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Latest revision as of 17:26, 30 October 2017

Martians, Cyborgs and Parademons (oh my)
Date of Scene: 23 September 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: J'onn and Molly talk about jobs, origins, and parademons.
Cast of Characters: Molly Millions, Martian Manhunter

Molly Millions has posed:
There's still pockets of the demons out there, and against her better judgment, Molly's been making trips out to Metropolis, and New York, because it's always good to stay in practice. It's getting towards dark now, and she's taking a break, settled on top of a black and grey battered sedan with a sniper rifle next to her and a decent view of the street. A ways up the road there's a pile of parademons... or, at least, what's left of them. At least bunched together for when someone that's not her has to come by and clean up the mess.

No black lenses this time, and the bandanna's pulled down around her neck, but otherwise she might as well be wearing the same outfit from the Hall of Justice... bar for the bright red, handmade 'I <3 Mutants' tee she's currently sporting.

Martian Manhunter has posed:
J'onn, was in his Malik persona, and has been tracking the unique mental signature that he encountered in his battle with the Furies. He wasn't sure what to make of her at first, apparently not tied to any group he knows about, and has decided to track down what information he could find. It appears she's been around, performing various good deeds, but not making a big splash as far as he can tell.

Now he floats above a building, as what everyone recognizes as the Martian Manhunter, watching her invisibly for now. A moments consideration, and he slowly fades into view above the building. Then as he descends, he provides enough noise so she knows he's there, but not so much to startle her as it appears she's been hunting again. "Hello again..." J'onn's deep voice calls out across the distance.

Molly Millions has posed:
Parademons don't say 'hello', so at least she doesn't reach for the rifle, even if it takes a few moments with her chopsticks suspended in mid-air before she actually looks... stabbing the chopsticks into her container and setting it aside with a nod of acknowledgment,"Only been dealing with those.." she responds in lieu of hello with a gesture in the direction of the dead,"'s that a problem?" more than a shade defensively, like she expects it's going to a problem... even if, to her credit, she doesn't reach anywhere near the rifle.

For a woman who put a bunch of darts in her own hand some nebulous time probably not more than a day ago, she's certainly got the use of both of them again, dusting off her hands with a nod towards a white plastic bag,"...if not, I've got chicken lo mein in the bag." added on.

Martian Manhunter has posed:
"No, there's no problem at all.." J'onn says as he takes in the sight of the dead parademons, "...well done. Clean, Professional. From what I've been able to gather, this is not the first group you've taken care of since this problem has started.." His impassive features may make it a little difficult to hear, but there is respect in his voice.

He lands next to the vehicle that Molly is perched on, looking towards the food, "I would not want to impose on your email after a few days of long work..." pausing for a moment, before adding "...this area is clear of the menace for the time being. I was hoping to speak with you about who you are, and what has drawn you to this conflict..." His eyes taking in her equipment and restored limbs, "...if you do not mind the conversation, that is?"

Molly Millions has posed:
There's surprise in the grunt she gives, flying, green, these things don't seem to phase her in the slightest, but not about to get a lecture? That one got her. There's a nod of invitation towards the car with a wry sort of smile,"Not exactly the best seat in the house... but... yeh. Unless you're heavy enough to crush it not going to cause it too much damage." she offers,"And I got more than I'm planning on eating in case." just... y'know. In case.

"I thought so. Haven't... heard much in the last twenty... over... that way some..." she points off,"But it didn't last long." there's a silent inquiry in the way she ends the sentence, asking without doing so directly.

"You're one of the statues in that Hall." pause, wait, that sounds wrong,"They call you the Martian Manhunter." well that's not that much better. She collects her chopsticks again though, pushing her lo mein around as she considers it,"Only if you answer a few, too. Okay?"

Martian Manhunter has posed:
Nodding his head once in acquiescence. J'onn floats to the top of the car, and lands lightly on the side next to her. He looks first, reaching with his left hand for the extra pair of chopsticks, and then begins to enjoy the offered food. "Thank you very much." His deep voice rolls out.

"I've been scanning the area since I've arrived. There are several of the smaller demons about 12 blocks from here, but they are running into a suitable contingent of heroes. They will be neutralized in short order." A few more bites, and he adds "They are the closest to your current position. If you'd like, I can guide is to another pack, but they are nearly twice as far away."

The first smile shows on his features, "You are correct. I tried to convince the others that it was unnecessary, but they were adamant that it provided a vision of hope for the people.." The small turning into a chuckle, "...I allowed them to win that argument. Most know me by the Martian Manhunter, but my given name is J'onn J'onzz..." a polite nod in her direction, "...it is a pleasure to meet you."

Molly Millions has posed:
"Everyone's gotta eat." is Molly's opinion, though with a slight shake of her head,"After food." she offers with dry amusement,"Though trying to drive around here is a reflex test in and of itself."

