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Latest revision as of 22:06, 30 October 2017

Boom Tubes and Booze
Date of Scene: 13 October 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Molly Millions, Martian Manhunter

Molly Millions has posed:
There's good times and bad times to come by Molly's place, depending on what one's looking for. Crowds? Nighttime is perfect. Relative quiet? Early in the morning. Not that the bar ostensibly ever closes, after all, there's no city ordinances governing the operating hours. But come dawn, the drunks have been turfed out in the street, the haze of smoke is down to not potentially lethal in a month, and there's the smell of food being made by Hua in the back.

Molly herself is... well, reading a paper while Bao works on collecting the bottles, honestly. Because he wants to pop over to New York to turn them in for recycling, and the cyborg just doesn't care that much about fixing the place up given the kind of clientele it usually attracts. At least her beverage this morning is oolong, only mildly adulterated with vodka. Instead of skipping the tea alltogether.

Martian Manhunter has posed:
Today J'onn has decided to not use any of his persona to come visit Molly. He does, however, use his psionic powers to make every single person ignore him. Some days you just don't feel like shape shifting, and putting on the face of someone else. He phases through the door so not to make it seem weird that 'no one' has shown up. He moves up to the figure of Molly reading the paper, ahd he asks in his deep voice "Is this seat taken?"

For Molly, it becomes rather obvious that the giant figure of the Green Man isn't drawing /any/ attention, and he adds "I am making it so that people are ignoring us for now. If someone you wish to speak to comes to visit I will shift as necessary." He pulls out the seat, and places the Boom Tube on the table. "It is easier to give this to you when I know there is no interest in our conversation. I have performed a significant amount of research, but I am still far from /knowing/ how it works. I would like to continue studying it later, but it is your by right of conquest."

Molly Millions has posed:
Giants shouldn't be able to walk so quietly... or, well, walk through doors. Molly's not so tightly wound as to reach immediately for her guns, but there's threat assessment in the pico second between those odd eyes looking up and the moment that it registers just who it is that's stopping by,"Handy trick." she offers with a tip of her hand by way of invite, leaving the paper where it is as she sits up and reaches for her tea,"Morning's. Not too many people stop by at this hour. 's one of the reasons I like it." there's a vague flicker of a smile that crosses her lips, nodding at the tea pot and it's cluster of untouched cups in the Chinese style by way of invitation.

The controller's noted, and collected,"I'm not planning on letting it out of my sight until I can return it. But well, way I look at it J'onn is that if someone can keep that guy locked up... or dead. Dead preferably, and some money can be made to help with rebuilding and... heroing and whatever the hell else people want it for, then for once bounty work and doing good are hand in hand."

Martian Manhunter has posed:
"I have found that moving around without the notice of Humans has many advantages." J'onn replies, and takes two of the cups from the Tea Set. He handles the set with practiced ease, almost in a ritualistic manner as he speaks, "Good Morning to you as well, Molly. I trust your days have been uneventful compared to recent past?" He prepares the first cup, sliding it to Molly, and then prepares his own cup. She might recognize that his method and presentation is traditional for not only a Sign of Respect from an elder to a youth, but also his gratitude for friendship.

"I have no doubt that you will take care of the device." J'onn adds, his voice clear and strong with conviction, "You have seen the death these people spread, and I know you would not allow it to be used for such again. As far as your supplementing your income, I believe I have a way to patent your synthetic skin in such a way that it will be profitable /and/ save lives..." He pauses, a small smile playing on his broad features, "...ironic I think, that your contribution /may/ lead to scietific discoveries that eventually lead to someone like yourself in the future. Paradox is such a lovely concept."

Molly Millions has posed:
"Yeh, I miss stealth suits like breathing was going out of style." Molly offers quietly, draining her adulterated cup to set it aside as she recognizes the start of his motions. The dip of her head and careful way with which she takes it reflective of the ritual, even if slightly more casual than tradition would suggest appropriate. Despite the paleness of her skin she's not one given to blushing, it's more in the quirk of her lips and the scant tilt of her head,"Well, I did almost get arrested in New York... but apparently being at ground zero is at least good for getting out of public intoxication charges?" at least she has the grace to clear her throat awkwardly about it.

