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Latest revision as of 14:32, 30 October 2017

A wild Arthur appears.
Date of Scene: 06 September 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Aquaman, Aqualad, Wonder Girl, Raven

Aquaman has posed:
Word has come that the Amazing Aquaman is on his way to visit the Titan's Tower, and naturaly his choice of entrance is through the secret T-Sub launch pad to avoid any undue attention from the public that his arrival might attract.

It isn't long before Aquaman makes his arrival, swimming in from the tunnel to the sea, and breaking through the plane of water nearby the T-Sub with a bit of speed that sendss him leaping through the air like some sort of graceful man-dolphin, only to land upon the deck with a little thump, leaving a little puddle of water growing at his feet.

Aqualad has posed:
Kaldur typically wears casual Earth clothing when out and about in the Tower, but with Aquaman arriving, he's transitioned to his warrior's garb; red vest, fitted pants, the thin-soled black shoes that assist swimmers in the water. Sleeveless, also, for the most grip possible in the water.

Kaldur waits by the water's edge in a relaxed warrior's posture, hands clasped behind his back until he sees the surge of water that precedes Aquaman's arrival, though the sensors in the channel no doubt alerted others as well. When Aquaman lands, Kaldur shifts his stance to one of attention and puts his first to his chest with a short bow.

"My King," he says, in his cool voice. "Welcome to the Titans Tower. I am pleased to see you again," he says, before straightening and looking Aquaman in the eye with a pleased expression. "How was your trip here?"

Wonder Girl has posed:
Cassie has never really had a lot of cause to go down to the sub bay, so there's some mild curiousity as she follows Kaldur down. "So what's the big mackerel want, y'think?" she wonders along the ride - the sub bay is sensibly a bit more sealed off and so there's no shortcut flight shaft down here. There's a curious look around as they make their way through the bay, and then she takes up a spot a little behind Kaldur to wait. Figures this is one time where he's the one showing the rest of them how things work in sea-land.

The man's dolphin like arrival draws a... well, it's sort of 'huh', but in a facial expression. She lets the Atlantean greet his King first, before she offers a somewhat less grandiose, "Uh, hey there your, uh, Majesty." Even if she's used to the Themyscirans and their own royalty, it still always sounds a little hokey saying it out loud. "Glad you could make it. Not every day we get one of the big-leaguers dropping in."

Raven has posed:
Raven is likely not the first to respond, but she does respond quickly. Aqualad may have let people know that he was coming, but Raven didn't necessarily need the heads up. Something approaching the tower at nigh upon the speed of a bullet through the water- that would show up, likely, on the detection systems. Primarily because Aquaman isn't trying to be sneaky, almost certainly. In addition to this, there's also the mental radar that Raven has going on almost all of the time, a new source of emotions popping up in her vicinity. Enough that she'd notice his mental presence not too far out.

Her appearance is more difficult to quantify. Hoody, something approaching yoga pants- though not quite- and a pair of boots. Clearly, since the tower wasn't sounding alarms, it was a nonhostile presence. That meant she could show up in yoga pants and get away with it, even though Kaldur might not appreciate it. When she arrived is anyone's guess. The woman is quiet enough that she might have just been on the elevator ride with Cassie, or she just teleported down here, or, more likely, she wandered down here along with Kaldur a while back, and remained unnoticed. Either way, stepping forward to greet the man who had arrived, Raven speaks up.

"Greetings. Welcome to Titans Tower." Her speech is more formal than her outfit, at least, but at the same time it's that dreary, emotionless monotone that is both hard to read and perhaps a little hard to tolerate- let's face it: she's a little creepy a lot of the time.

Aquaman has posed:
Arthur Curry steps up to greet Kaldur first, reaching out a hand to clasp the other Altantean's, "It was fine, Kaldur, it is good to see you again." He says with a nod of his head at the man, his attention then turning to the forms of Cassie and Rachel, "Arthur is just fine." He says to Cassie, his head nodding at the Blonde, "I figured it was well overdue to come and see the home you all have made for yourselves." His attention turns to Rachel next, "Thank you all for having me, I hope I'm not causing much of an imposition upon you all?"

