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(Created page with "{{Log Header |Date of Scene=2017/09/29 |Location=Unknown |Synopsis=Summary needed |Cast of Characters=16, 1407 |pretty=yes }} {{Poses |Poses=:'''{{#var:16|Rogue (16)}} has pos...")
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Latest revision as of 19:00, 30 October 2017

Date of Scene: 29 September 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Rogue, Balder Odinson

Rogue has posed:
Its about 5:45pm and the sun is starting to set, but there's still a wealth of bright warm light shining in from the west.

Rogue is located in Washington Sq. Park, which is still heavily associated with NYU, the college she's attending on Doctor Strange's dime.

Currently, Rogue is sitting on one of the park benches not far from one of the most major points of interest in the park, The Arch. A massive marble arch.

Near the foot of the arch is a bronze statue recognizeable to most New Yorkers, that of the Stay Puft Marshmallowman, dedicated to an event that took place 21 years ago in NYC...

Some kids are climbing on the statue and running around it while chasing each other, a few of them are playing with Rogue.

Rogue is sitting on the edge of her park bench and she's throwing marshmallows at the kids who're trying to catch them in their mouths!

Rogue releases a joyous laugh at the sight of one of the kids getting hit in the eyeball by one of the puffy white sugarcubes. "Thats not how ya eat food!" She shouts at the little one.

Balder Odinson has posed:
    There in the distance appears a trudging characters. His weapons, at least, are stowed. Nothing too obvious now, with them stuck in a long, slightly grungy bag. There is still that immense keg on a strap over his shoulder. Despite the fact it has been about a week, he does not look any the worse for wear.
    It's Balder. With a keg on his back. The same full keg. He is trudging quite happily along the sidwwalkm his footfalls still light and his face still smiling. He seems undeterred by the weight of the keg or back.
    One of the kids says, "It's the crazy guy who lives on the park bench with the barrel house thing!"

Rogue has posed:
Rogue looks up when the kid shouts that and she sees the man with the keg and the bag at his side... She of course recognizes him. "He's not crazy." She said as she stood up and walked over to Balder at a quick pace, her two-toned hair flowing behind her and a smile on her red painted lips.

"Hey!" Rogue said as she got closer to Balder to grab his attention.

"Think fast, sugah!" She stated further before tossing a marshmallow at the big guy's face!

Rogue would close the rest of the distance with him, a big grin on display now and her hands going to her hips, bag of stay puft marshmallows wrinkling up at her hip's side. She was wearing an unbuttoned loose white top and a dark red tanktop beneath it, some dark navy blue jeans tucked into some black leather wedge-heeled boots. She had a leather choker collar around her neck and her protective braclet was on her left wrist, glowing a bright cyan around its edges.

Balder Odinson has posed:
    He catches it in his mouth and thoughtfully chews as he walks up. He smells clean. No new stains on his clothes. No reek of body odor or the streets about him. Balder eases the keg down. "The man at the gate of Stark's Tower would grant no admittance. He suggested that my brother might be in the river? he told me to soak my head. Or was it to go jump into a river? I canst not recall. Regardless, I have yet to find my brother Thor!" He does not sound upset at all. To him, this is a grand adventure.
    Balder steps forward. "Though, where art my manners. Lady Owensdottir, tis a joy and a pleasure to see thee again." His hand reaches for her hand so he might kiss it. "Thou art even more lovely then my memory suggested. I must apologize for that, lady Rogue." There is no tease or deception in him a the moment, his mannerisms clearly show delight at seeing her again.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue is all grins at the man, hearing his medieval-style talking again just amused the heck out of her, it was so silly but fun. She'd nod her head slowly at him. "Yeah, I look pretty lovely." She teased him with a bit of self-praise. "I'm sorry about your brother-- Oh hey!" She said, reaching a hand out to touch his right forearm for a moment. "About that. I was totally wrong! They don't hang out at Stark's Tower!"

