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I Don't Get Paid Enough For This
Date of Scene: 28 September 2017
Location: New York City
Synopsis: Karen and Matt close out a day at the office with celebratory pizza and beer.
Cast of Characters: Daredevil, Karen Page

Daredevil has posed:
    The end of another day, a Thursday to be exact. And the law offices of Nelson and Murdock has at the least returned to some sense of normalcy. The files have been stored away, the office actually looks for the most part like an office, though on each of their desks there is still a rather abundant mass of manila folders representing their current efforts at the least. But the smell of mildew is mostly gone and they actually had a client today who looked like they would actually pay.
    So things are looking up.
    Which might explain while Matt is leaning back in his seat holding that latest case file 'reading' it with the fingertips of his hand, instead of leaning over his desk with shoulders hunched. The door to his office is partially open, a necessity as they tend to just hollar back and forth across the small office when they need to. "Karen?" He calls out, not too loud, "Are you out there?"
    Of course he knows... she is, but still. One must go through the motions.

Karen Page has posed:
It had been a hectic week - what with the files drying out, and her volunteer hours. Oh, and Gwen moving in. She couldn't forget Gwen moving in. But she couldn't shirk her paying job for one that *actually* paid nothing - even if sometimes she looked at her paycheques and wondered if she could legally call this a job..

"Still out here. What am I bringing you now?" Karen couldn't even begin to anticipate today what he might want. The office having been out of commission, the judicial system all but ground to a halt with the invasions.. her regularly ordered world had fallen into disarray and hadn't recovered yet.

Daredevil has posed:
    As for Matt Murdock he had told her that he basically had hunkered down, laid low, and tried to not give his family or friends reason to be concerned. Of course, they didn't know that he had been helping with the evacuation of people from endangered areas, using his keen hearing to find people still alive underneath so much debris and rubble. It had left him out and about at all hours of the night, but luckily... very few people had need of a lawyer while the madness was going down.
    With things returning to some semblance of normalcy, however, life started to reassert itself. He held up the folder in his hand and called, "Nothing, just your lovely self." He says with that small smile which she might be able to espy in the reflection on the glass of the window in his door's frame.
    But, when she does wander by into the room should she so wish, he'll say, "Why does this name for Mr. Kapowski sound so familiar to me?" He holds up the folder and gestures with it, but then sets it down on his fairly orderly desk. "Something keeps niggling in the back of my brain about it. Not sure why."

Karen Page has posed:
"Flattery is not going to get you anywhere," Karen chuckles. "I'm still expecting beer and pizza after this whole files fiasco. Want a coffee while I'm up?" And since she is up, she gets herself one regardless, noting that they're out of cream. Or, more accurately, the cream they have has gone bad in the interim while nobody was attending daily upon the office. "We're out of.. oh nevermind. I'll pick some up on the way in tomorrow."

"Kapowski. Gerald T. Runs a small fleet of refrigerated trucks.. Uh.. let me see..One of his vehicles ran off the road in a minor accident. Drugs were found. He's being charged with possession, intent to distribute, and money laundering. Claims he knows nothing about it. Something about a recent hire? Ring any bells?"

She peeks her head into the office door, waiting on an answer about the coffee.

Daredevil has posed:
    "No thanks, I'm good." Matt responds as she asks him about the coffee, but he sets that file down upon his tabletop and gives a small smile in her direction as she goes about tending to her own cup. The auburn-haired lawyer frowns to himself, however, as he listens to her rattle off the particulars. "That may be it," He nods to himself as he taps a fingertip light upon the desktop.
    "I'll call and see if there's any relation, if so we can give them the group rate." He smirks, joking about that last bit, since hey... they don't really have a group rate. "But I still have this vague sort of negative vibe." He shakes his head as he considers further, delving into his thoughts. But when she returns to the office he waves it off. "Anyways, stuff I can deal with tomorrow."
    Matt's nostrils flare slightly then he smiles, "Beer and Pizza, huh? Josie's work out alright with you, or do you mean you want like good beer and pizza." Since, really, to be fair... the main thing Josie's has going for it is that it's a three minute walk from the office.

Karen Page has posed:
Karen retrieves her coffee, and pokes her head back in his office doorway. "There was another family by the same name, different spelling. Kappowsky. Not sure if that helps any. Most definitely Russian on both fronts. Or wait, was one Polish? Anyway, were you wanting me to see what I could dig up, or are you just mulling things over?"

She stands there, watching him, content in the knowledge that she's pretty free to just watch and look as she pleases. It's not like he can see her staring, even if he knows she's standing there.

