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Latest revision as of 15:06, 30 October 2017

A New Library!
Date of Scene: 09 September 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Lara Croft, Deadzone, Beast

Lara Croft has posed:
Lara had been approached by Charles Xavier at the Natural History Museum in Manhattan back in July, with a job opportunity... She hadn't needed it at the time, nor thought it was right for her... so she had politely declined the offer though did say that she'd consider it. As it turned out, she changed her mind a few weeks later and was hired on just before the new school year started.

Lara was settling in to the school-side-of-life here at this small boarding school that was filled with big powered people. She'd loved everyone she'd met so far as well, especially the students.

Currently, its late Friday night and Lara is still on-grounds even though she doesn't live here and still lives in Manhattan... She's just, lost in thought in the library at a desk all by herself. She has her laptop out and a pile of books. She's pacing beside the desk, holding one of the books and speaking to herself (a recording device on her laptop).

"Two Rivers isn't the name of the park, its the name of the man who owned the land the park sits upon." Her thickly British accented voice said. "He changed his name when he was a young adult, having hated it since as long as he could remember..." She paused her pacing to smile softly.

"Its surprising to me that he'd name the park after shedding it from years of frustration..."

Anyone who might stumble across her might think the new History teacher is a bit looney.

Deadzone has posed:
Coming into the library, Tate is returning one book and looking for another. Luckily, the library is full to the brim; classics, more modern YA tales and more. The home ec teacher nods politely in greeting to Ms. Croft, looking among the books and frowning, not finding what she is looking for.

Does the new teacher sound a little crazy, talking to herself about things? Quite probably. Is she used to teachers doing that sort of thing? Very much so yes. Dr. McCoy does it all the time.

Tate smiles softly, trying not to listen in on the comments Lara makes, but unable to stop herself.

Lara Croft has posed:
"A national park, in the middle of Death Valley... named 'Two Rivers'." Lara continued to chat with herself as she read from the book in her hands, her laptop had little wavey lines on the screen that were going up and down as it recorded her voice. "Its almost like a horrible tease to anyone who might be without water." She idly commented the thought.

When she took notice of Tatum, Lara gave the woman a smile. She'd seen her around but hadn't... met her yet.

The book was closed and she paused her laptops recorder.

Lara turned then and offered a casual left-handed wave to the woman. "Hello!" She said to her, moving toward her with a friendly smile (though her lowerlip had a wicked cut across it that was still in the process of healing).

"I'm Lara... World History Teacher. I... haven't had the pleasure of speaking to you yet." She tried to make for a friendly introduction.

Deadzone has posed:
Returning the wave, Tatum smiles. "Hello there. I'm Tatum O'Neal. Home Ec and life skills teacher." She looks at the outstretched hand. "I turn off peoples powers. Do you still want me touching you?"

The gothy teacher looks over the spines of the books. "Have you ever heard of someone called Nabakoff? That song by The Police mentions him, the old man that shakes and coughs, just like the guy by Nabakov. I figured I'd find the book and read it, figure out what that line is supposed to mean."

Lara Croft has posed:
Lara looked down at her hand that was extended and she seemed to stutter for a moment before she smiled again and shook her head side to side. Lara's left hand came up (it was wrapped in a bandage all the way around the palm and backside) and she rubbed the two together softly. "I am... unpowered, as far as I know." She said with a soft laugh. "I am just... your average every day human."

"Vladimir Nabokov?" Lara would then ask, tilting her head softly toward the right. "Didn't he play hockey for the Red Wings?" She held a straight face for a second and then showed another soft smile. "I'm only teasing... I am... not sure if they ahve any of his books... We can look?" She started to glance around. "I'm not very good with music, its one of my weaker subjects as a whole."

Deadzone has posed:
Finding out that Lara is unpowered gets a smile and Tatum then offers out her hand for shaking. "I hope I didn't come across as rude. It's just that some people get very upset at a sudden lose of their powers. I don't like to take them away unless I have to. Or it's a practical joke." She smiles impishly, waggling her eyebrows.

"I suppose so? I just know that Sting mentions him in the song, so I figured I would look to see if we have any books here by him." Her brow furrows at the mention of him being a hockey player. "So, he played hockey and then wrote books? Oh... pulling my leg." She smiles, quite happy to take the teasing. "I was a music major at Juilliard. But not so much on the reading. So, I've been trying to learn now. Reading at night to learn more."

