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(Created page with "{{Log Header |Date of Scene=2017/09/24 |Location=Unknown |Synopsis=Summary needed |Cast of Characters=1407, 16 |pretty=yes }} {{Poses |Poses=:'''{{#var:1407|Balder Odinson (14...")
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Latest revision as of 17:39, 30 October 2017

Welcome to Midgard
Date of Scene: 24 September 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Balder Odinson, Rogue

Balder Odinson has posed:
    Early Fall. New York. It is lovely this time of year. New York is in relatively solid shape, despite the recent business with the invasion, life is already getting back to normal. Things here ake more than a major incursion to disrupt too much.
    Greenwhich was spared from the disruptions and damage. the birds are singing. THe sun is relatively warm, and the city that never sleeps is awake and moving.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue took no part in any of the madness that was plaguing the eastern cities of the United States. She saw it on the television, there were massive amounts of powered 'heroes' participating in the invasion and as far as she cared to look into it, they were handling it just fine.

The teenage girl was making her way between the buildings and streets of Greenwich Village, leaving the NYU campus after doing some homework at the library there. She had her skateboard underneath her right arm and a unlit cigarette sitting between her red painted lips, her brown and white hair was bobbing up and down on her bare shoulders as she walked.

Rogue was wearing a dark green tanktop with the word 'FIGHTER' in faded black letters across her chest, she had a black hoodied tied around her waist and blue jeans with leather boots on her feet... her power-canceling bracelet was on her left wrist, she'd been wearing it just about every time she went into public these days.

Balder Odinson has posed:
    A couple of people come running past Rogue. "They're baaaack!" One man says as he careens past. About 20 feet in front of the tank top clad woman, a large blade thuds into the sidewalk, imbedding, the tip and about a foot sinking into the sidewalk as it sort of materializing from the aether. There is a cold, brisk, invigorating breeze. It smells clean, and leaves one feeling brisk and recharged. It is the good sort of cold. A large, armored figure materializes from thin air. The birds sing louder. The sun seems a little brighter, and a booming voice calls out. "My bro--" The helmed and armored figure stands stark still and looks confused. "I... what?" He has a large bundle slung over his shoulder and with a little stoop, he settles the bundle on the ground, and sits on it. There is a large barrel there, with heavy runes scarred and burned into the sides. It sloshes a little, but only a little. It must be full.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue stops walking when she sees the beginnings of 'something' going on in front of her. She just stands there and stares, then looks around at the reactions from anyone else who might've witnessed this.

"Christ..." She quietly mutters in a frustrated tone before she starts walking again toward the... armored man.

Rogue eyes the man as she gets nearer to him while he seats himself. "You here t'cause trouble?" She asked him, stopping her walking again. If this was her turn to 'help' with all this madness going on lately, she'd do it... since it landed at her feet quite literally.

Balder Odinson has posed:
    "Perhaps." The bass voice rumbles. "But only from a certain point of view, my lady." He holds out his left hand as if to assuage any concerns. "Let me sheathe this, it might allow us all to be calm and unconcerned, aye?" His right had yanks the sword out of the ground with a casual ease and without flourish, sheaths it at his left side. He has two more, each peeking out over his shoulders.
    "I will remove my helm." His right hand slides up and removes the great winged helmet. He has dark hair, bright blue eyes, and bears a certain slight resemblance to a certain hammer-swinging Avenger. "I apologize, my lady. I do not mean to alarm anyone or cause duress. I am Balder, son of Odin." He stands up, and straightens his back before offering a low bow. "I am the younger brother of the mighty Thor. I bring him a present, and seek to adventure for a time here on Midgard so I might better understand my brothers and their affections for this place. I am at thine service, my lady."
    The tall figure straightens back up and tucks his helmet under his right arm.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue, meanwhile, unsheathed her own weapon... by which she removed the bracelet from her wrist and held it clutched gently in her left hand which meant the entirity of her own powers were returned to her body, and her bare arms and hands would be quite the threat if they were touched in the now... She didn't know this guy, she didn't really even know THOR but by passing namedrops in the media.

"'At thine service'?" Rogue repeated in a dry tone of her heavily accented southern English. A second later and she huffed out a small airy laugh from her tiny nose. "Thats almost cute, in like... the biggest nerdy way imagineable."

Rogue looked around then up and down the street they were on. "I don't know where your brother is. Last time I saw him he was advertising some hair product in the news paper, I think." She showed a smirk back at the guy.

"I'm Rogue." She told him her name. "Daughter of... Owen? He's dead though, so... does that still count?"

Balder Odinson has posed:
    "Family either of choice or by birth always counts, Lady Rogue Owensdottir." Balder inclines his head in a grateful manner, and reaches out for her hand. He is wear a glove, but he starts as if to kiss her knuckles. He is after all, completely unaware of stupid that actually is. His smile is soft. "I am at thine service, and I did not know my brother's hair was so popular here. I have heard maidens in Asgard request a lock of his hair."
    He still leans forward. "I am surprised they do it here."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue's hand was easily lifted up by the gloved gauntlet and she found the 'Owensdotir' part to be kind of charming too, so she was smiling. At least up until she saw him go to kiss her knuckles!

