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(Created page with "{{Log Header |Date of Scene=2017/09/27 |Location=Unknown |Synopsis=Summary needed |Cast of Characters=169, 56, 128 |pretty=yes }} {{Poses |Poses=:'''{{#var:169|Kurt Wagner (16...")
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Latest revision as of 18:43, 30 October 2017

Wednesdays at Harry's (I)
Date of Scene: 27 September 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Nightcrawler, Storm, Polaris

Nightcrawler has posed:
    He does not even normally play the lottery. It was a lark. A simple little scratch ticket purchase. A few thousand later, he's got the deductible on his automobile insurance paid off, the new Tesla will be here in a week. Kurt had a little money to restart a rainy day fund, a little to put aside for another purchase, and enough to do what he really prefers to do-- have a little fun.
    Harry is a freund at this point, so where else to go but Harry's. Kurt is setting a couple of tables up, and laying out a bottle of whiskey, and a bottle of tequila on the table. A tray of shot glasses is laid out, and Harry is putting out some limes and salt shakers. Kurt and Harry are bantering a little. "Danke, Harry. The next time I win the lottery I will call you again, mein freund."

Nightcrawler has posed:
    He does not even normally play the lottery. It was a lark. A simple little scratch ticket purchase. A few thousand later, he's got the deductible on his automobile insurance paid off, the new Tesla will be here in a week. Kurt had a little money to restart a rainy day fund, a little to put aside for another purchase, and enough to do what he really prefers to do-- have a little fun.
    Harry is a freund at this point, so where else to go but Harry's. Kurt is setting a couple of tables up, and laying out a bottle of whiskey, and a bottle of tequila on the table. A tray of shot glasses is laid out, and Harry is putting out some limes and salt shakers. Kurt and Harry are bantering a little. "Danke, Harry. The next time I win the lottery I will call you again, mein freund."

Storm has posed:
    Ororo's still settling back into the mansion after a short bit of time off to 'find herself', which admittedly mostly found her catching shows of various favourite bands. But with the school day over, and 'Ms. Munroe' done with education, Ororo can let her hair down... entirely figuratively, and hit up Harry's. And immediately zeroing in towards Kurt with a wave and a happy cry. "Oh my! Already preparing for the evening, are we?" She lets out a click of her tongue as she eyes the arranged shotglasses.
    "Well, either -someone- has had a bad Wednesday, or is about to have a really good one." She flashes a grin and throws a wave to Harry, before she spins about a chair, settling on it backwards, arms crossing over the back to allow her to tuck her chin onto her forearms.

Polaris has posed:
Walking in, Lorna soothes her fingers from windswept hair. She likely flew. Lifting a hand to Ororo, Lorna greets her and Kurt with a warm smile and looks to Harry. "Limes and salt Harry? You're feeling generous today. Good day for your sports teams?" She wonders teasing a little. The green haired instructor comfortable in grey leggings and brown soft boots with a dark olive tee and baggy beige cardigan over the top. Fall is officially in season to be sure!

Nightcrawler has posed:
    "Ororo." Kurt's tenor is warm as it says the name. His golden eyes sparkle once in delight. His footfalls are light as he moves her favorite, the tequila, over to her. He leans down to simply brush his cheek to hers. No kiss. Just an old greeting, for an old friend. His tail gives a happy little slash showing his restraint and inner satisfaction. Everyone is almost all back together. he shakes his head at the mohawk, but says nothing about it. He is the last to judge on appearance, and if anyone can not say anything about appearance, it is Kurt.
    Lorna walks in, and Kurt's tail gives a couple of slashes as he leans up from Oror to meet Lorna a few feet in. He reaches for her hands and smiles at her happily. "Hallo, liebchen. I will get you drunk und you can take advantage?" He teases. He attempts to guide her on over to the table and ororo.

Storm has posed:
Ororo flashes a bright smile to Lorna, raising her own hand in a wave, even as her eyes start tracking that tequila. "Kurt! You are, as always, a total gentleman!" She works the bottle open with a cheerful little hum, eyebrows perking up.
    She tilts her head thoughtfully and then murmurs out, "Well, that's -still- a pretty gentlemanly offer." And then she's pouring herself a shot and throwing it back with... well, the happy sort of throat-clearing cough that tequila shots so often involve when you haven't had one in awhile.

Polaris has posed:
"I think we've both seen me drunk to know I'm about as tame as a kitten depending how far under the table you get me." Lorna says to Kurt frankly and walks over, smiling at Strom. "Hi Ro, loving the new hair." She murmurs and reaches out to pour herself a shot of tequila. Her green eyes track to Kurt, happy and relaxed.

