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Latest revision as of 23:03, 30 October 2017

A Matter of Ownership
Date of Scene: 19 October 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Catwoman, Selene (Underworld)

Catwoman has posed:
The Gotham museum has a large variety of artifacts. Many are known and thoroughly documeted. Some? Their histories are more unknown and mysterious.

Take, for example, the curious medallion in the (admittedly small) section on Slavic peoples. The metalurgy of the item has it as been gold and silver and some copper. There are gemstones as well. Most notably a huge rich blue topaz in the center. Some rubies and a few diamonds are set within the piece as well. It looks quite ornamental but somehow also quite ritualisitc. And - naturally - this curious piece has caught the eye of Gotham's most noteworthy catburglar.

Catoman has been in and out of the Gotham museum so many times she has often considered putting a secret bedroom in a back area just for herself. A smirk curls on her lips as she bypasses the security systems they can never seem to update to a point it could ever keep her out. Dropping in, she has the medallion in hand well before the guards make their rounds. She slips back into the ductwork and slinks her way toward the roof once more.

Nice. Quiet. Simple.

So far.

Selene (Underworld) has posed:
When Catwoman makes her exit from inside the building, she's found herself crawling out of a duct onto the roof and dropping down to the hard surface there... right next to a pair of tall black boots that go all the way up a set of female legs encased in clothing not all that unlike what Catwoman herself was wearing.

"Hello." A husky feminine voice said then, her black overcoat gently waving in the breezes on the roof. "You are... the one known as the Cat Woman, is that correct?" The deeply non-American accented voice spoke.

Selene stared at Selina... her icey blue eyes were watching, but her posture wasn't threatening.

"I believe you just took what I came here to take." She added, her hands near to her thighs, where two handguns were strapped around her legs.

Catwoman has posed:
Catwoman slipped easily out of the vent on the roof and eased the grate closed again. And then someone spoke. A woman.

She turns cautiously and her goggled gaze sweeps up toward those eyes.

"Well you're a good guesser at least" purrs the reply back. "Did the ears give it away?"

Standing up, hip cocked to the side, Catwoman looks over the other curiously. "You've got me at a disadvantage, darling. You know my name. You seem to know what's in my good sack. Yet I have no idea who you are or if, in fact, you're telling the truth. So what shall we do about this?"

Selene (Underworld) has posed:
Selene had done her research on Gotham prior to even moving to the United States. Its what lead her to having a business arrangement with Cobblepot. Catwoman had been touched over on her research, though she'd never expected to actually have a run-in with the daring thief... one never knew what to expect though, thus research was always a good idea.

Upon hearing what Catwoman said, she received a flat look from the vampire warrior. "My name is Selene Semira, I'm recently moved to your country and I've come for items such as what you've just now stolen. I had planned to steal it myself, but when I saw you going inside the museum tonight... I had hoped you'd be after the same item that I was, considering it only just arrived there this morning."

Selene glanced toward the left for a moment before looking back to the Catwoman. "I will pay you, double whatever it is you're seeking to get for the item. I don't care that its stolen, obviously, I came to steal it myself. But since you've ridded me of that burden and hassle, I'm happy to offer you the money you've earned tonight."

Catwoman has posed:
Catwoman laughed. "I see. Well Ms. Semira. This particular item? It has a buyer already. And as much as cats are prone to fits of fancy? I'm afraid I can't turn back on the offer I've already accepted. So sorry.." she offers with a patronizing pout to her lips. And with that she makes a leap for the edge of the rooftop, intent on diving right over the side!

Selene (Underworld) has posed:
Selene stared at the Catwoman as she made her break for it after saying that bit about the buyer. Selene didn't hesitate in following her up and over the ledge of the building and where Catwoman landed.... Selene would land too, crouching and bending her knees... slowly rising back up to her full height.

"I'm sorry." She told the Catwoman. "I can't let that item go into their hands. I know the buyer you've been hired-by. His name is Marcos Duvair. Yes?" She didn't wait for an answer. "He's a werewolf. A lycan, to be more precise." Selene was not yet reaching for her guns, but she did take a step closer to Catwoman.

"He has no plans to pay you." She added. "He can't even afford the house he's living in... he murdered the original tenants and has them in a freezer in the basement, feeding off of them... piece by piece."

Catwoman has posed:
Catwoman lands and blinks as her shadow is still following her. "Look, sweetie. I don't care who you think the buyer is..." she starts to tell Selene just where she can go when those other claims are made. "Werewolf? Lycan?" She eyes Selene now, "Gotham's got some freaks but you're quickly rising to the top, sister.." She gawks at Selene's other claims, "It could be this Duvair. He likes to college artifacts. But a cannibal and a werewolf? You really need to get your stories straight.." She steps back from Selene and breaks into a sprint. She's not super powered but she's not far off a professional world qualifier's time in the 100 meters sprint. That'll get her far enough to make good her escape. She hopes!