Lara Croft has posed:
Lara shook the hand and she shook her head softly as well. "I can only imagine how strange that must be to suddenly no longer hat the mutation you've come to... know so intimately, so I understand... Or... try to." She smiled softly then before turning to walk toward the library book registry computer.

"I'll search for your book." She told Tatum with a smile. "I love your name by the way... I've never heard it before, Tatum that is. Its very... strong." Lara would sit down at the computer to search for Vladimir Nabokov's novels in the database.

"And I apologize about the hockey joke... I've never even seen a hockey game in my life. It was a joke that my mentor made every time someone would ask him about a Russian name." Lara just started typing away on the keys. "It just sort of... popped into my head, as it were. I used to roll my eyes at his terrible humor."

After a second Lara moved the mouse around and clicked a few things. "It would seem that there are Nabokov books on-hand... but they are under lock and key." She'd turn around to look at Tatum. "I don't have any such key..."

Deadzone has posed:
"My mother named me after the three women she hoped I would be most like. Tatum O'Neal, the actress, Anne Margaret, also an actress, and Nancy Sinatra. Talent, beauty and strength. The fact that my last name is the same as the person she named me after is just more icing on the cake." She smiles and heads over to look over Lara's shoulder as the other woman looks for the book on the computer.

"I've never been big on hockey either. Don't worry about it. I thought it was a funny joke. You know, once I got it." She frowns at the mention of the books by the author being under lock and key. "Well, that's interesting. We only keep the books of questionable content locked away. Like Canterbury Tales. I'll ask Hank to get it for me. Only the senior staff have the keys."

Lara Croft has posed:
Lara stood up again then from the chair and she placed her right hand on the back edge of it. She listened to the story about the origin of the other's names and it made her gently nod her head. "That is... wonderful." She said, smiling again, at least as much as she dared with that busted lip. "My parents were both avid explorers and as such my middle name is Amelia... based on who, I'm certain you likely can guess."

Lara would fold her forearms together over her stomach, rumpling the dark grey button-down shirt she was wearing. "I could offer to pick the lock for you, if you truly do need the book now. I... wouldn't want to break any horrible rules, but since we're both teachers, I cannot imagine we'd be punished too harshly if caught." She grinned a little again.

Deadzone has posed:
"Ooooh! Amelia Aerhart. Now there was a woman. She was pansexual, polyamorous and just downright amazing. Shame about her. Would have loved to see what else she did in her lifetime." Yes, it would seem the home ec teacher knows about who Lara's middle name belongs to.

Tatum bursts into a smile when told that Lara would pick the lock for her. "Is it a bad sign that a good number of the staff know how to pick locks and pockets?" she asks with that grin.

Lara Croft has posed:
Lara was all smiles at all of this from Tatum and she gently shook her head. "I'm quite a fan of her as well and... I truly do hope we all find out what happened to her, someday."

A small laugh escaped the British teacher then and she'd shake her head yet again. "I wouldn't say that its bad that we know those skills. I'd say its quite good, if we need them for admirable endeavors or purposes... My father's assiatant first taught me how to do it when I was just... gosh, ten years old, I believe. I was into the pantry as often as possible for the cookies and cakes, there-after. So at that point, yes, it was bad for me to know how to do it." She grinned some more.

"But to get books? I cannot imagine it would be our undoing." Lara lowered her voice then. "Maybe I'm wrong though."

Deadzone has posed:
Tatum nods her head. "When I was in high school, she was the first time I really paid attention. Her life was fascinating. Her death even more so! Did you know they found a metal plate on some island close to where she was thought to have disappeared that would seem to be the same sort her plane was made of?"

Walking over to the room where the off limits books are, Tatum looks at the door and thrums her fingers are her arms. "See, now that I know the book is off limits to the students, I'm even more curious about it. Okay, I am guessing since you offered so readily, that you are better at picking locks then I am. Let's do it. If Chuck gets mad, I'll just offer him chocolate brownies."

Lara Croft has posed:
Lara showed a light grin and a soft nod to Tatum. "Every few months... someone claims to have found a new smoking gun to indicate her true final moments on our world. Just a few months ago there was a documentary aired about a new photographed that surfaced saying that she'd been taken hostage by the Japanese government." Lara spoke while moving toward the locked-away-books as well.