Nightcrawler has posed:
    "I ordered for you, Lorna." Kurt rubs his chin. "Ja. Ororo, still vegetarian? Or have you joined us on the dark side." He winks as he asks. His smile is warm. He meets Lorna's gaze readily, and adds, "Drink up. A little gut fortune paid for it." He is quite happy. His tail gives little warm twitches.

Storm has posed:
    Ororo sighs out and hums softly, "I am... -mostly- vegetarian! I might perhaps sometimes think there should be an exception for wings. Or loaded potato skins." She points to the tequila bottle and grins widely, "Besides, -this- is totally vegetarian! So... it'll all balance out, I am sure."

Polaris has posed:
"You did? Making sure I don't waste away?" Lorna wonders with a wink to Kurt and smiles at him warmly before chuckling at Ororo. "My stomach would hate me more than it will after a night of drinking if I had wings. You're brave!" She comments cheerfully and looks at Kurt. "Good fortune? What good fortune? Jean get your car fixed?"

Nightcrawler has posed:
    His eyes seek out Harry, who nods, "I heard. Potato skins and wings." Kurt beams, "Danke, Harry." Kurt agrees. "This is why we keep coming here, mein freund." Kurt agrees warmly.
    Harry laughs, "Certainly not because of the proximity and our open door policy."
    Kurt pauses. "That to?" he offers with a broad grin and a little laugh. he sits down near Lorna and Storm. He also reverses his chair, but that is for his tail. A tail which brushes past Oror's legs as it loops about what he hopes his Lorna's ankle.
    Kurt shakes his head. "I bought a scratch ticket, won a few thousand. Put a little money aside. Paid the insurance deductible, the new car will be here next week, rebuilt mein savings a little more, put money aside for the next big purchase.. und this." He spreads his arms. "Which given the attendance is nicht going to cost me as much as I worried, so there, ja?" He reaches for his beer and takes a long couple of swallows.

Storm has posed:
    Ororo's head gives a slow shake and she grins, "Well, more relaxation for us lucky few then." She stretches her arms up above her head, back arching a little as she groans out. "I'm surprised this place isn't overrun by students... I mean, not that -I- ever would have snuck out as a student of course." She gives a shifty glance around. Oh no, definitely not.
    Ororo laughs out and hums softly, "Well, I suppose we're due for good luck. Maybe I should buy a ticket as well. I -have- been thinking about going clothes shopping. I could fill a whole new closet if I was lucky..."

Polaris has posed:
"Be a princess. There's too many clothes." Lorna offers to Ororo and wiggles her ankle when she finds a tail around it, looking at Kurt warmly. She looks to the table. "If you were expecting more, that means the whiskey was for Logan? Doooon't mind if I dooo." She says and leans over to snag the bottle, pouring out a few shots and lining them up.

Nightcrawler has posed:
    "I think we were taught to sneak out. I think the rules are there to teach us to learn to think outside the box, for our wits to get keen, and to learn to be creative in hiding our mutations and abilities in order to be able to blend in even as we work to make it a better world." Kurt lifts his beer. "Go ahead with the liquor. I prefer mein lager." e admits it simply. He always has been a beer drinker.
    "Anything knew, Ororo?" Kurt asks his dear friend with a smile as he puts his beer down. "We are so happy to have you back. It is starting to feel like home, and then some, ja?"

Storm has posed:
    Ororo tilts her head thoughtfully and lets out a little laugh. "Well, I -did- run into that tiger that's living out by the lake." She gives a little tilt of her head towards Lorna and chirps out, "But, aside from -maybe- not drinking whiskey, it's not that different than having Logan around, right? Except the tiger can swim!" She sighs out and lets out a pleased little noise. "It's nice to be back. Friendly faces and all. Although I -do- need to get around to redecorating my room. But that's something I can deal with in time. Right now I think I'll just enjoy us all being together without any Sentinels looming overhead."

Polaris has posed:
Lorna snorts and shoots back one of her whiskeys. "Please say that in front of Logan some time. It would bring me so much joy." She says and picks up her other shot. "I does almost feel like old times, with a few differences, sure." Lorna nods and tilts her second shot of whiskey back, making a face.