Selene (Underworld) has posed:
Selene, on the other hand, is supor powered... and speed was one of her gifts... she hadn't even tested exactly how fast she COULD go in her life, because it got to the point where it got a little... unsettling.

Selene watched Catwoman go in a display of athletic skill and finely tuned parkour power. It was impressive. If horribly vexxing.

A sigh escaped the vampire and she went after her, though she didn't want to outright catch up with Catwoman, no, she simply intended to follow her and track her... she wanted to intercept her again once the Catwoman got to a place where she slowed down and felt as though she was safely away again, this is when Selene would step back out upon her, proving that she was more than she seemed... not just a pale woman in black tight leathers.

Catwoman has posed:
Catwoman is skittish just like a cat. They don't like being snuck up upon. At all. They completely lose their sh... cool when it happens. There's hissing and jumping and flailing. Basically just a hot mess of fur, fangs and claws.

It won't be any different once Selene reveals herself to Catwoman. The thief drops down into one of Gotham's many lower levels. The city had been built and rebuilt so many times it was almost impossible to find the actual original foundations of the first buildings in many parts of the sprawl. Below street level, Catwoman ducked into sewers she knew well and continued on her way. No longer running but moving fast.

Selene (Underworld) has posed:
Selene appeared and when she did, it was clear she wasn't even remotely breathing heavily, she looked as calm and collected as she had when Catwoman had first laid goggled eyes upon the pale skinned woman.

"I have no intentions of you getting away with that item." She told Catwoman. "But at the same time, I do not want to fight you or harm you." Selene didn't know Catwoman's identity, but she did know is that Catwoman was a hot blooded human being with no apparent super powers (she would've used them by now), just a fit form and a lot of obstacle-avoidance skills.

Selene continued to track the Cat into the depths and the dark, only seemingly getting more comfortable as she went, with her leather jacket waving around her body as she moved.

When they came to stop again, Selene would move up on Selina closer-still, waiting for the Catwoman to wear-out. "The money awaits you, just hand the item over." She said, still calm, still no signs of any stamina loss.

Catwoman has posed:
Catwoman rolls her eyes. "Oh for crying..." turning around she speaks quietly but with annoyance in her tone, "And what makes you so much safer to do business with? You keep stalking me. You make unfounded claims against someone who has a reputation around here. And you're apparently convinced I'm only in this for the money."

The crack of a whip's tip going past the speed of sound is heard and then the rumble of debris groaning and shifting from above. "Sorry, sister. You're just not convincing enough for me to break a contract." The debris begins to fall. Not onto Selene, just between she and Catwoman. To slow her down.

Turning the thief rounds a corner and drops through a level to a lower section of the sewers, working her way farther from the crazy lady. She hopes.

Selene (Underworld) has posed:
Selene would take a step back as the whip came out and took down the side of that already crumbling building. She looked down at the rubble and then back up to the Catwoman as she ran again. A light sigh escaped between the vampire's pale lips. "Cats." She muttered.

A moment later and she was gone again, chasing once more, but this time she altered her tacts so that she was now moving ahead of Catwoman to cut her off at the pass. When Catwoman came around a corner, she'd likely right into Selene, and if she did, Selene wold reach out to catch her by her biceps to keep her from falling down.

"You're right." She said to the Catwoman. "My claims are unfounded. But I ask you one thing... when you go to him, to deliver the item... use your skills. Enter his basement and look within the freezers yourself. If you see what I have said, then please... bring the item to me instead of him. If it isn't money you wish, then the peace of mind that you're not helping a monster? Maybe that will suffice?"

Catwoman has posed:
That whole thing about cats losing their cool? Yeah, it happened the moment Selene grabbed Catwoman by the biceps.

After a few moments of panicked struggling the thief sullenly calmed down and listened.

Eying the other woman she sighs. "Fine. I'll check what the guy has in his freezer." She sounds peeved and petulant. "Going to let me down now? Or do I have to give you a good night kiss first?"

Selene (Underworld) has posed:
Selene just exhaled a light laugh at the woman's words and she set her down and released her after that wild tantrum. "I apologize for grasping hold of you." She said then and took a step back. "I don't know where your moralities lie, but I like to believe that if you see what I'm saying is truth then you know that assisting this man is a bad idea."

Selene would reach into her pocket and she'd produce a small black business card. "My phone number. You can contact me here and we can arragne a meeting there-after." Selene would take a step back from Catwoman and glance at her once more before turning to go. "Happy hunting." She said softly in her smokey voice.