Rogue huffed a sigh then and shook her head. "When I got home I looked up their group on the internet... wow, make sure you have your safe search on when you do that! But, yeah, anyway... They have a mansion on the upper east side. Used t'be in Stark's family, but he donated it t'the 'Avengers' which is the group Thor runs around with."

Rogue would nod her head and smile at him. "So... yeah, Upper East Side is a pretty long way from here, on your feet..."

Balder Odinson has posed:
    He is paying rapt attention to her throughout. it is odd that. Most people in this day and age cannot devote their attention to a single thing for that long. Balder can. His eyes actually watch her lips. He does not stare, but he actually listens.
    "There is no need to apologize." Balder assures her with the warmest and most sincere of smiles. His bass voice just dismisses the concerns with a casual warmth. "Have no worries, if you must be forgiven, thou art forgiven. I do not know what an internet, a google, or a safe search is in this context, my lady. Please, do not fret about it." He pulls in a breath. "Upper East side?" He looks back East. "Closer to downtown then, My lady?" He asks. 'That is what Upper doth mean, or doth it mean further from from downtown?" He knits his brows. 'Do not fear about Balder's feet, beautiful Rogue. Balder can walk without discomfort, for he is made of sterner stuff than the average man." He incline shis head gratefully to her. He has a puzzled look on his face.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue grinned at the man while watching him, she could tell he was already having no idea what she was talking about... so her right hand dipped into her back pocket and she pulled out her cell phone in its black leather case. Rogue would listen to the rest of what he said while the kids in the park ran madly around the Stay Puft statue not too far away from where Rogue and Balder were standing.

"Here." Marie said then as she took a step toward him and to his left, holding her phone up to show him the screen. Rogue shook her head to the side to let the wind kick her white/brown hair out of her face and then she pointed at the screen. "Map'a Manhattan, where we are now..." She reached up and pointed at the southern part of the island. "We're here..." She said to him, glancing over and up at him with a grin, then she looked back at her phone and traced her finger up to the upper east side. "The place you wanna go is aaaaaall the way up here...." And she tapped on it, causing it to zoom in to Street Level View.

"Thats the Mansion there." She said, grinning at him again. "Fancy pants place."

Balder Odinson has posed:
    "It is not that far. It is a small island." Balder says after reviewing it on her phone. "Thine scrying tool is most efficient, Lady Owensdottir. Balder thanks thee for thine instruction." His lips purse for a moment. He gestures, "So about 15 blocks that way, and several miles North. Aye. Balder can do this." He repeats that to himself a couple of times, then nods. No pen and paper and no phone to clutter his mind.
    "Is this what thou dost do for fun? Giving confections to urchins?" Balder asks. "I am certain that the youngest son of Odin might show a comely lady such as yourself more enjoyable activities, lady Owensdottir. Particularly if thine hair is always so lovely and clean." An odd thing to compliment maybe, but a safe one.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue grinned at him and she took a step back so she could more easily look up at the man who was several inches taller than she was. "For fun?" She asked then and glanced back at the kids who were now running back to their babysitter, a Mexican woman who was sitting at the bench that Rogue had been at.

"I mean, yeah, sometimes." She grinned as she looked back at him. "I go t'school in that buildin' over there." She pointed across the park. "The big yellow one." She then looked back at him. "Got outta class a couple hours ago and have just been studyin' here eve'ah since."

Rogue would then look down at that keg that he'd been carrying. "Clearly you got a lot more fun goin' on for yourself... Is that beer?" She asked him then while reaching her black booted right foot out to lightly nudge the keg with the tip of her shoe.

Balder Odinson has posed:
    Its really solid. She's strong, and could easily move it normally, but repressed as she is? It is supremely heavy. "A cask of meade, aged for a few centuries on a shipwreck. THey are cultivated by Njord, my mother's brother." Balder answers her directly. "The honey is made from the bloosoms of Idunn's apple trees, by bees that have been under her care for many a year. Tis a gift for my brother, for I have missed him for quite sometime." He reaches behind his back to pul out a golden flask, his name runes written upon it. "Do not have too much, Lady Owensdottir. If thou dost find me charming now, it might complicate thine life."
    He has no idea what sexual harassment is. he has no clue and likely would not care if he did. He warns again. "Thou art of Midgard, beautiful Rogue Have a care." he holds out the flask to her. Because he has no idea about public intoxication either.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue knew all about those things. She just didn't care!