Aqualad has posed:
Kaldur returns the firm handclasp easily, with a warrior's respect for his king; no doting court dandy, this one. He stands proud and upright, and immediately shakes his head at Arthur's question.

"No, it is not an inconvenience at all," he says instantly. "You are a welcome guest of mine and of the Titans as a group. Introductions are in order," Kaldur says. "Your Majesty, allow me to introduce Wonder Girl, also known as Cassie," Kaldur says, indicating the blonde girl. "And this is another one of my allies, a magess who prefers to be known as Raven."

"Ladies, this is my King, his Majesty Orin, Ruler of Atlantis and King of the Seven Seas."

Wonder Girl has posed:
Cassie definitely didn't notice Rachel on the way down, but she's gotten somewhat accustomed to the other woman just appearing sometimes. Life in the Tower! So the additional voice choining the chorus of welcoming echoes causes a glance back, and a little smile, before she returns her attention to Arthur and Kal, watching their bit of oceanic ritual with some curiousity. And letting their own resident Atlantean handle the introductions, she lifts a hand to wiggle a few fingers in an abbreviated sort of wave when her turn comes up. "Nice t'meecha."

Though, there's a quick raising of her eyebrows as Kaldur gives the guy another name to go by. Weird!

But Casie doesn't let it bother her too much, going on like this is all mostly pretty normal. "Nah, it's cool, definitely no kind of bother," she'll add in her own quick echo of Kaldur's sentiment, assuring their guest it's no bother. "We don't usually get visitors, at least ones who aren't trying to blow up the place, so it's a fun change. You here for the grand tour then?"

Raven has posed:
Raven raises a brow at the introduction, "I do not prefer to be known as Raven," she explains, "It is my name." It's a simple statement, if maybe a little harsh- but that harshness comes from the almost bored-sounding rhythm of her voice. Not that she's bored- but she can't help sounding that way.

After a moment, she actually responds to Arthur, having considered Kaldur's statement just slightly more pressing. "I'm not bothered. Apparently neither are the others." This statement is followed by a quiet once over of the people present. "If you would like a tour, I am almost certain we can give you one. It's not very glorious, and you may... See things. Horrible things. Done to an innocent pizza."

Aquaman has posed:
"It is great to meet you Wonder Girl, or do you prefer Cassie? Diana is a good friend of mine." Arthur says, bowing his head politely towards the woman as she finger-waggles at him, "It is always a privilige to meet more of her friends and allies." To Raven he turns next, "And it is nice to meet you as well, Raven. You know, Pizza is one of the things I miss the most about living on land full time. You'd be amazed at how hard it is to find someone who will deliver to Poseidonis."

Arthur turns to look across the gathering of young Heroes, "A tour sounds great." He says, "I also have something for you all as well." He adds, gesturing for the trio to lead on, "We are hosting a benefit Gala to support wetland rehabilitation around the world, I have a few invitations for you three, and your teammates, if you would like to come."

Aqualad has posed:
"Of course," Kaldur tells Raven, with an apologetic nod. It's kind of hard to imagine her parents /named/ her Raven, but... he's polite enough not to argue.

Kaldur listens attentively to Arthur, and gives Raven a grateful glance at the mention of pizza; it seems her offhand comment piqued Orin's sense of humor.

He listens attentively to his statement, and his brows lift a little. "I cannot speak for my other allies, but I would happily attend any such function, either representing my team or Atlantis," Kaldur assures Orin.

"If you would care for the tour, we can take you on one, though it is far from formal," he cautions Arthur.

Wonder Girl has posed:
"Oh, Cassie's fine," answers the matching blonde Titan. But mention of Diana is really a sure-fire way to capture her attention, as she notably brightens on mention of the subject. "Oh cool, you are? Well, guess that means we can trust you," she adds, though probably jokingly as they hardly seemed unwelcoming before. She glances back to Raven amidst the back-and-forth, and gives a combination of laugh and wince. "Oh yeah, I guess it'd be tough underwater. But she's right, if you want one, you might be better off hitting the city. One of our teamates has a very, um, unique taste in toppings. Sabotaged pies are a real danger."

