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Latest revision as of 14:43, 30 October 2017

Log 2359
Date of Scene: 07 September 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Juggernaut, Polaris, Deadzone

Juggernaut has posed:
    The X-Men aren't the only colorful locals who frequent Harry's Hideaway.

Cain Marko is used to this place and though he's not exactly fond of the fact that it's a hop, skip and jump away rom the mansion and some of the most powerful mutant minds in the world... it has good food and drink and it's hard to pass up on such a thing when passing through Salem Center. Plus, he's helped save the world recently! That certainly warrents a the best Harry has to offer

    And a such the human wrecking ball basically dominates a corner of the room with his gargantuan mass, his table full of empty glasses and his huge fingers drumming on it infront of him as he peers out of the windows looking utterly..irreedembly..bored. Not much of a celebration no.

Polaris has posed:
There was a whole mess of Xavier faculty earlier in the night, Lorna's been drinking more or less since. The green haired Genoshan watching the tv, and nursing a beer with a near empty pitcher at the table. She looks over at Cain Marko, studying the man for a long moment.

Deadzone has posed:
Tatum, after having a long "talk" with her boyfriend that they house they are designing will *not* be made to look like a spaceship resting on a three story tall pedestal, has left the comfort of the mansion for Harry's, in order to calm herself down before the goth and her big, blue, hairy boyfriend have one of their infamous arguements that will likely end up with something broken.

The goth wears her hair in ponytails today, streaks of a deep kelly green tossed in among the black. Of course, she also wears a lot of tight black clothing and boots that are to die for. Or to kill for. Well, someone is killing and someone is dying, it's not certain who is which.

She offers Harry an upnod of her chin and then spies the other member of the Xavier's faculty. "Dos cervesas, por favor," she requests of the bartender, who simply scowls at her. "Sorry. Two beers, please." She heads to Lorna's table and puts one down in front of her. "Who we givin' the stink eye to?" she asks before looking over. She smirks then. "Ah. You into the big beefy guys now, babe?" she asks as she sits herself down.

Juggernaut has posed:
    "Hrn, shoulda hit up that strip club over in---.." murmers the huge red guy to himself before wrapping his hand around another drink and then downing it rapidly. He sniffs and rubs his nose and at that point manages to peer over his hand to get a look at Polaris off in the distance. He returns her gaze with squinted eyes and a nose that wrinkles in some confusion before then noting Tatum entering the scene. "Aren't they..." he rumbles to himself absent mindly before reacing for yet another drink to wrap his meaty hand around.

Polaris has posed:
"Not inta anything, men 're just trouble 'Atum, don't need that mess." Lorna murmurs. She has to reach twice for her beer, but she finds it with a smile.

Deadzone has posed:
Watching as Lorna slurs her words and then has trouble reaching for the beer, Tatum decides that she's changed her mind on letting her friend having the glass after all, taking it out of Lorna's hands and putting it on the table beside her. The college kid looks at it and smiles. Free beer! Awesome. "I think you've had enough, sunshine. So, men troubles again? Okay, who am I castrating this time? Is it that Daniel Rand guy? Tell me it's that Daniel Rand guy. His hair irritates me."

Juggernaut has posed:
    At that point in time, the monstrous shadow of Cain falls over the two ladies. In that space of time the giant had risen up and closed the distance..looming forward like a sequioa that uprooted itself and decided to go for a stroll. He reaches down and unashamedly plucks up the 'free drink' Tatum set aside between two of his huge fingers and raises it skywards towards his grinning mug.

"H'lo ladies. I thought you two looked familiar. What's a couple of x-dames like you doing here all by your lonesome? Chuck don't got you on a curfew..?"

Polaris has posed:
Lorna makes a face. "Rand, only had the one evening at that Gala, fucker had a girl." She shakes her head, trying to decide which Tatum to look at. "No, some single dad-Scott Lang talks all sweet on me a few months...six? Then poof-nothing, fucker's a ghost." She looks up at Cain and smiles pretty. "Chuck don't hold my leash either."

