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Latest revision as of 22:09, 30 October 2017

Date of Scene: 13 October 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Team 'make Skye take care of herself' strikes, threatening her computers, and making Skye eat. Complete with more Captain America making sense.
Cast of Characters: Quake, Captain America, Darcy Lewis, Melinda May

Quake has posed:
    Everywhere had become her office. If it had a computer console, she was there. Or could be there. Or had been there. Agent in training, Daisy Johnson was getting closer to where she needed to be in solving the Hydra affair. Between that and cleaning the bugs out of the system, and whatever else Hydra had left behind, Skye had made herself something of a permafixture here and there, periodically having to be reminded that human beings ate once in a while, and that the round glowy thing outside was a sun, and she should see some of it sometime..
    Today she's parked her rig in the breakroom. Just Skye, one of the tables, several laptops and other monitors, and various and sundry other doodads and whatnots that screen geek culture. There's a cold cup of coffee nearby, as well as a half-eaten candy bar. Numerous wrappers, and she's cursing at her screen under her breath. "If I wanted that file there I'd have put it there you stupid piece of shit. Who the hell designed this system anyway?!?"

Captain America has posed:
    Steve Rogers walks into the break room. He is wearing civilain attire today with jeans, a gray Brooklyn Dodgers t-shirt, and a leather bombers jacket. He walks towards the coffee pot and pours himself a cup before turning to regard Skye fuming at her computer. He raises an eyebrow but doesn't say anything towards her yet.

Darcy Lewis has posed:
Enter one Darcy Lewis, who had heard just enough around teh office from her Supply Closet Wing to know that this new In Training Agent has been working non-stop and that she was very much like a certain astrophysist Darcy had interned for once upon a time. Calling upon her waitressing days when she was just one of two broke girls working the night shift in a dinner, Darcy sweeps in with a tray of food things from the cafeteria on the ground level of the Triskelion. A salad, some pastas, a protien of some sort that went with it, water, sweet iced tea... The cold cup of coffee and candy bar are swept away with efficient motions and replaced with the actual meal.

"Soem dumb fuck with the organizational sense of a god-damn hyena. Hands off the keys, and make with the eating, or so help me I will start unplugging wires at random," demands the other agent, too focused on Skye to notice Cap just yet.

Quake has posed:
    "Pfft, you're telling me," Skye mutters, fingers flying across the nearest keyboard, but she's looking at the leftmost screen. "Damned pile of crap system when you get it down to bare bones. No wonder people keep walking in all over it. Oh for fuck's sakes.. that's just.. who the hell.."
    She doesn't look up yet, tapping over the number pad and shifting her focus to a different screen. "Monkeys. Monkeys wearing oven mitts could have done better than this. I don't even know why I'm bothering." Sighing, she swipes a hand through the bits of hair that have escaped her ponytail and shakes her head, finally looking over. "Oh, uh.. yeah. About that.. Just don't drop food on the electronics." Like there aren't coffee droplets on the keyboard already.

Captain America has posed:
    "You know," Steve says speaking up from the side of the room holding his coffee cup, "back in the day, when you got frustrated, taking a step back always helps." He offers a smile that he hopes is helpful as he then takes a sip of his coffee. He makes a slight face as the pot of coffee obviously has been sitting for a while. He steps away from the wall towards the agents. "I admit that the computers are not my forte, but who knows? Maybe the old guy can help some how."

Darcy Lewis has posed:
Oh that sweet sweet waitres smile. The kind of grin that seasoned expression of unphased patience as a customer ignores her. Darcy leaves Skye to her rambling, moving around the table toward the back of hte machines.

Did she, or did she not say she would start unplugging wires at random?

What's this one too? It looks important.

Darcy reaches out, wraps fingers about the cord...

Darcy looks up at the sound of Cap's voice.

"I totally think you can," she replies, smiling angelically and now minding her language. For hte moment any way.

...and Darcy pulls the power cord for one of hte monitors out and drops it to the floor.

Quake has posed:
    Skye barely flicks a glance at the plate of food, though she scowls at the missing coffee. It was cold, but that's how she ended up drinking it most of the time anyway. She wasn't even sure if she liked it hot anymore. There's barely acknowledgement of the Captain as he speaks. "Great. You. The man who thinks potty mouth is a social disease. And I'm on a time deadline. It's not like I can just.."
    And that's when the lights go on. You can see the dawning realization hit the young woman as Darcy grabs the power cord and begins to yank. "Sweet mother of god don't touch the fucking powercord.."
    Of course by then, it's too late. And, while she's got backups and batteries galore, something about the whole indignity of her cord being literally pulled is too much. "You bitch."
    She only then actually /looks/ at the plate of food, "What the hell is this?"

Captain America has posed:
    Steve simply shakes his head as he sips another bit of coffee. "She's right, you know. Eat something. You will probably feel better," he says after lowering the cup. He nods to Darcy as she yanks the power cord. "I wish I knew if that was a good thing or bad thing you did, but I'll trust you here." He sits on the edge of the table not far from Skye and Darcy as he turns the coffee in his hands.

Darcy Lewis has posed:
Caleld a bitch makes Darcy smile, and she leans her chin ont eh top of another monitor, hand reaching for another cord. Is this the USB to USB Skye's using to link two laptops together to increase speeds while avoiding wifi?