"Josie's is totally fine." There's a pause, while she considers. "Did I tell you about the other night?" It's not like he won't find out anyway if they're going there. Or the possibility exists he might find out. Honesty and all that.

Daredevil has posed:
    "Just thinking out loud really, I've decided to divest part of my brain's processes to you, sort of like they're claiming we do with our phones now." He starts to undo the knot of his tie, grimacing a bit as he works the knot, "So you're going to be responsible for my memory, as well as my piano lessons from when I was five." He nods to her solemnly, not quite 'looking' in her direction but his smile is wry and a touch gentle.
    "No, what happened the other night?" He finishes unlooping the tie and tosses it into his briefcase. No ties allowed at Josie's. Then he rises to his feet and reaches out with one hand to take up his folded cane, starting to snap it open with a few clicks as he begins to move around the side of the table. "You mean the other /night/ with all the..." He lifts his empty hand and waves it around upwards in general, meaning all the craziness with the alien invasion and all. "Or are we talking about some other kind of night?"
    As he says this he starts to make his way towards the coat rack that rests against the wall aside his office door, reaching one hand out to find the jacket and to slowly slip his arm inside the sleeve as he begins to put it on. "Wait, let me guess. You joined a roller derby team."

Karen Page has posed:
She'd been about to answer when the roller derby comment hits her and whatever else she'd intended trickled out of her brain and onto the floor, leaving her giggling. "Roller derby? Whatever made you think of that?"

Several hasty sips of coffee are given before Karen opts for the better part of valor and goes to dump it in the sink. It had been sitting on the burner all day just getting closer to motor oil in consistency and flavour, and without the cream, who was she kidding? She wasn't going to drink it anyway. "No." Her cup is given a light rinse and upended in the dishtray that sat beside the small kitchenette sink. "I went clubbing. Yes, on my salary. We went back to Josie's after wards and played some pool sharks for their money. Some smarmy guy named Franco. Not sure if he was a regular or not, but Tony behind the bar knew his name. Threatened to ban him. So, if you hear rumours, they're true. Just try not to think too badly of me."

The kitchenette is exited, and Karen adds, "I'll take your memory, but you can keep the piano lessons. I'm all left feet and extra thumbs. Not my forte. I'm afraid you'll have to tickle the ivories all by yourself." He's smiled at. "Glad you ditched the tie. You look much better now."

Daredevil has posed:
    "Just seemed like a /you/ thing to do." Matt smirks as he gets his jacket squared away, and then nods to her to shut the door behind her as they move out into the office proper. He lightly taps at some of the furniture with his cane even as he moves wanders towards the front door while she speaks. "What, you hate roller derby now? For shame, Ms. Page."
    But then she frees herself of the burden of coffee as she wanders back in and starts to make ready, "If you think I'm privy to rumours in Josie's then I think you're overestimating my street cred. I'm just that blind guy that orders the Coronas now and again."
    Then it's towards the front door he wanders as he asks over his shoulder, "Oh so now you're saying my tie is ugly too. Karen, you are something else." He shakes his head, tsking sadly. "But uhh," He tilts his head, "Everyone you know okay after the invasion?"

Karen Page has posed:
"You need a better stylist, Matt. Seriously, is there some code in the lawyer's rule book that says your ties must be ugly?" Karen's steps are light, her pace falling in to the right and just behind him. "And not so much that you might hear the rumours, but we were kind of... Okay, there may have been nicknames involved. And I might have started that. But in my defense, after the fiasco in the Ladies' Room things really couldn't get worse, and did you know I yell?"

She seems surprised by that herself.

The other takes more thought. "I think everyone is okay? I met a few people, especially down at the Mission. They're doing good. I have a houseguest until matters settle. She got kicked out of her dorm room. If you know someone looking for a dogsbody or a bodyguard, she could use the money." Not to mention, Karen could use not having to foot two people on her single income, such as it is. "But yeah. Everyone is good. You? You held out okay?"

Daredevil has posed:
    "I just stayed in my apartment and ate noodles, mostly." Matt says with a curious ease, considering it's a lie. But he has such a way of separating one persona from another... it doesn't seem like a deception at all to him. At least on some level. But then he addresses the previous statement, "I'll have you know a close friend chose those ties for me and she would be very displeased to hear you disparage her taste."
    Of course if Karen ever met the Black Widow then they might have more to talk about than just taste in ties.
    But then his brow knits as they reach the stairwell, Matt reaching out to push open the door and hold it for her to precede him should she wish. Then he'll wander along. "Good of you to take someone in. Why would anyone kick a student out of their dorm room when all of this is going down?"