"Mead?" She said. "Thats like... wine, almost, isn't it?" And when the flask was offered her eyes centered down upon it in his hand and then she reached up with the hand holding the bag of marshmallows and she accepted it and then lifted it up to sniff. "Smells wonde'ahful!" She said up at him with a big grin before placing the flask's top to her lips and taking a drink of the contents. Sure, she wasn't 21, but she still drank rather regularly. She, however, had no idea what Asgardian alcohol would do to one.

Lowering the flask down, the southern belle would let a moment pass so the flavor could wash through her mouth and then the rest of her and she looked back up at him with lofted eyebrows. "That... is rathe'ah delicious, Miste'ah Odinson." She'd say up at him with another grin appearing on her youthful face.

Balder Odinson has posed:
    He starts to stop her, then actually makes a slight face. "I should take thee home." Balder says. "Tis indeed delicious, and a bit of a rarity. I will see to it that though doth recieve some for yule for all thy help." He seems concerned. "Thou hast someone who wilt care for thee if thou art incapicitated by the alcohol, aye, lady Owensdottir?" Balder seems to be concerned about the amount of alcohol she had.
    She is right though, delicious. Smooth. Warming. Tasting of honey and distileld apples and other slight flavorings that keep it sweet without it cloying. It has a warm sort of pleasant burn as it travels down, although it has a bit of a kick to it. Which might be what has Balder concerned. "Thou art so petite and comely, it would be ill of me to allow thee to be taken advantage of, lady Rogue." His left hand slides through his hair out of a slight agitation.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue looked back to the kids at the bench and she tossed one of them the bag of marshmallows and then returned her eyes up onto Balder and smiled at him. "Nobody's gonna take advantage'a me, sugah." She told him, her left hand coming up now to put that braclet on display so he could see it. "See this?" She said, taking a step toward him - her forearm near to his chest now. "All I gotta do... is slip this little thing off'a my wrist..." Her voice was quieter and huskier than before as she looked up at him, her head slowly shaking side to side. "And I become the toughest girl you done eve'ah met... I could pick up that statue there..." She nodded at the big round Marshmallow Man. "Toss it all the way out t'sea."

Rogue would lower her hand back down to her side and take a step back again. "Plus, without the bracelet, not a single hand can lay on my skin without me... drainin'em dry'a their soul and puttin'em down like they just had their lights, knocked right out'a their body." And she said all of this super serious, and kind of sultry... likely cause of that alcohol.

Balder Odinson has posed:
    Again wihthe rapt attention. Balder's eyes widen as her tones change. His eyes do not watch her lips, though sliding from her bracelet to her eyes with some regularity. His hand reaches up for the bracelet. Not to remove it, but instead to regard it. "Some fine sorery this is." he comments. "Who would curse a beautiful woman with the ability to drain a man's soul?" His cheeks are flushed. She might have gotten under his skin. "As much as I do enjoy a strong woman, tis a shame though art restrained thus." Balder's eyes are wide still. She did get to him; he is interested in her now in a way he was not before.
    "I am half tempted to see if thou art right, Lady Rogue, and yet I knw thee are no liar." He regards her seriously, and takes a little drink from the flask. He licks his lips. "But whilst thou dost wear this, thou art simply a mortal maiden? Able to touch and be touched as thou wilt and as thou wish?" His fingertip trails over her wrist for a moment. He starts to withdraw his hand, his throat working in a slow swallow.
    "I should not mistake thine kindness for something tis not."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue would just listen to him and then show a little grin as she lowered her left hand back down to her side. "Just a normal maiden." She told him in reply. "But only for a few hours at a time... The braclet has'ta charge at an electrical outlet. Takes twelve hours t'charge and only lasts for four while its on me. I have'ta take it off as much as I can throughout the day t'conserve its power."

