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Latest revision as of 22:26, 30 October 2017

Stalking Dragons
Date of Scene: 15 October 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Cyberdragon, Wasp (van Dyne)

Cyberdragon has posed:
After having had the situation with Marcetti and the Bio weapon he discovered. Cyberdragon was no longer as interested in the thug anymore. It was the high priced Lawyer he had gotten. Which appealed to Cyber more than that. So having planted his Material in her car, he could follow her anywhere. And no bug detection could detect it. Still as he flew from black gate he stopped in the China basin area debating going for a swim. Surely she wouldn't immediately go to contact her employees.

No she wasn't that stupid as he moves around the dark sky of Gotham. His form blending in very well with the night sky. Occasionally the figure flaps his wings lifting up out of the general glow of the night.

Right now he's just keeping an eye on the area debating going for a swim while waiting for the car to start moving away from blackgate prison.

Wasp (van Dyne) has posed:
    It isn't often that a certain high flying fashionista is in Gotham....and even less often being in China Basin, at that. However, tonight is a special night. There happens to be a dinner cruise going on in replacement of the Gotham boat tour...and this particular dinner cruise has some more upper members of the social echelon aboard.

    Such as one Janet van Dyne.

    Dinner had just finished, prompting Janet to take a moment repast outside on the deck of the ship. Most of the time, there would be nothing in the night sky that would draw her attention in Gotham, save for a stray Bat-Signal or two. But...as she looks up, there is a faint but unmistakeable shape of a large something in the night sky, framed out more by the void in the night rather than seeing the shape itself. But...that void is certainly dragon shaped. And...that's not normal.

    Not even in Gotham, with men dressed as bats swing from rooftops.

    So, what is a girl to do? Time to investigate. The normally petite Janet shrinks just a bit more, to a more manageable size in which for her to sprout her wings, allowing her to take flight.

Cyberdragon has posed:
The Dragon is high enough that most casual observers might take it for something like a small bat. It moves like one but the Tiny figure of the wasp does come to it's attention, as it wheels around turning one 180 degrees in the flap of the wings and soon it is hoving there flapping those wings as he detects the bioelectical field of the individual in question like a shark in the sky as high as he is her approach is easy to see and he hovers there. Wings flapping hard fast waiting for the person or object in question to reach him.

There are no hostile moves simply waiting as his tail hangs below him swishing and moving claws flexing, ready for a fight.

"Good evening." he says in his metallic voice almost like a robot or cyborg tone. But his eyes glow tracking the figure as he asks. "And how are you tonight?"

Wasp (van Dyne) has posed:
    Oh...that's a new one. A robot dragon. That speaks, to boot. Still, Janet doesn't show too much surprise. Then again, she is about two foot tall, winged, in an evening dress...so strangeness is the norm for her. "Curious" is the answer to the question posed to her, as a slight grin crosses over her features. "It isn't often I see a dragon in the skies of Gotham. Or..well...anywhere for that matter."

    Janet doesn't introduce herself....at least not yet. What she does do is just hover a short distance away, neither approaching or retreating. With the way she just hangs there, it could be considered a perfectly ordinary conversation.

    Just...in the middle of the sky, high above the bay.

    "I would imagine you have somewhere to go. Please, don't let me stop you. As I said...I was just curious and needed a closer look."

Cyberdragon has posed:
As he holds there surprised at the woman and says, "Oh me, not yet. Just killing time while I wait for some fancy lawyer to move from blackgate. Her Client I took down had in his possession a bio weapon. Got SHIELD involved. Hoping I panicked her enough to contact her bosses."

And with an almost sinister smile he says. "I also wouldn't be surprised if they sent some muscle after me or had some in the wing." he says looking her over, claws flexing a touch. "I am Cyberdragon." he says. Most likely news would have related a dragon Vigilante that has mainly stuck to low level street crimes

Wasp (van Dyne) has posed:
"Oh, an aerial stakeout. That's actually rather smart." Janet offers a mid-air curtsey, which certainly seems easy enough, though almost deceptively so. "I'm Janet. Janet van Dyne." Depending on just how knowledgable the robotic dragon is, the name should set off bells. Fashion designer, socialite, and superhero also known as the Wasp. "Like I said, was just curious as to what I was seeing."

    There is a pause as Janet thinks for a moment. "hmm....dragon vigilante. I think I have heard of something about you. Though, honestly, given my usual schedule, I certainly didn't think I would run into you. I guess it pays to be nosey."

Cyberdragon has posed:
As he nods and says. "Well most people tend not to look up and I can track her from here without a radio signal thankfully." and then he seems to relax when he hears her name formally introduce.

"Ah THE WASP. Fashion designer too. You make super hero outfits as well?" And his body seems to relax slightly as his form is not as defensive now.

"Honor and pleasure is mine. I'm relitively new to this era and it's age of Heroics. On that topic, I am looking to possibly earn a little side income, Would you be interested in seeing fashions and clothing designs over the course of several thousand years of human history? Maybe get some insperation for new designs?"

Cyber and John might be Charges of Tony Stark. But John is looking to finace himself, and if Cyber could provide that, it would allow him a chance to legitimately earn some income he can store back.

Wasp (van Dyne) has posed:
    "I do make super hero outfits as well." It is a simple answer...and since she doesn't bat an eye at the use of the superhero moniker, Janet seems to be used in giving that answer. Just...maybe not in her current position high above Blackgate. "This era?" The peculiar turn of the phrase catches her attention. "You....are a time traveler?" She almost adds on 'Or really really old' but she knows it isn't polite to talk about age in good company. And, since she hasn't been attacked yet, this is about as good of company as Jan could expect.

    "I...am not used to being asked about fashion while hovering in an aerial stake-out. Are...you asking for a freelance position, or just being polite while we wait for your lawyer mark to make her appearance?" Yes, Janet was paying attention and picked up on the details of Cyber's mark. She's such a good little attentive girl.

Cyberdragon has posed:
As she talks about age he will seem to adopt an old geezer voice and slight tremble, "Sweety we dun call it old, we call it vintage. In my youth we hads to fight with mud and rocks." And then he breaks into a laugh softly. "Actually a little of both. I do have a source of income. But I am looking to supliment it, might as well make some use of the extensive knowledge I have. And it passes the time while waiting Ms Van Dyne." he says with a polite tone. And then says. His eyes roam over to the area of Blackgate from time to time ready to move out at a moment's notice.

Wasp (van Dyne) has posed:
    "Spoken like a true fashionista. Everything old is new again. You just have to wait long enough." Jan's laugh adds to the technological chuckle of the dragon as she in turn glances back to her own cruise, to make sure it doesn't travel too far out of sight. "Well, then, Cyberdragon, I might take you up on that, at some point." It is not saying exactly when...but it does seem that she might be intrigued. "Of course, not now. Not when we both have prior obligations."

    A second glance spies the dinner cruise starting to head out of harbor, returning back to its point of origin. "And..." starts Janet, "it appears my ship is sailing without me. Would you mind terribly if I take my leave at this moment? I wouldn't want my dinner date to wonder too long where I have disappeared to. I am sure you understand."

Cyberdragon has posed:
With a nod he smiles and says, "Pleasure to meet you Ms Van Dyne. I'll drop you an Email Subject Harbor Fashon at night. So you know it's not spam." he says with a smile and then his head turns to blackgate and says, "MY own target is on the move, hope to see you in the future Wasp." he says and tucking his wing he will bow and drop from the sky as they snap open and he starts to sore off in the direction of Blackgate.