"I'm... not so sure I believe that. Sadly, I have to look at the most likely scenario... Our world is mostly water and she was flying over it when she disappeared. I believe its quite simply, that. As sad and tragic as it may be."

At the door now, Lara pulled her wallet out of her back pants pocket and she flipped it open, a moment later she brandished a very nice looking set of lockpick tools and she moved toward the door's lock. "This should be quite easy." She said, inserting the pick and fiddling with the tumblers...

Deadzone has posed:
Tatum says, "You are most likely right, but what if a part of the plane managed to get washed up ashore? We might be able to narrow down the search for her remains. Or, it could be a case of looking for a needle in a haystack. Of course, there is always the possibility that she was transported in time to the future. Mutants weren't as common then, but they did exist."

Tate leans by the door to play look out. It's later at night, so the likelihood of a student coming in to the library is slim, but it would be bad to see teachers doing a B&E on school property. She looks at the tools that are brought out. "Oh, now see? I know you are better then me at locks now. You're tools are way fancier then what I have. I got taught how to make my own.""

Beast has posed:
This late in the evening one rarely finds many, if any, students in the library. Not even some of the more studious ones since, you know, it's a quarter the way through the 21st century and most everything has gone digital. Even many of these older books in the Library have been digitised to make them easier to cross reference but Hank, despite being somewhat of a Futurist, loves books too much to dismiss those of the the original dead tree variety.

With a large leather bound tome under one arm, the blue furred intellectual lopes into the room with his usual refined feline/simian grace. Still dressed in his teachers finery from the day, that being a lot of wool and argyle tweed.. and of course the elbow patches. He doesn't wear shoes, though, which is fine.

As he preruses teh shelves and slips thebook he has back into it's place, his catlike ears twitch as he overhears people.. HE knows there are two, but only one of them is speaking.. a rich english accent he is unfamilair with... Teh other hasn't spoken yet, not since he arrived. He then hears a familiar jiggle of.. tumblers? Yes, his hearing is good, and considering where he believe these people to be..

Silently, much more silently then one would probably believe a manbeast his size to make, he rounds the shelves... just as he hears a /familiar/ voice.. and sighs. What is she up to now?!? Since Tatum is looking the OTHEr way (he came around) he leans against the shelve and looks at Tatum, and the woman trying to pick the secure books lock.

"I would hate to assume that I am interrupting anything untoward.." he says, lightly, his voice a velvety deep and quite refined baritone. Definately that of someone highly educated.

Lara Croft has posed:
Lara grinned at Tatum's words while she turned the pick inside the handle. "Its possible I suppose, and I of all people support the desire to find her last resting place, as well as her co-pilot for that matter..."

"I think I've just about--" Lara was cut off then as Hank appeared and she stiffened and turned, taking her hands from the handle of the door (her golden pick still poking out of it) she eyed the rather intimidating mutant/teacher who she'd heard the name of, but hadn't yet had a chance to meet in person.

"Uh... He-hello!" She told him. "I'm, Lara. The, uh, new World History teacher?" She glanced over at Tatum, a look of 'we're busted' on her face!

Deadzone has posed:
At the rich baritone purr behind her, Tatum jumps and giggles. She looks to Dr. McCoy with a grin, not at all looking worried but rather grinning like the cat that got caught eating the canary. "A senior staffer! Just what we need!" She leans over to him with a smile and kisses his cheek, the peck quick enough that the hair on his face only had time to recede from her touch and then reform, revealing only his cheek where she kissed him.

"I was listening to some 80s music. The Police came on and in it, Sting mentions a book by Nabokov. I came here to look for it. Lara here found that all books by that author are in the secure books room." She explains to the large, blue Beast, not mentioning the lock picking at all. "So, if you could get us in with a key, we can just pretend this never happened and I can find out about this book that Sting was talking about."

Beast has posed:
Hank regards the pair with what could only be called.. restrained amusement. You know, like the look cats get when they see their person doing something they deign as silly. It doesn't help that he has a very feline visage, even the eyes being somewhat slit, but the pair of spectacles on his snout probably help tome it down a little..

Or make him look like a cat wearing glasses.. smirking at them.