Rogue would show him a smile as her hands went to her hips then. "And the 'good lord' made me this way. Here on Earth, we're called mutants. Our genetics have been altered in ways that are seemingly unpredictable, givin' us wild abilities... and some times terrible drawbacks."

"Would the soul suckin' work on you, tall handsome keg man?" Rogue asked, her head softly shaking. "I don't rightly know, but I also ain't sure its a risk I'd care t'put ya through."

Balder Odinson has posed:
    'I fear no risk." Balder answers. it is not a lie. Balder the Brave, after all. "I will assail any foe, fight any battle, calculate and bedevil any puzzle, if the prize at the end does tempt me." His gaze tilts to the side. "How much longer should thine charge hold?" He asks, frowning a little. "Four hours seems so short for so many things." He says seemingly regretful. Did he just imply that four hours might not be enough time for certain bedroom activities?
    Balder tilts his head to the side. "Though shouldst speak with thine family. I intend to come about to visit thee, and often. I will not say we are courting, as that implies a certain risk to thee. However strong thou art, Balder is a hunted man in some places by some very bad, evil people." He regards her seriously. "I have never met a mutant before. Well, perhaps some children long ago when they stumbled into Midgard." he admits. He starts to reach for her, then stops, as if remembering in Midgard one does not simply grab a woman's bum and haul her up for a kiss. He pauses, and has no idea what the rules are here. "Umm, if thou wert an Asgardian, I wouldst know what to do. I have been warned though that, umm, Midgard women do not appreciate the Asgardian ways."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue would laugh softly at him and she'd shrug her shoulders. "Couple'a hours, I think, I had it on between classes when I was walkin' through the halls. Had my hoodie on mosta the day though when I was inside, ause the buildin's are so damn cold inside."

At the other parts he said she just grinned. "I got no family." She told him. "None that are like... yours, anyway. My parents passed away when I was just a little sprout, been mostly on my own since then. Got some good friends though... loyal friends who look out for me. They're north'a the city though, about an hour from here by car."

Rogue grinned at the rest of what he said. "Yeah, you gotta be careful with what ya do around here, or you'll have the NYPD chasin' around the city, and thats an adventure you don't wanna have, trust me."

Balder Odinson has posed:
    "Then how does a fellow such as I place hands on a lady such as thee?" Balder just asks. yes, it gives away his advantage fully. His frown is deep and his features betray his consternation. "Tis simpler where I am from. Where a man might prove his mettle and demonstrate his worth, prowess and powwer. Here, I feel constrained." His brows knit in another sign of frustration. "A lovely lady like thee is not property, but her affection is a prize to win. A challenge to best, and a favor to be won. Here, in this place, a man may not demonstrate such things."
    Balder is forced to admit. "I know not what is the right thing to do, and it doth task me, lady Rogue. It tasks Balder greatly."

Rogue has posed:
Admittedly Rogue only understood maybe 75% of what he was ever saying, possibly less. But she got enough of it that she felt she understood his meaning and intentions, most of the time, and it made her grin and step at him again to look up at him. "That entirely depends on what part'a me you're lookin' t'play those hands, Miste'ah Kegman." She teased up at the big fellow.

A second later and Rogue exhaled softly, her face drawing a bit more serious of a look. "I should probably tell ya that I was engaged recently... and I was supposed t'be married last month. But my husband-ta-be... Got... killed, by enemies of our own, on the very day'a the ceremony." She'd pause then and watch for his facial reaction to this. "Just t'warn ya that I'm a girl with a bit'a baggage. Well... maybe a lot'a baggages."

