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Latest revision as of 15:21, 30 October 2017

Hello Place
Date of Scene: 10 September 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Wonder Woman, Aqualad

Wonder Woman has posed:
"I've never been in here before..." Diana said, stepping into the domed room and letting her eyes wander. She was accompanied by one of her Amazonian sisters and they'd been walking the halls of the Justice League's HQ while chatting about events going on in either of their lives.

Diana's eyes wandered around the large room, watching the planetarium as it was in some kind of idle-mode showing the entirity of their home Star System.

"My word..." Diana said quietly, glancing over to her redheaded sister who was arguably even more starry-eyed (pun intended) about all of this.

The redheaded Amazon looked over at her princess. "I think it is because the rest of them consider us to be rednecks, thats why they don't invite us into their fancy space room."

Diana quickly looked over at her sister. "Adra!" She said. "Where did you learn such an awful word like that?"

The redhead blinked. "I am sorry, Princess... I learned it from the internet. It is a terrible place..." And she looked down, disappointed in herself.

Aqualad has posed:
Someone else is enjoying the planetarium as well, head tilted back and hands clasped behind his back. He's a tall, broad shouldered fellow; he wears a dark brown leather jacket that sets off his dusky, mocha colored skin, with jeans a tight tee shirt in pale blue.

To Diana and her companion's expert eye, every inch of the man would scream 'warrior'. His posture is impeccable, but controlled; relaxed, but ready for motion. And despite his focus being on the stars overhead, he doesn't fail to notice the two women who are moving towards his position as they traverse the observation deck.

He looks at Adra, then Diana, and recognition flickers across his features, unusual platinum eyes examining her regal features more closely.

"Princess. Good day to you," he says, standing at something like attention and bowing formally with a fist to his heart. Definitely Atlantean, and from Poseideus instead of Tha-Korr.

Wonder Woman has posed:
Both of the Amazonian women looked over to the man when he revealed himself and spoke. Diana had sensed another was in the room, but she hadn't sought the sound of his breathing out quite yet, until he spoke. Diana's blue eyes studied his form quickly and quietly while Adrastea's own green did the same.

"Hello." Diana said to him. "Kaldur... yes?" She said then, summoning a small smile. "One of Arthur's associates?"

Adra leaned over to Diana while still eyeing the man, she whispered. "He's a hottie."

Diana gave another sudden glare to her redheaded sister. "You have just completely lost internet priveledges for at least a week!" She told her counterpart, having a hard time hiding a half smile though.

Diana would look back toward Kaldur and then walk toward him, extended her right hand for a shake once she closed the distance. The Amazons were both wearing concealing robes, Diana in a dark navy blue robe and Adra in white. "This is my colleague and fellow Amazonian, Adrastea. She has... started to develope quite a vocabulary..."

Adra would bow her head gently to Kaldur. "M'lord." She'd say softly

Aqualad has posed:
Kaldur straightens, and grips Diana's wrist when she offers her hand. "Kaldur'ahm of Poseidius," the fellow says, nodding deeply at Diana. "I am honored to be known to you." He looks to Adrastea, and though his features are composed and inscrutable, there appears an amused twinkle in his platinum eyes. He offers her a clasp of the wrist as well.

"Lady Adrastea, my honor. Please, however-- I am no titled member of the court of King Orin," he informs them. "Rank and titles are not needed or warranted. I am Kaldur to my friends," he says, with a sincerely humble tone.

"How do you ladies find this day? I am marvelling at the view of the stars," he admits, looking upwards again. "We see them so rarely from the deep waters. And here, I am more comforted than standing under the boundless sky."

Wonder Woman has posed:
Both of the Amazons were wearing armored bracers and they could be seen partiall from beneath their robes when they exchanged shakes with the man. Both of them smiled at him and would both nod in similar fashion too, as Adrastea was a pupil to Diana and tried hard to emulate the princess.

"It is quite amazing, isn't it?" Diana responded again, glancing upward for a moment. "I had no idea it was up here. The things that Batman has put into this facility are quite... impressive. Though, do me a favor and do not tell him I said that." She showed a sly grin then.