It's a little easier to think about than the controller and the deaths attached to it,"Yeh. Already asked them to make sure that this isn't a case of tall, grey and death-y's people trying to get him back." a low chuckle from her after a sip of her tea,"When I first got here... I wondered if something had happened between this time and mine, to wipe out mutancy. I still wonder whether we cut it out of ourselves with the advance of technology. But at least, here, it might help some people. I can't consider that a bad thing."

Martian Manhunter has posed:
J'onn acknowledges Molly's motion, and bows his own head in return before taking a sip from his own cup that is almost comical in his large hands. The grace and delicacy in which he handles the cup hints to more than just raw brute strength in his frame as he sets it down with almost no sound. "I would expect no less from the Molly I have come to know." His tone lacks any mocking or sarcasm, simply a statement from one friend to another. "If you do end up in an undesirable situation, it is easy for you to let me know..." tapping his head lightly, "...and I am sure I can act as a passable advocate as needed."

"I believe when, not if, he returns I am more capable of handling him or his people. I think from now on we will force the conflict into unpopulated areas, and then we may deal with the situation without holding back." He takes another drink form his tea, "I believe, the little I know, it is an alternate timeline. I would be interested to hear more about your world whenever you wish to speak of it."

Molly Millions has posed:
There's the raising of her cup by way of acknowledgment/toast,"I suppose it's different, when you've got centuries to look forward to, but well... life is too short not to enjoy it. Something's going to kill me one of these days and at least I might have a few stories for whatever comes next." she leans back a little before giving a quiet laugh,"I try not to... besmirch... the reputation of people unfortunate enough to know me. I got the feeling it would probably be something of an issue if I got myself arrested." and frome her tone, she's okay with that.

"Not much given to sentimentality, J'onn. Worse... I'm not a historian... or a scientist. It was all so much gomi to me, you understand? The past was for people that wanted to remember it, and mostly that's not me."

Martian Manhunter has posed:
"Life is a Lesson, we will learn it when we're through." J'onn quotes something, a small smile on his face, "I pray that you have a long life, and pass happily in the company of friends and family." He waves away her comment about reputations, "Honor is worthless if you value it over friends. Batman is a perfect example of someone who has such a vast array of personal opinions about him that I worry not what others think. He is a good man trying to do what he thinks best with the limited information he has... even if he should be a bit more circumspect at times."

He sets his empty tea cup aside, and nods his head slowly "I am less interested in the World as it was, and the World as Molly saw it. There is much to learn about someone when you see the World through their...lenses.." He offers another smile to her, "Speaking of which, before I forget, the Kidney and the Eyes are done whenever you are ready."

Molly Millions has posed:
"That's not the way it works with people like me J'onn, but thank you for the sentiment." Molly offers, then grunts,"I've met him. I'm not a fan." is what she offers with regards to Batman, electing to collect her bottle of vodka to add to her own cup now that there's room in it.

"Crowded." she says absently,"In ways people here don't... really understand. Sometimes I read about them complaining about overpopulation and birth rates... that kind of thing. But there's less than one quarter of the people on this entire planet than there was back home. More freedom. What you did with your life was your business, as long as you didn't piss off the corporations. Want to drink all day...? No-one's going to stop you. Drugs? What business is it of anyone else if you want to spend all day hallucinating in your own world rather than... deal with reality. Someone threatened you... you dealt with it. Someone like the Bat would have been turned over to a clinic for parts years ago."

Martian Manhunter has posed:
"Agreed..." J'onn replies with a sigh, "...our life does not tend to a happy ending. Still, it is what we can strive for even if it is unlikely to happen." Leaning back in the chair, he nods his head to Molly, "Overpopulation is something that this World truly only understands in specific countries. I have been to planets that have cities in space to deal with their population issues." J'onn considers for a moment about her comments of Freedom, "I think there is a difference between Freedoms and Apathy. I think some countries try to provide the balance between the good of the Individual versus the good of the Community. Until the species is enlightened enough to police themselves, though, I think it will be a failed construct."