Since minds seem made up on the tour, she starts back toward the elevators. But the invitation to the party made en-route draws a somewhat distinct reaction. "Ugh. My mom was always trying to make me go to those kinda things at her museum. That's where I met Diana, you know, she came to do some guest lectures. Anyway, I dunno. They always seemed kinda..." Yet Kaldur's ready acceptance kind of catches her out, still acting like a whiny kid while he's talking about promoting the team. Damnit. "I... I guess it'd be good if a few of us came."

Tourwise, the elevator is there to take them up the Tower.

Raven has posed:
Raven seems to get pensive all of a sudden. "A fundraiser Gala?" she asks, looking momentarily to the others. "That seems... Interesting. But I don't think it's necessarily for me. I am not very... Social. I do not do well at parties." This is a sort of... Waivering statement. As if Raven isn't necessarily proud or happy to admit this fact. It could also be a lie. Kaldur's acceptance isn't really a problem, and for her part, Raven mostly remains silent.

"I have never been to anything like it before. I do not feel it is a good idea to start." More copouts from Raven, but she might have a point... Of some kind. Kaldur's solidarity statement doesn't necessarily seem to do much, and while she's somewhat noncommittal and waivering, her glances to Cassie do show an amount of cmmittment to what she was saying. "Besides. Someone will no doubt have to stay here and monitor. I am fine with being that person."

Aquaman has posed:
"You know." Arthur says, looking from Cass, to Raven, "I'm not much of a fan of these sort of things either." He says, "I spent a fair bit of time avoiding my birthright, but sometimes we have to put ourselves out there to be able to do good, whether that is protecting those not able to protec themselves, or putting on a Tuxedo, or evening gown and going out amongst the sharks of society." He offers a soft chuckle at that, "But, I wouldn't force any of you to come, but if you do wish to, you are quite welcome to."

"I'm not a stickler for formality, Kaldur, don't fret." Arthur says with a chuckle before asking, "So, tell me about your friend's unique taste in pizza toppings?" with a glance directed Cassie's way as he follows the three to the elevator.

Aqualad has posed:
"Old habits, my King," Kaldur tells Arthur, completely unapologetically. The stoic service of the King's Guard is legendary in Atlantis, after all-- Kaldur would stand in fire without complaining if ordered to do so.

"I will attend, of couse, my King," Kaldur assures his King, leading the way with a deferential motion of his shoulders; just a half a step ahead of Aquaman. "I... might need to ask for help obtaining suitable attire," he admits, looking profoundly uncomfortable at bringing his problem to Arthur. "I would have asked some weeks ago, but I did not wish to bother you with the Consulate's ... shortcomings," he says. "They have yet to send me the 'credit card' I was instructed to receive."

He invites Arthur to walk out ahead of him to the habitation level, and gives Raven a profoundly empathizing glance before following. Kaldur is not a fan of formal events either, silent though his objections might be.

Wonder Girl has posed:
"Yeah, no I get it," Cassie admits, as Arthur puts more into words what Kaldur's easy acceptance already sort of implied. "I never thought it was important back then, but it was for my mom, for the museum." This is one of those 'adulting kinda blows, but you gotta do it' realizations. "Though it's a little tricky too, some of us are definitely far more public sorts than others. Well..."

And here she looks around, again settling on Raven as she offers her own alternative plan. "It's fine if you don't want to, Rach. I'll make everyone knows about it, and it's up to everyone individually if they want to go? Not an official team thing, no pressure, just something we can help out on if anyone wants."

As for the tour, she sends the elevator up once everyone is aboard, and starts giving some of an overview even as it runs, so Arthur can decide if there's anything he wants to see more than others. "We're pretty well setup. Infirmary, forensics lab, gym, plus a specific practice gauntlet kind of thing. Another hangar, plus you've seen the sub. Main ops is up here, along with our apartments."

As for the pizza? "Well, it's a shame she's not here, but Kori, that's uh, Princess Koriand'r of Tamaran-" Yep, they've got their own royal, yo, "-or Starfire, she's the team leader. Sweetest girl you'll ever meet but I guess alien tastes don't exactly translate, yaknow? And she's always very eager to share her discoveries with the rest of us."

