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Latest revision as of 14:46, 30 October 2017

Peer Pressure is a Serious Problem affecting America's Youth
Date of Scene: 07 September 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Aqualad, Raven

Aqualad has posed:
Though Kaldur's not been on the surface world long, he's a fairly astute judge of character. As one might say, still waters run deep; the Atlanteans have a similar saying about the coldest depths holding the hottest currents.

Raven's reticence, mixed protests, and sudden withdrawal from King Orin's visit to the Tower had elicited a good deal of thought. Kaldur's never one to act swiftly unless swift action is demanded; he thinks and considers his situation from all angles, and once he decides on the proper course, he moves thorugh the dorm to knock on Raven's door twice with a firm rap of his knuckle. Politely, the submariner samurai steps back and offsets his posture slightly so he's not simply looming in Raven's door when she opens it.

"Raven? It is I, Kaldur. Do you have a few minutes to speak with me?" he inquires politely through the closed door.

Raven has posed:
Raven takes a long time to answer even though she is, frankly, obviously there. That's the one thing that is rather telling about Raven- she doesn't leave the tower. Not that anyone knows of, anyways- and even then, a once-monthly excursion to Gotham just to stand on the rooftops and basically do nothing isn't really "going out."

When she answers, she isn't wearing her usual boots, but the hoodie is there, strangely. The tower isn't especially cold, but she's never really seen without it. She didn't call through it, either. Instead, she merely opened the door, and stood within its breach, some intense level of shadow looming over her so as to prevent anyone from looking inside her room. "Yes, Kaldur, I have a few minutes." There's always this little guessing game with her. Raven has no emotional inflection to her voice- at once, her snarky comments could come off as sincere, or her truthful remarks as sarcastic. Now is one of those times. Kaldur did come by late, and likely, anyone else would feel like they're imposing because of the time.

Not Raven, though. Raven is up late. She's -always- up late.

Aqualad has posed:
Kaldur seems content to stand on the threshhold of Raven's room without being invited in; his eyes flicker once over her head to the shadowy contents of her room, but it's a polite sweep rather than probing into her personal space.

"Thank you," he tells her, with some sincerity. "I am struggling with a challenge and I was hoping to prevail upon you for some assistance."

He waits a beat for Raven to have a chance to respond in some way before continuing. "I am attending the Gala, as my King has ordered me," he explains. "I have attended many of these events, but only as a member of the Royal Guard-- never as an envoy. There are many customs and nuances of the surface world that still escape me."

"I was hoping to prevail upon you to join my as my companion for the evening," he requests, his baritone rasp expressing his apology at intruding into Raven's sense of tranquility. "I apologize for the inconvenience, of course; if your duties here forbid your attendance, I would understand wholeheartedly."

Raven has posed:
Raven is not, in the end, overly harsh or particularly rude. It didn't really seem right for her to attend, to her, because of certain glaring issues. It wasn't that she didn't want to go. To Kaldur's initial statement she responds with a quiet, "Continue." so as to have him express his point.

It's the point that gets her somewhat off of her balance, conversationally. Raven is only in some ways not entirely awkward. A lonely and introverted person, when she can't mock an issue, she isn't entirely sure how to deal with it. Or, rather, how she's allowed to- the nature of her... Well, nature somewhat forbid open responses. Plus, there's all that Azarathian training. "My duties to the team and the tower do not preclude my going." she states, somewhat flatly. "It is a more complex matter than that. I am sure you know the nature of my powers. I... feel, what other people feel. As part of that, I make other people feel what I want them to feel. With enough people around me, there is a level of white noise, that grates at the... The walls of my mind. I worry about leakage. I worry about being a danger to the people of the gala. When I said I shouldn't go, it was because I... I thought I shouldn't go. I don't want to hurt anyone."

Aqualad has posed:
"I had been given the broad explanation, but I did not wish to pry," Kaldur tells Raven as she explains her talents to him.

"I can sympathize with your plight. Atlantis is a ... noisy place. Thoughts being echoed and broadcasted, even shouted. It can be wearisome."

"Ultimately I will respect your wishes," Kaldur says, with a deferential half-bow. "I do not wish to place you in an uncomfortable position."

"If it would help, however," he says, a beat later. "A favor can go both ways. If you would agree to help... shepherd me through any social missteps, I will watch over your shoulder and attempt to be a calming influence?" he proposes.

Raven has posed:
Raven seems trouble for a short while. Her arms fold, and one hand comes to the bridge of her nose. "I..." she says, after a prolonged delay. "I can probably do that. If it can be kept... I just don't want to lose control and make some debutante strike her date."

This is all so complex, but Kaldur does seem reassuring. "I don't think I'll have to do much. You're getting the hang of a lot already. It helps that Aquaman's influence on Atlantean culture is pretty pronounced. But, if you need someone there to make sure you don't do, say, or interpret anything incorrectly... I can do that. I don't know how much else I will be able to do, or how long I will be able to stay, but I can do it."

Aqualad has posed:
"I have every confidence in you," Kaldur tells Raven quite gravely-- and he seems to absolutely mean it. Short-spoken as he is, he has that knack for instilling certainty in people.

"King Orin authorized me a 'credit card' and it will be arriving from the Consulate soon. I understand that a degree of formality is required for this event; I have been told to purchase new clothing. If you would be kind enough to select an appropriate outfit, I will procure it for you."

He steps half a pace back. "My thanks, again, friend Raven," he says, a ghost of a smile flitting across his dusky, mocha features. "I am in your debt."

Raven has posed:
Raven offers this light sigh. There are many things she'll do, but one thing she won'y- that perhaps she feels she can't stand is the idea of being taken shopping. "It'll be fine." she states, moving to place a hand on the door control. "I've got something that I can wear. It will be a little unorthodox, but it does fit the bill."

Aqualad has posed:
"As you wish," Kaldur acquieseces easily. "Thank you, again." He offers a short bow, just his head and shoulders, then turns and quietly strides back towards his room, head high with a warrior's controlled posture.