Molly Millions has posed:
"Honestly J'onn... I can't... think of a way I'd least like to go than that. People hanging around... watching me die by inches. I wouldn't wish that on anyone. But I suppose that's... one of the differences between us, huh? Most of the people I've known in my life have already died. Those like Clarice... I guess it's sort of a second chance. To get it right this time." she pushes a hand through her hair.

"We had Freeside, but only the rich really got to see it. One of the few places in the world you could still see the stars. Or at least... their digitized simulation." there's a dry chuckle from her and a roll of her shoulders,"What's considered lawful here is overbearing restraint. To me." she opens her mouth and then closes it with a slight shake of her head,"How long would the downtime be? I'm... not a good patient, I admit. And there may be an issue with the nanites trying to return me to... original configuation."

Martian Manhunter has posed:
"That is the difference between us Warriors, and normal people, Molly. We see the long time as a lingering death. Other people look at it as an opportunity to spend as much time as possible with the ones they love." His smile remains genuine as he adds, "I hope that Clarice is able to bring to you the second way of seeing a long life."

He listens to her, as he said he was interested in hearing, and provides no comment to her description. Eventually, though, he does add "Again, the balance of the Community over the Individual. Even the people who only know this type of living argue over what is too restrictive." At the thought of the surgery, J'onn says "From what I have learned of your nanits, I believe I can reprogram them to recognize your new organs. I think it would take me a full day to perform the Surgery and the Software Upgrade..." He nods to her lenses, and adds "...if you are attached to the look I believe I can even work on your lenses to either stay as they or, or make them something that is removable when you wish."

Molly Millions has posed:
"She's dyed in the wool, J'onn. Raised in Genosha." three words are a poor substitute for the wealth of things that entails. Pre the 'revolution', mutant in the time that the island nation kept and used them as slave label,"Community itself is an artificial construct. You look after your own. How much constitutes your own just differs from person to person. Nighttown was an entity to itself. But it was just as predatory towards the unwary as it was generous to its own." at least in her opinion, she gives a slight nod, from self-consciousness raising a hand to touch the ridge of skin that would normally contain her lense,"They're useful, but here, they make me easy to spot. It still feels weird to feel... air... on my skin there, and they get dry as a result. So... it'd be useful to have them back, but... removable would be better."

Martian Manhunter has posed:
"I only know a little about Genosha. I have visited a few times, but even with my abilities it is sometimes difficult to blend." J'onn says, his thoughts turning back to the insular nature of the Worlds he has seen. "Perhaps she will find something she didn't realize she was missing. Sometimes the most we can offer others is our insight, and experiences."

He watches the action, making no comment, his red eyes taking in the motion before speaking, "Removable is easy enough, and I can build into them some protection so that you will only need them during conflict. I will also rebuild the tear ducts so that your eyes do not dry out. I imagine that you will be at the Watchtower for 2 or 3 days at most... especially with the effectiveness of your nanites."

Molly Millions has posed:
"She was a slave." Molly elects to clarify in a low, flat tone, it's not her story to tell, but even as devoid of emotion as she can make it there's still that thread she can't quite get rid of, a slow burn rage whose targets have long since ceased to breathe. The adulterated tea is tossed back before she pours herself another to try and wash the taste from her mouth.

"Twenty years on and I'm now reversing things that took more new yuen than I want to remember to build." still, there's amusement in the curl of her lips until the Watchtower is mentioned,"I'll come, of course. I just... I don't know. I don't like places I don't know how to leave under my own power. And I don't trust the Bat. I've only read about some of the other's J'onn, but... if he decided I needed to be arrested it would just be a bad situation all around."

Martian Manhunter has posed:
J'onn hmms at the comment of slavery. "The atrocities that these humans do to each other is something I think I will always fail to understand..." He says, making himself another cup of tea, before adding "...and I consider it a blessing if that remains true."

"Molly..." J'onn says, his voice taking on a serious tone, "...based solely on our discussions I understand, to a small degree, your hesitancy. I take it as a sign of great respect that you trust /me/ enough to go against what your instincts tell you is safe. I also promise you, on my Word, that while at the Watchtower you are under my protection. I daresay even Superman would think twice before crossing me under such circumstances." His eyes, despite their alien appearance, reflect the solemness of his words, "There will be no issue or conflict while you are there."

