused emphasis to her echoing of his phrasing. But, having said that, and the two of them seeming to have found a consensus of sorts in their judgment, she turns a smile back toward Kaelyn. "Well, seems you've passed. Not that we give grades, we just toss the flunkies into pocket dimensions and forget about them." That may or may not be true! Still, if there were any sense of distrust in Wanda's demeanor (and really, she seemed quite friendly even with the questioning), it is all well and truly banished now.

"It's good that you've developed your craft to the point where you can make a good living with it. Not everyone, even some of the more powerful, can always quite make that work. Using our art does have its way of drawing trouble in a way that makes it... hmm, sometimes as trouble-causing as it is problem-solving?" She flashes a grin, though it does turn toward a frown at the talk of Dragon's hearts, though not a frown at Kaelyn, so much as in sympathy with the concern she expresses. "I'm not keen on causing uncessary harm for the sake of enchantment, so that's good to hear. Do let us know if you run across anyone who is up to that kind of thing. Sometimes harsh prices are unavoidable, but still, the need must justify it."

A hand is lifted for the tea when it's brought along. "Oh, this is fine, and I'm quite capable of - " and in instants, the ice melts, diffuses, the tea begins to steam, before the steam draws back into the cup and becomes ice again, in the original cubes " - adjusting it to my liking, thank you." Sip. "It's lovely."

"In any case, its good that you are finding a niche for yourself. Our organization is quite informal, so please continue however you see fit, but do feel free to contact us as well, if you encounter anything more troubling. Naturally, Stephen is the ultimate authority when it comes to the most dangerous arcane threats, and I have the additional resources of the Avengers to call on for larger-scale cirses."

Doctor Strange has posed:
    Stephen appears behind Wanda having had his fill of exploration for the day, at least in this tiny shop and abode. He looks towards Wanda as he gives his own summation of the shop and the owner. "Interesting girl indeed. Very talented for one so young, but also for someone so concerned about what others think of her. And yet she's brash, brazen, unrefined, and ... unafraid."

    His grey eyes snap towards Kaelyn and considers her for a moment. "We will be encountering each other many times to come. I'm sure of it." The doctor says and turns back towards the door, glancing back to see if he will continue to escort the Avenger or not, but either way, Stephen's headed out the door with a yawn tugging at his lips and a hand covering himself reflexively.

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
Kae umms "Just trying to be me." she says and grins a bit "Anyhow it was a pleasure meeting y'all.." She then makes her way to the counter, carefully setting some beignets into a couple boxes and puts those in a paper bag "You'd do me a favor by taking some of these with you guys... They should be good for a couple days as they were fried a few hours ago... At least this way I won't stay up all night with a sugar high.... Figuring on sleeping in this thing.." She motions to her self and shrugs. "Again, I really look forward to you guys wandering back and visiting. I would love to be able to pick y'all's mind about some ideas of mine and all. You guys have more experience out there.." She motions outside the shop... possibly referring to a lot of things "Than I do... I would love to gleen something from that experience." Kae also grabs a large insulated tumbler, and fills it with the iced tea which she hands to Wanda. She also hands each mage a Key... "Y'all are welcome to come and go as you please." she says with a big kind of 'shit-eating' grin... Well as much of one as one might expect considering how her head and mouth are currently shaped.

Scarlet Witch has posed:
"Oh. If you have issues that intersect with the mutant community, I am also a good contact in that regard," Wanda goes on to add, being the odd duckling double-dip mutant sorceress that she is. "I maintain good relations with both sides of their particular internal divide." At least, these days, though her time with the Brotherhood is a thing of public record, and perhaps one of the things that motivates her toward such a kind disposition now.

Adding that bit, she does notice Strange turning to go, and gestures after him. "I think the two of us still have some catching up to do, and perhaps I some briefings to listen to, so I am afraid I must call it a night as well." She makes a small gesture. "I'll leave you my normal contact information," and by this, she means, some little twist of unnatural chance will supply it somewhere appropriate, a card being found or the information appearing in a device, "though if you prefer sendings or the like, that is also acceptable. Please don't hesitate to keep in touch, and we can certainly discuss any areas you'd like to work on improving."

Another sip or two of the tea in the glass, which she then sends floating back, perhaps in exchange for the larger travel cup and bag of pastries, let alone the keys. "You're really too kind." Then, a quick turn to the distinguished Sorcerer Supreme, "Shall we, Doctor?"

This time they *do* leave by more... impressive means. Poof.