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Latest revision as of 17:13, 30 October 2017

Lost Mementos
Date of Scene: 22 September 2017
Location: Unkown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Nathan Drake, Martian Manhunter, Samantha Nishimura

Nathan Drake has posed:
    Welcome to Madripoor. City of mystery....of enchantment....of waking up in a bathtub full of ice missing important organs.....

    Just southwest of Singapore, the island nation of Madripoor is ruled by the ruthless and villainous Madame Viper, who allows just about anything....as long as you don't upset the status quo too much. Or annoy her. Or just happen to be standing out in the street when she has bad news delivered and a pistol handy. Even Bangkok looks at Madripoor and goes 'whoa...maybe ease back there buddy'.

    But if you pay the right bribes and get the right papers, you're more or less okay. Which is how J'onn was able to get a permit for himself, Sam, and a digging team to excavate a recent discovery, which appeared to be a Japanese sub base. There are rumors that said base may have been a storage point for captured artifacts from around the Pacific, thus there's a good chance of possibly recovering some lost treasures. Of course, Viper is going to take (large) cut of that, but she's agreed to at least let you document it all. Mostly so everyone knows the kind of wonderous things that are decorating her trophy room and can be properly jealous.

    That went on pretty well until about the sixth day of digging, when you broke into a hidden door and discovered 1) this was a HYDRA base and 2) it appears to be attached to a much larger tomb complex that looks Southwest Asian in origin...most likely Vietnamese.

    One or both of those things caused Viper to take a much stronger interest...which is why her personal troops showed up and basically declared the site closed, and your digging permit revoked, then dragged you back to town. Something hinkey may be going on.

    Of course, you DO know the area that's been uncovered better than the locals after digging for days..it's possible you could slip in to slip some things out. If you were audacious. And quick.

Martian Manhunter has posed:
Speaking the languages, all of them, tends to help quite a bit when you're performing illegal activities. Luckily J'onn is one such individual, and used these skills to grease the skids even more.

He's taken his time investigating the area, not only making written maps, but committing some of it to memory given the circumstances that allowed them in here. He had no doubt what would happen if valuables were found, and was. it surprised when the thugs showed up.

Once they were escorted back, putting it kindly, to their accommodations back in town he starts laying out the maps he put together. "Sam, I think we have a way to sneak back in, and try to discover what they are hiding..." Yeah, for a book type, he seems very curious about what's going on here. "I'm thinking if we go back at night, we may be able to catch them unaware."

Samantha Nishimura has posed:
"Hello? Jon...Are you CRAZY? There are people HOPING that we do that so they can cut out our organs and leave us in a bathtub of ice. And you wanna just march right in there and offer them yours?" Sam is pacing, shaking her head. "This is huge. I need to find Lara. She needs to know about this...."

Martian Manhunter has posed:
Chuckling slightly at the comment, Jon says, "Well, first, I think it's unlikely they cut out our organs, but may try to kill us if they catch us..." His eyes scan over the maps he's made, "Second, I wouldn't suggest we march right in, but perhaps a clandestine approach is more warranted..." once he aligns it all so that it shows a path from the town to the dig site, he finishes "Finally, we could go, and see what they have going on before making any final decision."

He looks up to her, his finger tracing along the route he suggests, "Look here, this would give us plenty of protection headed down to the site. With your gear, we could get the best idea possible on what is going on, and then we can come back to let your friend know what is going on. Being better informed will allow us to make the best possible decision moving foward."

Samantha Nishimura has posed:
"Ok fine, talk logic to me and make me rethink MY OWN logic. See if I care." Sam tries to act like she isn't looking at the map...but she totally is. "But I'm filming it all, because I want a record of where my kidneys went when this is all over."

Martian Manhunter has posed:
"I'm sure that it has something to do with the Base that's been uncovered..." J'onn continues, some excitement showing in his voice, "...there could be some very interesting experiments found in that base." Once he see's that Sam is watching, he explains, "We leave everyone else here. We'll climb out of the window of the room, and follow this path..." His finger tracing along an area that has undisturbed foliage, "...using the trees and bushes as cover for our movements."

Moving to the next piece of paper, he taps an area that seems to be near an increase in elevation, "We then follow behind this foothill, keeping out of sight of the road..." finally heading to the place where the dig site starts, "...from here, I think we will be able to get a good view of the site while staying in cover." Jon nods to Sam's camerca equipment, "I'm betting what you have there will let us see what's happening." He moves his finger north a little, "and if we need to see into the new found excavation, then this area will give you the best angle." Looking back to her, he asks, "What do you think? Just a look, and we'll be right back."