Raven has posed:
Raven is pretty great at excuses, sometimes. "Therein lies the problem. I do not have a suit and tie." she states, noting her consistently casual attire. In addition to this, she continued on for a short while. "As well, I have no ability to make donations, nor do I have any connections in high society. It may be my responsibility to stay at the tower, and allow the others to go." She follows along, taking up less than her fair share of room within the elevator. Raven, despite that she hides it relatively well, tends to collapse into herself around other people- especially in enclosed spaces.

After the ride on the elevator, Raven's eyes have trouble catching anyone else's. She continues along with the tour, but isn't saying much. "She puts... She puts mustard on everything. Literally everything." Raven notes, moments after continuing: "I am not pressured. You can all go if you like. I can easily remain here." There is a touch of resignation there in her voice. She seems... A tad conflicted, yet at the same time, she hasn't really expressed any other opinion.

Aquaman has posed:
"I'll have someone get that sorted out for you." Arthur says with a nod of his head at Kaldur.

"And I understand completely, Cassie, J'on and Batman in particular aren't the sort to get out and been seen at society functions quite as much, and I only do it begrudgingly, I admit." A look offered towards Raven, "But, Raven, do not feel like you do not belong, by any means, and if the crowd is too much, just find me. Do not worry about donations, you'd be coming as my guests, and if you need an evening gown, Kaldur can bill it to the Embassy, consider it a thank you gift for what you do for your team."

"Ahh, Koriand'r, I have met her, quite the character, she is, a good asset for your team, and she has heart. I'll have to meet her again, we only had a few moments to converse last time we met."

Aqualad has posed:
"I would welcome the presence of my friends," Kaldur tells Raven, with a quiet politeness. "But I do not wish to pressure you into attending. Just know your presence would be welcome," he suggests, with a polite shrug of his bared shoulder-- then moves along with the rest of the crowd.

"Koriand'r is a fine leader and a stout ally," Kaldur agrees. "Her penchant for spicy foods is endearing," he adds. Atlanteans spice everything, of course, with acids that'd make most surfacers weep.

"The aliases this team maintains are troublesome at times," Kaldur admits, looking to Cassie. "Some with identities public, others private, others secret. I suppose there is some practical need for it, but we have little need for such subterfuge under the sea."

Wonder Girl has posed:
"Well if *those* are your only excuses, I don't know why I have to go and you don't," Cassie points out to Raven, grinning a bit, though her tone is light enough to suggest that she's still not actually going to push her if she doesn't want to go. "I'm only barely above 'poor college student' myself, and I own, like, maybe one dress." And it's probably not a gala-level number. "I guess the only way I qualify as society is if I go representing Themyscira, but that's *probably* not the best idea, and it gets into the who knows what about all of us, too?"

When the grim truth of the mustard is revealed, though, she just shakes (and maybe hangs) her head. Maybe she'd been avoiding the precise nature of the abomination for the sake of their guest's finer sensibilities? "Oh yeah, she's wonderful. Just. Ugh, the mustard and chocolate pizza."

Though Kaldur seems to get her thinking about how all of that works. "I'm not exactly 'out,' myself, partly because my mom has never been happy with me doing this. But I've never really hid or gone for masks or anything either. Maybe because Diana doesn't?" That's a good bet, she takes so many cues from her mentor. "I figure just mostly, no one knows who Cassie Sandsmark is, so why would they recognize me flying around punching things? But it might not last."

Raven has posed:
Raven is still not looking directly at anyone. The light jab from Cassie is what opens her up, somewhat, but the comforting all around does make her more paranoid about the idea. "It isn't about whether the crowd gets to me, it's about whether I get to them. I don't... I shouldn't go." There is a short pause, following that, as Raven sort of retreats to one side of the room. "Kori is... One of my oldest friends. She is also the closest thing I have to a true nemesis. I have... On many occasions, failed in my one and only duty- stopping her from getting to the dinner we've ordered before the rest of us can. I do not know if you have tasted mustard-orange chicken. It is not good."

"Then there was the time that we went to the buffet. We cannot go to buffets anymore." There's probably a story there, but she doesn't just tell it outright. "I am Raven. I have never had to hide my identity, and I won't do so. It makes things simpler, even though people do not necessarily think it particularly wise. I spend all of my time in the tower, when we're not on a mission, which is for the best. There's no reason for me to do what the Robins do."

