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Latest revision as of 14:55, 30 October 2017

But why does it have Fidget Spinners
Date of Scene: 08 September 2017
Location: Xavier's School, Westchester, New York
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Deadzone, Beast

Deadzone has posed:
Sitting at the computer in the library, Tatum looks over the design that Hank has come up with for their dream home. She doesn't look entirely happy. "Okay, so, lets say we actually find a place where the zoning will allow us to build this four story tall ... thing. Are you certain that thing is going to hold up the house? And why does it have the spinny things on the side? THey look like fidget spinners? Why did you design a house with fidget spinners?"

Beast has posed:
Hank looks grumpy... very grumpy. The blue furred scientist perches on a stool next to Tatum, arms crossed,listening to her 'opinions' on the design of his ULTIMATE low enviromental impact house. "It is a sound design, proven by hundreds of thousands of manhours of use in similar structures in the southern states!" he says, not mentioning that those structures are in fact water towers. Thats not the point. "And those are /not/ fidget spinners. They are /wind/ powered generators. The height of the house, coupled with the proper location, means we could genrate a sizable amount, if not /all/, of our electrical needs!" he says, arms uncrossing and waving around.

Hmmm.. maybe this is their first real disagreement?

Deadzone has posed:
Looking at the screen again, Tatum just shakes her head. She understands that her lover is a genius, but the house he designed is just so far beyond anything that she has ever thought of as a home. "It looks like a giant mushroom! With windows. Hell, paint dots on the living part of it and you could say it was a Smurf house!"

"This looks like something out of that Cruise movie... Oblivion. Only you forgot the launching pad for the futuristic flying machine." Yep. Definitely their first real fight as a couple.

Beast has posed:
Hank groans and removes his glasses to massage the bridge of his snout... and counting backwards... in Shi'ar. It seems that our beloved Hank is not used to, well, criticism on his work.. Especially towards something he has his heart set on. "The design is environmentall friendly! It is almost completej self sufficient! ANd it has lots of room! Plus it isn't /BORING/!" he says.. a passing shot at a few if the more, lets call them traditionally inspired designs she showed him earlier...

"We are not an average couple, so why settle for mediocrity and ubiquity when we can have something UNIQUE?"

Deadzone has posed:
When Hank starts counting backwards in Shi'ar, Tatum starts muttering cursewords about Hank's ancestry in Klingon. "I'm not saying that it's not incredible. I think it's just a little too ... forward thinking! It's like something out of a science fiction movie!! I feel like we should have robot butlers in there! What sort of place is that to raise... " She pauses, not really ready to have that conversation yet.

"Wait... are you saying the houses I like are boring? You think my tastes are boring? So, classic designs are too good for you now? Maybe I should start wearing latex and chrome if you want to be all Home of the Future."

Beast has posed:
Hank growls a little bit. "Saying they are boring? No. Implying? Why yes, Yes I am!" he says, dropping off the stool and beginning to pace. Yep, he's a bit aggitaged. "My house design is not science fiction. Yes, it it new.. Different.. De Rigeur even. But it is not.. not.. WASPish likes those archaic designs we've been going through!" he says as he circles around their workstation.

Deadzone has posed:
Tatum's jaw drops and she glares at the big, blue genius. "WASPish? So first you call me boring, then you call me waspish? What next? Going to call me Republican? Just because I like old fashioned and classic designs, does not make me boring! Hell! You're old-fashioned and I like you!" When did this fight suddenly turn from talking about the differences of taste in houses to personal attacks. She turns her back on Hank, crossing her arms over her chest. "If you want to life in a giant mushroom, maybe you should go ask Smurfette!"

Beast has posed:
Hank doesn't know when the argument started shifting the way it did. He's not the most experienced when it comes to social interactions, or relationships in general.. probably why he is flailing the way he is right now. "Excuse me? Did you call me /old fashioned/?" he asks, looking insulted (because he was, right?). "Just because I do not dress up like the love child like Madonna and Molly Ringwald does not make me /old fashioned!" he says.. though of course the people he is using as an example dates him horribly.