Samantha Nishimura has posed:
"All right but I seriously think we ought to have bushes we can carry along with us for cover, then set them down and crouch behind 'em if anyone looks out way. It works really well on cartoons." Her delivery is so dry, it might be hard for the average person to know if she's serious. "I'll grab my camera. Let's sneak out. I haven't done this since I was in high school!"

Nathan Drake has posed:
    And with a plan decided, you both make your way via rickshaw and stealth up along your path to the foothill in question without much incident. Of course, you're now approaching the perimeter near the site itself. And there are some guards walking around up ahead. Not very well trained guards, as they're walking around alone often and dont' seem to be making an effort to keep each other in their lines of sight much. There's a small rusted out WW2 era anti-aircraft gun that looks like it's made of solid rust up ahead as well, where there appears to be a group of guards taking it easy around a fire. They're all well armed, however. If not the most disciplined and trained.

    Well other than the HYDRA uniforms, of course. Madripoor is a bit corrosive to military discipline.

Martian Manhunter has posed:
Jon uses his telepathic abilities to help them avoid the patrols as he moves through the undergrowth. He makes sure to keep Samantha in his view at all times, and will pause if there seems even a small chance of being noticed. As they travel through the various patrols, he keeps track of each of the various patrols, and eventually get's them to the first position he suggested.

Once Samantha is next to him, Jon leans in to whisper in her ear, "What do you think? Can you see anything from here?" His eyes take in the fire and WW2 AA Gun, pointing in it's direction, "I'll keep an eye on them, and the nearby patrols while you start filming."

Samantha Nishimura has posed:
Samantha squints through some sparse foliage coverage and shakes her head. "Let me see what I can get on camera." She watches Jon cautiously, if a little suspiciously. She could SWEAR he's up to something. Then she sets up her camera, zooms in fully, and starts filming, to see what she can see.

Nathan Drake has posed:
    The guards aren't exactly trying to hide their presence...it sort of defeats the purpose. And generally, people on the island stay well clear of Viper's men, lest they draw her ire.

    However, the mike on Samantha's camera can pick up a few things from the chatter around it. In particular, two of the guards are speaking in Japanese, rather than the pidgeon English or mishmash of other languages that passes for a native language in Madripoor.

    "Fuck I wish they'd just blow the doors already...we're gonna get soaked if that storm comes in."
    "Quit whimpering. It's just some water. And they've gotta be careful or they might collapse the whole damn thing."
    "It's -already- mostly collapsed and rusted out."
    "The tomb's not...I saw that main door. Said it was Vietnamese or somethin'. Two Ducks."
    "Tu Duc. It's pronounced Tu Duc...you're just fucking with me now."
    "Fuck you, man."

    The two guards go wandering off in different directions.

    Other than the conversation, there -is- a door in the little bunker next to the old AA gun. Might lead into the base. Might be rusted shut.

Martian Manhunter has posed:
Jon focuses on the patrols and the men at the fire so that Sam can just focus on gathering whatever she can with her camera. His back is kept to Sam as she works, and Jon considers where the lines of sight might be for the patrols. He's pretty sure the fire has ruined the night vision of the men there, and as long as they're quiet then they should be ok.

He whispers to her again, "Ok, I don't notice anyone coming this way." He glances over his shoulder to her, and asks "What do you think? Good enough, or do we need to get closer?"

Samantha Nishimura has posed:
"We need to get in there. There's a little bunker that might lead inside, but I can't tell from here." She motions to the bunker on her monitor. "If we could y'know...turn their heads the other way." She raises her brows, looking back at Jon.

Nathan Drake has posed:
    The guards are doing what we'll affectionately refer to as 'wandering' around the area, one passing a bit closer to the copse of trees where you're hiding as he whistles going past. There are some old ruined buildings, really, small walls and such here and there they have to go around. They could be good cover if you wanted to approach closer. Just you might have to deal with a guard or two stumblign over you if you'r enot careful.

Martian Manhunter has posed:
Pausing for a moment to consider, Jon looks at Sam, deciding she is serious he nods his head "Ok, let's get closer, and see what we can fix up..." He looks at the path they'll have to take, and he asks, "...we are going to have to take the darkest path possible. Are you going to be ok with that? I'll try to make sure we don't step on anything..."