Deadzone has posed:
"Wait, so he was flirting with you at the Gala *while* he already had a girl? THat's it, I'm shaving his annoying brillo pad of a head." Tatum reaches over to rub at Lorna's back. "You'll find someone worthy of you. The problem is, you're just too fucking awesome. It's really hard to find a guy that's up to your caliber."

And then the shadow. Tate looks up. Waaaaaay up. But that's not the Friendly Giant. But, it's not Joe Fix-it, either, so at least there is that. She breaks out into her quirky, playful smile. "Cain! You old reprobate!" She looks at the pint glass, tiny in his large hands. "Oh, for pete sake, seriously?" She calls over a waitress and orders two pitchers, but only one glass. "None for you," she tells the green haired woman. "And I'm a big girl. I'm sure if I get too hungover to teach class tomorrow, Chuck will just look at me disapprovingly and make me feel guilty."

Juggernaut has posed:
    Lorna's and Tatum's reaction to him is about all the invite Cain needs for him to invite himself to the table. Grinning big, eyes full of mischief. he drop down onto a chair that groans dangerously under his weight but seems to know better then to give out under him, "Ah, I like the sound of that." he says to Lorna though he the looks to Tatum and just lets his grin drift into a light smirk as she acknowledges him and then orders a larger drink him. "HOwdy..." He gestures between the two, "Man troubles eh? Sounds like you need a real man and not one of these jelly backs you're used to dealing with. Y'know I saved the world the other day. Punched a giant alien starfish the size of the Atlantic Ocean. Took the thing out, one blow.."

He, of course, neglects to mention te rest of the Justice League, X-Men members, Alpha Flight and the fact it was Martian Manhunter who threw him but hey..details. "You need someone who can rumble with the biggest and the baddest nad make 'em weep.."

Polaris has posed:
"Rand's a fucker, but Lang's a goddamn dick." Lorna tells Tatum hotly, both of her. She shifts her attention to Marko, big enough that if she were seeing double they'd be hard to seperate. "I can throw an island into space." She says flatly. "Gonna have to do better to get in my pants." She tells Cain and eyes him as if she's considering. "So you're saying quit the hero fuck boys?" She looks for her drink.

Deadzone has posed:
Tatum doesn't seem to mind at all as Cain sits himself down. "Ain't seen you in a while. Hope you haven't been getting into TOO much trouble. Fix-it and you still got that deal going in M-Town?" A brow arches at the mention of his recent exploits. "Nice! One blow, huh?"

There is a gleam of mischief in her eyes and she looks over to Lorna. "You know... I realize that this may be terrible timing, but you have to admit, Cain here is like no other guy you've dated. Maybe, trying for something totally different might prove a good thing. Plus, wouldn't it just make Dad go ballistic?"

Juggernaut has posed:
    Lorna's reaction causes Cain to sputter abit. He clearly wasn't expecting -that- and it throws him off what game had managed to drum up. He recovers quickly enough by means of a harsh rumbling laugh and an incredolous look on his face, "I just told you I punched out somethin' the size of the Atlantic Ocean and you think island tossing is gonna be impressive. I break mountain ranges and move continental plates babe. Still..I could get behind some island tossin'.."

He grins at Lorna, like some huge great white shark - but then blinks and looks at Tatum, asking innocently, "Whose dad?"

Polaris has posed:
"Oh." Lorna rolls her eyes and sways a little, dizzy. "Magnus, imperator of Genosha, dear old dad-that dad Tater tot?" She asks curiously. "Breaking mountains? Pft. Want to watch me move the moon? So much iron up there it's stupid." She might be talking out her ass, she might not. "Move the planet?" She wonders and pokes Cain's chest lightly. Her hand likely dwarfed a little by the big man.

Deadzone has posed:
Ping Ponging her gaze between the two as they talk about island tossing, Tate rolls her eyes. "Seriously? Do I need to get the ruler out? You're both very strong and powerful. And very very pretty." THe pitchers arrive and Tatum pushes one over to Cain while she pours a glass for herself from the other. The pitcher looks about the same size in his hand as the beer mug looks in hers.