Nightcrawler has posed:
    Watching the ladies, Kurt asks. "It is not the look I expected, Ororo. I am not mocking. it is simply new. What prompted the change, mein freund."
    His fingers trail at the table, and a vegetarian meal, and the wings and skins magically sow up. Well, they are carted in by Harry, but it is like magic. Kurt brightens, and grins wider when the beer refill also shows up. "Perfect!" He thanks their host and leans his chin in his hand. It is a thoughtful gesture as he listens, but Kurt is oozing contentment. He rarely looks this content. But then, a few of his worries have dried up and he is out with friends. THis is really all Kurt needs.

Storm has posed:
    Ororo gives a helpless little shrug and grins. "Oh, I'm not entirely sure. Just trying to... find a comfortable balance between self-expression and responsibility." She sighs out delightedly and snaps up one of the potato skins and cups her chin in her other hand. "Plus, I was going to a lot of concerts, and well... dramatic enough hair is like a warning sign to keep people from interrupting you during the show with smalltalk." She offers a little wink... yes, because surely she is kidding. But then, maybe not.

Polaris has posed:
Sliding the vegetarian meal her way, Lorna digs in and looks between Kurt and Ororo. She listens to her explain and shakes her head. "I think it's fabulous." She nods and looks to Kurt. "Are you planning on eating dear heart or just watching us eat?" She wonders to him softly, eyes dancing a little.

Nightcrawler has posed:
    "I cannot imagine using one's appearance to keep people away." Kurt deadpans warmly. "I should try this sometime?" he teases the ladies. His tail on Lorna's ankle tightens. With a tilt of his head, Kurt asks. "Did you find what you were looking for, Ororo? We all have our burdens and crosses to bear. yours has been heavy at times too."
    His fork, held almost delicately despite the nature of his hands skewers a few chicken wings and settles them in front of him. More meat for the meat eaters! His eyes are warm, having that content amber sort of hue. It can be hard to read his gaze due to his lack of pupils, but he has his attention n both ladies. He winks at Lorna. "I will eat. I promise." he does take an initial bite, being careful. His fur can be a flavor saver.

Storm has posed:
    Ororo seems to consider her answer for a moment. "Oh, I suppose so. I certainly didn't find anything away from the school... but, in that way, I found that what I already had -was- what I was looking for, yes?" She finishes off her potato skin and tosses back another shot of tequila with a throaty little groan. "But who knows... maybe I'll cut my hair -short- next week... I think perhaps indulging in expression like that might be... soothing in a way. We'll just have to see!"

Polaris has posed:
"It's good that you found yourself." Lorna murmurs. She can't help but feel for her long locks when Ororo mentions cutting off hers. "I would cry if I did short hair. I can't even imagine it." She murmurs and shakes her head. She snacks on more of her dish and carefully pours another shot. That takes a little focus with the hand eye coordination.

Nightcrawler has posed:
    "I can appreciate it. I mean, I will be honest. Teaching drama? Nicht my life's work." Kurt admits it. "It is nicht. Some of the mentoring we do? A little closer, ja."Kurt leans back. "I am finding a lot of satisfaction involving meinself in the affairs of mutant town, engaging in some charity there, helping the kids there get into Xavier's and just... helping." Kurt's smile is genuine. "Totally fulfilling." He admits it. "Lorna took me to Genosha recently. Not as bad as it was feared." Lorna knows the others have reservations.

Storm has posed:
Ororo grins and snickers out, "Well, having - had- long hair, I enjoy not taking so long to dry it as of late." She hums softly and nods her head, "I have... considered visiting Genosha. Keeping an open mind. Perhaps during winter. I hear the weather is more pleasant." She clears her throat, "And I wouldn't feel guilty about... adjusting the temperature then."

Polaris has posed:
"It is a tropical island." Lorna conceeds and smiles to Kurt. "We're doing the best with the people we have." She tells him-not for the first time. "It's a little idealist, but it could be a paradise some day." She says with so much hope.

Nightcrawler has posed:
    For not the first time, Kurt's gentle response, is "You, I trust. Others involved, less." Kurt's shoulders move. "has your father announced who gets the throne?" A twinge of something. Nerves maybe? enters Kurt's voice.

Storm has posed:
Ororo bobs her head with a little thoughtful murmur. "Well, idealism can be good. It may even... soften the edges of some of the more..." She clears her throat softly, eyebrows perking up high, "...Aggressively opinionated... people. Perhaps. Peace is always the most hoped for answer, of course. And I'm sure a tropical climate can help calm people down! Sun and ocean breezes can do wonders."