Aquaman has posed:
"Put Cassie's gown on the embassy as well." Arthur says aside to Kaldur, giving some thought to the concerns raised by Kaldur and Cassie as he makes his way curiously about the room they've settled on, nodding faintly at Rachel, "I suppose I should be thankful that J'onn has taken a liking to more palatable tastes, I don't know what I would do faced with the daunting task of eating mustard-orange chicken without offending it's creator..."

"If concerns of identy, or pretense to be there are a true issue, you could always find a date to attend the gala with, it may get you some attention, but less scrutiny. There won't be much press inside the party itself, though. And we can arrange for discrete travel to the event."

Aqualad has posed:
Kaldur is quiet for a beat before looking at Raven sidelong. "I might dare to say there are few reasons for /anyone/ to do what the Robins do," he tells her, in a wit so dry it's a wonder it didn't haul up water from Atlantis with it.

Arthur bids Kaldur to 'handle' it and he opens his mouth to repeat his concerns-- then thinks better of it, with a soldier's self-reliance. He'll figure something out. "Yes, my King," he murmurs, ducking his head obediently.

"I am sure it would please Diana to see you there, Cassie," Kaldur assures the slender blonde woman. "And perhaps if a few of us attend in force, it will give us a sense of more security. There is strength in the shoal's numbers."

Wonder Girl has posed:
"I'm not really *worried*, at least not for myself," Cassie goes on to assure Arthur, especially when such extreme measures as secret arrivals are mentioned. "I just mean, its hard for me to talk up Themyscira or the team without people asking a lot of follow-up. And I don't mind being a spokeswoman, but then bam, everything's out of the bag. And people are probably suspicious of everyone I talk to or dance with. Let alone a date!" Since he brings that up. Mutual out-ing?

"Though I just realized, if I did come for the embassy, I have something I could wear." Amazonian formalwear is a whole different matter, and they are somewhat known for their flowing Greccian dresses. Although this may also be just a way to spare Kaldur from suddenly being responsible for the ladies' shopping! "Well, I'll think about it. If none of the others take, the two of us might go for both the team and for our respective people."

Raven's rivalry with Kori's tastebuds is definitely worthy of a few more fond smiles, even if the incidents themselves sound vaguely horrendous. "If you're happy hanging back that's fine, I just don't want you to feel lonely or left out. Maybe we should have an *after* party back here?"

Raven has posed:
Raven folds her arms, pulling her hands out of her pocket for the first time in the entirety of the conversation until now. "It would be... I've never- I shouldn't date. That would make things... Awkward. And I have no one who fits." she offers, sort of halfheartedly brushing off that concern. "I am sure that we should send a few. Kori, Cassie, Kaldur, that is likely a good showing form the Titans. My presence would only complicate things."

Cassie brings up some manner of after party, and to that, Raven's expression.... Remains neutral. Which it always does. "I don't think it's wise to have a party in the tower. There is a lot of sensitive material here and we would have to maintain a sober team in order to handle any issues that arose anyways. Besides, I don't do well at parties. It may be best if those that go just come back and unwind. We can order pizza. By that, I mean that someone else can order pizza and have the usual spares for Kori to... Spice."

Aquaman has posed:
"If you've sent Kori out to the party, and you're here watching the tower, it sounds like you've a perfect opportunity to intercept the food while she's gone." Arthur says with a slight chuckle at the Tamarian flavor-war that is being waged in the tower. "Give it some thought, however, you are welcome if you wish to come."

"It is a rather awkward thing, being shoved into the forefront of the international stage as a representative of an isolated, and powerful nation. Give it some thought before you take on that mantle, but I know Diana wouldn't offer you the opportunity if she didn't think you could handle it." He looks over to Kaldur, "Send a word to the embassy of who's coming, and under what names, and I'll have special arrangements made, at the very least."

Aqualad has posed:
Kaldur's shoulders relax with subtle relief at Arthur's command. It's one thing to make a routine request of the Embassy as part of his mission, but Arthur just handed Kaldur the proverbial royal signet ring; putting a directive to the Embassy under the King's name will likely unturn some stones more quickly.

