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Latest revision as of 18:53, 30 October 2017

Downtime Metropolis
Date of Scene: 28 September 2017
Location: Metropolis
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Molly Millions, Blink

Molly Millions has posed:
Days. Days and nights and Boom Tube's and fighting and while sometimes there's pockets of relief, if one will let it... it blends one day into another in an endless nightmare of fighting. For all of Molly's claimed reluctance to even get involved, mama cyborg has been in the wind, coming home to drink, eat, and recharge. The lady and her teen boy that run the restaurant around the corner of the bar have set up shop inside it for now and are mostly watching over the place while the owner has been off galavanting committing random acts of alien murder.

Right this second, though, there's one of those nag messages for Blink's phone. It's starting to get dark, and Molly has acquired some spaghetti and meatballs from a lovely Italian family hiding out in their home. She provided pictures, and coordinates, and a 'you need to eat young lady' nag... and now has herself set up on the hood of the battered black and grey sedan so she can watch and listen to the street while she eats.

Blink has posed:
Blink had been hard at work herself, getting civillians to safety (even to other countries in some cases) and destroying Boom Tube openings wherever she found them. As she emerges from a sudden rent in the air, the lines of the portal seem less precise than usual, the dark bags under her eyes testiment to lack of sleep herself. Still, Molly gets a Blase grin, if not as bright as usual. "Hi Ma, you said there was food?" The mutant's belly growls at the mere mention of sustenance.

Which brings attention to the girl's clothes. Her quiver is empty, boots scuffed and needing replacement. Her usual 'hero' dress is still there, though now the trailing 'skirt' is ripped, dirty and mostly gone. If there's a spot on the young woman's frame that isn't covered in dust, soot and grime, then it's not easily noticable. "I could eat a horse!" At least her appetite hasn't been curbed!

Molly Millions has posed:
The silence speaks volume's, even if there wasn't those silver lenses looking at her for a long moment before she grunts and lifts the other bowl towards Blink,"The family in the house over there.." she nods in the direction,"Shared some of their spaghetti and meatballs, after I took out a couple of those insects trying to kidnap their kid." there's a tone of 'sit' to it.

"You will, and then? You're going home for a few hours. You need a shower, and at least a nap before you fall over C... Blink." she's trying to remember at least.

Letting her get settled before she offers casually,"I met the one they call the Martian Manhunter. He doesn't seem to be an asshole... for being one of those costume-wearing, flying, has a statue in that Hall of Justice hero type."

Blink has posed:
Blink does sit, hopping up to perch on the car bonnet with her legs dangling over the side. The bowl is taken and she's already several mouthfuls in before Molly's finished talking. When she speaks, it's around the food; "Martian Manhunter? That sounds ominous... I met A...err, Aquaman once, he seemed alright." Chew chew swallow, another mouthful pushed inside purple lips before she begins chewing all over again.

"Can't sleep though, too much to do. There's civvies that need evacuating, and not enough portaller's to go round. Shame that potion thing ran out, that was handy. Wonder if I can find that witch woman again..." With another swallow, the teen's glowing green eyes scan about. "Don't suppose there's anything to drink? And how have you been? You seem in one piece so I wasn't gonna ask but... y'know how it is." Her grin turns sheepish.

Molly Millions has posed:
"Hey, I don't name them." Molly points out drily between mouthfuls of the spaghetti, heavy on the meatballs, lots of parmesan, the chunky homemade goodness of the don't-spill-it-on-your-clothes variety. A bottle of water is palmed and handed over to the portaller,"And you wont help them, if you screw it up because you're too tired." blunt mom is blunt, after all,"I could see the difference in precision in your opening... and at the end of the day we can only do what we can sweetheart."

There's a wry chuckle,"I... helped out over at the Hall. They were using it as a hospital when these... women, attacked. It was... messy. Extremely messy. But we did what we could. For whatever reason... seems like this place is ground zero. They seemed to have a grudge against the Hall in particular, in fact... but I could be imagining things. I'd ask how you are, but you'd lie to me, and it's pretty obvious anyways."

Blink has posed:
Blink downs half the bottle of water in one go, wiping at a mouth long since free of any lipstick she may have had at the beginning. "I'm exhausted Mol, but we all are." Another mouthful, chewing and swallowing more slowly now that the initial ravenous feeling has been sated. The food's good though, so the munching doesn't slow /that/ much.