Rogue's eyes went wide and she quickly would hopp the bracelet back onto her fingers and wiggled it around the palm of her hand, reactivated its charge and canceling out her mutation-effect moments before he'd kiss her knuckles.


"Ain't you a charme'ah." She said at the large armored man with a big smile. "I, uh, don't really want'a lock'a his hair, but I wouldn't mind meetin'im someday."

Rogue would then glance backward and point north. "See that big tower up there?" She said to him then. "The one pokin' ove'ahtop'a that water tower? Thats Stark's Tower. I think Thor is there a lot, but I'm not too sure, t'be honest."

Balder Odinson has posed:
    "It is a courtly kiss. A mere brush. It still would have put him on the ground for a bit. That could have been bad for him. "Aye. Stark Tower? Heimdall hath described it to me." Balder agrees. "I am not a charmer. Tis how a gentleman should greet a woman of beauty and charm." Balder works his shoulders. "The recent disruptions from the invasion must have interfered with my transport. I should have alighted next to Thor." His frown is a fleeting thing as to work the kinks out his shoulders. He sinks back to sit on the barrel for a moment. His eyes fix on the tower. "Stark shall be able to summon my worthy brother, thou think, my lady?"

Rogue has posed:
Rogue took her hand back gently after the kiss and she was just kind of smiling at him now like a teenage girl would smile at a nice looking and charming guy, even if he was wearing LARPer clothing, she could forgive him for that.

"You're gonna be in for a major culture shock if you think thats how men should treat women around here." She said back at him with the hints of a grin on her lips.

Rogue would glance back at Stark Tower again and then back over and at his face. She shrugged her bare shoulders at him. "Neve'ah met Stark before. I seen him flyin' around sometimes though, but there's a lotta flyin' people in this area. Seems everyone with any kind'a power worth anythin' ends up in the New York area of the country."

Rogue held her skateboard in front of her lap now with both of her hands ontop of each other on the board. "You just missed a big fight here though, if you came here for fightin'." She glanced at his sword and then back up at his face. "Which I'm figurin' you definitely did."

Balder Odinson has posed:
    "Well, maybe if women were reminded they were beautiful and to be treated with respect and charm, well men would be more charming. I shall have to teach women that whilst I am here, and lead men by example." His head inclines is a little nod.
    "I was not allowed to come fight." Balder says darkly. "My mother and father forbid it. This trip is my consolation prize." Balder is not bitter, just sad about it. The sun is a little less warm than it was before, maybe. The thin line of his lips tugs downwards. "My mother worries." he says in the quiet tone of the youngest child. "Though it at times does leave me less roud of myself than i should like, I do try to do as I am bid." Balder's laug is soft and a little self-mocking. "One of their children must abide their wishes." his shoulders shrug.
    A little finch alights on his shoulder and starts chirping at Balder. "Aye." he agrees with the finch, his hand rising to caress under the bird's neck in an oddly gentle manner. "Thine nest is indeed best." he agrees with the little bird, who sings loud and proud at the words.
    Balder looks abashed. "Forgive me. My little friend here wanted thee to know his nest is best."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue would smile throughout what the man was saying and she'd start to laugh at the display with the little bird. A slow nod was given to him and she eyed him a bit suspiciously. "Yeah... I think the women around here'll enjoy you just fine." She said with a knowing tone to her voice. "I mean... the bird thing is cute, a little odd, but cute. Like some kinda Disney character!"

"Worried about what your mothe'ah thinks too! Those bonus points." Rogue's green eyes would go up and down him then and she'd shake her head. "Once you get up there with Stark, tell him that if you're not here t'fight then ya need him t'get ya the best men's clothin' money can buy." She gave him another little grin. "You'll be makin' knees knock all ove'ah the city then, if ya ditch this... pretty... but odd armor stuff."

Balder Odinson has posed:
    "I am not here to make women quail. The youngest lion of Asgard is not on Midgard looking for women." He pauses, not that he would object? He considers for a moment. "He is a finch. They are lovely birds, but they brag." THe bird's chrping stops, and the little thing flies off, almost in a huff. Balder looks his clothing over. "I am here to adventure. Why wouldst I wear something else?" His lips quirk in a grin. "As fetching as thou art, I am not going to foist Asgardian clothing on thee." he tells her. "The armour is a concession to my mother. It must be done, so she said. She fears for my safety. I will respect her fears. She is a powerful woman, and given what is fated to happen, her consenting at all to my trip is a minor miracle of the All Father himself."

Rogue has posed:
"Well thats a shame." Rogue said in a quiet voice at the first part and then she watched the finch fly away and it made her smile quite happily. "Now I wanna know what his nest looks like." She muttered about that as well before sending her green eyes back to Balder's own.