Balder Odinson has posed:
    He betrays sorrow. "I met a girl once. Nanna was her name. She was driven away by a woman who said she loved me. Tis not thine loss, and I cannot begin to appreciate thine loss. I am sorry thou wert injured thus. Tis a hard, foul day when that doth happen. I assure thee, though I know thee as well as thou doth know me, thou art not to blame and thou art not the sort of person that doth deserve it."
    His hand grabs her bum, cups, and lifts. It is not a hard gesture. There is no groping squeeze, but his hand is definitely on a derriere as he attempts to just grrab her by that 'handle' and pull her up for a very interested, warm kiss that tastes of Asgardian honeyed mead, assuming she does not do something about it.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue didn't stop him, she didn't have any reason too. As far as she knew she was a single girl who's husband to be had been ben slain on their wedding day over a month ago. She was trying to heal from it and move on and this guy was charming and attractive, so she let him do as he wanted. The grab was a bit unexpected, but she just let him do it and she leaned up to return the kiss, pressing her lips to his to share in that taste upon both of theirs.

About two seconds into the kiss a couple of the kids in the park behind her started to make teasing noises and commentary though, seeing the two 'adults' kissing usually got that reaction out of kids, especially since Rogue knew them since they were regulars here in the park she'd been interacting with since coming to NYU.

Rogue mostly ignored it though and kissed the big silly Asgardian man with his keg of mead at their feet.

Balder Odinson has posed:
    It is a kiss of interest. A long, serious, introductory sort of kiss. The sort of kiss a guy tries to lay on a girl when he wants more of them. Smoldering, maybe? There is tongue, and while the age difference is immense, by Asgardian standards, they are about the same age, he is just a bit older. A few thousand years older, but he has paid attention during that time, and his kiss demonstrates a certain sublime understanding of what many women want.
    His hand ends up in her hair but the one on her derriere never strays and never makes as if to be more than a handle.
    His lips leave her, and he lease a shorter kiss on her bottom lip, like a period at the end of the sentence. Just a little punctuation point. "My lady." He says warmly.
    One might note he has not put her down yet.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue would live through the kiss with a warmth and happiness from it, it could be the Asgardian alcohol, or it could be because she'd kind of liked kissing men that mattered to her and this one was one who'd gotten himself into a position of entertaining her and making himself matter, he amused her and made her smile. He was also pretty darn attractive!

When the kiss ended and he pulled back, her eyes opened a second or so later and she looked up at him. Her green eyes were surrounded by dark makeup, which made her pale green pupils stand out quite a bit more.

Rogue would bite down on her lowerlip then for a few seconds before she'd let the lip slip back out and free. "Sure am glad I got me this bracelet." The southern belle then said to the man who was far older than she realized.

Balder Odinson has posed:
    "Perhaps moreso than I, I will admit, but not by as much as thou might think." Balder admits. "I have never kissed a midgard girl before, Methinks I shall like it here, at least so long as it is thee I am stealing kisses rom."
    Balder meets her gaze without batting an eye Boldly. Bravely. Resolute and smiling at her the whole while. "Thou art beautiful and kind. Tis no wonder you were to be wed. Never forget thee. No matter what happens or what calamities befall thee in thine life. Never forget that thou art lovely, kind, and good. I can tell such things."
    Balder regards her seriously. "I should very much ike it if thou and I wert to do that more often, Rogue." The lady title is gone, at least for the moment. Funny. He says her name a little different. MOre armly. Maybe its just the booze.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue would remain motionless in his embrace and she'd not cared a lick that people were coming and going from the park and watching them as they went. It was New York City afterall, there were throngs of people everywhere, plus the two of them were kind of attractive people so they drew attention by default anyway, let alone when they're embracing like this and... well... he looks like a Lord of the Rings character.

"I think we can arrange that." Rogue replied to him when he said he'd like to kiss more frequently. "Came lookin' for your brothe'ah, but you've gone and found yourself someone else, I think." She said back at him with a big warm smile. "You still wantin' t'walk me home?" She asked him then.