Molly Millions has posed:
"Humans are very creative in their ways to make others suffer." Molly opines, a smile quirking her lips,"That's the thing though, J'onn. He wouldn't be wrong. I'd have to be five kinds of delusional and a liar to say that it'd be other than fairly earned. Mostly. While I appreciate the sentiment, you've not given me a reason to mistrust you, and you've had plenty of opportunities if that was your plan. But to me, a guest doesn't disrespect the house of their host. That's your home, and those your people, I wont go there armed, and if something happens, I'm not going to get into a fight with him... that's the thing of it. I've had days to think about it and understand that the possibility exists. To me, they deserved to die, to him, there's no reason to kill. Fair enough. Unless I was prepared to kill him... which I'm not, it's a conflict I've already decided to lose."

Martian Manhunter has posed:
"Batman will understand my decision even if he does not agree with it." J'onn says, his words echo total confidence. "I am likely the only telepath he has allowed in his mind. I have gained his trust, and he has earned mine. I agree that he does not believe in killing, and he has his reasons for it." J'onn explains, but goes no further into that explanation. "Unless I am wrong, there is no /need/ for further conflict between you. I have met a few of the individuals he has taken in, and they all have dark pasts."

Molly Millions has posed:
"Still, I don't want to put you in a bad place." Molly grunts,"And you can rattle around in my head, all just cobwebs and ghosts anyways." she gives a flash of a smile and a shrug of her shoulder,"I still kill, J'onn. He's still not going to be okay with that. And though I could lie, I... don't see the point when it comes to things like that. I gave him the information he desired, and moved out of his jurisdiction... there's no reason for conflict, there, but I start rattling around his place... it's fair enough."

There's another motion of her shoulder,"You know him better than I. But where I come from, someone gets a grudge on you, peace only lasts as long as you leave them be. You go stick a fork in the socket you can't expect not to get shocked."

Martian Manhunter has posed:
"No, I think 'rattling around your head' is the last thing either of us wants." This time J'onn is quite obvious in his joking nature directed at Molly. "I thank you for the consideration. I will not ignore it, and I will do what I can so that an issue never arises." He let's out a long sigh on the conversation for killing, "What people do not see in him is that he is an Idealist. He tries for the best even in the Worst of the Cities. He will not change his mind on what he views as senseless killing." J'onn does agree, "I'm glad you have given the issue space."

Shaking his head, J'onn will finish with, "He is not the type to hold a grudge in that aspect. Not the man I know. He is unwavering in his Ideals, but he will not move out for vengeance or grudges."

Molly Millions has posed:
There's a laugh from Molly,"Wise man." she says with a dip of her head,"He threatened my people, J'onn. In my world, that's not a threat to be taken lightly. We get paid, we do our jobs. Sometimes things get personal and it goes beyond that. But it's one on one. Bad form to drag in people not associated with it. I had a run in with his Robin months ago... haven't seen the kid since he stole my gun and almost killed me, before he showed up. I understand things work differently here, but, still."

There's a passing gesture from her,"I suppose I'd better let Hua know I'm going away for a few days. Then I'll be good to go. This place... mostly runs itself, really. Which is just as well."

Martian Manhunter has posed:
As she explains what happend J'onn has a frown start to cross his features. It's obvious he had no idea of this, and he simply says "No, I would expect you to protect your family and friends, Molly." He doesn't make the platitude of saying he will check into it, but knowing as she does it is a likely outcome of this conversation. "He has not mentioned Robin, and I have not seen him in quite some time."

"If you wish, I can check on this place in your guise while you are recovering, and let you know what I find. Up to you on that one, Moily."

Molly Millions has posed:
"There's a handful of people in this world that I'd be happy to fight for, and there's an even smaller handful that I'd choose not to fight for. Because sometimes it's not about covering your own ass... sometimes it's about respecting someone else enough to suck it up. Take it as respect, J'onn. 's not something I give most people." at least she's honest about that. Still, she can't help but laugh as she rises to her feet to go get her things and say goodbye to Hua and Bao.