At the question about dad, Tate tilts her head. "Whose dad? Hers. Or did you mean who is dad? Not for me to say." Then Lorna goes and spills the beans. "But apparently, girlfriend here is in a chatty mood." She looks at the two, rather amused. "Good lord, do I need to tell Chuck we're bringing over a guest, just so you two can duke this out in the D.R?"

Juggernaut has posed:
    There's no likely. One of Cain's pectorals is probably as wide as a car door and his full width incomprehensible so far as thinking about what normal humans shoudl be capable of looking like. He's hardly inconspicous but then again as 'The Juggernaut' his immensity is even more vast so hey..this is 'normal'?

Now Juggernaut is all for a good old fashion bragging session and he's well good with tall tales and exagerrations of his feats..but there's something else lingering in the air that has to be addressed. Just a teensy tiny details. Oh yeah.

"Your DAD is MAGNETO?!" he exclaims in shock while looking back at Tatum and then back at Lorna and then back at Tatum again for full confirmation.

Polaris has posed:
"The Magnetism didn't give it away?" Lorna smiles and sways a little. She reaches for Tatum's drink, having lost her own somehow. "Or you know, the whole heir to Genosha bullshit press conferences and political garbage." She pffts air out and waves her hands with a shake of her head.

Deadzone has posed:
"Yes, that dad, princess. And yes, that dad, big guy. So, see? You two should totally go out on a date, just so I can get video footage of Scott and Magnus standing side by side and actually agreeing on something for once. I could show that video at all the holiday parties. It's like saying you will do a thing when Hell freezes over."

Tate takes her beer back. "Oh no you don't. I think you have had more then enough already. You have a class in the morning. Hey! When did *I* become the responsible one? That's it, I'm TP'ing Lang's house as payback."

Juggernaut has posed:
    "What're you saying, I'm not a good catch?" Cain seems to have regained some semblance of his prior persona now, settling back into his smug bruiser tone, "..I get such a bad rep in the press and everybody just goes and believes it. As to the rest? Yeah the magnetism makes sense and all that but it aint like mutants don't share similar powers y'know. Course some do seem to be more unique then others. Don't now to many blue furred demon-elf guys that small like they've gone to hell and back when they teleport around me."

THe finaly takes a pull from his pitcher and then lowers it while rumbling, "Anyway, true broadning your horizons abit. You want a guy worth your time, stop looking in the wrong place. Easy."

Polaris has posed:
Lorna eyes Tatum sulkily. She narrows her gaze at the woman for taking her beer back. "Havok ordered shots, then Psylocke ordered more, so I'm beering off." She explains and looks at Caine. "Big man, you wannna show me the right man I'm gamb, but I think your fingers are bigger than some cocks soo..." She presses her lips together and lets them part with a smack.

Deadzone has posed:
"I said nothing of the kind," Tatum tells Cain. "I mean, considering who I'm dating, it's not like I'm one to talk about matches. And the differences between you two? Who knows, it could work. I couldn't care less what the media says about you. Hell, once I realized you weren't as much of a dick as the you from my world, you are kinda fun to be around."

She starts drinking her beer, only to end up choking on it from Lorna's comment. She coughs and laughs and thumps at her chest. "She kinda has a point there. I mean, I'm a size queen and all, but damn!"

Juggernaut has posed:
    "You aint sounding very 'princess-y' with talk like that." rumbles Cain with a grin at Lorna. As he hears Tatum chime in as well he then kinda just..sorta shrugs helplessly, "..I'm The Juggernaut." he rumbles as if that should be answer enough to all questions concerning his size. "Guess I gotta stick with the She-Hulk types then." he rumbles with a grin. He then changes subjects briefly by noting to Tatum, "And yeah, well, I hear tell that different dimensions can be wildly different from each other. IF he has half the power I got..maybe you should be glad he was just annoying and not out to do some serious damage, eh? Don't now the guy though."

Polaris has posed:
Lorna blinks at Cain a moment. She looks to Tatum. "I don't...did we cover Magneto is my dad, how the fuck does he think a terrorist turned world leader talks?" To be fair, her filter is clearly long go, very drunk. She refocuses on Cain. "Pity you don't shrink like-the fuck is that green guy? The Hulk?" She pats Cain with a hand. Those muscles though.

