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Latest revision as of 14:58, 30 October 2017

Mother's Questions
Date of Scene: 09 September 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Molly Millions, Superboy

Molly Millions has posed:
Ninja's and bribing officials and trying to set up a bar and, well, even Molly needs at least some time off. So she decided to hop over to Genosha to check up on her girls and get a little bit of sun that wasn't filtered through Low Town's poisoned sky. Right this second, though? The older cyborg is doing a thing she'd vehemently deny if asked about in public; practicing swimming. Which means she's at Blink's usual spot on the beach, in a blood red bikini that does nothing at all to hide either the blinding whiteness of her skin, or the particularly ugly scar that transverses the left side of her body vertically.

It's a convenient place, picked because it's generally quiet and there's not likely to be anyone around to laugh at her attempts to do something more dignified than dog paddle around in the shallows.

Superboy has posed:
Unfortunately for Molly she just got a witness. Conner has been looking for Clarice for the last 40 minutes or so. He wanted to surprise her so he didn't warn he was coming. As a consequence, she was not in her apartment.

Because man, you are dating a world-class teleporter with a cellphone that has no coverage outside her tiny island. She wasn't home, she is not responding to calls. Probably she is doing groceries in Buenos Aires, or maybe fighting evil robots in Russia.

Conner is checking her usual hideouts in Genosha, though, and right now that means watching Molly trying to swim. And since he knows no one else in Genosha, he is hanging around.

Molly Millions has posed:
Eyes. Molly's just paranoid enough that it does eventually filter in that she has an audience. And not the one she was half expecting. Still a hand gets raised by way of acknowledgment as she tries and then gives up on finding a dignified way of not floundering out of the water with an upnod of acknowledgment,"She's not here." she elects to inform the obvious as she slogs through the sand to snag her towel so she can at least dry the water off her lenses unhurriedly.

Superboy has posed:
Conner snatches the towel and offers it to Molly as soon as she is less than knee-deep on the water. "Hello! And yeah... I guess I should have called beforehand. I really need to get Clare one of those dual-card Starktech phones. All superheroes have them, y'know?" No. Not really. But he does and knows a couple other kids that do, so he is allowed to generalize.

Molly Millions has posed:
"Thanks." is the offered response as she takes the towel, lenses are the most important to get dry, the towel itself draped like a cape across her shoulders with a brief loft of her brow,"Wouldn't know." she opts for with regards to the phone,"Let me grab the controller and I'll check she didn't head to the bar while I'm not there." she offers, prowling over to the rest of her stuff to pull out what sure /looks/ like a cell phone, until she flips it open like an old school Nintendo DS and enquires of it aloud,"Shadow, full rotation scan user Clarice."

Without taking her eyes off the device she elects to add on,"So I hear you two got jumped by some guy with tentacles in the States. Y'want to tell me about that?"

Superboy has posed:
"A bar?" That are news for Conner. Of course Clarice is 18 and that means she can go drink to bars almost anywhere but in the US. But that is not what Molly means, is it?

Before he can ask for details, she goes and mentions his now least-favorite cyborg. "Uh, that idiot. It was in Hawaii, but yeah. That guy is a D-lister that used to annoy me when I lived in in the islands. He tried to kill her and almost got killed himself."

Molly Millions has posed:
"Nope. Not there." Molly confirms as she clicks the device closed again and drops it back into the pile of her stuff,"Yes." because that's such a wonderfully informative statement, there. She pops open a cooler in the shady side of her stuff, asking,"Soda? Or beer?" not a huge amount of difference to her one way or another,"My geography isn't great, but if I recall Hawaii is part of the United States, is it not?" she enquires,"And yes, so I understand. And if I recall... you took him to the hospital? And left Clarice to field questions from the police."

Superboy has posed:
Conner nods, distractedly. Looks like Blink told Molly everything already. He is trying to figure out what would the girl be doing in a bar at this time of the day. He grabs one of the cans without worrying much what it is. "Pretty much, yes," he adds, when Molly finishes talking. Hawaii police is friendlier than New York, and they know him. He didn't expect any trouble, and he didn't expect Blink to vanish for almost a day like she did.

Molly Millions has posed:
Molly blind hands him a can, taking a beer for herself and electing to perch on a rock at least half under a scraggly tree, not that her nanites will allow even the ghost of a tan to settle on her, but still. No need to taunt the angry sun god after all. She pops the top of her own,"Seeing as you're here and she's not, I just need to make sure that you're not going to have an issue with her defending herself. It's not going to be an issue for you, is it?" there's the tilt of the old cyborg's head, the angle deliberate to let him know that she's definitely looking his way assessingly. She might just have a little bit of a protective streak. Maybe.

Superboy has posed:
And Conner on the other hand stands right under the sun, a couple yards from Molly. Not that he can get a tan either, it is just a Kryptonian thing.

Her question takes him by surprise, though. "Er... why? I am happy she could defend herself," he frowns at the insinuation he could think otherwise. Sore point after what happened to Tana Moon not so long ago.

Molly Millions has posed:
"Because my daughter likes you, and I don't particularly want to see her hurt." Molly states simply,"And she's smart enough, and strong enough, to be able to take care of herself... but I remember you weren't happy with Vanya or I in that bar in Gotham. So I just want to make sure that's not going to be an issue between the two of you." she takes a swig from the can,"She wants to fight, and I'm not going to pretend that I like the idea. And I doubt you're likely to be any happier about it. But when she didn't have reception and thought you were upset at her over the thing in Hawaii... it upset her a lot. And I don't want that for her. Is all."

