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Latest revision as of 17:27, 30 October 2017

Hunting Dragon
Date of Scene: 23 September 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Cyberdragon, Karen Page

Cyberdragon has posed:
For the mostpart There is rumors and confirmation of a new predator in New York City. A biomechanical Dragon Called Cyberdragon. He's been known to prowl gang Territories and deal with the drug pushers, and weapon's dealers. Today so far he's not actually killed anyone. But he's give more than a few a fair number of broken bokes, and cuts. Nothing serious, or fatal. But he's not entirely the most gentle of heroes. But also far fromt he worst.

So right now with the rain falling, and the wind blowing lightly the dark night sky has an eariness to it. He doesn't protect the same level of terror that Batman of Gotham does, but still.

Karen Page has posed:
She used to think herself a person of no import. The kind of person you'd overlook in a crowd. The sort of person who lived an ordinary life...

but that seemed eons ago now. She could barely reemember her life before the accusations of murder. The horror surrounding that. The attempt on her life. All of it, really. She felt like a different person now. It all had left her a little warier. A lot stronger.

But none of that really explained why she was poking around the Bronx. Not unless you counted for the invasion. The whole upset about that. The fact that she still fancied herself something of a reporter - even if she still hadn't had a published article. She was grasping at straws, but she was still grasping.

Cyberdragon has posed:
despite the invasion with so many heroes on the front lines, Cyberdragon has taken to stalking the alleys at night and feels that with so many big names, he doesn't need to be getting in the way of them doing their jobs. Doesn't mean he hasn't tackled some errent Parademons or such. And as he is pressed against the wall of a brick building he is watching and of course recording the side of a drug deal going down. and as he notices someone else approaching he narrows his eyes as the Drug dealers seem to be noticing her as they start approaching her,

Hey babe you looking for a good time?" he says as the light in the alley flickers and shines behind them.

Moving on his hands and feet the dragon crawls along the wall ready to act the moment things go down.

Karen Page has posed:
It's been a long week. What with the pipes breaking. The files to be refiled. The business at the dance club... okay, she can't complain. but overall, it's been a week. Which begs, why is she here?

Fine. There's the invasion. But that's out of her realm so far. Everyone is up in arms about it, but really? It's another tick on the calendar as far as situation normal goes. Really, she should be home, tucked into jammies and relaxing, but there was this thing.. that lead. something about a gang? Why was she even here again?

When the pick-up line hits her, she comes up short. The alley. What the hell?

Karen backs up a few steps. "Eff off, asshole.." And she keeps on backing up. Creeps. You can't avoid them. They spring up everywhere. It occurs to her she probably could use a can of pepper spray or mace. Mental note to self: Get some.

Cyberdragon has posed:
the Man looks at her as he gives a snarl "Listen here bitch..." and that is as Far as he gets in his statement as there is a deep predatory growl from above the ground as they look up clinging to the brick work is what appears to be a dragon, wings open as he bares his teeth at the thug.

There reactions are easilly predicting as they go for weapons and instantly the dragon pushes off the wall landing with a partial flip infront of Karen wings open and using his entire body to shield her as the sound of guns echo in the alley. The dragon doesn't even seem to flinch.

After a few moments the Gunfire stops, and then comes the sound of spitting, As Karen might see him just spitting out a number of rounds as the bullets him the ground deformed and some intact.

Karen Page has posed:
Well..Bitch she knows how to respond to, even if it's not necessarily conducive to not being confrontational. Of course, it's new York, a bit of moxy is necessary. However, the other? Superheros, yes. Dragons? She supposed dragons are a type of superhero?? She's not sure. Her guard remains up.. Well, there's the gunfire. that's always good to avoid. Good thing there's a trash can to hide behind..

She peeks out when the noise stops. Just in time to catch the bullet spitting. She grimaces.

Cyberdragon has posed:
The Dragon seems to have shocked them as he says, "Interesting sensation being shot. I never get used to it." he says and then they start running turning to flee the Dragon lifts his hand up and then comes a shot of white light. And it first infront of the thugs. And problem explodes, witha near blinding flash of light and sound of a massive bang. Almost like a concussion grenade had been set off.

And assuming that Karen did not get blinded the Thugs Are as he lunges at them, pushing hard and fast as he knocks them onto their asses, a back hand across the face, a tail grab around the throat lifting him up and then tossing him against the wall. Leaving him stunned.

A strike to the solar plexes, a hit to a knee. The Dragon works quickly to bring them down.

before long they are all on the ground groaning as he starts to drag them over to a pipe where the sound of a metal zipping is heard.

TheDragon has produced metal Zip ties. And is using it to secure them to thick heavy bars and pips so they can't escape. And with a quick call to the police he begins to let them know where to find the culprits.

He smiles as onee spouts a curse.

