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Latest revision as of 15:37, 30 October 2017

She's Not Crazy!
Date of Scene: 12 September 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Lara Croft, Indiana Jones, Melinda May

Lara Croft has posed:
It was late on a sunday night, Lara Croft was in the offices... she had to work in the morning at Xavier's School but that was only a 30 minute drive northeast from here. Lara was standing near to her desk, she was wearing a dark grey henley shirt with the sleeves pushed up to her elbows and dark green cargo pants, with black leather boots.

Lara was anxious to get off of the 'light duty' assignment that had been passed down to her, she still had a healing hand that had sustained a bite from an actual 'Sabretooth tiger' in the Amazon jungle, and another gash that had gone down her back... but modern medicine had done wonders for her back, so she was in 'good shape!' (her words) yet still remained on the medical sidelines.

"Its here, I know it is." The British woman said from her cubicle, talking to herself again? Nope, she had her phone held up to her ear.

Indiana Jones has posed:
Storming into the WAND offices, Agent Jones makes his way from the elevator towards the little cubicle that makes up his desk here at the Triskelion. Dressed in a white jacketed tux of all things, the former professor of archeology mutters some unsavory words as he starts to tap on the keyboard to wake up his computer, "A three thousand year old whip, what the hell were you thinking, Jones...."

As the computer boots up, he looks around the floor and sighs, combing his fingers through his hair as he waits impatiently. "Lara?" he says, seeing the light on in her office, his brow arched.

Leaving the computer for now, he makes his way towards the office of Ms. Croft, "What the hell you doing here, kid?"

Melinda May has posed:
Just about the time that Jones walks away from his computer to check on Croft, Agent Melinda May enters the office area, presumably to speak with the latter about something. She stops next to the currently unlocked computer, though, and looks at the monitor for a moment before reaching over and locking the screen with two keys. She then approaches the others in that nearly silent way that she does out of habit.

Lara Croft has posed:
Lara was distracted by her thoughts after hanging up her phone and setting it onto the desk beside her. When she heard Indy's voice, it took her a second but she looked away from her computer up to where he was stepping up to her desk... he had one of those voices that just kind of 'pulled you back to reality' when you heard it, it was commanding and just, nice.

"Indy." She said with a soft smile, glancing from her computer back to him and then sitting up straighter in her chair. "I think I know where my next step is in, gathering these... horribley dangerous items. But I'm still doing research to make sure."

Lara eyed Indy's attire. "What have you been up to?" She asked him with a sly grin. Beyond Indy though, Lara noted Melinda May out in the main area. "May?" Lara said to their boss.

Indiana Jones has posed:
"I was in Gotham." says Indy with a sigh, "Remember those Bastet statues I...liberated...from that private collection. You know, the ones that were taken from Egypt that I tracked down a few weeks ago? I was overseeing their viewing at the museum there." He says, combing his fingers through his hair. "Long story short, some dame dressed as a cat stole them out form under my nose. I tried to catch her, but I didn't have anything on me. No whip, no Webley. Not even a rock to throw. I, uh, might have also snapped a three thousand year old Egyptian relic whip trying to get them back." He growls, shaking his head. "I'm not sure what I am more pissed about. The statues or the whip. I should have known better. I certainly hope you have better luck. At least the Bastet statues were 'normal'."

He glances behind him as he looks to May, giving her a nod.

Melinda May has posed:
Returning Jones' nod hello, she also greets Lara ever so mildly. One might almost think she was a kind and friendly individual. "Ms. Croft." If she is here for any particular reason she doesn't mention it right off.

"How are you both this evening?" She tucks her hands into the pockets of her black leather-like jacket in an ever-so-casual gesture. Nothing unusual about her at all. Honest.

Lara Croft has posed:
Lara put her elbows on her desk and she folded her hands together and rested her chin on the back of her fingers while she leaned forward and stared at Indy whilst he spoke. She liked how he talked, he sounded like a man from the past, back when people were classier and less... Wal-martian...

"I remember." Lara said about the statues. She frowned when she heard the rest. "Thats... not good. Not good at all. Do you owe the museum money now?" She asked him then. "Perhaps I have an item we could trade them for the value of the damages to the whip? I have lots of stuff in my basement at home that I haven't even had an opportunity to take to the Natural History Museum. Perhaps I can donate it to this Gotham Museum instead?"

At May, Lara looked then and smiled at her. "I'm quite well!" She told her boss. "So well that I think I can be reactivated to full duty." Even though Lara's left hand still had a bandaged wrapped around it below the fingers, encasing her entire left hand's palm.