"I will attend to it personally, my King," Kaldur assures Arthur in his cool voice, which is positively sanguine compared to Raven's dry glottal fry. "I will be sure to send a finalized list and accounting to your secretary as soon as I have it in hand."

Wonder Girl has posed:
"I didn't mean anything too rowdy!" Cassie objects, as perhaps she imagines Raven in-turn imagining some bizarre drunken spectacle as the group returns from a night of high society debauchery. Really, she sounds a little embarassed at the idea. No coke and hookers for Cassie! "Just that, yeah, we can come back and unwind with whoever stayed behind. Though I'm sure, if we've survived the night that long, taking a moment for a breather isn't going to doom the earth."

So with that mostly settled, and Kaldur set to his own task, she offers Arthur a slightly more determined nod. "You're right. Well, partly. I'm not any kind of official diplomat, so I'll definitely check with her, but overall the whole thing sounds like a good opportunity. And I'm sure Kori will love the idea, too. She makes me look like Raven, as far as, er, social extroversion goes."

Raven has posed:
Raven allowed the three to continue their discussion, but she primarily only had words for Aquaman. "I'll think on it, but I can already say that it is likely for the best that I remain here." she offers, slipping her hands back into the pockets of her hoodie.

"I wasn't suggesting that we'd have some crazy party back here. I was suggesting that people would get intoxicated, at least slightly, and even slightly is too much." she offers, in rebuttal to Cassie. When the blonde finishes speaking, Raven's expression, unchanged, shifts almost imperceptibly. "Pardon me. I should get back to meditating." she offers, as a weak excuse- before making her way towards the lift, seemingly rather suddenly.

Aquaman has posed:
"It was wonderful meeting you Raven, I am sure we will have occasion to meet at some point in the near future, regardless." Arthur says with a nod of his head to the departing witch before turning to Cassie, "Ah, but you represent something at least interesting to the population, an Amazon of Themyscira, exoitc, beautiful, dangerous. You will get much attention on that stage." he assures the blonde. "I want to thank you all for allowing me to intrude upon your home, it is a wonderful palce you have built here."

Aqualad has posed:
"Farewell, Raven," Kaldur tells the darkling sorceress, with a polite half-bow. "I hope your meditations are fulfilling."

"It is no intrusion at all, my king. Cassie, if you have other obligations, you can attend to them," Kaldur assures her. "I will continue the tour of the Tower with King Orin-- my liege, shall I show you to the next floor? You might like to see how we've arranged the facilities."

Wonder Girl has posed:
Cassie doesn't bother to point out the pile of misconceptions in that, though they're likely more those of the public than anyone else, and she knows that to such an extent, Arthur is probably right. Once she lets on, people don't tend to split that 'honorary' hair, the fact that she is precisely the age she looks, in comparison to her ancient adoptive sisters. And maybe it's right that they don't, considering the actual truth of it being even weirder! 'Hi I'm an Amazon' still goes over easier than 'Hi I'm a demigoddess.'

"It'll be fine, Rach, I'm not even old enough to drink!" Not that they card people at galas. Still, this is the last bit of parting conversation with Raven, though there's a look of worry as she excuses herself. In the end, she nods at both Arthur and Kaldur. "Well its been nice having you. You or the rest of the League are always welcome of course. And sure, if you want to show him the combat simulator in detail," what else would the boys want to see?! "or whatever, I'll let you two seafolk catch up. Later!"

Raven has posed:
Raven isn't rude, necessarily, so she doesn't just walk out of the room. With the statement from Aquaman, Raven turns slightly, offering this slight nod. "It was good to meet you. I hope that we only ever meet in situations like this." It's a lofty hope, after all, because that would mean that there was never anything problematic enough that the league and the titans worked together- it's honestly a good statement... Even if it was crazy unlikely.

She couldn't help but hear that Kaldur, at the very least, was going to continue the tour. As such, she didn't move to the elevator. Instead, even though Cassie had been speaking to her, Raven remains silent, and the shadow the lights of the room cause her to cast extends forward, as if something other than a shadow itself. It creeps up the wall rather swiftly, and she just walks into it, disappearing and, likely, emerging in her room.