Polaris has posed:
"It does me wonders." Lorna nods to Ororo. A fork hovers above her fingers and spins idly before she lets it fall into her hand and looks at Kurt. "As it stands, I'm still the heir to the throne." She informs him and offers an apologetic smile. "Is that going to be ok with you?" She wonders quietly, concern touching her eyes.

Nightcrawler has posed:
    "I wil cope." Kurt admits quietly. "Though maybe discovering we are dating will piss your father off enough that he will make Wanda the heir?" Kurt sounds hopeful. He admits to Ororo. "It was quite warm, the sun and the beach was very nice."

Storm has posed:
    Ororo tilts her head, glancing from Lorna to Kurt and back. Several times. And then shakes her head, throws back another shot and hisses out. "Iiiii... think... he'll just be quite stern and glower at you, Kurt." She nods solemnly, "Until you assure him of your honorable intentions, and you bond through... some sort of mutual activity." She clears her throat, "Network television has been -quite- clear on how this works."

Polaris has posed:
"He's old fashioned, like an antique." Lorna grins and shakes her head. "Sorry. Unless Wanda gets powers like mine I'm uniquely suited to carry on in his place." She points out and smiles to Ororo. "Sorry. I'm sure it's clear by now, Kurt's wooing me. It's nice to date a romantic." She nods and takes a shot, slower this time.

Nightcrawler has posed:
    His cough is gentle. "I assure you she is pursuing me. I am blameless. It is this raw charisma of mein. I cannot stop it." Kurt mock-laments. His smile is warm. He beams at Ororo. 'Well, regardless of mein impending doom.I know I speak for everyone when I say we are so glad you are home."

Storm has posed:
Ororo laughs warmly and bobs her head, "Well, you two seem -quite- good together. Plus, you can court him and get him into... court finery? I mean, not that I'm saying you have an excuse to make Kurt dress even more dapper than he usually does!" She flutters her eyelashes and clears her throat softly. "I am, of course, -far- too serious to suggest doing such a thing. And... well, I imagine this courtship and wooing will be -less- dramatic than some! So... I shall simply sit back and watch my friends, hm?"

Polaris has posed:
"Oh? Not interested then?" Lorna wonders and arches her brow. "I would hate to impose on that charisma of yours." She claims and sighs to Ororo. "If only I weren't so weak to that raw charisma." She shakes her head and presses the back of her hand to her forehead.

Nightcrawler has posed:
    That makes Kurt laugh. He laughs a little more than he should. "It is the weakness." he agrees between laughter. He admit, "Nein. Lorna let me take her out on a pity date. i wow-ed her." he winks at Ororo. "It is a better narrative that way. I mean otherwise, devil gentleman courts princess/ Sounds like I am the villain in a Disney movie, ja?" Kurt nibbles at some chicken. "How about you, Ororo? Any gentlemen callers, mein freund?" he of course is thinking through people he knows as he asks her. His nose wrinkles a little. He holds her in far too high of esteem to set her up with his friends.

Storm has posed:
    Ororo gives a quick -quick- shake of her head, "Oh no! Not... well, I mean, I haven't been back around -that- long! Perhaps I'll send out word I'm seeking eligible bachelors, hm?" She taps her chin thoughtfully and murmurs out. "But -maybe- not after I've been drinking tequila... that seems like... some sort of -bad- idea..."

Polaris has posed:
"Drinking never left to poor choices." Lorna says sagely and enjoys Kurt's laugh. She smiles to him and Ro.

Nightcrawler has posed:
5r    There is a little more laughter. 'I keep her drunk." Kurt assures Ororo. He purses his lips. "But sometimes, a little alcohol does serve as a social lubricant." he allows with some consideration as he takes a long drink from his tasty beverage.

Storm has posed:
    Head tilts before Ororo nods again and laughs softly, "Well, I shall have to see what I wind up doing after this. One never knows where the night may go!" She hums softly and murmurs, "Although it -may- simply lead to me raiding the mansion fridge for ice cream. That sounds like a nice plan indeed..."

Polaris has posed:
"That is a glorious plan. You should do that." Lorna nods to Ro sagely. Looking at Kurt she adds. "I saw Remmmy. He says we'll have cute babies and not to get loud." Her voice conspiratorial.

Nightcrawler has posed:
    With a gag, Kurt chokes on his beer. 'Mein gott!" He says wiping at his face. "Ja. if they look like their mother." he shakes his head.

Storm has posed:
Ororo bursts into soft laughter, "Oh, I don't know... I mean, you -did- say you have all that raw charisma, Kurt! Surely you weren't jesting."