Adrastea was still looking up at the stars while the other two talked, but she lowered her gaze down to the computer terminal area and started to walk toward it, quite curious by computers... it was something she did not have exposure to back hom eand it was a growing interest in the redheaded woman.

Diana continued though. "So I apologize for interrupting your peaceful moment. We were... strolling the halls and speaking on some matters upcoming."

Aqualad has posed:
"The company of the stars is pleasant. Company of friends is always preferable," Kaldur reassures Diana. He watches Adrastea wandered off, enraptured by the machinery, and looks back to the Princess.

"I did not realize that the Batman was the one who installed these facilities," he confesses. "A surprisingly philanthropic gesture. I have seen him twice in passing and he strikes me as... rather reserved."


"I hope I am not detaining you and your companion from urgent matters," Kaldur informs Diana. "I was taking a detour after a meeting with my King. I have few opportunities to visit the League; it seemed a good time to take my measure of this building. I am impressed at what you and the others have built here."

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana showed a little grin at the topic of Batman and her head gently shook. "Sometimes, he is not as reserved as he should be. But yes, this has become a great facility with a lot of great resources to offer to the world. At least I hope as much." She teased back and then would shake her head. "We have nothing urgent right this moment. We are to attend an event this sevening, for a charity group, but it is not for another three hours. So we have been merely finishing up small errands and tasks."

"Now that I see you, I wanted to apologize though..." She drew in a soft breath. "For having to rush out of the party that Arthur was hosting. Something, that night, did in fact come up that called me away. I hope that it all went well. It looked like a great evening in the works."

Aqualad has posed:
"Duty neither makes no needs excuses," Kaldur reassures Diana. "Your presence alone was a high point in the evening. I understand that even your brief visit was a high point in the party, particularly for my friend Cassie. She is quite enamoured of you," Kaldur informs Diana. "And I understand you are friendly with the senior miss Sandsmark? She spoke highly of you as well."

"I know little of your people," Kaldur confesses to Diana. "Only what histories Atlantis has; ancient as they are, we predate Themyscira, but yet know surprisingly little of your culture. I understand there are no males on your home island?" he inquires convivially, sounding sincerely intersted in her culture.

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana smiled at the subject of Cassie and her mother. "I'm quite fond of both of them. I hope that we are both making a positive impact on Cassie's life. We both want her to grow to become the strong woman she's clearly meant to be."

When he spoke of Themyscira though, Diana just placed her hands together in front of her lap, rumpling the fabric of her dark blue robe. "Very rarely at least. Though in recent years, we have been permitting more male visitors than we ever used to."

Diana took a breath in as she thought of her next words for a second. "My mother, Queen Hippolyta, has strict rules and regulations for the visitation of men and women, though it is more harsh on the male gender than it is on the female side. I am... trying to ease her up on that, but when you are an isolationist society that is deeply rooted in your religious beliefs and your culturally estabhlished ways, it can be... very hard to track through that shell."

Another light smile was shown then. "But I will continue to chip away at her..."

Aqualad has posed:
"It is a plight common to many cultures," Kaldur reassures Diana, taking no umbrage at her explanation. "Tha-Korr, our ... cousins, across the oceans, are notoriously warlike and tribal. And King Orin broke centuries of convention when he took the throne, being not from one of the ancient houses that have held the kingdom's reins."

He makes a negligent gesture with one bare shoulder, muscle rolling. "Tradition and culture are bedrocks of our identity. To change them should not be undertaken lightly... but there are few things more dangerous than dogma that cannot be changed," he agrees.

"Atlantis suffers from the convenient barrier of being uninhabitable to surfacers," he says, an amused light in his eyes despite his cultured, careful tones. "It makes trade with the surface world much more difficult; we must go up, as they cannot come down to us."

Wonder Woman has posed:
"Makes it a lot easier to keep the troubles of the surface world away from you home though, I would assume." Diana commented on the last thing that Kaldur said there, showing a slight grin.