"I've just been clearing up the fighters and a few tanks. Nothing particularly dangerous..." But she can't help a yawn that follows, the pinky-purple of her cheeks looking decidedly more purple after. "Okay, fine... Maybe I'll grab an hour or two. They're attacking the Hall though? That sounds like they're taking the fight to the league. Not that I blame them, I'd go for the biggest and baddest first too. Demoralise your opponent before mopping up the nearly useless military... Honestly, I'm saving them as much as anyone else so far..."

Molly Millions has posed:
"I know sweetheart." Molly agree's, for all that her clothing is dusty, she's at least had a shower in the last twenty-four hours, and a sleep, so by comparison she's still fresh. At least there's no holes or stains on her 'I <3 Mutants' tee.

"I'm taking out what I can. The tanks... nothing I can do for those. But usually there seems to be others around that can handle that sort of shit. So it's... worked out. Mostly. I haven't had to access Unyielding again, though I did... ah... load it up and move it a little closer to Metropolis." ahem, and left a note for its owner, too, not that Bogatyr couldn't track it down anyways.

"They did. They called themselves the Furies? Pretty much cost me my hand for a few hours, thanks to a friend, but... yeh. It was... interesting. Mostly I just carried civilians. Seeing some of those guys throw down it's... enlightening." is the word she choosest to go for.

Blink has posed:
"I think you mean, scary beyond all reason?" The mutant quips with a grin. "Honestly, seeing what some of those folks can do, it makes me glad I'm on their side rather than the other guys." She'd apparently decided Molly meant the League and their ilk rather than Darkseid and his army that she'd been trouncing so far. Mostly.

"Took a laser blast to my arm at one point, that smarted..." She twists her left hand, showing the arm all working. "But some of that healing stuff really works! You wouldn't even know to look at...it..." Solid green eyes turn to look at Molly, as the growing look of 'Oh shit' on the girl's face makes her realise that perhaps telling Molly she'd actually got /hurt/ wasn't the wisest idea...

Molly Millions has posed:
"Yes. That, too." Molly agree's with a faint smile,"When I can get the money together I'm going to have to go under the knife again. Not that it will make me even... vaguely competative, but I'm overdue for an overhaul anyways." there's a quiet sigh from the older woman as she finishes her own bowl and sets it aside.

There's that pause again, yeh, she doesn't like it. It's in the press of her lips and the way her head tilts just so. And yet, she has no right to be surprised,"Pity you didn't get her name. Something like that, would be useful." she offers with all the neutrality she can muster. Trying, well, hard at least to not fuss over her like a mother hen... even if she recognizes the desire to do exactly that.

Blink has posed:
Blink's own bowl is only a few moments behind, dropping into place as she takes Molly's attempt not to coddle as an apparently heculean effort, judging by the huge, genuine smile that Molly gets. The one that lights up the girl's face and really makes her seem her age, bright and youthful. And perhaps, just a smidge of familial love. A smile that only Mister Creed had seen before Molly came along.

"I'm okay, really. I'm a bit battered and bruised, and I'm sure I could sleep for a /week/." A pause, too honest? Regardless, the teen soldiers on; "But the planet's on the scales Mol, you know battle triage as well as me. You know how to work the numbers... It's all in or all over here." She shuffles along the hood of the car, wrapping an arm around the cyborg-cum-parent. "Thanks. I'll be careful. And I'll get some sleep, okay Ma?" For the first time, the honourific doesn't have even a hint of sarcasm in it.

Molly Millions has posed:
"I'll settle for you getting five or six." Molly opts for with a quiet sigh, returning the hug with a one-armed one of her own,"I know that there's literally hundreds of people fighting for this place in this area, Clarice. Part of knowing a battle is knowing when you have to prioritize your own health or risk becoming a victim yourself. Which, when you can open a portal to anywhere in the world... is not an acceptable reason for you to get yourself hurt or killed." she squeezes her shoulder before letting go,"In Genosha. Or Madripoor. Alright? As it is, I already went and saw Ares... who explained that he's staying out of this one or people start talking portents and end of the world shit. But, at the same time, he assured me this is not the end of the world... just another war."

Blink has posed:
Blink frowns at the mention of Ares, but she listens. "Broad thing though 'not the end of the world'. Could still mean all the people on it are dead. World would keep going regardless. And if there's still God's, what's to stop them, y'know creating new folk out of clay?" It all comes out in a rush, the adrenaline and constant attacks having amped up her nervousness, and with sleep deprivation? Perhaps just a hint of paranoia.