Deadzone has posed:
Tate shrugs her shoulders, smiling apologetically. "Sorry, big guy. Us normal sized girls are more then just a little intimidated. Most men would consider that a compliment, but I'm sure you hate hearing it by now."

The goth nods her head when Cain mentions different realities. "Yeah. Well, on my world, I could shut him, you... him. God I hate the pronouns when talking about it. Anyway, I could shut him down, make it so he was his regular size again. Blocking a connection, he said. Which is why I was so shocked it didn't work with you when I tried it."

At the mention of the Hulk, Tate sighs softly, a saddened look on her face. "He's not really around much anymore. Not since Fix-it showed up."

Juggernaut has posed:
    "Mags don't strike me as the type that drop F-bombs left and right." grins Cain after taking another pull from his drink. Notably unaffected as well. Can he even get drunk??

"ANyway you aint got nothing to worry about. Just fun and games. Her filter's long gone. She can't hardly see straight let alone think straight. I don't advantage o'folk. As far as my size goes?" he chuckles a little bit and then rumbles, "I'm not gonna give to many details less princess here goes and spreads my info all up and down the mansion when you all get home. Just know that I got my contacts when I need a little tender lovin' care.."

He does shrug likely and rumbles, "Whose to say that if I didn't stop you it might not have orked eventually. Maybe you just caught that one at a bad time. My power aint always at its peak but I'm not someone easily messed with..As to greenie? Yeah been awhile since I saw him.."

Polaris has posed:
Lorna crinkles her face. "I don't kiss and tell." She holds up a finger."But if you're a motherfucker I'll tell people you're a motherfucker." She warns and looks at Tatums. She looks between the two girls and sighs. "I just need a fling. All these jerks promising love and vanishing-poof." She gestures and sighs slumping back in the seat. She closes an eye and tries to gage how massive half a Cain would be, holding up a hand.

Deadzone has posed:
"Your dad may be a lot of things, babe, but a potty mouth is not one of them. He manages to make mass genocide sound like something pleasant that we should all thank him for. He's kinda smooth that way." Tate watches Lorna carefully, concern for her friend written on her face with the way her eyebrows furrow in the middle.

"Didn't think you would, actually. You're not that sort. I mean, you're a lot of things, but I don't really see you as *that* sort. Besides, if you tried, I'd have to fight you and then we would have to see if I could actually turn you off and that would just make you grumpy and then we'd stop being friendly and then it's just fight, fight, fight all the time and who needs that hassle?" She offers a wink to Cain.

Seeing Lorna closing an eye to look at Cain, Tate chuckles. "Tell you what, Princess, if when you wake up in the morning, if you still want to give Big, Tall, and Massive here a try? I'll get you his number. But for tonight, you are going to bed alone, if I have to drag you there myself."

Juggernaut has posed:
    S"Smart girls." rumbles Cain, " I only cam over here to tease you. You think Charles would leave me be if I came by for a 'fling'? I'd never hear the end of it." Cain finishes his drink off and then rises, "Don't mind leaving something to your imagination though." This left to Lorna. Cain gives her a thumbs up and then finally a nod to Tatum and then he turns and starts stalking away from them, heading back towards his table.

Deadzone has posed:
Tatum blows Cain a kiss as he starts heading off. "You stay frosty, sweetness," she calls out to him. After he's gone, she looks to her friend. "Okay, sunsine. I think it's time we get you home and into bed. You've had enough for one night."

The next morning, Lang finds his home covered in eggs, toilet paper and talcum powder.

Polaris has posed:
"Hmph, I'm mostly sober." Lorna stands and staggers. She blinks and smiles at Tatum. "I'm always alone lately so much for "Lorna, I want a family with you." motherfucking coward. That's the problem with being as long lived as we are, pops and I. Long term don't work so good with humans." She makes a face and uses the wall to find her way to the door. "Bye Cain, you spendiferous mountain of a man." She wiggles her fingers over her shoulder and struggles with the door.