First he looks to Lara (and the lock pick still in the lock), and perks up a little now. "Oh yes. I know who you are, Miss Croft." he says and straightens a bit. "Or should I call you Lady Doctor Croft, Countess of Abingdon?" he asks with a chuckle. "It is a pleasure to finally meet you. I am quite a fan of your work." Hank has an interest in archeology? Who knew? He peers at the lock again. "Though I must admit I am curious as to why a world renowneed archelogist would feel the need to liberate a few tomes from our secure locker.. I realize this manor is quite old and all..." he trails off, trying to stifle a laugh..

He then turns his eyes to tatum, a tsk tsk look on his muzzle. "Yes I know the song, my dear.. Don't Stand so Close To Me. A classic, even if the rhyming scheme was atrocious. Which Sir Sting himself admited too later on." And a Police fan? It seems Hank has depths. "We have most of Vladimir Nabokov's works, but the only one we would have in the lock-up would be Lolita, in the original Russian of course. And we only lock it up to make a few of the parents happy.." he says with a sigh.

He then looks to Lara again. "I am being rude. Doctor Henry McCoy, Biochemistry Teacher and head of the Sciences here at Xavier's School." he offers her his paw.

Lara Croft has posed:
Lara watched Tatum go to kiss Hank's cheek and she took note of the use of Tatum's power, she could see the slight effect it had on Hank's visible mutation... that was interesting to see. But then she saw Hank's eyes go to the lockpick in the door and she quickly reached over with her right hand to slide the pick back out, twirling it around between her fingers while Hank spoke her full official name and title...

Lara's brown eyes went back to Hank and Tatum and she summoned up a large amused smile of her own. "Would you believe me if I told you I was never good at making new friends, and I thought that if I impressed Miss O'Neal here with my 'bad girl' lock picking talents that she'd become my newest and greatest friend and colleague here at my new, wonderfl, job?" Lara said all of this in as charming a way as possible while she stepped away from the side of the door to let Hank deal with it now, sliding the lockpick back into its place inside of her wallet/toolkit.

Lara reached out to shake his hand as well! "Its an honor to meet you. I've heard your name mentioned many times in the halls and its only been a few weeks! You're very respected here, and elsewhere, I'm told." Lara glanced to Tatum then and lofted her dark eyebrows up at the woman, wordlessly communicating with the other woman. 'We're in the clear!'

Deadzone has posed:
Tatum ooohs as Hank greets the World History teacher. "Lady and a doctor? So, do I curtsey or cough?" she winks to the other woman. She leans against the wall and crosses her arms over her chest. "It's in Russian? I can't read Russian. So, what's this book about that has it in the secured section? And how does it relate to the song? Who is this old man and why is he coughing? Is he a teacher with a student who has a crush on him too?"

Hearing Lara's excuse for the lockpicking, Tatum laughs. "Well, I don't know about bestest, but you're definitely in my good books. We'll see how you behave at an Apocalyptica or Die Antwoord concert before I'm willing to decide about the besties."

Tatum winks and nods in agreement about being in the clear. She then smiles as she looks to Hank. "He *is* very respected. He has several doctorates and patents, is usually the smartest man in any room, and is cute as a button to boot." And while she doesn't actually say it, the fact that she simply adores the Science teacher is pretty evident on her face.

Beast has posed:
Hank is non-plussed by the smeck on the cheek by his paramour.. well.. not completely non-plussed as the skin they is revealed for a few moments is flushed slightly on his face.. then covered again seconds later as his furt returns. He gives Lara, and then tatum, one more moment of stink eye and then grins that sharp toothy grin and throws his hands up as Tatum butters him up. "You are encouragable, you know they Miss O'Neal?" he asks Tatum, trying to keep his laughter inside. "Oh my stars and garters, the trouble you get yourself in for a thrill." he sighs and shakes his head. "You may not read russian, My dearest, but I am sure your new friend does.. as do I, for that matter. I am just surprised you have never heard of the book.. They have made a few movies out of it. The subject matter is.. somewhat controversial." he ahems at that.

Then To Lara he returns the smile. "And yes I could believe it, m'lady. Such is the life of a scholar, no matter the discipline.. Friends are few and far between. A lonely existance, to be sure. It becomes less so when you make friends of other disciplines. But You needn't break school policy, or locks, to impress Miss O'Neal here." he says, then squints at Tatum.

"You do not need to butter me up, my darling, or sell my accomplishments to get yourself out of trouble. You aren't in any. And I am /not/ cute." he tugs at his lapels and sniffs. "I am dashingly, if hursutely, handsome."

