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Latest revision as of 21:36, 30 October 2017

The Doctor Is IN
Date of Scene: 10 October 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Beast, Breath

Beast has posed:
After classes, when he isn't arms deep in SCIENCE, Doctor Henry McCoy is being exactly that. A doctor. /The/ doctor, that is. No not the crqazy man with a blue box but a medical doctor with a practice and everything.

Of course his practice is in a school ful of mutants, of vastly differeing biologies and abilities, but it's much more fullfiling then having a little office anddealing with overaged trophy housewives.

Thankfully, the Wellness office is pretty much empty of patients today. Sitting behind the desk, his blue furry feet kicked up on it, Hank sips from his cookie monster mug as he peruses a tablet.. going over medical records and making notations.

"... And thus, I recommend a change to the patient's diet. I understand that their unique physiology allows them to to digest three times the amount of raw processed sugar without harm but at the same time that does not mean they /need/ to eat three times the amount of processed sugar. I am recommended a vegan diet for three weeks." he then clicks off the tablet.

"That will teach them to steal my twinkies..." he murmurs, satisfied.

Breath has posed:
Lyssa made some calls, poked around, did research, and well.. got an address from helping out with a bit of a fight with Apokaliptic stormtroopers.. and now? She wanted to get a couple of things looked into. So she's here. Getting directions to the clinic, and looking a bit out of place. Is the doctor in? Apparently.. Which puts her in the waiting room, looking around in mild unfamiliarity. "Hello?"

Beast has posed:
Hank 's ears perk up a bit as he hears someone enter the office, quickly dropping his feet to the floor and tugging his coat straight before clasping his hands together on the desk before him.

"Yes yes, please come in!" he calls out, happy that the REAL reason he was waiting had arrived. A collegue mentioning that a mutant wanted his opinion, and then was contacted by said mutant themelves.. though not much more than that.

As the young person enters he stands, big and blue furred. "I hope you found the school easy enough." he says as they come closer ad he offers a blue clawed hand. "Doctor Henry McCoy."

Breath has posed:
Lyssa smiles and shakes the offered hand with their fingers, very feminine. "Lyssa Brannon, a pleasure to meet you, sir. Ah.. I've read a lot of your research. It's been very helpful! Uhm.." They swallow a bit, with slight vocal strain from voice training. "It was a little bit hard to find, but I made it." They smooth their hair a bit, a bit self-conscious.

Beast has posed:
Hank takes her hand gently as he leans over the desk. "A pleasure to meet you, Ms. Brannon." he intones.. "Well I do understand we are slightly out of the way.. It's sort of on purpose.. But we do tr to give invited visitors the best directions." he tells her. "Please, sit." he invites. "Do you require a beverage?"

Breath has posed:
Lyssa uhms.. "Maybe some water, my throat is a bit dry today, thank you?" She arranges herself and sits, legs crossed at the ankle daintily. "Um. Anyways.. Thank you for meeting with me? I had a few questions, on various things, and I didn't see any research on at least one of them. I thought you might have some advice? The people I have talked to so far didn't know anything more than what I already looked up."

Beast has posed:
Hank nods and stands, walking over to a small refrigderator reserved for snacks, not medicines or speciments.. and removes a bottle of expensive water. "It is always a pelasure to meet someone with an interest in mutant medicine." he says as he walks back and sets a bottle down for her, before sitting. "And I am here to answer questions You may have. That is why I do what I do, afetr all. To answer questions. So what do you wish to know."

Breath has posed:
Lyssa hms, handing over a file of blood labs, prescription lists, and the like. "Well.. first? I didn't notice anything out of the ordinary about myself until I was seventeen, and that was *after* I had started on spironolactone and estradiol to transition. I'm not taking spiro anymore, but that doesn't seem like it changed anything, although I don't really have a good idea of how my abilities work, even if they are pretty basic."