And the dragon places his hand over his mouth and says in a growling voice. "I suggst you all be very quiet, unless you want to risk one of the invader's scouts I found in the area to hear you and possible gut you like a fish." he says and it scares the guy quiet.

Karen Page has posed:
She's not stupid. When shit goes down, it's all duck and cover... Okay, she's got bravado and moxy on her side, but bullets? They hurt. People die. She doesn't come up for air until that stops..

Superheroes she gets.. they're a dime a dozen some days. But this one? This one is new on her, and she's still not sure he is on her side, other than he did stop the creep from the alley, and she's not dead yet.

"Gut me like a fish?" she mouths, not actually voicing the words. But she gets it. Keep your head low. Don't poke the crazy. And let the dragon thing deal with the bad buys. Check. That she can do.

Cyberdragon has posed:
Cyberdragon nods as the Dragon starts to move away as he looks down the alley in the direction of the woman as he begins to walk down there. His foots steps have a slight metallic to them as his clas tap on the ground. AS he approaches and says, "It's alright they won't be bothering anyone else tonight." and the dragon begins to walk in her general direction. Not fast, or agressive. But he is not being too aggressive.

Karen Page has posed:
Karen peeks out from her garbage can. It *seems* this one is on her side.. It would be a shame if he'd saved her only to take her out himself. STill, he seems innocuous enough.. maybe?

"Uh.. thank-you?" She stands and dusts herself off. "Just thought he was some creep." Until the bullets went flying.

Cyberdragon has posed:
AS the dragon smiles at her his features almost organic as the light he steps in reveals his Biomechanical nature. "No Drug dealers, high on their own product." he says And as he moves his body seems to be a perfect melding. "I am Cyberdragon." he says introducing her self, "With all the big heroes at the invasion someone has to swallow their pride and stay at street levels to help out with the low thugs who take advantage of their absense."

Karen Page has posed:
A grin begins to cross her features. "Well, uh.. okay? Yeah. Probably wasn't the wisest thing to trot myself out alone given what's happening." She shrugs, though. "But it's New York. I mean, this stuff happens every day of the week." Well, almost every day. Maybe every other day. A couple times a week, at least.

She pauses to regard him. "Cyrberdragon..huh? New here?"

Okay, she's not heard of them all, but she's not heard of this one. He certainly is unique. Better still, he saved her butt. She really is thankful for that.

Cyberdragon has posed:
As he moves to walk out of the Alley he says, "Reasonibly NEw, I been active for the last several months. Mostly I stick to the Street levels threats. The big boys don't need some hotshot wanna be hero under their toes with the invasion. Causing more trouble than they had before." he explains.

Karen Page has posed:
Karen nods and gives a weak sort of smile. "Well then.. And I wouldn't worry about the hotshots. It's not like there isn't enough crime for us all." Which makes her laugh. "Okay, I don't fight crime, but you get the gist. And really, thank-you. I mean, I could have hit him with my purse?" Not that that would have done much against the bullets.

Cyberdragon has posed:
as he looks back at them he smirks, "Would have been humorous." he agrees. and as he nods. "Indeed. So what brings you out in the first place into such dangerous territory?" he asks. And as the pair begins to move away from the alley the Dragon doesn't seem to have an issue being in the open or answering questions.

Karen Page has posed:
There's a grin from the woman. "Me? I"m just looking for a story. Not much else." Of course her timing could be better. Then again, it's invasion today.. some crime lord's plot tomorrow. Is there really a better time?

Cyberdragon has posed:
Cyberdragon says, "Oh a reporter? I think I should talk to Mr. Stark before we have a formal interview then." With a smile he says, "In all honesty I am just trying to help those around me. I have power I need to use it responibly, If I just sat around and did nothing. It would be a waste.""

Karen Page has posed:
That? That reporter bit? That gets a grin. "Yeah. Kind of. I mean, okay, so I'm still trying to break in and all, but I can write. It's just those sobs at the Monitor have no class.. and you don't really care.." She laughs at herself. "Helping folks is a pretty good deal. I'ts not like there's not enough crime to go around. And what with the whole invasion thing.."

Right. The whole invasion thing. It really was terrible, but really? In the grand scheme of things, New York was a hotbed of bad things going down. It got hard to differentiate what was bad and what was worse.

Cyberdragon has posed:
Cyberdragon says, "One of the reasons why I am here and not out there. Some people forget that when the Big heres are away the vermin come to play." he says. "Ah looking for your first big scoop? I doubt I would be worthy of such. But I won't moind giving an Interview." he says"

Karen Page has posed:
"Enh, not sure?" Karen shrugs. "I guess so. I keep thinking I have a scoop, but the fact is they don't want the truth, they want sensational." It gives her a moment's pause. "I thought I was good at this. Maybe I should just make stuff up. It seems like that's what they're publishing anyway."