Lara Croft has posed:
Lara leaned back against another bookshelf in the library and she put her hands into the pockets on the sides of her darkbrown jeans, at the least the tips of her fingers anyway, while listening and watching. She grinned.

"I prefer neither Lady nor Doctor... I've never been one for official titles, and the... Lady part... has always been more of a burden than a blessing, for me. I just got out of a lengthy legal battle over the rights to my parent's estate, with my uncle. It was dreadfully awful. My entire home, back in London, is in ruin and I haven't been able to muster up the... courage to go home and fix it."

With a light sigh, Lara nodded. "I've never read this book before, but I do read Russian, so I would be happy to read some of it for you any time." She grinneed again. "But it sounds like Doctor McCoy might be your prefered chosen reader."

Deadzone has posed:
Slipping her arms around Dr. McCoy, her field over him revels the man he was before the fur. She kisses his shoulder and looks up at him with puppy dog eyes. "I'm not buttering you up. I'm making sure our new teacher here knows how incredible you are. Because I will not rest until those fools at the Nobel comittee finally give you what you deserve." She then nuzzles at his shoulder.

"It's a good thing you don't insist on being called Lady. That's a sure fire way of getting yourself teased around here. But, if you ever need help with the estate in London, feel free to ask us for help. We're a rather helpful lot. And he's right," she says to Lara, still hugging her boyfriend. "You don't need to impress me by being a bad girl. I like people who are themselves and can have a good time. Being true to your word and loyal to your friends is a help too. It's a big plus in my book."

SHe now rests her chin on Hank's shoulder. "Maybe you can read it to me as a bedtime story. You know, I was gonna just look this book up on the internet, but you're rubbing off on me. I wanted to try doing things the old-fashioned way. That's it. I'm looking it up." She reaches for her phone and starts typing with her thumbs.

Beast has posed:
Hank ahhs and nods, understanding Lara's reluctance to use either of her titles.. well.. her royal one anyays. "I can understand why using your hereditary title would be.. painful.. Sadly such politicking goes back to the beggining of any heriditary aristocracy and even today we are not immune to it. As for the state of your estate, no pun intended.. trust me.. You /should/ go see to it's repair at some point. It is home after all." he says, knowingly, since how many times has the manor here been destroyed over the years and then rebuilt. They still cannot get insurance, though.

"Still, your other title is one you earned and you should be proud to use it. It is not pretentious when you have put blood, sweat, and tears into earning your degrees. As a doctor myself, even though in a vastly different array of fields, I know how much effort has to be put in. Take and enjoy the rewards while you can, even if they sem frivialous. "

He then looks at his girlfriend, still draped on him, and raises a brow. "I am not very sure the book is what I would consider.. suitable bedtime story material.." he says, and actually seems to fidget a bit.. as if embarrased a little. And then hiseyes go wide as she starts to google it.. and draws his paws down his face.

Lara Croft has posed:
Lara showed a warm smile at the both of them and she nodded when they both spoke of her home and titles. "It certainly used to be... a long time ago." She said in regards to the 'home' part. It had stopped being that to her when her mother had perished in a plane accident and, even more-so, when she was the one who found her father dead in his office inside the manor, with a self inflicted gunshot wound. It'd stopped being a place for her to feel comfort in then. And she wasn't sure how to fix that.

Lara straightened herself up from the bookcase she'd been leaning on. "It really probably isn't good bedtime material if its locked up inside a library vault." She said with a soft grin. "Speaking of which, I really should pack up and get back home. Its a decently long drive back to the Village from here."

Lara would turn then toward her research table where her laptop, and other belongings were.

Deadzone has posed:
"Oh, here it is. Lolita. Ooooh! Jeremy Irons is in the movie. I love him. He's got such a lovely voice. And Meg Ryan! I love her!" She continues to read the IMDB entry of the movie, her eyes going wider and wider as she reads, her jaw slowly falling open. "What sort of pervert writes something like that?! Oh my god! And why would Sting mention that in a song?! That's even worse!!"