"You'd probably find it a little awkward to show up here in my face. At least... you'd probably have a lot of really awkward questions afterwards. Hua and Bao can handle the place. They took over my kitchen when Darkseid invaded... I get free food, they watch over the place and help it turn a profit. It works."

It's not going to take her long, just simple standard instructions, grab a few things from upstairs... and drop off her weapons. Another sign of respect, at least from her. The places she goes without at least her fletchette could be counted on one hand with fingers to spare.

Martian Manhunter has posed:
"Acknowledged and appreciated, Molly." is J'onn's response, and he leaves the conversation at that since the topic is one that needs further investigation. As Molly goes to gather her things he lowers the mental shield around them that causes people to ignore them. The mental illusion now jut surrounds J'onn, and excludes Molly from the effect.

"I am sure that there would be many questions I would ask you while you were recovering at the Watchtower..." J'onn agrees, a small smile starting to play on his features, "...and some discretion on my end, and perhaps a physical illness to avoid more personal topics." J'onn nods once, "It is good to have people you can depend upon in such circumstances. I can leave a way for them to communicate with you in an emergency if you prefer? I would also be happy to keep an eye out for the few days, just in case."

Once she has gathered her things, J'onn asks "We can travel to the Hall of Justice... or we can fly directly to the Watchtower. My personal preference is flying, but I know some people do not hold my same love of traveling through space."

Molly Millions has posed:
"I like space. Well, what I've seen of it. Not enough work in zero-g to make a living of it back home, but... yeh." Molly offers when she comes back, letting him lead the way and only belatedly offering,"I'll tell you the same thing I tell everyone else... you can ask questions, I just might not answer all of them." there's a slight shrug of her shoulders,"They can reach me, unless you block them. They have what passes for my number with the local system, but generally even if I'm laid up there's enough people to keep this place in one piece.

Martian Manhunter has posed:
"Good. Then we will fly. It will get us there faster this way." Once they are outside, J'onn steps closer to Molly, "For most I offer a hand so they have a sense of security, but I am actually covering us both in a telekinetic shield..." He raises an eyebrow, hand offered, "...you are welcome to the same courtesy, but I have a feeling you are not in need of it." Whether she takes the hand or not, both of them will start to lift off the ground.

Within seconds they are into the clouds, the City below them now looking more like a normal map of the area from several thousand feet in the sky. "As is always your prerogative, Molly. Your past and your mind is your own, and I would never presume to expect answers to personal questions." Soon enough Molly can make out large land masses, and after only a few minutes they are hovering in Earth Orbit. While there was a sensation of moving, at no time was there pressure or forces one would expect from leaving Earth's gravitational pull. Before her is the view of space unadulterated by Earth's atmosphere or the windows of a space shuttle.

J'onn moves them quickly to the floating Watchtower, and as he closes in the Hangar Bay opens. There is a visible energy field once the door to the Hangar opens, and they pass through it without issue. They quickly move through the various levels of the Watchtower until they arrive at the familiar Medical Bay where J'onn had done his examination. He escorts her to a personal room, "This is where you can store any items you have brought. There is a medical suit on the bed..." He nods to the bed in the center of the room, "...it will remain sanitized throughout the procedures, and does not have a ridiculous open back like most hospital gowns." Perhaps that was a joke, but it is hard to tell on his passive features, "When you are changed, and ready think to me. I will go prepare the operational room. Do you ahve any questions?"

Molly Millions has posed:
"Telekinetic... magnetic... end of the day the illusion of solidity does my head in worse than having my ass hanging out in the breeze." Molly opts for with a wry smile, apparently content to rely upon his abilities without the mental crutch to cope with the height,"It's less... disorientating, than looking through Clarice's portals. Granted, part of that is my systems start trying to ping off satellites on both sides and that gets... uncomfortable."

All those big, brave words don't stop her, though, from edging closer when they start getting higher. Nope. Not at all, not that he's incapable of picking up of the basic animal fear resultant, but that she at least tries to keep her face smooth and nonchalant even as she elects to edge closer for exactly that illusion that she decried on the ground. Ahem. Maaayyybbbee she underestimated just how intimidating vast tracts of empty space wehre going to be without that illusion of a tin can between her and the open air.

