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Latest revision as of 18:42, 30 October 2017

Classic Gotham City Meet and Greet
Date of Scene: 27 September 2017
Location: Gotham City
Synopsis: In which, Nightwing and The Urban Wolf stalk some Ukrainian gangsters and layeth the smacketh down upon their candy asses! As ya do.
Cast of Characters: Nightwing, Amarok

Nightwing has posed:
    Gotham by night is often heavy with clouds or rain, the weather drifts into the city off of the river, at times light and floating with faint droplets and a haze of fogs... yet other times violent and angry as the heavy rain pelts the dark city. But tonight it's curiously calm, though the low hanging clouds lie heavy and pregnant with a rainfall that could set upon the city with little notice, granting the urban sprawl an almost oppressive air tonight. Yet there's another aspect that such weather grants the city... it mutes sounds upon the rooftops nicely, preventing the noises to carry across the skyline. A benefit that some of the vigilantes of the city take great advantage of.
    One such vigilante is the young man known as Nightwing. He'd been tailing the small cavalcade of three black SUVs as they wend their way through the streets of the city. His footsteps are quick, precise, letting him leap across the chasm between buildings and to dive over the air conditioners and pipes and antennas that adorn the superstructure of the sky scrapers.
    He's fast and able to keep up with the convoy of vehicles, but only barely. Keeping them in sight he dashes across another rooftop then skids to a halt as the vehicles stop at an intersection. Lifting a fingertip he keys the comm on his mask to life and tells the Bat Channel, "I've got them, corner of 43rd and 12th. Tracker's got interference for some reason."
    Someone on the other end of the line responds and he gives a single nod, then hunkers down to catch his breath before continuing the pursuit.

Amarok has posed:
The young knight isn't alone in his tracking, and may even have noticed that animal instinct telling him he's being watched, followed by something that calls the shadows, brother. Despite that wriggling feeling, the pursuit remains uneventful for a time, until the third intersection stop, "What do we have?" Comes a synthesized voice from over his shoulder as a figure steps calmly across the rooftops to join him in his hunt. The familiar unpleasant mask of the one the papers have dubbed 'The Urban Wolf' the only thing clearly visible through the dim haze of night cloaking the rooftops with the soft glow of it's LED eyes.

Nightwing has posed:
    "Hey Wolf," Nightwing gives the other man a nod, along with a small curve of his smile. He keeps his place there on the edge of the roof, kneeling as he looks down at the lights as they remain red. Over his shoulder he'll tell the other vigilante, "Group of Ukrainians trying to move something through the city, avoiding the Russian territory. Been some craziness between them last few weeks. Got a vibe." He says in way of explanation.
    Then the light flits to green and the traffic resumes, causing the vigilante to roll back up to his feet as he breaks into a run and /leaps/ across the building. Yet it doesn't prevent him from filling in Richter. "Getting the police notified, support is monitoring the cell call they're making."
    He lands with a grunt and rolls across the gravel rooftop, gaining his feet again as he doesn't lose a step. "Waiting for the ok to make the stop. Some back up might be nice." He says over his shoulder around that grin.

Amarok has posed:
The Wolf stands there, perfectly still and taciturn as Nightwing starts briefing him, not flinching when he resumes his pursuit. A quick shaking out of his neck, and the Wolf joins in the hunt, keeping pace with Nightwing while maintaining enough distance to enhance coverage in case of unexpected cover for the truck. His tone is as dull and monotone as ever, even during the chase, "Hmph. If I spoke russian I might've gotten that from the group I found on my way here." Flash back to a group of brutalized russians hanging from a lamp post outside of a GCPD building, and the mask is all that hides the Wolf's vicious smile from the world around him.