Suddenly the room became much much brighter as the stars above swept across the holo-projected field and suddenly zoomed in upon the sun! The sun was huge above all of their heads now and it was shining down on the room with a brilliant bright light-giving glow!

Adrastea's redhead poked up from behind the computer screen. "Sorry." She said down to Kaldur and Diana. "It said 'sunshine mode' ... I was curious..."

Diana glanced up at the bright light, but looked away as it wasn't quite as bright as the actual sun... for safety reasons, but it was still 'bright enough'.

"Goodness..." Diana muttered and softly shook her head. "The curiosity is also hard to shake, once you finally leave your isolated home." She showed another soft grin at Kaldur while they were both being bathed in artificial sunlight.

Aqualad has posed:
"One would surmise that sunshine mode would activate the sun," Kaldur agrees-- but there's that hint of amusement at the lovely redhead's antics, eyes belying the composure of his stern features.

He squints upwards, also unable to quite look directly at the globe of light traversing the sky, then focuses back on Diana at her comment. "It is true," he agrees. "My largest struggle has been integrating with the way the surfacers use their technology. It is such a part of their lives-- every waking moment they are talking, interacting, communicating. I obtained a 'credit card' from our Consulate, and I am admittedly still unclear as to how it works," he confesses.

"But, this is why we venture into strange lands, is it not?" he inquires of Diana. "To learn their ways and customs, and share ours with them. I am sure that Themyscira holds many practices that are commonplace to you, but extraordinary to the unready eye."

Wonder Woman has posed:
"It sounded pretty." Adrastea said from where she was perched up on that raised platform that had the computer terminals. Her eyes were on the monitors and she was audibly clicking on the keyboard and the house. "There." She said and the sun shifted away again and now swept the focus of the holo-projection of space over to the infamous sight of Saturn and its asteroid rings. The planet itself shined a much softer orange and red hue down onto the observation room's interior.

"Absolutely, that is why we explore and adventure to new places as a whole." She replied to Kaldur and glanced up at the planet of Saturn. "Beautiful." She quietly said, watching the high-resolution of a distant planet she'd not ever visited before. "If only they were more easily reached and explored, these far away places." She looked back to Kaldur and smiled. "Though, I am admittedly rather happy to stay place on Earth. I guess that makes me a 'homebody'."

Adrastea muttered from her terminal. "Now who's learning strange words on the internet." After hearing Diana use that one.

Aqualad has posed:
Kaldur looks up again, eyes widening slightly. "What a remarkable view," he murmurs, slowly shaking his head. "So close, yet so far," he echoes.

"But there are parts of the ocean that even we have not probed," he reminds Diana. "Let alone permitted surfacers to explore. Ancient undersea trenches and vast gulfs of sandy expanse that hide creatures un-utterably ancient and mysterious. I have never been to Themyscira," Kaldur points out. "And there are parts of this land perhaps even you have not seen. There is a great deal of beauty unseen yet by any mortal eyes-- there is nothing wrong with turning our gaze inwards before flinging ourselves to the depths of space."

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana would look back down from the vistage of Saturn and then back upon that of Kaldur. She'd smile at him and nod a single time. "Eloquently put." She told him. "And I entirely agree with you. Though... land is where I prefer to explore, at least for the time being." She grinned softly at him. "Though I imagine I would be as eager to see your home as you would to see mine."

Diana would glance over to the terminal where her fellow native was still clicking away and exploring the systems, then she'd look back to Kaldur. "You are with the Titans, yes?" She asked him then. "If I were to ask you for a... brief rundown of how they are all doing? Would that be something you could give me? I am quite curious what your point of view on them is." She spoke, her non-American accented voice still soft and calming.

Aqualad has posed:
"I am quite certain the Princess of Themyscira would be welcomed with open arms," Kaldur assures Diana. "I have a meeting with the Consulate later today; I will pass word to them to arrange a tour with your Embassy when it is convenient."

At her question, a brow lifts, then his forehead furrows a bit. He clasps his hands behind his back, glancing at the floor in thought. A deliberate fellow, this one, not given to impulsive speech.

