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Latest revision as of 14:21, 30 October 2017

An Embassy Visit
Date of Scene: 05 September 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Wonder Woman, Hawkeye (Bishop)

Wonder Woman has posed:
Its 4:15 in the afternoon on a Tuesday.

Diana wasn't exactly your normal United Nations Ambassador. Yes she had guards and security protection, but she needed it far less than most. As such, today... as on many other days... Diana had set out from the Embassy in Manhattan to go on a walk and clear her mind. It was still nice out, Fall weather wasn't here yet! So the Amazon Princess was wearing simple casual attire and had her hair done up in a bun on the crown of her head, with dark sunglasses on over her eyes.

Diana stepped out of the Embassy and moved to the north... there was a park not too far away and she liked to go there and wander its grassy plots, watch and enjoy nature while soaking up the atmosphere of New Yorkers enjoying happy moments. Diana especially enjoyed interact with people there, it seemed to really make people happy to get to meet her and she was all for chances to interact with those who recognized her and wanted to speak with her.

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
    Kate Bishop had been nearby, herself. After work in Tony Stark's office she had gone by the Embassy, to watch the comings and goings, but unfortunately missed the Amazon princess leaving the place.

    Dressed in a pale pink skirt and a shimmery silver blouse, she's still dressed in those work clothes. Soon she finds herself in the park nearby. "Donna?" she asks, spying the other woman and making an assumption. "Donna? Hello!"

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana was finishing up with a conversation with a small group, a family by the looks of it with their two kids and their big shaggy hairy dog on a leash. She'd been talking to them for awhile and took a few selfies with the kids (and parents) before she parted ways with them and turned around to hear her sister's name being called... at her.

Diana reached up to her sunglasses and pulled them down and off of her face to stare with blues at Kate as she rushed toward her, looking like a frantic... business woman?

A smile showed on her face at the other in the shiney blouse. "Diana." She told her. "But I am certainly happy to meet any friends of Donna's." And it might be noteworthy that Diana's voice, although similar, is laced with an accent far unlike that of Donna's who spoke with a far more traditional American flavor to her words.

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
    "Oh." Kate says, looking a bit sheepish. "My mistake." she smiles, though. "It's difficult to tell, until you speak." she reaches up to scratch her nose. "Actually, if you have a moment to speak, I need some advice about your sister, and I have something to give you. I think she spoke to you about it?"

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana would smile at this mistake as it was amusing to her, Donna said it always went the other way for her... being mistaken for Diana.

"I would be happy to talk." She said to the other. "What should I call you?" She asked then. "Donna mentioned something to me... but she was kind of vague and it did not have many details. Which I assume is who you are and what you wish to discuss?"

Diana moved for one of the small park pathways which was shaded nicely by tree cover above.

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
    Kate smacked her own forehead. "Oh! How stupid of me. I'm Kate. Kate Bishop." She follows Diana, then. "I wanted to give you something." and she reaches in the small clutch purse she carries to produce a golden coin.
    "This..." and she holds the coin out for the princess on her palm. "... is a Susan B Anthony dollar. She was a great woman, and very important for women's rights in the United States. So, I thought... a legend for a legend."

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana's smile was shown at the introduction and she nodded her head a little once before listening to the rest. When the coin was displayed and the story offered, she showed a look on her face of being rightly charmed by the endeering gesture from Kate. "Ooooh." She even said, cooing a bit at it before grinning. "That is too sweet!" She told the other, reaching out for the coin and leaning over to look down at it. "Its beautiful. I have seen coins like it, but never in person."

She looked over to Kate with a large warm smile. "You're too kind. But... what does this have to do with Donna?" She asked then while continuing to walk at a slow and casual pace.

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
    Kate smiles. "It's nothing, princess. It's the least I can do for all the things _you've_ done for women in men's minds... in women's minds and especially young girls' minds."

    She is quiet a minute, thinking. "The coin? Nothing to do with her. Well, the coin led to my meeting her and..." she thinks again. "How do I ask this?" and she rubs her forehead.

    "I took dinner to her apartment one night, unannounced. I think we both enjoyed it very much, but... some things were said that confused me and I'm not sure I misunderstood her."

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana's fingers wrapped over the coin and she held it in both of her hands in front of her stomach. She continued to walk along the pathway and listened to Kate's words, smiling at her pleasantly. "I am doing my very best... so things liket hsi only encourage me to keep doing just that."

When Kate spoke of Donna though and how things may have been misunderstood, Diana showed a more calm expression and she nodded in comprehension of it. "Well, hopefully I can give some clarity onto whatever the two of you spoke on."

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
    "We... I was joking about something and she..." Kate stammers. "Oh, I should just... get it together, Katiemonster." she mutters that last part under her breath.

    "I was joking about 'a sleepover' and she said I could and that's what's confusing me. I don't know if she was just being friendly because Amazons are like that, or if maybe it meant something else that I... I don't want her to think that I go around asking to spend the night at every new friend's house, but I also don't want to avoid her because I'm confused and a little embarassed."

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana heard this and she glanced down to her hands holding the coin between palms and she smiled softly. After a moment of thought she started to reply. "Donna had a troubled childhood, to say the least...Which really is not even coming close to honor just how difficult it actually was." Diana spared another glance up and over to Kate.

"She was taken from Themyscira shortly after she was brought into this world. The person who took her... thought that they were stealing me away, a plot to enrage my mother. Strike back at her. Old enemies. That kind of thing. This... unfortunately lead Donna to being separated from us and we have only recently reconnected, having found one another again."

Diana paused for a moment and stopped walking, turned to look at Kate fully. "Donna is as every bit as friendly as any Amazon from Themyscira, but she's also quite different from us in many other ways. She was definitely being friendly to you. I just... cannot say 'how friendly' as that is Donna's business, and not any of mine."

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
    Kate frowns a bit. "Well, thank you. I guess I should talk to her, then." she says. "I was just looking for some insight, and you've done that, your Highness. Maybe not as much as I would have liked, but I've probably wasted too much of your precious time already."

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana laughed softly and she shook her head at the other woman. "You have wasted not an ounce of my time." She replied, looking away for a moment before back again. "Honestly. I am here to help you, if you have further questions or inquiries then simply ask them of me. It is my day off, so I plan to do little more than more park walking in this very moment." She smiled again then.

"Donna is a sweet woman. She may make strange or... seemingly unsual statements or even apparently odd actions, but if you feel at all uncomfortable by them. Simply tell her and she will recoil and apologize. I am one hundred percent certain of that."

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
    "You've put my mind at ease, Your Highness." Kate says. "If there is anything I can do to help you, please don't hesistate to find me. It was really an honor to meet and talk to you, princess. It will be an honor to work with you someday."

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana showed a large smile to the other and she nodded her head once, then reached out her right hand to offer it for a shake. "Should you have any other questions or concerns..." She held up the coin in her left hand. "Or shinies to give." She teased and grinned big. "Please, do not hesitate to seek me out. I want to be here to help others who need it, no matter the size of the problem."

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
    Kate shakes the offered hand, pumping it once. "Thank you, again. Please, enjoy your walk and the park. Too soon it'll be winter and not as nice to wander around in." She releases Diana's hand and bobs her head, then starts to go back the way she came.