A portion of her haphazard hair is tucked behind an ear before she tilts her head,"John?" she repeats with the beetling of her brows above those silver lenses. Not sunglasses, at least, if they are they're ones that have surgically sealed her eyesockets, a brief snort of laughter escaping her before she offers,"Molly." and then a moment later,"Millions." seeing as he'd included a last name too, it's only fair,"And... likewise."

There's consideration there as to what to say,"And to answer your earlier question... I'm nobody. And it boils down to... these guys aren't here looking for refuge, they're here to conquer. And from what I've seen, that would be bad. What about you? Are you really a Martian?" it's not asked with a tone of disbelief, but simple curiousity.

Martian Manhunter has posed:
"Indeed." is J'onn's response to the food comment, "and I agree to both statements. It is one of the main reasons I've decided to fly everywhere in the City." He picks slowly at the shared food.

"Correct again, although not spelled quiet the same in the English language." He considers her name for a moment, "Molly Millions, it is an honor to meet a fellow Hunter." His eyes falling to the rifle at her side then to the pile of corpses down the street.

"No, Molly, I disagree on the Nobody assessment. You may not be well-known, but it takes more than a Nobody to do what I hear you've done. Which is part of what has drawn me here. You're very different from others I have come across, and I'd like to hear your story..." At the question, he pauses his eating, nodding once very slowly, "Yes Molly, I am the last Son of Mars. The only remaining Individual of my Species."

Molly Millions has posed:
"Would if I could." Molly's got no qualms about stating with a wry smile with regards to flying,"Bet you cover a lot more ground than I do." to say the least,"And... sorry, I know a lot of John's... or... have. Over the years. How is it spelt in your case?"

"I like not to be known. And I don't like the thought that people have noticed enough to be talking about me." she sets her container down on the hood between her feet,"I'm not... looking to cause trouble. Hell, one of my daughter's apparently wants to join you guys, so, even if I did I'd have her to think about. But not going to lie, that just... makes me think I should have stayed home."

There's a slight nod of her head and a grimace,"I've met a few. Aliens." she decides is a safer thing to talk about,"Too many of them from places that have been destroyed or overrun. Is that why you're fighting? Or is it just... that hero thing." the quotation marks around the word aren't actually performed, but it's in the way she says it, slightly dubious, definitely more than a little wary.

Martian Manhunter has posed:
"It is spelled J'onn..." The Martian responds, to her, "but the pronunciation is the same so I do not correct people who choose Jon or John." He regards her for a second, before adding "It's a common enough name from what I understand..." totally missing her reference to the Underworld she comes from an the need for anonymity.

"Oh, I like to consider myself a fairly good investigator. I think you'll find your anonymity well in tact, and I have no interest in changing that." His words and features showing the truth in his statement. "Someone would like to join? A daughter? I would be happy to talk to her, and tell her the truth behind what we do and let her decide if it's what she would like."

"On Mars, a Manhunter is a protector, philosopher, and sometimes a Judge. It is a heavy responsibility, and one not given or taken lightly." He explains, his thoughts measured, "I've kept that Mantle on this Planet. I see many places this planet could use the help, and I do not wish to see it follow the same path as my own."

Molly Millions has posed:
From the dip of Molly's head, the correct spelling is noted, though there's that wry twist of her lips again even if she doesn't elaborate on the why in favor of nodding agreement with regards to the daughter,"Cl.." pause,"Blink. When they first showed up... she was out there. Worked out she could destroy their portals by bisecting them with hers and certainly helped blunt the first wave in Metropolis at least. She's... friends... with..." another pause as she runs her hand through her hair and finally comes up with,"Superboy? I think that's what he calls himself at least. She's been working herself to exhaustion with this whole... mess. I'm hoping she's getting a little rest right now."

There's a tilt of her head as she falls silent to listen, arching a brow before she finally offers,"...huh." quietly,"I apologize, J'onn. There's plenty about this place I'm still getting my head around. I was born on Earth... but this Earth is a long way from mine. I knew there was aliens out there, but they weren't... to my knowledge... on Earth. And whatever it is that created mutants here... never happened. Helping people... on the scale you lot seem to, leaving aside the improbable... would have just gotten the... hero... killed, where I came from."

Martian Manhunter has posed:
"Blink." J'onn says, committing the name to memory, "I have heard some of what she's been doing, and would happily speak to her. I'm sure she would make a fine addition if it is what she truly wanted." His brow furrows a little at the mention of Superboy, "I am familiar with him as well. His past is dark, but I believe he's trying to make amends."

"My people made many bad choices that led to our downfall. This happened many many years ago. I am the sole benefactor and I will pass on the folly of our mistakes so others do not make them."