Turning off her phone and slipping it in a pocket, Tate shakes her head. "I've changed my mind. Not interested in you reading that to me. Nope. Nope. All sorts of nope." She looks to Lara and goes over to follow her to the laptop. "Do you need any help packing? You know, you could always get a room here for when you have classes the next day. THe room next to Hank's is hardly ever used, after all," she says with a smirk and a wink over to the good, blue doctor

Beast has posed:
Hank roll his eyes as Tatum goes from ecstatic to.. repulsed over the story that has made it to celluluoid.. or digital medum by now, then sighs. "I did try to warm you." he murmurs, then shakes his head. "The story is tastefully written, however. And as controversial as it is it is still conidered a literary classic by many. Not that it is my cup of tea, mind you." Thank god, saved by internet.. Who would have thought?

As Lara starts packing her things, Hank runs his claws through his mane and gives Tatum the stink eye again. "It is still officially your room, my dear. Your private space should you need it." he reminds her, the to Lara... "But she is correct. I understand you have your own abode somewhere else.. Having a bit of seperation is perhaps good. But we /should/ assign you a single room here for the odd time you feel you need to stay." he then blinks as his pocketwatch (yes he has a pocketwatch) starts to.. beep.. which pocketwatches are not wont to do. He pulls it out from teh small pocket on it's chain and clicks it open.. and some holographic symbols float above it. "Oh dear... The antimat... er... I mean I need to check on an experiment.."

Lara Croft has posed:
Lara slipped her laptop into its case and she listened to the two, they both made her smile (as much as she could with the cut lip still).

"Every book has something to be gained by reading it... I..." She paused putting things into her backpack. "I like to believe that at least. Movies? Movies... I'm not so sure about" She nodded once and then picked her backpack up and put it over her right shoulder. The irony being that there was a movie ABOUT Lara coming out in early 2026...

Lara turned to face them then, her injured/bandaged hand holding onto her backpack strap. "I would love a room here, but... I have responsibilities that draw me back to New York as well. Full disclosure?" She asked, her eyes going from one of them to the other. "I'm an employee of SHIELD. Its one of the reasons Professor Xavier wanted me here, I believe, though he didn't outright say it to me. But... that job, requires me to be close at a moment's notice. But, I'm on a temporary 'reduced duty' status since... well..." She lifted up the injured hand and she had that cut on her lip and another above her right eyebrow.

"But yeah, thats why I haven't pressured anyone for a spare room here."

Deadzone has posed:
"Okay, from now on, if I want something that has anything to do with a library, I look it up on the internet first. But never on Urban Dictionary, cause that's a whole other spectrum of bad." She chuckles and slips down into a chair, propping her chin into her hands to look up at Lara.

"Hank, I've only used that room to store my clothes for the last 6 months. And we're looking on building a house together. I think it's safe for me to give up my room." She pauses and frowns then. "Unless what you're saying is you don't want me moving in completely." Uhoh, that conversation could be a bad one that Lara doesn't want to be around for.

"SHEILD can be a good bunch of people. At least they were where I was from." She looks to Hank, arching a brow as if to ask 'What are they like here?'

Beast has posed:
Hank clicks his waatch closed and blinks at Lara. "SHIELD?" he asks, looking surprised. Charles never mentioned that. Oh Wait.. Maybe he should Ixnay on the matter-anti-nay.. ahem... He pockets the watch as there is time before the expeirment could theoretically go critical and KILL THEM ALL and take out a large chunk of the northeastern seaboard..

"You are injured? When you come back, come by the infirmary and let me take a look at it. Not that I have many qualms about the medical care provided by the Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement and Logistics Division...And I swear they must have really /really/ wanted their acronym to spell SHIELD.. But anyways, as I was saying.. Let me take a look at it. We require all faculty and students to partake in a physical anyways."

He then looks to Tatum and shrugs. "SHIELD is as SHIELD does.. I may not always agree with some of their methodology but they are a nessacary.. well.. not evil but grey area. And it is not like I have not aided them on occasion." he then rolls his eyes. "And you keep your clothes in your old room because they will not all /fit/ in mine." he reminds her. "One of the reaons we are building a house is so there is enough room to store your.. eclectic and large wardrobe." he jokes, though in a dead pan voice...

The beeping returns from his pocket.. a bit more insistant now, if beeping could be said to be insistant.. and this is.

"Ahem, sorry. I need to attend to.. the thing.. about the thing... regarding the thing.." and with that he quickly turns and walks towards teh door, checking the watch. "Yes yes.. plenty of time.." he murmurs.. with the BAREST of worry in his voice.