Nightwing has posed:
    "Well when the devil drives, wait that's not how that goes..." Nightwing starts to say but then stops himself as he reaches a corner building, right as the small group of three SUVs start to take a right turn, driving right past that perch there and then pausing for a moment. Their brake lights come on, shining bright against the tableau of a quiet street that seems like an unlikely place for a bunch of Ukranian gangsters to have business.
    But then the three vehicles stop, double-parked now as their lights remain on... yet the doors open and close as a group of men begin to file out of the cars quickly, their hands held close to their chests, under their arms, behind their backs... all holding the body language of individuals about to slap iron.
    "Control, something's going down." He touches a fingertip to the side of his mask and then frowns. "Going in, no time to hold off." That said he turns and gives a quick nod to Richter, "Work that side, I'll work the other, we meet in the middle. Right? Right." He'll at least wait for some sign the man agrees with him and then without another word he plants a hand on the edge of the building and /vaults/ over, dropping down as a grapple line snares his descent and converts that fall into a double kick that /slams/ hard into the chest of one of those gangsters even as they draw their weapon.

Amarok has posed:
The only sign of agreement from the Wolf is that he's already pushing his way off the roof, a pair of smoke bombs leaving his hands to obscure the battlefield below. Through the smoke, shouts can be heard, followed by impacts, gunshots, and screams of panic and pain.

Nightwing has posed:
    In one instant the gangsters are stalking their prey, and then the next they are being hunted. It is a rapid onset as suddenly their approach towards the building is broken, from one angle Nightwing swings in and lays their leader out with two boots to the back of the head that leaves him sprawled on the ground. There's an instant where the four gangsters there are looking at each other even as the sound of smoke bombs go off in the background.
    But in the space of the next heartbeat they're pulling their guns fully and taking aim...
    Only for a pair of whirrling metal objects to careen off their arms, bouncing back and forth to send a pair of the pistols skittering even as Nightwing vaults over the hood of a vehicle to kick a third weapon out of the hand of one of the gunmen.
    On the other side of the brawl the quartet of men who had been coming from the other angle cough and choke as those smoke bombs burst to life around them. Sharp words are hurled at whomever threw those objects, the Ukrainians speaking very harshly in their native language even as they try to get a bead on the phantom in the shadows.

Amarok has posed:
In a few scant moments the smoke begins to clear, one last large puff shooting out as one of the gangsters is launched from it with a powerful boot to ribs, knocking him several feet clear of the haze. As it clears, the predatory shape of the LED eyes comes into view, and then rushes out, the Wolf bursting forth and rushing in to join the fray, a trail of broken bodies writhing on the ground in his wake as a large gun flashes from it's holster at his hip and draws down on the thugs in his line of sight and a few flashes bursting forth from it. If Nightwing is enough of an expert in guns to be able to tell just by sound, he just might be able to tell that the bullets are simple rubberized riot suppresion rounds. But very few cant that by sound, so it looks to most as though the armored wolf man is going postal. At least his aim is rather poor.

Nightwing has posed:
    It doesn't take long between the two of them. Between kicks, and thrown weapons, and rubber bullets the nine different gangsters are put down in what could be considered record time. It only ends with the two men standing back to back, Nightwing still holding his defensive stance as he looks over the scene of unconscious and groaning men. Then he glances over his shoulder and says, "Good job."
    That having been said he'll start to move around the fallen, pulling some zip ties from his belt at his side and starting to secure the downed gangsters even as distantly there's the sound and the flash of red and blue lights as the authorities are being directed to the scene of the altercation.
    "Twenty seconds til I can evac." Perhaps said onto the channel or perhaps to Richter, either way he gains his feet once the gangsters are tied. Then to him, "You good?" He asks, making sure the man is set to depart.

Amarok has posed:
The Wolf is panting in an almost feral manner by the end of it, apparently needing a moment to restrain himself, "Not...bad yourself." He says with a momentary pause for a sharp inhale of breath, sounding like the crinckling of tin foil through the speaker of his helmet. Even still, by the time Nightwing asks him if he's good, the Wolf is already gone....and so is one of the nearest goons...

Nightwing has posed:
    Looking after the spot where Wolf had been but a moment ago, Nightwing heaves a small chuckle and then shakes his head. "So weird to have someone else do that." He then snaps a small salute to the fallen, "See you later fellas, behave for the police. Ok? Okay!" That said the vigilante rounds and breaks into a run, bringing his grapple line up and firing, feeling the line catch and then the motors whir as it /yanks/ him up into the air, swinging up and twisting smoothly in the clean arc, even as he beats seat from the scene of the crime.