Now it is his turn to listen, taking in her story, and considering what is said and left unsaid. "An alternate Earth. Not unheard of from my peoples studies. Still, extremely rare." His smale fades slightly at her hero comment, "What I've learned is that heroic people aren't trying to be heroes. They try to do what is right, and live with those decisions. It is other people that decide them heroic..." His red eyes meet her own covered orbs, "...I think you would do well to remember that, MOlly. It's not your definition, but everyone elses."

Molly Millions has posed:
There's naked surprise and curiousity at the mention of Superboy and 'dark past',"Is that so...?" she enquires with all kinds of thoughtfulness in the tone, as if she's most certainly going to have a few questions for him in that regard.

"Humans are pretty good at doing things the dumb way, you must have the patience of a saint." is her opinion before she nods slightly,"I had one guy describe it as 'not even in the same neighborhood'. But, it's okay. I'm hoping it means this place will avoid some of the same mistakes, too."

There's a quiet grunt of acknowledgment from her,"Right's..." she presses her lips together,"Well. I suppose everyone know's on some level what it is. But I've... never seen it like it is, here. I'm not going to pretend like there's not things I regret, and you can tell him that," nevermind that she doesn't actually say who 'he' is,"but at the end of the day I'm just trying to get by. This..." she nods towards the demons,"I'm not getting paid for it. It's just... what needs to happen. Now that I have a better handle on how this place works I'm more careful about the jobs I take... but at the end of the day I can't live on air."

Martian Manhunter has posed:
"It is the wisdom of time." J'onn responds back to her patience comment. "The more I see the greater I understand my lack of knowledge." The Martian says in what might be a quote of some kind. "Humanity, as a whole, has a greatness that needs to be nurtured, but a tendency to self-destructive behavior that is simply terrifying."

"I'd like to offer you a proposal, Molly." J'onn says after a minute, "I have spent a long time watching Humanity. I've learned that they do not always trust, and so sometimes you must work behind the scenes to help them." He looks around the area, back to the demons, "I've made more money than I need. What say you that we become partners. Quietly helping Humanity how we can, and I fund our business venture? I'm an adept shape-shifter..." his features changing before her eyes into something similar to her own look, male and slightly larger, but with identical eye modifications and equipment, "...and we see how we can help this Earth not fall into the same trap as our Planets have?"

Molly Millions has posed:
"Yeh, at this point I've come to accept that all the things I thought I knew are next to useless here." it's not a quote Molly would recognize, not that there wasn't a Socrates, but that the cyborg at least never learnt about him in her time,"I... can't deny that. Some of the things they're capable of are truly amazing, but... yes. I've also watched them self-destruct amazingly over the years. Avoided it myself, a few times, by little more than dumb luck."

There's a pause as the word 'proposal' is uttered, one brow lofted with all the mistrust she can manage,"I run a bar in Lowtown." Madripoor. She's not sure why she confesses it, at least from the way her lips purse after the fact. But, she can't un-say it. Maybe it's the sheer oddness of his shift, the eyes noted with a vague smirk,"It's... not heroic. Not at all. Some things I wont stand for but... by and large I don't try to tell people how to run their lives. But... what did you have in mind? Back home... this was... part of it. But I'm also a pilot. The political structure here I'm not going to pretend I understand but... this place? People at least seem willing to fight. To do better. Home... we'd given up. And there's a part of me that insists that it's stupid and I should mind my own damned business... but at the same time it's like... maybe you lot do have the right idea, and sometimes people need to be made to stop trying to destroy themselves."

Martian Manhunter has posed:
"I say we spend time and effort in finding information, about who is doing what and why, and understand what is driving people down a path of destruction." J'onn proceeds with his thoughts, "There are people willing to hide within the confines of the law to do unspeakable things. I believe those of us with the ability to remain anonymous can use that to our advantage. Tracking, identifying, and potentially interfering with some of these activities..." He shrugs a shoulder, "...it's not heroic, but it could make a difference."

Molly Millions has posed:
There's consideration in Molly's motion again,"Back home we'd call that business as usual. I have one issue. Where I come from, you make a contract, you see it through to the end, and you don't... betray, that contract. That said... I've got no qualms about providing information about those who I'm not under contract with. Plenty of people come through the bar. It's not hard to hear stuff, there. And with the right tools, I'm good at interfering in things..."

She trails off, the way she looks away indicating distraction as she offers,"Yes Bao?" seemingly to thin air,"I'm a few hours away right now, but I'll head back. Tell her not to mess with it, I'll deal with it when I get there." she's already sliding off the side of the vehicle, snagging her rifle belatedly,"Sorry... I've got to head back to Madripoor." which is decidedly more than a few hours away, not that she seems particularly concerned,"Stop by Saint Molly's if you're in the area. We'll talk."