She shrugs a bit and takes a sip of the water, smiling in thanks. "I wasn't sure if any of that would have had anything to do with anything, or if I need to be monitoring anything else. I mean, I just get hormones prescribed from a clinic, and I basically self-medicate, since I know more about HRT and endocrinology than the clinic docs."

She thinks a moment, "Also, I don't know how I would check to see if those abilities have any other precautions that I need to watch for. I wouldn't want to damage my voice accidentally."

Beast has posed:
Hank takes the files and flips them open, flipping through them as he quickly digests the records, hdough he does raises a brow when she mentions transition... Interesting. he then looks back in the files, peicing together the factoids to make a picture in his head of how far through the process she has come.... Then closes the folder and sets it down, and sits a bit straighter.

"So you are wondering if... your hormone regimen may affect your mutation?" he asks, trying to get to teh gist of what he believes she is asking with the information she has presented. "As in, maybe changed it? Enhanced it? Damaged it? Subdued it?"

Breath has posed:
Lyssa nods, "Yes, that was a question. Like I said, I noticed that I had my breathing abilities *after* I started on HRT.. but that might have been a coincidence. I don't really know. And so I don't know whether that has been looked at, or if I should be monitoring any other levels on my labs."

She takes another sip of water and tilts her head. "That and there's nobody that I can go to who knows how to give any sort of baseline exam on me that I know is a hundred percent accurate because of it."

Beast has posed:
Hank hmmmms and slowly leans back in his chair.. his fingers internalced over his stomach as he seems to think.. He may have a leonine contance but there is a sharp intelligence behind that animal face of his. "I would like to say it /is/ coincidence." he says slowly. "Not that I have done /indepth/ research into the effects of feminization, or masculinization, horemome regimens and their effects on mutation." he quickly reassures her. "I mean, yes it is /possible/ there is a correlation but.. your mutation manifested before you started transition, yes?" he asks.

Breath has posed:
Lyssa nods, "I know, there just isn't as much research on transgender medicine as I would like. And the doctors are using really bad information for various reasons."

She thinks, "I don't know. The first time I actually NOTICED it was after I started transitioning, but I could easily have just not noticed having it before. I mean, I have super lung power. I didn't actually strain my lung capacity enough to notice much until I was in my senior year and took up swimming."

Beast has posed:
Hank aaaahs and smiles a bit. "I never said I don't, or haven't, researched transgender medicine. Just not how it would intersect with mutation." he tells her. "Not all biochemistry I work with involves the X-Gene and it's corresponding mitochondrial expression on the 23rd chromosome." he tells her. "I understand that many people believe that hormonal shift is inherantly linked to mutation expression, but that is too simplified an answer. Hormonal surge can /trigger/ some forms of X-Gene manifestation, but the mutation was always there because the X-Gene is congenital. It just remains /dormant/ in most carriers."

"The reason I do not think transition therapy triggers mutation expression is because the horemones used are either synthetic analogs or, in some cases, from animal sources. Specifically Equine, though it is NOT recomended. In both cases they are not 'natural' to the host body. They can cause gross changes on a macro level, like how certain anti-androgens can also be used to bring reduced masculinization and minimal breast development.. It still doesn't change thigs on an actual chromosonal or genetic level."

Breath has posed:
Lyssa nods. "Oh, I understand that much. I just wasn't sure if there was any sort of linkages to watch for. Prolactin or estriol or any such thing. Or if I should be monitoring anything else on the labs, you know? The other concern is that I didn't know what to do about basic exams. I'm not sure I want to risk a chest X-ray when I am presenting as, um, genetically typical? Is that the right word, by the way?

Beast has posed:
Hank chuckles slighty and shakes his head. "Beyond the /initial/ triggering x-gene, there is nothing genetically typical except /for/ that said initial gene. it is almost like.. like an oak tree. You could take two accorns, genetically identical, and plant them.. But while they are both oaks, each will grow with different branches in different shapes. You and me are both mutants, like those acorns were, yet see how our mutatons differ after that."