Karen Page has posed:
"Close friend, huh? Someone I should want to meet?" Karen chuckles. "You need a keeper. Though I'm glad you decided to stay put. It was pretty hairy out there. It was bad enough down at the Goodwill Mission after the worst of it was over."

Door held for her, Karen goes first. They've had that argument before. She didn't win. Now she just goes. "I have no clue why. Unless they were using them for relocation purposes? I didn't pry too hard. She's kinda helpless, you know?" Like Karen is all that far removed from such things herself. Not to mention, if push came to shove.. Karen's seen Gwen mildly angry. Adrenaline her ass. However, they'd had the conversation and she hadn't pried any further past Gwen acknowledging that no, it wasn't //just// adrenaline.

Daredevil has posed:
    "Her name was Natasha," Matt says lightly as he follows after her, walking down those three stories of steps and taking his time with one hand upon the railing and the other with his cane lightly tapping out the distance of each step. "We used to date a while ago. She took me tie-shopping once. Very strong willed." There's a pause then he adds lightly, "You'd like her." Since really she might very well.
    He continues down the steps and gives a nod as she relates about her new roommate, then he asks her with a quirked eyebrow above those reflective red lenses, "Do you want me to check up on her? See if everything is alright? I mean I trust your judgement, just today times are strange." What with space aliens and all.
    But then once they reach the bottom of the steps he's probably behind her so can't get in position to open the door for her yet, but that probably resolves itself shortly. "It's good of you to go out there and try to help." His brow knits, but whatever caused it he says nothing of.

Karen Page has posed:
"She might actually be down at the Mission? Not sure. She wasn't in when I got up this morning." Just a crumple of blankets on the end of the couch. "But if you mean do a background check.." Karen stops, just outside the bottom door, holding it, "Do we do background checks on our friends?" Her tones are a scolding tease.

"Dated, huh? Musta been before you got your gorgeous red-headed secretary." More of that teasing, only light-hearted now. "I don't know. I'm game, I suppose? Do people do that? Introduce their exes to other people?" Karen shrugs. It's a brave new world here in New York. It's certainly not Vermont. "Hey! Are you saying I'm strong-willed?"

Daredevil has posed:
    "Well, she's your friend, not mine yet." Matt offers that qualifier around the half-smile, but indeed he was thinking about a background check, since really with all that has happened between them, and the organized crime situations they've faced... usually good to be careful, just in case. But for now he lets it pass as he steps out onto the stoop of their old brownstone office building. He holds the door for her for a moment, then takes the turn to head down the sidewalk in the direction of Josie's.
    "But yah, was before we had met. Though," He seems to consider something as his head lifts slightly, but then he thinks better about mentioning it. He instead lets that word drift off for a moment before he turns back while walking with her. "Oh if she comes by I'll introduce you. We don't exactly hang out or anything. She's busy of late. Her job takes up a bunch of her time." That having been said he lifts his eyebrows again slightly, a faint hint at his own internal dialogue about the matter, but still unvoiced.
    "Strong-willed? Yeah sure. Amongst other things. Not like that's a bad thing." His lip twists.

Karen Page has posed:
Karens laughs, making a face, and giving a soft, playful *bop* to his arm. "See who sorts your files for you the next time a pipe breaks." Her laugh fades into an amused smirk. "I prefer the term spunky."

Again she falls into an easy pace beside him, letting him lead them on. Not that she doesn't know the way just as well, but it's nice to just walk along casually. "I'd like that, you introducing us that is. Speaking of background checks, maybe I'll see what dirt she's willing to give up on you, hrm?" But even as she says the thing, she sobers some. "Gwen's kinda, oh I don't know. She's sweet. And a little like a lost puppy. We tried to get her drums with the money we grifted. Yes, I know that word, hush.. As I was saying, we tried. She donated it to the Mission. Which was fine and all, but turns out she probably could have used it." And for all her ability to dig for dirt and nose out a story, the woman is fathoms oblivious to some things.

Daredevil has posed:
    There's a tilt of his head as he smirks a little, "Spunky, I'll try to remember that." But they continue on, walking with that easy pace, though it's a touch slower than she uses normally. He lifts his free hand to undo the top button of his shirt, breathing a little easier once that's done as he strolls along.
    But then she mentions getting the dirt on him from Natasha and he offers a small laugh, shaking his head as he moves. "Ah, as to that..." He tilts his head the other way, smirking, "Maybe it might not be the best idea for you two to meet." He takes in a breath between his teeth as if expecting such pain from that event, but then his smile dismisses any possible thought he was serious.
    "Well, just be careful, Karen. You're a great person, good at heart, and try to think best of people. I'd hate for you to be taken advantage of."