"When she mentions SMurfette he crosses his arms and turns around, sniffing indignantly. "Mabe I /will!" Then realizes how 12 year old that sounds.. and winces..

Deadzone has posed:
Tatum says, "You wear a tweed jacket with patches on the elbows! The only other person that does that is Chuck! And he's in his late 60s!! So yes! You're old fashioned. THat's part of your charm! THat's why I thought you would like the houses I picked! YOu seemed to like them just fine when we were looking over houses that were already built!" As her temper starts to rise, that bubble of her power starts to grow. She always did have a hard time keeping her field in check when her emotions were high.

Tatum spins around at the insult. "Molly Ringwald and Madonna? Oh! Is that what you think? So, now I'm some 80's has been?!" She clenches her jaw. "I'm sure you and Mystique will be very happy in your mushroom kingdom!" She starts storming out of the library."

Beast has posed:
Hank twirls around and literally GAPES at Tatum now... "Wait wait WHAT? When did MYSTIQUE come into this?" he asks, not getting the comparrison between two blue people. "And when did I EVER say, or even INSINUATE you were a HASBEEN, Tatum?" he asks. "And I did like the houses we were looking at before. I still DO like the designs. But You were teh one who said we coudl build what suites /us/. That we didn't have to strive to be like everyone /else/." he says as she walks off.

He gahs and draws his paws down his face. "I just wanted to make something unique.. for you.. as unique as you.. because you are unique.." he says softly, even if she can't hear him.

Deadzone has posed:
Tatum spins around before she's gotten to the door and marches back to Hank to poke him in the chest. "Mystique! She's blue! Like Smurfette! She was the only blue super I could think of, other then Sue Richards!" Poke poke! "And you said I was a cross between Madonna and Molly Ringwald. Name me one thing either of those two have done in the last 10 years!"

And then he explains why he made something so completely different from anything that she has ever seen before in terms of houses and the she pauses as she flounders, trying to stay mad but finding it hard. "You... you think I'm as unique as all that? Fidget spinners and mushroom shaped and glass bottomed swimming pool?" She apologetically rubs at the spot she had just moments ago fiercely poked. "I can't stay mad at my Blueberry Muffin. I'm sorry. It's a nice house, just... I've never seen anything like it before except in movies and cartoons."

Beast has posed:
Hank winces and takes the poking.. because xdeep dwn something tells him he probably deserves it.. "Please. don't bring up Susan Richards.. She is a good friend as is her husband.. I could never think of her in that way.." In fact the thought makes him even more ill than the thought of Mystique.

When she changes her tact, rubbing teh spot and apologizing, he sighs and gently takes her wrists in his hands.. pressing her palms against his chest. "You are the most uniquely beautiful and wonderful woman I have /ever/ known, Tatum.." he whispers... He exhales softly. "And.. maybe I did go overboard on the design... Forgive me? Let me try again? You can even help me. This is supposed to be /our/ house..."

Deadzone has posed:
As the fight ends, Tatum steps in closer to cuddle with Hank, nuzzling at him now and kissing along his neck and jaw as her proximity shifts him out of his blue fur. Soft kisses to let him know all is forgiven. "I'm sorry. It was either one of those two or Kurt." Her lips twitch and she has to stifle a giggle. "Probably for the best I didn't bring him up, huh?"

"If you can find a place that will actually let you build that that is still going to be close enough for us to drive to work? Then you can have your dream house. Hank, I don't care where we live. I just want to be with you." She pauses then and bites at her lip. "Though... it should probably have a couple extra bedrooms. In case we ever... you know, decide to maybe... " It's not like Tatum to get shy and awkward.

Beast has posed:
Hank Wraps his arms around her, pulling her close to his now furless form (though still wearing tweed) and chuckles softly. "I don't know. Kurt cuts a particularily handsome figure.." he says, then nuzzzles her hair softly.

"I guess I don't care where we live, or in what, either. Not so long as you are there with me." he says, then hugs her even closer as she gets to that awkward part.

I know what you mean.." he whispers.. "And I agree.. entirely."