"But yeah, I suppose when a God goes to war, people start panicking..." She shrugs again, the whole esoteric idea being a bit more than she'd really had any handle on. "Still, I'll sleep. Promise. Just need to do one or two stops on the way there 'kay?" The Blase grin returns as the mutant turns her head to look at Molly. "Let them know I'm off grid for a while, that's all." And if she could move a few civvies or troops at the same time? She couldn't very well say /no/ right? Right.

Molly Millions has posed:
"Don't look at me like that. We've got a war going on. Of course I'm going to go and talk to War. I even managed to do it without telling him to fuck off." Molly points out drily,"Because John's spent a lot of time trying to be what he's not. For the sake of his son. If he wanted, or didn't care, at least a little... he wouldn't be in New York... he'd be wherever the hell they go to that's not here. Like, Mongolia." there's a shake of her head.

"How about you go home, sweetheart. Directly home. If they don't have your number and you're not there, they should be smart enough to use the resources they do have on hand. There's still reporters out there, like that Clark guy... I find out you went and decided to just keep going, I'm going to... get you too drunk to portal." because well, how /do/ you keep a portaller contained?

Blink has posed:
"Great parenting tactic, getting your underage teen hammered so she stays grounded." The pink girl quips with that same bright grin. "It's just polite though, okay /one/ jump. But I really do need to let them know, I've been bouncing between the rescue sites every few hours. They'll worry if they don't know." Or maybe /she'll/ worry if she's not sure they have another way to go. "Really could use a chance to refill the ol' quiver though." She admits, a hand reaching out before her. It takes decidedly longer than when Molly's seen it before, the normally instantaneous coalescence of dispersion energy taking a good two or three seconds before the crystal javelin appears. Twirling it between the fingers of her free hand as if nothing had happened, the girl drops it into place inside her quiver. "So what guns you been using if not the big ones? Didn't you get a rocket launcher yet for those tanks? Or one of those big heavy hitting sniper rifles, don't you get something like explosive ammo or something? I'm sure I saw that in a film once..."

Molly Millions has posed:
"Hey, I never claimed to be mother of the year material. I'll use whatever it takes to keep you and Lucy safe, even if that means keeping you too hammered to portal. So don't make me have to." there's a quiet grunt of acknowledgment. One. It's acceptable. Sort of. The shake of her head at the length of time it takes her to form the javelin though worries Molly, even if she doesn't endeavor to hammer it home further.

"Rifle, mostly." there's a nod towards the car,"And if someone would provide me better bullets, I'd use them. But right now... all I can do is use what I have. Like I said, I brought Unyielding closer to Metropolis, but there is limits to even it's accuracy. So I'm holding off for now. I tried calling Tony, but it didn't even get passed the front desk. So.." she spreads her hands,"Oddly enough, even during war people don't give bullets or guns away for free."

Blink has posed:
"I can probably open you a way into one of the national guard depots if I get a look in sometime." Blink stifles another yawn, this time against her fist before continuing. "I'll add it to the list. Guns and ammo, peeps and tube popping. I'm a busy woman!" Blink laughs, which turns into another yawn. Now the idea of sleep was in her brain, it was apparently taking over.

Leaning into the one armed hug a little more, the mutant decides to rest her eyes, just for a minute. "Y'know, you could try taking one of those insect soldier's guns. They seem to burn through metal and stuff, so if you could work out how to fire it, it'd be a cheap source."

Molly Millions has posed:
"Yes, because that wont cause us any trouble, at all. I remember what you and Conner were talking about, and the Justice League. They're not going to take in criminals, sweetheart. But between Conner... and maybe the Manhunter if he's willing... you can become a costume-wearing caped hero yourself." she even manages to not sound sarcastic abotu the idea, barely. There's a quiet laugh,"So far I haven't had any luck... they're not really made for human hands. I have a few in the trunk, though, in case someone can retrofit them afterwards." because, ahem, why not.

She reaches up to pet Clarice's hair,"How about you just... crash in the back of the car for a while? I'll take the dishes back to Maria, then I was going to go for a drive. So you'll be safe, and can rest up for a while."

Blink has posed:
There's a pause, and then finally, a nod. "Yeah, okay. Sleep sounds pretty good." Wiggling down off the hood of the car Blink pushes off to land on the floor with a soft 'thump'. Looking about it takes a moment before she nods again. "Back of the car, right. Just wake me if you're gonna head off 'kay?"

Waiting for a response from Molly before she moves again, pulling the door of the vehicle and slipping inside, a moment filled with the sounds of shuffling and soft grunts as she gets as comfortable as a back seat allows. And then her hand appears from a small bluey-purple edged hole, giving the door a shove so that it closed. "No more than six!" She calls out though, before settling down.