Still, she at least doesn't quite go kissing the ground in relief when they land, even if there might have been some muttering about next time she ought to pack the vodka. And finally, a room, where she can set down the rough, small, duffel and nudge it with her foot,"Hospital... gowns?" that's a new one on her, but from the description and the bare shake of her head she counts that as a good thing,"You already explained that you can basically hold me together at the molecular level, so... most of what I'd ask a regular clinic's sort of... pointless. Just leave the chips that are implanted behind the left orbit, they provide the chronometer and other visual elements. Also, how unconscious am I going to be for this? In Chiba it was a local so they could make sure they didn't miss any of the nerves, but this is... all new to me."

Martian Manhunter has posed:
"I can turn off all your pain receptors during the surgery if you would prefer to be awake." J'onn explains, "Or, I can put you completely out without the need of sedatives. I can follow the movement of synapses through your body to confirm all activities are standard for your system. I can have you good as new, and your nanites will take care of the repair activities." He walks out of the room, allowing her to change, but continues the conversation mentally.

<While you are recovering I can help maintain the levels of pain, or we can use medicine if you prefer. This should be a fairly quick surgery and recovery.> There is a pause in the conversation, after a minute J'onn's mental presence returns, <The kidney is ready. The eyes are also ready, and I have built coverings that will fit similar to your current ones. The eyes will have similar functionality to your current system, but they will be biological grade instead of mostly mechanical. The lense covers will protect you from extreme brightness such as flash grenades. Functionally you will be losing nothing. The decision, as always, will be yours. I can certainly confirm all your current systems are fully repaired if that is your preference.>

Molly Millions has posed:
"J'onn, sometimes you say the sweetest things." Molly drawls with the lopsided smirk, politely waiting until he's left the room at least before switching in to the medical gown,<Technology here would be... effortless. I can only assume that it's the presence of those... more than human, that makes it undesirable here.> she postulates eventually before offering,<I am changed.>

Her eyes can't help but flit over the room at least briefly, struck by awkwardness into folding her arms before her as she waits for his return,<I'm here, I trust you to do it. Even as I acknowledge the irony of an alien making me more organically human than I have been in decades.> there's that dry amusement, even if her thoughts.

Martian Manhunter has posed:
"I am known as the most Romantic Martian on the Planet..." J'onn replies back, again his face is mostly smooth with only a small twitch at the corner of his mouth. <The room is almost ready...> his presence grows stornger, he must be getting closer <I believe there are many who avoid manipulation of technology because of the Mutant factor. Some also find it unneeded because of the metahuman availability.> Another break in the conversation that lasts almost a minute, and the door to her room opens. "I also have found that few humans feel the need to push their boundaries. Perhaps that is the single greatest weakness to the presence of metahumans."

He brings with him a floating bed, "If you please, Molly. Your chariot awaits, and we will endevour to provide you with the most excellent of service in the Watchtower Medical Facility in Earth's Orbit." As he waits for her to get situated, he says more seriously, "You will come out of this as good as new, Molly. The technology and my expertise will insure that. You will be ready to take care of the next alien invasion in no time." As they move towards the operating room, J'onn continues speaking "I am going to put you to sleep now, Molly. When you wake up we will see what your level of pain is, and administer drugs appropriately..." As they close on the room, she will feel herself start to drift off. "Sleep well, Molly. We will speak again soon."

Molly Millions has posed:
"Now as I recall, you're the only Martian on the planet... so that's not exactly a high bar to set." Molly drawls, first aloud, and then via thought as she prowls about the room, not usually given to restlessness, but right now? Maybe just a little bit anxious.

<Have we discussed before? I've wondered whether or not the advent of technology eliminated the mutant before we recognized their existence, in my world. And for me... I find it frustrating. Our best technology can only replicate some of what mutants and others can achieve effortlessly. And I am greedy, and selfish, and will never be content with what I have.>

She can't help but laugh, for all that she clambers onto the table readily enough,"You going to make me ten foot tall and bulletproof, huh? And okay... but pain's... alright. Help's remind you you're alive..." not that she's really able to fight sleep, or wants to, for that matter, willing herself to trust.