Balder Odinson has posed:
    "Desperately." Balder answers. he attempts to settle her on his shoulder. It's a good reason to keep a hand on her knee to steady her, you see. His other arm gives a slight flex to pick up the massive keg. "Thine scrying device? Might it call Thor's residence and let him know I am coming?" He asks her. "Unless, of course, thou might wish me to delay my errand?"
    She just got propositioned by a larper who claims to be a god.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue would back down from the embrace then some and put a little more distance between them, though her overshirt was down off of her shoulders now and it was hanging down around her elbows while her banktop was a bit displaced as well, though she was certainly still quite decent for public.

"As much as I wouldn't mind ya spendin' the bulk'a your time with me, Miste'ah... Ya probably should meet with him before ya do that. Ya can't go carryin' around this Keg the whole time neithe'ah. Cause if ya do, I'm gonna start talkin' ya inta drainin' all of it for us t'use." She'd give him a wide grin then and then pull her phone back up so she could find the number for that fancy pants mansion she'd indicated earlier.

"I can tell them t'expect ya, though, yeah... At least, I think I can." Rogue tapped on the screen. "Hopin' above hope that they don't have some kinda annoyin' automated answerin' machine." She grinned up at him, figuring he had no idea what she was talking about.

Balder Odinson has posed:
    "Annoying automated answering service?" Balder asks, allowing her to get herself situated. He barks out a bit of laughter. "I know what each word doth mean, and the Allspeak makes it understood, but I cannot put together what the three words mean when put together in that order!" It amuses him to no end to say this. He thinks what it could mean. "I can go back to Asgard for another." he tells Rogue, "It pleases thee. What is another trip through dimensions to see thine smile?" His head tlts as he watches her. His head tilts as he watches the gil. "I think if thou dost say that Thor's brother hath alcohol for Earth's mightiest heroes, perhaps they might answer thine summons?" His smile is warm and bright as he watches her. he adjusts the collar on his tunic with one hand, causing the keg to slosh, just a little.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue would place the call to the mansion and she'd spend a moment speaking to 'someone' but the call didn't last long and the message was rather simple. "Thor's brother, Balder Odinson, is coming to see him. He has a present for him. Yeah. Expect him sometime soon. Yeah... uh, huh. Thats right." She'd hang up the phone a second later and set it back down into her other hand in front of her stomach.

"Yeah, they didn't believe." She said really quickly, a smile showing up on her lips as she looked up at him when he sweet talked her some more. "Do you want me t'get you a ride up there... Or...?" She shook her head slowly side to side. "Let ya just walk me home so we can down this keg and do some more sweet talk swappin'." She showed another grin at the taller man. "Truth is, I live with an olde'ah guy... he's been lookin' out for me. Not sure how he'll feel if I bring someone home with me. He's kinda... well, he's kinda Strange. Nice though! Uh, sorta nice... sometimes."

Balder Odinson has posed:
r    He does not want her to get in trouble. His frown is deep as he considers his situation. She is not saying no. It could be a really fantastic night. Thor would understand. By Thunder, Thor would be disappointed in him if he did not have a little tryst.
    Balder is not entirely wired that way. There are women to court, and wenches to tryst with. This is the former, and not the latter. He pulls his flask out and considers it. "Do not drink too much from it at once. it is made for powerful beings to whom a fling is hours long." He gives her a look. "Thou understan, aye? Drink too much of it, and like any alcohol, it might poison thee."
    The godling hands over the flask. "This shows thee that I will come back, aye? and soon methinks, if I want another swallow of it, aye?"

Rogue has posed:
Rogue accepted the flask from him and she grinned at his words. "A little collatoral t'make sure ya find your way back huh?" She asked him, not drinking from it yet. She already was tipsey from her first drink and Rogue was smart enough to know that that meant this was some seriously powerful shit, and not to toy with it. She didn't want to be sloshed right now anyway... there's proper times for that and improper times, and though she's 18 years old, she has Carol Danvers inside of her guiding her morality.

"Well, you just know that once you get your family business sorted... if you're lookin' for some lips to kiss, that there's some here waitin' for ya." She'd give him a smile then. "I'm happy ya made your way back t'find me again this time."