Karen Page has posed:
Karen tilts her head at him, "What, afraid of what she might tell me? How bad can it be, huh? You burrow in the office and eat noodles at home in front of the televsion. In comparison, I have more of a life than you. I think you're worrying about nothing." She ends on a soft scoff of sound. "Men and their egos."

His words are listened to, Karen nodding. "I know. I know. I'm a nice girl. A good girl. Which by the way is terribly annoying at times. Sometimes I really just want to be a little bad." Which might be how she ended up at that nighclub in the little black dress (tm), and at Josie's grifting the poolsharks at their own game. Though, to be honest, she was as surprised as Franco and his boys when they won - Elevator was an absolute warren of surprises. It had been meant as just a funny little diversion.

"If it makes you feel any better, go ahead. Check her out. I think she plays in a band." Karen looks lost in thought. "No, I remember now. She stopped this other woman about her band." It was a long, unusual night. So many details lost in the rounds of drinks Booster provided. Which might also explain the playing pool after.

Daredevil has posed:
    Considering what Natasha could tell Karen... still. It's not like he thinks Natasha would spill his secrets to her, but then again it could just be self-preservation instinct. Or just his ego. Whatever it is, he can't help but smile at the image she conjures forth. He shakes his head and smirks sidelong at her and leaves that topic abandoned for the moment.
    "There's nothing wrong with being a good person, Karen. And you're one of the best I know. But still, black dress. Not bad." He gives a small nod as if he were imagining such a thing, but then his smile returns with a faintly roguish tilt to it. "How about I meet your new roomie and then we see if she gives me the heebie-jeebies, and if so then /maybe/ I'll see what's to be seen. Alright?"
    After he says that they reach the door to Josie's and he pulls it open with a jangle, holding it for her as he begins to fold up his cane, the white rod clicking faintly. "Sounds like I did miss a great night out, however."

Karen Page has posed:
What Karen doesn't know (yet) certainly won't hurt her. "I can arrange for you to meet her, but you get to come up with the excuse. And it better not be just you dropping off the weekly workload.. oh who am I kidding. That's probably the best reason for you to drop on by my apartment." She does sound somewhat disappointed by that, though. Not that there isn't a whole city of other places that such a meeting could be arranged.

"It was," Karen pauses, ducking through the doorway, collecting her thoughts. What had the evening been? Lots of blowing off steam. And a rather more than spunky showing from the strawberry blonde, perhaps living up to more of the strawberry of it all. "I'm sure I only got in because of the dress. The bouncer was letting all the pretty girls in. Things got a little crazy inside. Probably not your kind of scene at all."

Daredevil has posed:
    "To be fair, I'm not the best dancer in the world." Matt replies to her as they slip into the place, having to raise their voices to overcome the ambient crowd noise. A few individuals glance over their shoulders from the bar, shooting glances their way. Karen gets a second look, Matt... not so much. "But sounds like it was pretty fun. And if you got a friend out of the deal, then that's good to hear." He offers that insight, but she can tell he's still considering the jury still out on the matter for now.
    "The usual?" He asks her as he sets his cane down and jacket upon the chair of one of the tables out there, "What do you want on your pizza? I'm sort of feeling a supreme vibe tonight." He offers that as his suggestion as to what to eat, but then he cants his head slightly, nostrils flaring again. "Hmm, or maybe just the pepperoni."

Karen Page has posed:
Karen totally doesn't even notice she's being checked out. She's enjoying the company she's keeping, and having just a little too much fun to care. "Oh.. you're speaking my language. Definitely pepperoni. *Extra* pepperoni. Got enough to pop for some wings as well?"

Unlike Matt, she hasn't anything to settle at their seats but herself, and that she does, getting comfortable and sighing. "Several friends, actually. Elevator, Fists, New Girl, and me - Bellows." Karen shakes her head and rolls her eyes. "Might be one of those you had to be there stories. But you reminded me, I wanted to check someone else out. Er.. check up on someone else. This guy who caused all the havoc. He was flashing a credit card around. We're not sure if it was his or not.. yeah. I probably had a little too much to care that night. But now that I'm thinking about it." She makes an apologetic face. "Oops?" It mmight have been being used legitimately. She doesn't actually have any reason to believe it wasn't... Yet.