As he waits for her answer, he continues to watch the 'patrol paths', and once he's figured they have enough space to make it to their first cover point he says, "Ready when you are..."

Samantha Nishimura has posed:
"I'm good. I'm awesome. I'm pumped. Let's do this!" She picks up her camera and places a piece of electrical tape over the power light. Then she closes the viewer and leaves it running.

Nathan Drake has posed:
    It takes some timing...but luckily the lush nature of Madripoor's plant life means there's a field of tall plants, enough that if you duck down, you can be mostly hidden from view..enough to food a casual glance, certainly. It's a quick jog to the field, then a crouching, slower advance, as a HYDRA guard walks closer for a moment, ambling past....and then when he turns away, you have the chance to run to the next piece of wall, crouching down behind to stay hidden. You're perhaps twenty feet from the door now. You can't stay there long...a guard will certainly round the wall shortly.

Martian Manhunter has posed:
Doing his best to guide them through the various guards, Jon moves with sure footed steps, and is one final run to the final area. Jon looks back to Sam, shrugs a shoulder, and nods his head once. With the little time they have, Jon focuses on a guard that happens to be in site of those at the fire. When he starts to walk away, he'll use his telekinesis to tug at his foot hard enough to make him fall... right in front of his friends... and Jon hopes that their attitude and lack of discipline will draw the groups attention. Once their heads move in that direction, he will grab Sam's arm, and quickly pull her after him to the door.

Samantha Nishimura has posed:
Finally, Sam thinks. At least we can get inside there and stop playing Crouching Tiger, Hidden Hot Guy in the architectural ruins. She runs along quietly with Jon as he pulls her arm, and the two make their dash to the bunker.

Nathan Drake has posed:
    It is partly right! The sudden pratfall draws jeers and laughter from his mates as they stand up to see what he is, calling out to him in Madripoor pidgin, and getting some rude comments back. It's sufficient to draw all the guards' attention momentarily, enough for you to go running past the AA emplacement and down the stairs leading to the door.

    The problem now is, it might be openable with enough strength, but it does look rusty. It likely will be audible to the guards in the area when you open it. If you get inside fast enough you might be able to avoid them though.

Martian Manhunter has posed:
His voice remaining quiet so that it is covered by the laughing upstairs, Jon looks over to Sam, "Ok, ready to push this open?" He looks at the rust on the door, and adds "We'll have to shut it right away, and hope we can block it from the inside..." He grins, "...you do realize that this is beyond the original plan? Unless you've got a way to send what you've got to your friend, we're going to hope for another way out..."

He checks the door for any obvious way to open it, attempting to determine if they need to push or pull, and once he's figure it out Jon asks, "Are you ready?"

Samantha Nishimura has posed:
"Ready and willing! And of course it's not part of the original plan. This is MY life we're talking about. I can send it to Lara and the boat, if we can get inside. I have my phone...." Sam holds up her new phone, and then pockets it. "Let's just get in there..."

Nathan Drake has posed:
    The door is pretty sturdy, even as dented and rusty as it is. There's a viewport that's currently clogged with a bird's nest, and a handle that's been partially broken off. Definitely not bunker-proud around here, are the locals.

    However, there is a good couple inches that you can get your fingers past the door, and you can brace against the sturdy concrete wall next to it. A good yank with both of you (or just J'onn if he's not against using more than human strength) and it'll likely be pried open enough you can slip inside.

    Though the door likely won't shut again after you get it open, considering its current state.

Martian Manhunter has posed:
"Ok, here we go.." Jon says as he takes a grip higher up on the door, and braces himself to pull with Samantha's help. "Once it's open, you go first, and I'll be right behind you. We'll need to see if we can block the opening with anything once we're inside..." His eyes taking the door, "...since it probably won't close again."

"We'll pull when you're ready."

Samantha Nishimura has posed:
Sam rakes a deep breath and exhales...then looks to Jon. with a nod. She takes hold of the door firmly. "I....I think I'm ready."

Martian Manhunter has posed:
With a grunt of exertion, Jon and Sam yank the door with a *SREEECH* of rusted metal, and allow just enough space for Jon to slip through. He quickly takes Sam by the shoulder, pushing her through first, "Go..." and he glances over his shoulder to confirm that the guards come running.

Once Sam is through, Jon squeezes his way in, and immediately begins looking for something to put into the entry way, "I'm sure they'll come down shootin... be careful of the opening."