He thinks for a moment now. "The problem wit monitoring mutation is you can't do it.. not over a prolonged time.. not unless one was kept in a tank and unmoving, for the rest f their lives. We can only tak.. snapshots. Slices of the condition Over time. Unless your mutation is somehow adaptive, I do not think that x-rays would exaberate your lungs in any way. Though you could opt for an MRI."

Breath has posed:
Lyssa nods. "So what would be the term for 'not mutant', anyway? Anyways, I just don't know what the condition of my lungs is right now, and I don't know anybody who can answer that. I don't know if there is anything else I should be doing to take care of them, and I am using them a lot more."

Beast has posed:
Hank smiles. "The term for being a 'not mutant' is, properly, the /same/ term for being a mutant as well. It is called being /Human/." he tells her. "But if you are worried about the state of your lungs, or anything else, I can set you up an appointement for a full workup. We have access to many non-invasive analytics that would surprise you. Some very cutting edge stuff. It would not exaberate your condition, good or bad, in any way. And it could be signed off as your baseline exam. I get to do that since I put in the required hundreds of hours of medical school." he says with a leonine grin.

Breath has posed:
Lyssa nods, "That would be great. I try to keep a good handle on my health, and I want to make sure things are up to date? I just know I haven't been able to get any information on my lungs. Like, at all. So I don't know what to watch for, so I've been a little worried about any little thing. When would you want to do that? Do you need any basic info on what I do that I do know?"

Beast has posed:
Hank doesn't have to think long on this since it is something he does, literally, on a regular basis. "I will need authorization to access any and all yoru medical records, if you haven't already provided them in this file. I will also send you a few emails wih requisite questionaires and release forms. Beyond that we just need to set up a date for you to come in for the actual examination." he tells her. "Trust me, I do this on almost a daily basis. At the beginning of a school year I do it five to ten times a day. We will figure out what is going on, one way or another. It may just be that you are growing /into/ your mutation. That is quite frequent. Mutation can take time to settle in. That may just be all thats happening."

Breath has posed:
Lyssa nods, "That makes some sense. That should be all the basics on my chart there. I keep copies of everything so I don't have to worry about a doctor making life harder on me. That's why I self-med. I haven't got a GP right now.

Beast has posed:
Hank slowly stands, picking up the file and nods. "Well maybe we can figure out something for that, as well. it's a bit hard for me to be the General practitioner for someone who isnt a student, but I could always stand in for now and put you in touch with mutant friendly doctors that I know of." he sighs. "If only there were enough of those to go around."

Breath has posed:
Lyssanods, "I know. And then you have to make sure they aren't a transphobe on top of it.. It's hard enough to just find that one. And then half the time they want to mess with my HRT and take it back to the 90's. The last doctor I talked to wanted me to switch to Premarin, would you believe that?

Beast has posed:
Hank walks over to a special cabinet, which he puts the folder into and closes.. And the cabinet starts to glow around the seams as he turns to her. "I try to filter out most forms of prejudice from my network." he says. "It is not easy, though transhopbia like homophobia, is much less prevelant among mutants and those who are mutant phobes. It's still not /unheard/ of.. " he admits. "But you find less of it." he then makes a face at the mention of premarine. "I am surprised he wasn't disbarred from medical practice. If it was the only option available I would understand but there are so much better alternatives with much less risk."

Breath has posed:
Lyssa nods, "I know. It's ridiculous, but he assumed it was standard and better than what I have been taking. I hear some completely ridiculous things from doctors, they just don't have a clue."

She rises. "Here's my number. You can call whenever you are ready. Thank you."

Beast has posed:
Hank shakes his head. "Well, at least his heart seemed in the right place." he says as he accepts the card, and offers her one of his own. "I mean, he was trying to help, even if his understanding was limited.. which can be worse, I know, than being malicious." he then smiles. "And you are most welcome. I'll call you as soon as I get the prelims set up. And if /you/ need anything just call as well. Thats what I am here for."