"So... by adventure you mean just... wande'ah around lookin' t'see whats around the next corner?" She asked him then, slightly tipping her head to the right in curiosity at the man's intent for being here.

"Sounds like you're gonna be on your best behavior... Why would your mothe'ah be all worried about ya then? She think this place is like... stupid dangerous or somesuch?"

A police car raced by weaving between traffica nd Anna-Marie glanced over it with but her eyes alone, before sending them back to the Asgardian. "She might be right..."

Balder Odinson has posed:
    "I am going to die." Balder answers. "And it will have dire consequences." Balder looks aside for a moment. The sun really doesn't feel as warm as it should for a moment. "But, that is the fate of everything. To end. What point is there in life if it is in a tower? Ultimately, I could hide in a hole if I wished it. Twould not gain me another moment longer in the sun. I wouldst rather live my life. If the skein of my life is already woven, tis better to enjoy the time I have, aye? My brother, Loki, will one day feel he hath no other choice than to see me die." He lowers his head in a little nod to her. "So I might as well enjoy my time, aye? Some fights, some sightseeing? Maybe I can make someone's world better for my having been in it, my lady?" His shoulders over a little shrug. "Seems to be the best one can ask of life, aye?"

Rogue has posed:
These somewhat somber reflections on his life, made Rogue frown a little and her head shook side to side at him. "Don't know your brothe'ah, but he sounds like he might be an asshole." She smirked at him. "We're all gonna die, yeah... that much is true, so we should live in the moment'n all that. I seen those kinda things written on bumpe'ah stickers."

Rogue reached her right hand out and gave his armored shoulder a soft pat. "Don't go talkin' morbid t'folks around here though, just tell them about how much they need t'be nice'ah people, like yourself."

A sharp exhale was had then and she nodded at him. "You'll see a lot great sights here though, so just get a camera and take as many pictures as you can." She'd smile at him again then.

Balder Odinson has posed:
    "A camera?" He asks her. "A device that captures pictures, my lady?" His sigh is soft. 'Aye. I can do that. It is not morbid where I come from. I ahve met the fates, and indeed, one of their queens fancies me, I think,. That being said, I shall do as you suggest, Lady Owensdottir." His head inclines. "Thou art a good counselor and quite easy on the eyes, my lady." He pulls in a breath. "If I were to need someone to show me about? Someone wise beyond her ears, and easy on the eyes? Where wouldst.. how wouldst one contact such a person?" This is how people asked to call on each other before phones.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue seemed all too happy to hear the man compliment her as such. She just kind of wiggled back and forth where she stood holding her skateboard up against her lap. "I'm stayin' at a place here in this neighborhood, its owned by... Doctor Strange?" She hated saying that name, it souned like a stage magician. "He calls it the 'Sanctum Santorum' which sounds like some kinda glam band from the eighties..." Slowly she nodded her head then, her right hand coming up to stroke some of her white hair off of her face that the winds had displaced.

"But its a legit nice place, bigge'ah on the inside than it looks on the out. Uh, but yeah... Its on Christoper street, just east'a Washington Park."

Another little nod of her chin was given. "I won't hold ya up any longe'ah though, you gotta go find your bothe'ah, right? You need anythin' though, just come'n find me!"

Balder Odinson has posed:
    "Aye. Christopher street, East of Washington Park. Rogue Owinsdottir, staying with Doctor Strange." His head gives a little nod. "My lady Owensdottir?" he reaches for her hand, hoping to leave a little kiss there. "Might I come asking for thee to show me the sites?" His request is quiet. "I swear, my lady, I am a gentleman and I will do nothing untoward, and that I will protect thee if it comes to that. I am Balder Odinson, and I am a God of my word. The swords are not decoration." His bow is gracious and his smile retuirns. The sun is warm again, and the birds are singing a little louder.
    His left hand lifts and points into the tree. "Those twigs there? With the red string. Friend finch's nest. It is lovely."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue would permit the extra hand-lift-and-kiss and it'd make her continue with the all smiles thing. Usually guys around the city who tried flirtatious behaviors with her got dirty glares and annoyed one-liners shot back at them, if not worse, but this guy was more old fashioned (to say the least) and she liked it.

"I'd be happy t'show ya around. But its a big city, we'd have t'pick out the best stuff and seek them out specifically."

Rogue would then cast her eyes up toward where he'd indicated the nest was. "Oh... yeah... hey! Neat." She looked back at him and showed him a grin. "That finch was right then. His nest totally is the best."

Rogue would turn then, give another glance up at the nest, then back to Balder. "Go find your family, and when they get annoyin' or old news, come find me." She'd say at him before taking a step backward down the sidewalk.

Balder Odinson has posed:
    "I am glad to have met you, Rogue Owensdottir. If Midgard is full of people as lovely and friendly as thee, this will be a lovely time in my life." His smile is wide and bright. 'Fair thee well, Rogue. You may account Balder as one of thine friends." he has not a clue how badly this might have gone for him. He picks up the keg of mead for his brother and with a small sigh of contentment starts his steps towards that distant tower.