"You are the second person to inquire thusly in two days," he tells Diana. "Captain Marvel asked me much the same. I admittedly was somewhat evasive; you are better known to me than she is."

"There have been stronger or weaker groups; many have unique individual strengths that do nor parley well into a team setting. Some are very young and inexperienced with violence or danger."

"Some are harboring their own reservations or battling demons. But all seem committed to the ideals of heroism and selfless service. None among them gives me real pause for concern," he tells Diana. "I think they will all rise ably to the occassion when it calls for courage."

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana seemed a little surprised that Carol Danvers had inquired about the Titans recently, but she also realized she might know why...

"I am to be joining Captain Marvel in a training session, open to the public. I believe she was wanting to ahve others viewed as super heroes in the public's eye... to also join in. Its possible she was simply trying to get a feel for the Titans for that very reason."

A single soft nod was given to the summation as a whole though. "A very fair and well thought-out overview. Thank you." She showed another light smile. "I got to meet Starfire and see how she and Cassie interacted. It was both endeering and amusing, but also a little concerning. I fear... that they may not take danger seriously... But perhaps I just hadn't seen them in the right moment."

Aqualad has posed:
"Koriand'r is a warrior," Kaldur assures Diana. "She has a light heart and a compassionate soul, but I hve no doubt there is a fighter in her. She is a mother," he says, smilign a little. "There are few more dangerous adversaries in any wilds than to stand between a mother and her children, and young as she is, she views many of the Titans in that way."

His face settles thoughtfully. "I admittedly cannot speak for Cassie, but it has been my experience that there is no certainty how one responds to serious threats until it happens," he admits. "I have seen the sturdy fail and the weak rise when adversity strikes. There is no real measure for the depth of character."

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana had a lot of concerns about Cassie, as any Amazon did. Cassie had had training for all but 3 years... which was essentially nothing compared to what the standard Amazon's training compared to.

She didn't comment on it any further and just nodded once, showed a soft smile and then replied. "Thank you." She said to him quietly. "Now that I have had a chance to speak with you, I am more confident in their roster. You are a wise one, and I think you will help them a great deal."

Adrastea rose from behind the computer terminal and she shifted the setting back to the display of the Sol Sysytem as a whole... like she had found it. "Princess. We are being requested to return to the Consulate." She told Diana.

Diana would softly nod over toward Adra then and look back to Kaldur. "I look forward to speaking with you again. Looks as though my free time has run out faster than I thought." Diana would reach out to shake hands again should he wish to.

"If I can manage a tour of my own homeland for you, I will happily do so. Should you wish to see it of course." She grinned at the young man then.

Aqualad has posed:
"It would be my honor to visit your home, Princess," Kaldur says, bowing deeply. He straightens and clasps Diana's hand gently with a 'surfacer' handshake. "And it has been a pleasure to meet with you. I should like to do so again, whenever is convenient." A smile flickers across his stern features-- brief, but real. A reserved fellow, this one, but hardly a robot.

He grips Adrastea's wrist as well, flashing that same smile at the Amazons. It'd be a little flirtatious if Kaldur wasn't clearly being as propritous as the moment demands. "I will look forward to seeing you both, and pass on your message to the Consulate. Ladies," he says, bowing deeply and waiting for Diana to take her leave (as befits her station-- one never quits the company of royalty).

Wonder Woman has posed:
The person at the front desk, there were about four of them in total, seemed stunned to see Tony Stark just walk right up and say that he was here for an appointment. IT was a young woman, probably in her twenties, and she accepted the card with a shakey hand and then motioned to the far side of the lobby.

"You're here to see Princess Diana then, today, Mister Stark." She told him. "She's in the library as an even just wrapped up in there a half hour ago." The woman indicated the double doors off to the south that were framed on either side by twenty foot tall sentinel statues crafted out of marble.

"I can send for her to meet you here if you'd like?" The woman asked, looking to Tony's blue lensed eyes. "Though I suppose you could seek her out there, I think she's been waiting for you."