Indiana Jones has posed:
Indiana Jones shakes his head. "Nah, kid. My mess up, my responsibility. I am not going to have you bailing my ass out of a fire I lit." He smirks, "I'll figure out a way to make restitution to the museum. Step one is tracking down the statues again and re-liberating them from wherever they ended up."

He looks to May and smiles, "I've had better nights, I'll be honest. But at least I have the opportunity to have better nights, so that's always a bonus."

He looks back to Lara and then to her hand, "What happened to you, kid? Do I need to babysit you again." He grins, tossing a wink Lara's way.

Melinda May has posed:
May looks at Lara and those bandages for a moment, then at Indiana when he mentiones babysitting. "Have you been cleared for full duty by Medical?" She's fairly certain she knows what the answer is going to be -- she HATES being stuck on restricted duty as well. But, there's a very good reason for it, and she's seen other agents ruin their chances of returning to field work by ignoring Medical.

"You say a burglar stole a series of cat statues in Gotham." She just might know who to share that little tidbit of information with and maybe get those statues returned to the museum where they belong. At the very least it can't hurt to try.

Lara Croft has posed:
Lara would smile softly at Indiana and she'd shake her head lightly once at him. "I just don't want you to get in over your head after you've only just rejoined us here in the States after being gone for so long." She'd tell him, thinking back to their wild ride when she'd first retrieved the living legend from his hidey place in Madripoor. "If you at least need help retrieving the items, I'm more than willing to do so."

At May, Lara glanced again and gave her an open frown. "No." She told her. "And I think its why I've been assigned to Xavier's as well. They know that I'll take it seriously, and it'll take up a lot of my spare time that I've used to get into trouble... with stuff like this."

Lara looked back at Indy, since he'd asked. "A group of mercenarys captured Abbey Chase and I on our trip in Venezuela... We escaped, with a little luck. But not in perfect condition." She showed a slight frown.

Indiana Jones has posed:
Indiana Jones shakes his head. "Lara, I appreciate it, but it was my fuckup. I need to make it right. If it comes down to it, and I need some help, I will certainly let you know, but I gotta try myself first. Call me a stubborn old coot, but it's just how I have to do it."

He glances to May and nods. "Yeah. Two statues. Called herself Cat...lady? Cat-girl? No, Catwoman I think. Something like that. And get this, she used a whip." He smirks, "Talk about irony." He glances back to Lara and shakes his head, "Abby Chase? She and I have gone after the same thing a couple of times. She working on the side of the angels now, or she still anything for a buck?"

Melinda May has posed:
Melinda May nods slowly to Lara. "There's also the consideration that you'll do a good job working with the people at Xavier's. Not everyone here can say that and be honest." She doesn't offer a pep talk about the restricted duty. It sucks. Everyone knows it. She does look at Jones when he explains his troubles and nods again.

"I think I've heard of her. Good luck getting those statues back." She's still going to drop a message with one of her contacts regardless. Because.

"Croft, how much do you know about demon blood?"

Lara Croft has posed:
Lara showed a small smile at Indy and she dropped her hands down to her desk's top while she leaned there on her forearms watching the other two. "I... haven't heard of her, Catwoman. But I can't say I'm surprised. What I have heard of Gotham is that its a very unfriendly place, with a lot of psychological issues amongst its citizens. It sounds like a classic case of someone poisoning the water hole, and no one caring enough to look into it."

Lara would nod her head at Indy's other question. "Abbey is a loner, to be sure. I offered her a chance to join us, if she'd want it. But she despises the thought of working on a team... which is... sad."

When May asks this question at her though, Lara's eyes went to Melinda again. "Demon Blood?" She asked back. "Uh... not a terrible lot. But I know a few people who might know more. I've been working closely with a Doctor Stephen Strange, on these 'Weather Spheres' that I'm hunting. I would wager a hefty sum that he'd know quite a lot."

Indiana Jones has posed:
"Yeah? Thanks, Agent May. I'm hoping to get a lead on them and I will just have to re-re-appropriate them." He pauses. "Demon blood?" Indy says as he looks to May, his brown arched quizzically. It's a good thing May addressed that question to Lara, because the look on Indy's face says he wouldn't have much of an answer.

He looks to Lara, shrugging. "To bad about Chase. She's not bad. Shame to have to go up against her. Won't stop me though. And yeah, Gotham is..unique. The guards at the museum didn't even blink an eye, or raise a finger when the alarm went off. If they had reacted a bit faster, I might not have lost the statues...or that whip." He sighs, shaking his head. "Still can't believe I did that. I know better."