Superboy has posed:
"Your daughter!?" Okay. That is completely new for him. Wait, how can Clarice be Molly's daughter. Wasn't she from the future or something? All the rest comes like a icy shower, too. Clarice is going to fight? He actually does not have much of a problem with that. Well, depending how she is going to fight. Molly makes it sound like a bad idea.

"No. She thought I was upset Sidearm was injured. I was upset he had tried to kill her." He already told Clarice about this. Why is he explaining now? Oh yea. Mother! WTF!! "I didn't want him to die anyway. He is an idiot, and a killer. But I don't - We don't get to decide how lives or dies."

Pause. Breathe. "Are you her mother for real?"

Molly Millions has posed:
It amuses Molly, to watch his reaction, for all that her eyes might be hidden, there's the curl of her lips half hidden behind her can under the ostensible premise that she's going to drink more. Letting him absorb it and speak without interruption from her,"The only good enemy is a dead one, in my experience. Leaving them alive generally comes back to bite you in the ass long-term. But you're young still. And I definitely made that mistake a few times myself."

She finally takes another swig from the can, and doesn't hurry about swallowing it in order to reply,"I didn't give birth to her, but that doesn't change that as far as I'm concerned, she is mine."

Superboy has posed:
"As a matter of fact I have made some friends of people that started off as enemies. So you are wrong." Replies Conner, frowning. "And I believe most people deserve a second chance. Since I donât know who doesn't, I rather err in the side of giving everyone a break. There are judges out there that are better suited to judge what my 'enemies' deserve."

Maybe a little naive, but contrarily to the place Molly is from the US justice system mostly works. It is maybe the prison system what fails too much.

He seems somewhat relieved the 'motherhood' is just an adoption kind of thing. He should have known. But Molly managed to unbalance him really good.

Molly Millions has posed:
"Yes, well, this world is in many ways like a wizzheads wet dream." Molly opines drily as she swirls her can about,"I wont take that risk. But before you get all... righteous. I also moved to Madripoor because I refuse to get into a fight with one of those costumed lunatics. But if it comes down to her life or some asshole that might decide to reform later on... she comes first." it's not really a question, because to Molly it isn't a question,"Yes?"

Superboy has posed:
See? Madripoor justice system is something between a joke and a mockery. Who would want to live there? "Madripoor, uh? Can't say I have heard of that town." Comments the young man. But he has Internet in his cell... damn, not in Genosha. He puts the cellphone back into his pocket.

"Look, I am not a pacifist or anything. If I have to pick between seeing a friend, or just any innocent die, or killing. I guess I would kill. But not if I see any other possibility. Killing is not going to be the first thing I attempt to solve a conflict. And I hope it is not Clarice's either."

Molly Millions has posed:
"Island. Country. They don't have extradition treaties. With anyone." Molly offers with a faint smile, falling silent again to listen with an acknowledging dip of her head,"You and her, you were born here." at least, so she assumes,"This is a different world, and I recognize that. Experience tells me that it's a dumb way to do things. But experience also tells me mutants and gods don't exist. Or... didn't. So that's... good enough for me." she nods in the direction of his can,"So you going to stand there, or you going to drink? I expect she'll be along eventually, and Shadow will ping if it see's her at the bar sooner than that. If your phone can't reach her, no point in me trying."

Superboy has posed:
Conner had honestly forgotten about the beer, so now he opens it and takes a sip or two. Also glancing to see what it is anyway. Genosha has beer? The things he learns by traveling to odd places.

"No mutants? or... er, gods are aliens, arenât they? I mean, I am half alien too," this might be new to Molly. But since she self-appointed Clarice's mom, he goes on. "And a clone. Or rather maybe... what are they called? Replicant? I mean, I was made in a lab with a sample of a Kryptonian DNA and human DNA. And if you have heard of Kryptonians, well, they are far more powerful than the Asgardians." Babbling. Focus, Conner. "Anyway, that doesnât sounds like the future."

Molly Millions has posed:
"No mutants." Molly confirms,"And no, at least, the aliens I've known don't generally call themselves gods." but yes, that's news, to judge from the way her head tilts, lips parting as 'clone' is added on to that, for all that behind her lenses she has to do what he did regarding Madripoor and look it the hell up,"Cloning was. Alien's not so much. I had... assumed you were a mutant." and assumptions are bad, but from her shrug she's not bothered by it at least.

"My future is not the same as this world's one. At least, I've been told by a few people who can... detect such things, that the... signature? Of my transition has limited relation to this world. Which isn't exactly surprising given the differences."

Superboy has posed:
Conner shrugs. "Well, it gets complicated as my telekinesis comes from the human side," and really. It is pointless to try to classify him. Or anyone. Not being from the future maybe makes Molly an alien too! No matter.

"Madripoor doesn't sound like a nice place. No extraditions means no legal ties with other countries. Sounds like Latveria. You sure you wanted to leave the US? There are folks that can help you solve problems with other supers," he offers.

Molly Millions has posed:
"Madripoor is likely as close to home as I'm liable to find here." Molly drawls drily,"I've already left the States. Quit Stark. Erased my safehouses. Provided the information demanded within the bounds of my contracts to resolve an issue. So there's... no problem with it. I like Madripoor. That's where my bar is. The states is too full of people in costumes who take obsessive, interfering and judgmental to whole new levels and I'm tired of wondering when that's going to become a more serious issue. Now? It's not an issue. Not for me, and more particularly, not for Clarice and Lucy."

Superboy has posed:
That... is a shame. Conner looks at Molly vaguely confused. She must come from a very messed up place to prefer this Madripoor place to New York. "I don't think Clarice is going to have any problems in America," well, except for the anti-mutant problems there. But is Madripoor any better? "She can be anywhere she wants pretty quickly, so that is no biggie. I just hoped to see her today." He finishes his beer and looks back to the city.