"It's called lunch," Darcy replies. Her green eyes flick toward Steve.

"I haven't a clue either. Not sure what this other does, but it looks important," she remarks as her gaze returns to Skye.

"It gets pulled if you don't take a fifteen minute nom-break starting in five... four... three..."

Quake has posed:
    Skye's nose crinkles at Steve. "Traitor. And yes it was a bad thing."
    Not that she has time for chit and chat. Darcy has her hands on an actully important cable and she'd really rather not have to test her backups if she didn't have to. Besides, it was a pain in the ass to rejig everything. Scowling, she grabs the first bit of food (by happenstance a chicken strip) and chews. Loudly. Mouth open and all. "Satisfied?" Nobody in the room is left to any doubt that food is in Skye's mouth.

Captain America has posed:
    Steve snorts with a suppressed sound of laughter at how Skye is over dramatizing her eating. He is leaning/sitting on the edge of the table near Skye and Darcy with a cup of coffee in his hands. "Absolutely," he says before taking another sip of coffee. "You will do better in spite of yourself after you have had lunch. And you know it too."

Melinda May has posed:
entering the breakroom nearly silently, May is probably within arm's reach of the three before she speaks up. "Lewis. Does the mean you've completed your inventory of store room 462-D?" By this point she's got her arms crossed, and her flat, Vulcan-like expression along with the lack of inflection in her voice gives away nothing about her actual mood. But for those that know her, that's WAY worse than if she had visible emotional reactions.

"Rogers." Her eyes then land on Skye, and those positively STELLAR table manners.

Darcy Lewis has posed:
"Happier when you've cleaned your-" Enter May, stage left. Darcy falls silent, face turnign to look at May.

"Store room 462..." Darcy starts, before her eyes widen and Skye gets a repreve from Darcy's tacit threat of trashing her systems by physically yanking out wiring that she knows nothing about.

"I'm right on top of that, Rose," Darcy replies, straightenting away from the monitor she killed. Hand coming off hte cable, Darcy hesitiates just long eoung to point two gfingers are her eyes then swivel them around to point at Skye: Watching YOU! A smile is given to Cap, and Darcy heads out... to inventory store room 462-D.

Quake has posed:
    Steve gets a scowl for his efforts. "That's really not the point. You don't threten a girl's rig. You just don't." It was like suggesting they put his shield out in the center of the table, filled with shipped ice and shrimp for a dinner party.
    Of course, there's Agent May, one of the few people actually paid to yell at her specifically, and the younger agent is murmuring, "She started it. I was going to eat. I ate yes.." Daisy stops herself. Was it yesterday? She'd had fries with Kitty.. she thought it was yesterday. And then there was the coffee and candybars. Those she's had any number of if the wrappers on the floor and in the garbage pail are anything to go by. Sullenly, she picks up the fork Darcy so kidnly left on the tray. "Fine. I'll eat. But I was making progress." As though that excuses her once a day (if that) eating habit of late.

Captain America has posed:
    "Agent May," Steve says with a nod in her direction. If he was startled by her quiet entrance and sudden speaking, he does not show it. He looks back towards Skye. "Tough love, Agent. Remind me to tell you of my time in boot camp in '42. You think the drill sargeant gave a flip if I wanted to eat or would take excuses of why I couldn't?" He has an amused smile on his face as he talks to Skye and it widens slightly at her reaction to May.

Melinda May has posed:
Melinda May watches Skye start eating, then nods as if in satisfaction. She then steps around the remaining pair and gets a glass of water for herself before returning. Her eyes study the equipment briefly almost as if she understands the stuff. At the very least, she's trained in taking stuff like that apart, and to be able to do that as quickly and efficiently as possible, one has to understand how it's put together first.

"Reasoning doesn't always work, Rogers. Next time try a soft spoon and train noises."

Quake has posed:
    That? That did not go over Skye's head. "I beg your pardon, Ma'am? Did you just suggest he play choo-choo train to get me to eat?" May gets stinkeye. "And it's plane noises." The junior agent makes a dissatisfied noise, but she is eating now. In fact, now that she's put a few mouthfuls into herself, she seems to be remembering that she likes food.
    "Tough love aside, Cap'n," yes, she's seen his file. "You don't just go in willy nilly pulling cords on stuff that's not yours." She's careful not to say that you don't understand. She's got no proof Darcy had no clue. Just that she had a dark sense of humour and a darker sense of how to get things done. Under other circumstances, Skye would have appreciated it more. Now? Moderate appreciation. Anyone with a potty mouth like that couldn't be all bad.
    "And I'm reasonable. I'm just.." Skye looks around for a drink, actually voluntarily leaving her seat and retrieving a mug that she fills with water. It's not her mug. She doesn't really care all that much. "I'm just tense. We'll get one shot at this properly, and that's it."

Captain America has posed:
    "If we get only one shot then I want your best shot," Steve says as he gets up to throw away his empty coffee cup. "You are not at your best when you are like a high tension wire ready to snap. Eat. Step back once in a while. You make a mistake because you were stressed out and you will not forgive yourself." He glances at May and chuckles at the choo choo comment. He looks back at Skye. "You understand me, Agent?"